Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 150: Withered bones (14)

Wang Kaifa took out an old-fashioned mp3 from his pocket and placed it on the desktop. +++Mobile reading visit "I was listening to a song last night, so I didn't hear anything. I haven't slept all the time, just thinking about going to Li Wanghong again. Because she said she will be tomorrow Will leave. It doesn't make sense for her to come here, after all, there is no signal here, and she can't do horror live broadcast.

Aunt Bai next to Wang Kaifa quickly picked up the mp3 and studied it.

After the research was completed, Aunt Bai said, "This can only see the songs you have listened to recently, but it cannot record the historical time you listened to the songs. Therefore, there is still no one and no clue to prove that you were actually listening to the songs at that time. "

Wang Kaifa spread his hands: "I'm telling the truth anyway. As for the second question asked by reporter Gu, I will say it again. When I saw Boss Hong, he was lying on the ground on the back of his head. There was a lot of blood in the back of his head. Just on the blood, if you want to be more specific... the phone is almost right next to his ear."

Gu Liang heard this and saw a mock sketch drawn on his notes.

Then he looked at Li Xiaoyu: "The key point now is that I want you to reconfirm the details at the time-when you checked Boss Red, there was no blood behind his head, right?"

Li Xiaoyu shook his head: "No. I'm sure not."

Gu Liang continued to ask, "Did you look at him on purpose?"

Li Xiaoyu nodded: "Yes. I was afraid that he was killed by me, so I left in a panic and didn't notice that the phone was lost."

Gu Liang asked again: "But, if your phone is in his ear at that time, logically speaking, you can definitely see and take away this evidence."

Li Xiaoyu recalled and said, "Yes, you are right. So the phone must not be near his ear at that time. I should be when I went out and pushed and shoved the phone, the phone dropped Landed on the second floor, maybe on the stairs, or on the balcony near the door of my room."

"After I pushed him down, he fell to the corner of the stairs from the first floor to the second floor. But the phone did not follow."

After listening to Gu Liang, he looked at the other players: "Then I think from the story of Wang Kaifa and Li Wanghong. We can exclude Li Wanghong. Do you recognize it?"

It is impossible for Li Wanghong to leave evidence of his crime at the scene.

She deliberately glanced at Boss Hong who was in a coma. If the phone was in his ear, she would definitely be able to see it.

If she could see it, she would definitely take it away.

Now that she didn't take the phone away, it can be speculated that she did not see it.

This can only mean that the phone fell in other places, rather than Boss Red.

Then, someone else must have picked up her phone, and then (killed sha) Boss Red and blamed her on it

This logic is basically recognized by everyone.

In this way, Li Xiaoyu was basically excluded.

After looking at everyone’s expressions, Gu Liang said, “So in fact, the circumstances of the case are indeed the same as I had imagined at the beginning—someone saw the red boss who was unconscious in the corridor and killed him, maybe By hitting the back of his head on the steps or directly on the ground."

“Li Wanghong’s phone may have fallen near the balcony on the second floor. This person picked it up and put the phone in a pool of blood, and blamed Li Wanghong for everything.”

"The first possibility. To do this is to witness Li Wanghong push him downstairs, Aunt Bai."

"The second possibility is that one of Liu Cunhua, myself, and Wang Kaifa was awakened by the voices of the red boss and the white aunt at 1:30. We went out to check and found that red was unconscious and did this. ."

"From the perspective of the live line, it is possible for the three of us to live. I live in the corner of the second floor. When I walk in the direction of the quarrel, I will pass by Li Wanghong’s room, so I will first see her mobile phone, Picking it up, I continue walking towards the corridor, and I will see Boss Red who is unconscious at the corner of the stairs."

"The same goes for Liu Cunhua and Wang Kaifa. They lived on the 3rd floor, from the 3rd floor to the 2nd floor. When they came to the balcony, it was possible to see a nearby cell phone. After all, Li Wanghong’s room was next to the stairs. , She and Boss Hong pushed and shoved, that is, here. They should also see the phone first, pick it up, and then see Boss Hong who was unconscious."

"I was holding Li Wanghong's mobile phone in his hand, and the person who wanted to get rid of it was right in front of him. (Killing sha) him, you can blame Li Wanghong-this should be what the murderer thought at the time. So he paid for it. All practice."

"Of course, I know I am not the real murderer. As for Aunt Bai, I think her speech has been good, and I can rule it out."

"Personally, I think the real murderer is one of Liu Cunhua and Wang's development."

"My speech is over. It's time for the next person."

Gu Liang only delineated the scope of his suspicion, and did not name who it was.

In fact, although he has a more inclined (sexual xing) choice, he really cannot be 100% sure.

This script may seem simple, but without critical (sexual) evidence, in fact, anyone can commit a crime.

Therefore, this time the comparison is based on your speeches.

After Gu Liang finished speaking, Liu Cunhua was the one who spoke immediately.

Liu Cunhua opened the notebook, recorded it for a while, and then took the notebook to speak: "Then I will continue. Since I was listed as a suspect by reporter Gu, I have to take a good look."

"I'm really not a murderer. First of all, I didn't even have a motive. Besides the timeline, I only saw Boss Red at 12 o'clock, and then I went to bed. Because there was the sound of bones knocking on the glass outside, my ears were stuffed with cotton. . I was indeed not awakened by any sound. I slept well and slept till dawn."

"When I got up, it was already 7 o'clock. I didn't move the **** or the water in the yard, so I didn't find any blood stains. I went straight to the kitchen to cook."

"When I made breakfast, it was 8 o'clock. I wanted to go and call Boss Hong to eat. Who knew I heard reporter Gu said that Boss Hong's body was found in Zhiguoyuan."

"If you want to ask my suspect. The first possibility, of course, is Wang Kaifa. As reporter Gu said, Wang Kaifa may have lied. He was awakened at 1:30 in the morning, went downstairs and found Li Wanghong’s mobile phone. , And then saw that Boss Hong was unconscious."

"He was a little angry about how Boss Hong had prevented him from getting close to Wanghong Li, so he killed him."

"After that, he took the phone home, then put the body in the yard, forged a **** and knocked him to death, and blamed me."

"The second possibility is Reporter Gu. I think this script is mainly for punishment, so the case is very simple. Soy sauce corner (color) is allowed. But I don't think there will be two soy sauce corners (color)."

"I already have soy sauce myself. I don't have a chance to (kill sha) with Boss Hong. Apart from seeing him at 12 o'clock, there is no timeline; then, is the other role (color) more soy sauce than me?"

"So, I think maybe reporter Gu's story is not that simple."

"Although Wang Kaifa is suspected of committing crimes, his story is very detailed. On the whole, I think reporter Gu is more suspicious."

"My speech is over."

Liu Cunhua's speech was a bit rigid, and meant to be a pk to Gu Liang.

At this time, Aunt Bai was rather acting as the host, and asked Gu Liang on the initiative: "Do you want to say anything before the next player speaks? Put yourself in the water?"

Gu Liang said calmly, shook his head, and said lightly: "Don't worry. Let's wait for everyone to finish."

Therefore, Li Xiaoyu started to speak right now. "Actually, I don't think it's reporter Gu. What you analyzed before was the timeline and the action line. Then I will focus on analyzing the motivation."

"If Aunt Bai ruled it out, let's talk about Wang Kaifa first. His (killing sha) machine is simply a good thing to vent his anger after being disturbed. This is reasonable. Everyone has analyzed it. Then I will mainly analyze Gu reporter and Liu Cun. flower."

Li Xiaoyu showed the documents she found in Gu's reporter room: "First, there is an IOU. Reporter Gu owes 300,000 yuan to others, and he needs money very much."

"Secondly, he has a promise from his editor in charge. If he investigates what happened here ten years ago, he will be promoted and he will be raised by 1,000 yuan a month."

"Third, it is written in his diary that if he takes enough pictures of ghosts, he can write a column for a few months and make a lot of money."

"Therefore, it is estimated that the disappearance of my mother Xiaoli and the revenge of Xiaoli who turned into a ghost (killing sha) at that time led to the death of people in the village every year. How many things were reported. Therefore, reporter Gu is here to investigate the truth of these mysterious rumors. Yes. He has absolutely no reason to (kill sha) Boss Red."

"Furthermore, he is very short of money, so he has to earn manuscript fees. So he will try his best to ensure one thing-let those who know the truth of the year survive as much as possible."

"Now everyone is basically sure about the process of the crime. Boss Red died between 1:30 and 2:30 in the morning. And the real murderer ran into Boss Red who was in a coma and took advantage of the situation (killing sha)."

"Then I think that if reporter Gu sees the unconscious Red Boss, he will save him, not (kill sha) him. Because he still wants to interview Red Boss, and then earn manuscript fees."

"To sum up, I can exclude reporter Gu."

"After finishing talking about reporter Gu, let’s talk back to Liu Cunhua. Although Liu Cunhua has no motive, he knows that his mother is partial from the diary in the red second room. Besides, Red boss is mentally retarded after all. Raising him is a burden to Liu Cunhua."

"When we were eating, Liu Cunhua wouldn't let him go downstairs to eat with us, just because he would lose face if he disliked him."

"So I don't think Liu Cunhua has no motives at all."

"Liu Cunhua may not (slay sha), but it does not (strong qiang), but seeing Hong Laos paralyzed in the corridor, she can easily find a burden and a life burden on the premise of finding the victim. of."

"It may even be... She really hadn't thought about (killing sha) the red boss before."

"But when I hold my mobile phone that I just picked up in my hand, and look at the red boss who fell down the building, she may have a flash of inspiration-get rid of him, I won't have to raise him so mentally retarded all my life, and then someone will As a guest, I won’t be afraid of him losing my face. Besides, I can still blame Li Wanghong on all this. How great.”

"Therefore, although Liu Cunhua does not have (强qiang) Lie's (kill sha) machine. But based on the relationship between her and the deceased's character (guanguan), the comatose red boss, and the cell phone I dropped nearby can constitute two The factor that inspired her (to kill sha)."

Gu Liang was actually a little relieved listening to Li Xiaoyu's speech.

Compared to the situation when she first met her, she could vomit for a long time in front of the corpse, she has actually grown a lot in this game.

However, Gu Liang can also realize that Li Xiaoyu's speech may not be able to fully convince others.

This is mainly because Gu Liangxian expressed his suspicion that Liu Cunhua and Wang Kaifa were the targets.

Liu Cunhua spoke immediately, excluding Wang Kaifa and instead attacked Gu Liang mainly.

So, from Wang Kaifa's point of view, Liu Cunhua naturally became his ally.

In order to clear his own suspicion, he was afraid that he would stand aside with Liu Cunhua and turn to deal with himself.

Li Xiaoyu finally said: "The people I suspect are still Liu Cunhua and Wang Kaifa."

Except for Liu Cunhua, almost everyone suspected Wang Kaifa.

Wang Kaifa couldn't help but rolled his eyes, but as Gu Liang had expected, he attacked Gu Liang.

Just listen to Wang Kaifa: "Li Wanghong's speech sounds reasonable at first, but there are loopholes. After all, what if reporter Gu concealed the complete story? Who knows what he and Boss Hong had had at night?"

"After we dealt with the female ghost boss, we left from the living room at 11 o'clock in the evening. It took Liu Cun at 11:30 to meet Boss Hong to find her and say that he wanted to marry Xiao Tao. There was half an hour in between. Yes. Maybe the reporter had talked to Boss Hong about something, and the two of them might have been a little unhappy."

"Furthermore, I don't approve of Li Wanghong's analysis of (killing sha) people's motives."

"Reporter Gu will make the boss celebrity alive to make money for investigating and writing manuscripts? When Li Wanghong said this, did he forget one thing—"

"Boss Hong, he is mentally retarded!"

"How many things can be interviewed from a mentally retarded mouth?"

Wang Kaifa concluded: “To sum up, in fact, reporter Gu’s speech has been very good. It seems that he is from the perspective of a good person, helping a good person analyze and trying to find the real culprit. But his story is too simple.”

"Liu Cunhua's (killing sha) machine, if it were just to get rid of the burden, reporter Gu might also have some other unpleasantness with the red boss (fa fa), and easily (killed sha) him. They (killed sha) ) The machines are not (strong qiang), but they are also each other."

"At any rate, Liu Cunhua still has a little timeline. Reporter Gu doesn't have any. Maybe... Reporter Gu is more suspicious."

"Speaking finished."

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