Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 151: Withered bones (15)

As a result, the player's first round of speeches is over. +++Mobile reading visit

Aunt Bai observed everyone's reaction and asked, "Do you want to have a second round of speeches, free discussion, or one-on-one?"

Gu Liang stood up right now and walked directly to the centralized interrogation room.

When passing by Wang Kaifa, he knocked on the table in front of Wang Kaifa. "Let's go one to one first."

Wang Kaifa thought for a while, but followed Gu Liang.

After a while, focus on the interrogation room.

Wang Kaifa looked at Gu Liang thoughtfully: " are also pretty rigid. Didn't I say that I doubt you?"

Gu Liang nodded: "Yes. So I will talk to you first."

Wang Kaifa shrugged. "What do you want to talk about?"

Gu Liang thought for a moment, and said, "Actually, I have basically ruled out your suspicion. The person I most suspect is Liu Cunhua. But at first I wanted to listen to follow-up speeches, especially Liu Cunhua's speech, so I put you two All of them are listed as my suspects."

Wang Kaifa smiled and pointed to Gu Liang: "I understand. It shouldn't be... Liu Cunhua said that she didn't doubt me, but doubted you. Have you seen the ticket with her, come to lobby me now? Are you two of the most important lobbyists now?"

Gu Liang: "No. There is a detail in your story that can exclude you. If someone bites you in a while, you can tell the detail yourself."

Wang Kaifa felt a little interested at this moment. "What details?"

Gu Liangdao: "Blood stains on Li Wanghong's phone."

Wang Kaifa was stunned.

Gu Liang went on to explain: "Aunt Bai was the first to tell this story. So to a certain extent, she helped a lot. She said that the phone she got in your room had blood stains on it, but it seemed It seems to have been wiped off by toilet paper."

"When you told your own story, you took the initiative to tell this detail when no one asked. And, you also said that you first picked up your cell phone and moved the corpse to the yard to fake a new scene, and finally you did The thing is-use a mop to clean the backyard and corridor, take the mop to wash the mop in the bathroom sink, and use toilet paper to wipe the blood stains on the phone."

"As for the **** toilet paper, nobody found it because you flushed it away with the toilet."

"You destroyed this evidence without being notified. It can be explained that this is clearly written in your plot. This is not your personal behavior."

Wang Kaifa nodded: "Yes. That's it."

Gu Liang: "That's right. You said these details very clearly, especially about the blood stains on the phone and the details of the blood stains being wiped off by toilet paper. Aunt Bai first talked about this detail, and it also corresponds to your description. (Kiss wen) Yes. This means—this detail may be true, not something you made up."

"Then let's take a look at the case of our current reasoning."

"Li Wanghong pushed the person to a coma. He only had slight bruises on his limbs, but Li Wanghong did not see the phone in his ear, nor did he see blood leaking from the back of his head."

"Even if Li Wanghong left, he bleeds from the back of his head, but Li Wanghong happened to not see it, which does not affect our reasoning. Because at that time, the mobile phone was definitely not in his ear."

"Therefore, at that time, it was impossible for Li Wanghong's phone to be stained with blood."

"It can only be someone who (killed sha) Boss Red, hit his head on the ground, hit the steps, and caused a lot of bleeding in the back of his head, and then put the phone next to his ear for the purpose of arguing, so that he got it Blood."

"And this person can't be you."

Wang developed a pat on the table. "Of course it's not me. Aunt Bai can prove that I took the phone away. In that case, I never thought of blaming Li Wanghong for all this. I was to protect her. Even if I wanted to (kill sha) people-- "

"Yes." Gu Liang said, "If it is you (killing sha), the person you want to blame is also Liu Cunhua. Then your line of action is—"

"After 1:30 in the morning, I went from the 3rd floor to the 2nd floor. I picked up Li Wanghong's mobile phone and put it in his pocket. Then I saw that Boss Hong was in a coma."

"You hit the back of his head on the ground first, then drag the corpse to the backyard and smear the **** with blood. Or, you took him to the backyard in a coma, and then used the **** to kill him."

"In any case, after you (killing sha) people, it is Liu Cunhua who will be blamed. In this line of action, the mobile phone you picked up will not have any reason why it will get blood."

"You smeared the blood of the deceased on the **** Liu Cunhua used in the yard, just to blame her. The real murderer put blood on Li Wanghong's phone, the reason is the same."

"The blood on the phone is to blame Wanghong Li. And you want to protect Wanghong Li."

"This forms a paradox."

"This paradox means that you are not a murderer."

When Gu Liang said this, (body shen) sat upright, leaned forward slightly, and looked at Wang Kaifa with a rather oppressive gaze: "This is why I asked you this detail and Li Wanghong this detail. The phone dropped. The location of the landing is very important."

"If Li Wanghong and Red Boss finish pushing and shoving, the phone will fall to Boss Coma Hong's ear. Then, no matter who kills (sha) the person, the phone may accidentally be stained with blood. In this case, you can't put it on. You exclude."

"Because this shows that you are not the cell phone you picked up in advance. You picked up the **** cell phone after hitting his head with his head on the ground. This is possible."

"But Li Wanghong confirmed that the mobile phone at that time must not be with Boss Hong. The phone is likely to fall on the second floor, and Boss Hong fell on the corner of the stairs from the first floor to the second floor. It is impossible for the phone to be stained with blood."

"Then it can only be that the real murderer put the phone he picked up in advance in his ear for the purpose of arguing after (killing sha). This'in advance', of course, is that he went from the third floor to the second I picked it up when I was upstairs."

"In short, the mobile phone is stained with blood, and the purpose must be to blame."

"And the story of Aunt Bai stealing the phone can show that you can't blame Li Wanghong."

"Therefore, you are not the real murderer. When I asked about the details of Li Wanghong, I was basically certain."

Wang Kaifa expertly patted on the table. "In fact, Aunt Bai's speech over there is very important. She said this first-she saw blood on the phone when she stole the phone. This detail largely determines that I am not the real murderer."

Gu Liang nodded: "Yes."

Wang Kaifa gave Gu Liang several slaps. "It's very exciting. I can completely cleanse myself based on this. But... this doesn't rule out your suspicion. You and Liu Cunhua are indeed half open."

Gu Liangdao: "If you think about it carefully, you want to get close to Li Wanghong and be disturbed by your chance of (killing sha) with Red Boss. This story is known to Li Wanghong. Besides, Li Wanghong, she pushes the Red Boss and has conflicts with Red Boss. Aunt Bai saw it; again, Boss Hong wants to marry her, she may have emotionally unhappy with him, and then (kill sha), this story is on Liu Cunhua's side."

"Come on again, Aunt Bai's (killing sha) machine, if she doesn't tell it, she can also sort out clues through the smoke and other clues. It was her who was arguing with Boss Red at 1:30. So she may also have ( Kill the sha) machine."

"As for Liu Cunhua, her eccentric story is in the Red Second’s room; and when we ate, she did not let Red Boss be on the table, and all of us have witnessed it. So her (killing sha) machine is If you want to get rid of a life burden, this is a reasonable guess."

"To sum up, each of you's (killing sha) machine can corroborate each other, there must be traces to follow. But I don't have one."

"What do you think is that I had other conflicts with him (fa), and then I started to (kill sha) with him. Of course it is possible. But no one has seen it, and there is no clue to show it. Then this In fact, it means that it definitely does not exist."

"So, if there is only one soy sauce corner (color) in a simple notebook. This person will only be me, not Liu Cunhua."

Wang Kaifa couldn't help but said, "Fucking is really good, what kind of work did you do before? I was almost convinced by you."

Gu Liang: "I'm not eloquent, I'm just presenting facts and speaking logic. All speculations, whether (killing sha) machine or timeline, there must be traces in the script. But mine (killing sha) There is no clue or story to show."

"Please call Aunt Bai for me. I want to be with her one-on-one."


After a while. One-on-one interrogation room.

Gu Liang repeated the analysis that he had just told Wang Kaifa to Aunt Bai.

"I have always been analyzing from the perspective of a good person, and I am helping to play a good role. Next, I really don't have the opportunity to (kill sha). If you want to choose between Liu Cunhua and me, the real culprit is her, no I."

Gu Liang hadn't been so just before in this game. He is not the kind of person who likes to argue with others.

But now he must take the initiative in his own hands.

Li Xiaoyu will vote with him, which he can basically be sure.

Then Liu Cunhua already has 2 votes.

But Liu Cunhua will definitely vote for herself, and she has 1 vote.

Therefore, the key to this game is now in the hands of Wang Kaifa and Aunt Bai. As long as they win the votes of one of them, Gu Liang is sure to win.

Therefore, Gu Liang had to persuade Aunt Bai and Wang Kaifa as much as possible.

Start with (强qiang), this sentence is not unreasonable after all.

If they don't believe it, they have other ideas, or there are other variables later, Gu Liang can control them in time.

After a while, I saw that Aunt Bai did not answer.

Gu Liang tentatively asked: "So, what do you think now?"

Aunt Bai thought for a while, and said, "I will vote for Liu Cunhua."


After Aunt Bai left, Gu Liang immediately called Li Xiaoyu.

After finishing the logic with Li Xiaoyu, he went out to the discussion hall with Li Xiaoyu.

Gu Liang did not chat with Liu Cunhua alone.

This is a battle between the two of them, almost a matter that has already been pointed out, there is no need for Gu Liang to pretend to be in front of her.

Liu Cunhua knew this well, so she individually called away Li Wanghong, Aunt Bai, and Wang Kaifa, and had one-on-one sessions with them.

When they came out one by one, except for Li Xiaoyu's little reaction, Gu Liang noticed that Wang Kaifa and Aunt Bai's expressions were actually somewhat strange.

Gu Liang pondered that if they couldn't be convinced logically, Liu Cunhua probably had to use other methods, such as promising him gold coins or something.

But Gu Liang did not want to compare the number of gold coins with Liu Cun.

After all, if a player is someone who can be bought by gold coins, there is no way of knowing who he will vote in the end.

It is impossible for Gu Liang to ask Liu Cunhua how many gold coins Liu Cunhua promised to the two players, he can only ask from the players.

But the player does not necessarily tell the truth. In the end, they scam gold coins, and then it is possible to throw them randomly.

Besides, Gu Liang was not willing to spend these gold coins.

Now he understood the true meaning of gold coins. He is not sure of his guilt value and period of service, he has to rely on gold coins to fight for the chance to return to the world alive.

If he and Liu Cunhua really get to the point where they rely on gold coins to buy players off, Gu Liang has no better idea for a while, so he has to try the words of the two players first.

So Gu Liang once again called Wang Kaifa to the interrogation room one-on-one.

Wang Kaifa's attitude at the moment was a little haha, and he also mentioned the gold coin through verbal hints.

Gu Liang chatted with him a few words casually, and decided to look at Aunt Bai's situation again.

However, to Gu Liang's surprise, as soon as he entered the door of the interrogation room, Aunt Bai said straightforwardly: "Yes, after Liu Cunhua asked who I suspected, I said I doubted her and gave a detailed reason. She confirmed. , I didn’t lie to her by saying this, I really doubted her. So she made a price. To be honest, the pay is not low."

Gu Liang thought for a moment and said, "Thank you for telling me frankly. Then I will share a secret with you. In fact, Liu Cunhua doesn't need to do this at all. If she has not done anything evil, the crime value is low and there are many gold coins. If it is true, then the day she was cast out as a murderer may be the day she can return to reality."

Aunt Bai was a little surprised. "what do you mean--"

Gu Liang only said: "I can't say more in detail. But I have a reason to stay here. So I can't leave for the time being. I want to hear your opinion."

Aunt Bai said, "I'll vote for Liu Cunhua. To be honest, her conditions are very attractive. But after thinking about it, I still can't do that."

"Of course, first of all, I voted for her because I was indeed convinced by your reasoning."

"Secondly, you have to know what you want to do in order to go far. My father taught me this principle, and I have been trying to do this as much as possible. In this game...this principle seems to be quite applicable. So my luck is not bad."

"On the first night of this script, if it weren't for you, I would have been eaten by a female ghost."

"I haven't had time to say thank you."

"To repay you, I won't vote for you."

Aunt Bai got up and bowed slightly to Gu Liangqian. "Thanks a lot."


After the two-hour intensive discussion, the "Withered Bones" case ended.

The familiar broadcast sounded. "Congratulations everyone, the punishment has reached the final stage. All the horror and torture are about to pass. Are you looking forward to it? Then start voting now..."

Gu Liang finally got two votes, without guessing, you can know that Liu Cunhua and Wang Kaifa voted for him.

The three votes Liu Cunhua got were from Gu Liang, Li Xiaoyu and Aunt Bai.

While resting, Gu Liang saw the complete plot of Withered Bones.

The incident was basically the same as his speculation.

When Aunt Bai wanted to harm Li Wanghong, she was discovered by the red boss. The quarrel between the two awakened Li Wanghong and also alarmed Liu Cunhua upstairs. Li Wanghong and Boss Red had a brief dispute and accidentally pushed Boss Red downstairs, causing him to coma.

Aunt Bai left with an attitude of having nothing to do with herself. Although she was a little afraid of the red boss revealing her secrets, she was the eldest son of the village head after all. She had lived under the pressure of male power and the authority of the village head since she was a child. She never thought of killing the head of the village head.

Liu Cunhua was originally (sleeping Shui). After being awakened, she slowly changed her (sleeping Shui) clothes and went out to check the situation. Li Wanghong and Aunt Bai have already left.

She first came to the second floor, saw the mobile phone near the stairs, and then saw Boss Red in a coma.

The phone belongs to Li Wanghong, and most of the people who quarreled with Boss Hong just now were her.

I heard this quarrel by myself, and others may also hear it.

So, if the red boss dies, everyone will suspect Li Wanghong, not themselves.

If you leave Li Wanghong's phone here, everyone will definitely believe that the murderer is her.

So...Do you want to take the opportunity to kill the red boss?

Otherwise, I have to raise this mental retardation for a lifetime. Why do I have to work so hard? Besides, he is not my own son...

So Liu Cunhua hugged his head and knocked on the ground twice. After confirming that he was not breathing, she put the phone next to him.

During this period, Aunt Bai lived in the corner of the third floor, directly above reporter Gu. Because of the long distance, she didn't hear any movement.

Wang Kaifa listened to mp3 in the room, but did not hear it.

After Li Wanghong accidentally pushed people, she was always in a panic. In addition to the haunted things, she went back to the house, wrapped her whole body in the quilt, and subconsciously covered her ears, (强qiang) forced herself to sleep, so she still couldn't listen. To.

Reporter Gu was very familiar (sleeping in Shui) from start to finish, and living in the corner of the second floor, he couldn't hear him after all.

As for the story of the female ghost, the complete plot is also mentioned.

Xiaoli lived happily for the first half of her life. She has a good family background, a good study, a good career, and her married husband treats her very well. Not long after the two got married, she was pregnant.

(怀huai) After a few months of pregnancy, the fetus was stable, Xiaoli was bored for a long time, so he went out for a self-driving trip with her husband.

Something happened on the road for self-driving.

The car punctured and rolled off the cliff. The husband protected Xiaoli with his body, but he passed away.

Xiaoli was rescued by the mayor of Hong Village, who collected medicinal materials at the foot of the mountain, and miraculously, her child was also saved.

This should be a blessing in misfortune.

But then for countless days and nights, Xiao Li hoped that in the car accident, he and his children would die together with their husbands, rather than falling into the hands of the village chief.

The village chief had a wife before, but his wife was pregnant with one and had a miscarriage, so that for many years, the couple gave birth to only one red boss, and in the end the wife had a miscarriage and died.

Seeing Xiaoli's beauty, the village chief occupied her.

He was pregnant even though Xiaoli was still pregnant, so he used the smoke.

Later, Xiaoli gave birth to a daughter, Xiaotao, and the village head also wanted Xiaotao to be his son's daughter-in-law.

Xiaoli tried her best to take Xiaotao away. She was afraid that the village chief would find out that her daughter would not be able to escape, so she stayed and stopped the village chief.

The village chief finally gave up chasing Xiaotao, but this incident created a hidden worry in his heart.

——Things may give birth to (fa fa) once, or give birth to (fa fa) a second time. What if Xiaoli also ran away afterwards, and if she returns to the big city and calls the police?

No, no. She has to be brainwashed.

In the future, she will not be able to see her appearance, nor will she be able to hear her own voice.

Torture her, torture her deliriously, and give up the idea of ​​running away.

Or even if she ran away, she would no longer remember her appearance and voice.

...By the way, it's better not to let her talk.

Then she would not be able to explain the truth to the police.

So the village head blinded her, cut her tongue, and broke her eardrum.

In the end, Xiaoli finally got rid of (tuo)-he was tortured to death.

But even if she died, she couldn't rest in peace.

The village chief wanted to trap her here for the rest of her life, bury her in pieces, and prevent her from returning to her hometown.

Xiao Li died in extreme resentment.

She cursed the village and every villager.

When she is not locked up, she often wants to escape.

Even if she can't escape, she wants to find the post office, so she can at least send a distress letter.

But none of the villagers helped her.

She clearly remembered that once when the village chief was not there, she finally crossed the waste tomb and ran to a crowded place.

She quickly grabbed someone and asked, "Where is the post office?"

The man said, "Go ahead two rooms and you will arrive."

Xiao Li walked over as the man said, but ran into the village chief who was playing mahjong there.

There was a ridicule soon behind him, and Xiao Li turned his head and saw the person who had just shown him the way.

——The whole village is committing (Fan) crime.

The village chief is the murderer, and each of you is an accomplice.

I curse you, all of you must die.

After that, it seemed as if Xiaoli's curse was fulfilled, and every year, villagers died of strange diseases.

And here is also infected with haunted rumors, people are panicking...

After all, the village was unstoppably poor and declined.


After the case was over, the players returned to the rest area and checked in.

During the 15 days of rest, Gu Liang wandered around the rest area and met with all the NPCs he could see.

But here, there is no Yang Ye of him.

After all, I haven't seen Yang Ye for more than a month.

Gu Liang really missed him very much now.

And this kind of missing hope makes time seem extraordinarily long.

After that, Gu Liang went through several scripts by himself, but whether it was the NPCs in the plot or the NPCs he had seen in the rest area, there was no shadow of Yang Ye.

Gu Liang gradually got used to this day of thinking and waiting.

Until he drew a new card this time and saw his plot, his heart suddenly gave birth to extra (strong qiang) expectations. He could feel that his heart hadn't jumped so fast in a long time.

"Your name is [Squad Leader Gu], the squad leader of the 37th class of Magic High School."

"You have a class teacher whose surname is Yang and his name is [Teacher Yang]..."

When Gu Liang read this, his eyes stopped on the words "Mr. Yang".

Yang Ye...

Will it be you?

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