Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 160: Blood Tarot (9)

After leaving the classroom, Yang Ye and Gu Liang checked the four dormitories next to each other. When it was about 5 o'clock, Yang Ye went back to the teachers’ dormitory to get the quilt. +++ Catino Novel Network

At this moment, Gu Liang also went back to his dormitory and hugged a quilt, during which he finished voting.

Just after 5 pm, the two gathered at the entrance of the student dormitory and walked towards the teaching building together.

When they came to the classroom, the others hadn't arrived yet.

Before, everyone had moved the tables and chairs to the corridor together. At the moment, the classroom was very empty and there was only one podium left.

Yang Ye put his quilt on the podium first, and then helped Gu Liang put the one in his hand on it.

After doing all this, Yang Ye looked around, took a look at the situation in the classroom, and asked Gu Liang, "You said, tonight, should we have one by the window (sleeping Shui) and the other by the door (sleeping Shui)? , We can be regarded as guarding two entrances and exits to facilitate the grasp of the situation."

After hearing this, Gu Liang didn't say anything for the time being, but looked at Yang Ye quietly.

Yang Ye stepped forward and rubbed his head. "What's the matter? It seems that you have a great opinion."

Gu Liang said lightly: "There are windows on both sides of the classroom, one side is leaning on the corridor, and the other is the (fuck cao) field, plus the location of the door... So, there are actually more than two entrances and exits. It is useless if we are separated. Can't see it all."

Yang Ye smiled and said in a deep voice in his ear: "Say so much, just want to be with me (Shui Shui)? Liang Liang is so sticky to me now?"

Gu Liang glanced at him and turned his head to leave.

Yang Ye hurriedly called him: "Why go (gan)?"

Gu Liang: "I forgot to take the mattress."

Yang Ye took his hand. "What kind of mattress? Just make a mattress under my quilt cushion. We will cover one bed directly. Just cover your quilt."

"So many people."

"It's so dark, you can't see it. Besides, I don't do anything. Just chatting under the quilt."


Gu Liang walked to the door and looked out, then closed the door.

Gu Liang turned his back, (body shen) body against the door, and his eyes looked at Yang Ye. "While everyone hasn't come over, discuss the case. First of all, who did you vote for?"

Yang Ye said: "The money I invested in Chemistry."

Gu Liang raised his eyebrows.

Yang Ye asked: "You didn't vote for him? Could it be... Zhu Physical?"

Gu Liang nodded, and then said, "Gu deputy class and Li Yingying were excluded. Among the remaining people, during the discussion, Wu Biology made a good speech and was temporarily excluded. Then the murderer should be in Meng Yuwen, Qian Chemical and Zhu Physical in."

"Among the three most suspected people, Meng Yuwen and Li Yingying are in the same dormitory, and both are girls. Zhu Physics is also a girl and lives with Wu Biology. Only Qian Chemistry is a boy who lives with Gu deputy class."

"Previously, everyone locked the suspect on Meng Yuwen based on the shot-throwing incident. According to the ranking of the mock exam, she was in line. In addition, she also had enough time to commit the crime. I thought at first that maybe the first stage The task is not difficult. Based on these clues, it should be possible to determine that Meng Yuwen is the real murderer."

"But if you think about it carefully, this is a serial (sha) case. It is likely to last more than a day, so the truth shouldn't be that simple."

"This is not based on clues, but from the perspective of the game. The system should not design the first stage of the game so simple, otherwise the first stage will only last for the first day and everything will be over."

"Although we basically believe that this time the real culprit was imitating last year's serial (killing sha) case, but why are there so many similar students in these two years? Two serial (killing sha) cases in the past two years , What is the real connection between them, and what is the meaning of the blood tarot..."

"There are still many stories that we don't know. I think the story of the real murderer this time may lead us to dig a step closer to this script. Just like in "Folding Castle", the multi-stage missions, each mission, The guidance of the story is helpful."

"Therefore, this time, we should not rely on the clue of'throwing the shot' to identify the real murderer. There must be a story behind the real murderer, which we have not discovered."

"Finally, Meng Yuwen had something to convince me. She said that there is no need to use her to try and make mistakes. This is actually a speech beneficial to good people. So I excluded Meng Yuwen and have been hesitating in Qian Chemistry and Zhu Physics."

Speaking of this, Gu Liang asked Yang Ye: "You should have the same idea as mine?"

Yang Ye nodded.

Gu Liang asked again: "Then how do you ultimately determine that it is Qian Chemical?"

Yang Ye said: "I'm not sure, it's just intuition. Of these two people, Qian Chemical has never been to the library. Logically, he didn't know about the serial (sha) case last year. Zhu Physics was last night. The library you went to after you left the library. Did you choose Zhu Physics based on this?"

Gu Liang: "Yes. During the intensive discussion, both Qian Chemical and Zhu Physics were a little struggling, and both of them spoke in muddy waters (touching Mo). From the speeches, the clues were again It is very limited. I hesitated for a long time, and can only make a choice based on whether they have been to the library. After all, the real murderer must be aware of last year's events before it is possible to (fa) imitate."

Yang Ye: "Actually, I considered the same factors as you. In the end, I made a different choice from you because I simply felt that Qian Chemical was too (gan). He did not admit that he had been to the library. I don’t know anything about him. That’s why I chose him. So, I just intuitively favor him.”

"Yeah. It makes sense."

Gu Liang opened the door and looked out, then closed the door to look at Yang Ye, "I don't know when the voting results will be announced. But judging from the speech, I think Meng Yuwen's votes will be too large."

Yang Ye thought for a while and asked, "How do you think about things tonight?"

Gu Liangdao: "It seems that the degree of freedom is very high, but in fact it is not necessarily. The first round of the system gave too few clues. One time (sexual xing) can not find the real murderer. This is actually a high probability event. Under the circumstances, let everyone live together to avoid (fa) having a second (killing) killing. It is estimated that the system has already anticipated this. After all, this is a choice that players are likely to make. So—"

After a short pause, Gu Liang became serious: "How can I (kill sha) people in full view? The script may have been set up for the real murderer."



The system broadcast sounded and announced the results of the first round of voting.

Sure enough, Meng Yuwen, who won an award in the shot put competition, got the highest number of votes. All the players sent her to the 201 classroom on the second floor and locked her up.

The doors and windows were locked, and the keys of all the doors and windows were chained together and kept by hidden detective Yang Ye.

Of course, before leaving, everyone brought her enough water and food to ensure that she could spend the night safe and sound.

At 5:40, everyone returned to the classroom and started making beds.

After everyone’s discussion, no extra curtains were installed between the men and women. In the game of life and death, everyone didn’t pay much attention to it.

Before nightfall, after unanimous negotiation, everyone locked the doors and windows.

The keys to the doors and windows of this 101 classroom were also strung together and handed over to Yang Ye.

In addition, everyone will turn on the lights all night to ensure that their vision is not obstructed.

The windows on the north side of the classroom are close to the field, and the windows and doors on the south side are close to the corridor.

There were three windows on both sides, and finally Yang Ye and Gu Liang chose the central location on the south side of the corridor.

Without the curtain, you can see the three windows on the opposite side, as well as the windows and doors on both sides of the south side. As for the things in the corridor (fafa), you can basically see through the windows.

Another key point is that the light switch button is also in this position-just above the two-person bed.

The sky (color) is getting darker.

The players were all bored before entering (sleeping in Shui), sitting in twos and threes and chatting together.

Before the doors and windows were locked, everyone moved in and placed some tables in the middle of the classroom.

Drinks, fruits and snacks brought from the cafeteria are placed on the table for everyone to spend this unforgettable night.

Gu Liang and Yang Ye were sitting against the central window on the south side.

Yang Ye helped Gu Liang peel an orange and fed it to him personally.

Gu Liang ate the oranges slowly, thinking of something funny, and the corner of his mouth (hooked).

Yang Ye handed the orange to his mouth, "What are you laughing at?"

Gu Liang took a bite of the orange, swallowed it, and said, "I just think it's funny. Since we locked ourselves up... Is this still necessary for Meng language?"

During this process, Yang Ye only stared at Gu Liang's lips.

When Gu Liang realized something, Yang Ye had picked up an Olympic Mathematics book that had fallen on the ground. The book opened, it was enough to cover the faces of two people.

Wanting to cover it up, Yang Ye held the book to cover the faces of the two people, while pressing the back of Gu Liang's neck with the other hand, (kissed wen) over.

Knowing that Gu Liang's face is thin, so Yang Ye's (kiss wen) is just a taste.

The book was lifted up, and soon put down again.

But Gu Liang raised his eyes and saw that Li Xiaoyu, who was opposite, immediately turned his head, pretending to see nothing.

——This action of trying to cover up the silver-free three hundred taels here is exactly the same as Yang Ye, and it is indeed the girl Yang Ye recognized.

Withdrawing his gaze, Gu Liang couldn't help but pinched Yang Ye's waist. Gan gan)? I thought people didn't know what you were doing when I picked up the book?"

Yang Ye: "I'm not afraid that people will know what I'm doing."

Gu Liang: "Then you—?"

Yang Ye said in his ear: "I can't bear to let others see you blushing and shy and being kissed by me. Only I can see you."

Gu Liang: "..."

Yang Ye: "Why does Liangliang face redder? So shy?"

Gu Liang: "Why are you ashamed? Ashamed for you."

"Just be **** you. You like me so much anyway."

"Yang Ye, you really, it's almost--"

"Then do you like me?"

"……To shut up."


When the sky (color) is completely dark, someone suggested that everyone is boring together, it is better to play werewolves (kill sha).

He was quickly stunned back.

——Isn’t it enough to be forced to play the script (kill sha) by the system? What kind of werewolf (kill sha) is it okay to play? Don't think your brain is tired enough?

After the proposal was rejected, everyone still got together to chat in twos and threes.

When the night (color) gets darker, the players also (sleeping Shui) one after another.

However, in order to prevent the murderer from committing the crime, when we were in the centralized discussion room, we discussed the order of sleeping (sleeping Shui) at night.

Every player is numbered.

Among the 14 players, one was dead, and one was locked in 201. Therefore, the 12 players here are divided into four groups in the order of numbers 1-12, and each of them constitutes a group of three.

The reason for choosing a group of three, rather than two, of course is to prevent the murder (sha) from happening in the group.

The rule that everyone set together is that three groups of people can be allowed to sleep (sleeping in Shui) at a time, and one group of people have to watch the night.

Each group has a shift every 2 hours, with a shift from 12 to 2 o'clock, a shift from 2 to 4 o'clock, a shift from 4 to 6 o'clock, and the last shift from 6 to 8 o'clock.

At 8 o'clock, everyone wakes up together by waking up each other, and discusses the countermeasures according to the situation.

Of course, there are other rules.

For example, Yang Ye, Gu Liang and Li Xiaoyu are in a group.

But Li Xiaoyu is a girl. If she needs to go to the bathroom, and Gu Liang and Yang Ye are inconvenient to accompany her and monitor whether she takes the opportunity to do other things, then she needs to wake up the other two girls and let them accompany her to the bathroom.

Yang Ye is undoubtedly the most tiring. Because even when it's their group's turn to sleep, if other groups want to go to the bathroom, they have to wake him up. Because the key to open the door is with Yang Ye.

The shift system starts at 12 midnight.

Yang Ye, Gu Liang and Li Xiaoyu are in charge of the vigil from 2 to 4 in the morning.

Therefore, the three of them went to sleep (Shui Shui) at 12 o'clock and (Shui Shui) to 2 o'clock. After being awakened by the previous group, they took over the duty of vigil.

They stayed vigil for two hours without incident (fat). After waking up the three members of the next group, they re-entered (sleeping Shui) at 4 in the morning.

Gu Liang didn't have much (sleeping Shui) at first, and he still sat side by side with Yang Ye.

Yang Ye took him over, so he put his head on Yang Ye's shoulder, and asked in a low voice, "Are you quite used to this kind of life? You used to train in the army before."

Yang Ye also replied in a low voice: "Yes, falling quickly (sleeping Shui) and waking up quickly are all necessary skills."

"I have to learn from you the technique of falling fast (sleeping Shui). I always have insomnia."

Gu Liang said casually, and looked up at the window on the opposite north side.

Outside the window is the (fuck cao) field, and there are a few trees nearby.

The early morning wind blew, and the branches were swayed back and forth.

Staring at the branches moving around, a moment later, sleepiness struck, Gu Liang pillowed Yang Ye's shoulders and sank (sleeping Shui).

Gu Liang was awakened by others.

When he woke up, he found that the sky was already bright.

Next to him, Yang Ye was still sinking (sleeping in Shui). This was something that surprised Gu Liang.

Immediately afterwards, his sense of smell regained, and Gu Liang smelled a strong smell of blood.

Gu Liang stood up immediately, and saw the body lying on the podium—it belonged to the ancient deputy squad.

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