Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 161: Blood Tarot (10)

For a while, no one spoke. +++Mobile reading visit

The classroom is very quiet, only the "ticking" of the clock on the blackboard can be heard.

Gu Liang looked up at the clock and found that it was 8:30 in the morning.

Gu Liang couldn't help frowning, feeling that there was too much weirdness in this matter.

After staring at the clock for a while, Gu Liang woke up Yang Ye and looked at the body with him roughly.

The body of the ancient deputy squad was still warm, and the fatal wound seemed to be visible to the eyes-the whole mouth of the school uniform was stained red, and there was a deep wound in the heart of the left (chest xiong).

Gu Liang pointed his finger, the blood was still hot, and it seemed that he had just died.

Before we locked the doors and windows last night, we searched each other.

Therefore, one thing can be determined basically-no one brought in sharp objects such as knives, so what exactly is the murder weapon is the first problem that everyone faces.

In addition, there is another weird thing-there is a chair on the podium, and the chair is covered with blood. In addition, the deceased had a pointer in his right hand and a balance in his left.

Both of these things were originally used as teaching tools and placed in a cabinet under the podium, but they were now in the hands of the dead.

It wasn't until Gu Liang picked up the tarot cards next to the corpse again that he understood the meaning of all this.

This tarot card is [Justice].

The face of the card is a goddess of justice sitting on a stone chair, holding the sword of justice in her right hand and a balance that can identify good and evil in her left.

It is conceivable that when the murderer had just killed the deceased, he simulated him as the goddess of justice, let him hold the pointer instead of the sword in his right hand and the balance in his left, and finally put him on the chair.

And this chair is still standing on the podium, so that if the deceased can really sit on the chair, it will really form an image of a "god" who stands above and despise all living beings.

It's just that the deceased was dead and couldn't really sit on the chair, so he rolled off the chair and fell onto the podium.

And the chair with blood remained on the podium.

The rest of the players gradually woke up, and when they saw this scene, they were a little shocked and afraid.

But when it comes to this script, there are also old players here.

Everyone quickly calmed down and asked Yang Ye to unlock the classroom door first, and then everyone went to 201 on the second floor.

In classroom 201, Meng Yuwen is still sleeping (sleeping in Shui).

After being awakened by everyone and then told that the Gu deputy squad was dead, Meng Yuwen said angrily: "I said I was not the murderer. I have to vote for me. Look...Is one more dead?"

At the moment, everyone was not in the mood to argue with her, but took her to the first floor. After that, the players took the toiletries (with yong), went to the bathroom to wash together, and then went to the cafeteria for breakfast.

During this period, except when going to the bathroom, men and women act separately, all the rest are together.

Breakfast is basically made by everyone.

After eating, it was almost 9:10.

Since everyone found the body until now, the system has not made any announcements.

But everyone knows in their hearts that 5 o'clock this afternoon is the time for the second vote.

The system did not announce the new rules, which means that the rules are no different from yesterday. The system will not distinguish between free search and concentrated discussion time, and everything is negotiated by the players.

In fact, as for student dormitories, faculty and staff dormitories and other places, you have already investigated in detail yesterday, and it is estimated that it is difficult to find any new clues.

Therefore, after the breakfast, everyone decided to explore the 101 classroom, the corridors and the (fuck cao) field on both sides of the classroom together, and then go to the bloodless classroom 102 for a concentrated discussion. Check the details of the various groups of people last night. Timeline.

(Fuck cao) The field is located on the north side of the classroom, in the same direction as the cafeteria.

From the teaching building to the north, all the way through the huge (fuck cao) field, walk about 15 minutes, you can reach the cafeteria.

When everyone walked all the way from the cafeteria to the classroom, they found something on the side of the (fuck cao) side-it was a cleaning cloth with blood.

Gu Liang recognizes this cleaning cloth-it has been placed under the podium before. It has a huge area and can be used to clean the podium tabletop, blackboard, etc.

At this time, this huge piece of cloth was stained with blood, and it was mostly related to the murder (sha) case.

With this piece of evidence, everyone started searching around the classroom, but apart from this blood cloth, the players found no other clues for a while.

No matter it was the trash can in the hallway, or everywhere in the bathroom, nothing useful was found.

In other words, even the murder weapon was not found around the scene of the crime.

When I came to classroom 102, it was 10 am.

It was Yang Ye who stood on the podium first to speak.

Yang Ye raised the two sets of keys in his hand and said, "Although there are not many exhibits found so far. But the key on my body is an exhibit in itself. You can take it and smell it, can you smell the blood?"

Gu Liang, who was the closest seat to Yang Ye, took the key first. He sniffed the key first, and then took a closer look. He could see a little blood in the crevice of the key.

After Gu Liang read the key, Li Xiaoyu next to him took the key.

Then Li Xiaoyu couldn't help saying: "Yes! There is a strong smell of blood! And there is blood in the key gap. Is this... Is this key a murder weapon? Isn't it like it, the key won't make such a deep wound on the dead person? ."

Yang Ye shook his head and only asked Li Xiaoyu: "Do you remember that I borrowed your lipstick last night?"

Li Xiaoyu nodded: "Remember. You saw our girl bring lipstick, so you borrowed one."

Li Xiaoyu was embarrassed to say that yesterday she thought Yang Ye was going to wipe Gu Liangliang, thinking that he was going to molest Gu Liang and tease others.

Patting her face, Li Xiaoyu asked again: "That's what the girls' dormitory already has. We brought it here by hand last night."

"That lipstick is beautiful (color)." Yang Ye said, "In fact, before I went to sleep (Shui) last night, I put lipstick on the key. Now the color (color) of the lipstick on the key is not invisible at all. . Attention, I put lipstick on every key."

"I have two sets of keys, 101 and 201 classrooms. Each classroom has 3 windows on each side, and the keys on each side of the windows are common, so there are 3 keys in each classroom. That is to say, I have a total of 6 Take the key."

"The current situation is that the lipsticks on the 6 keys are gone. Instead, there are a little blood and a smell of blood."

"Of course the keys cannot be directly used as a murder weapon. These keys are not long. Even if they can really penetrate into the body, they should not be enough to kill."

"So I think that the murderer just stole my keys. There was blood in his back (killing sha). Maybe he stumbled on my keys with his **** hands, causing blood stains on it. After that, the murderer might Just wipe the keys with something like a cleaning cloth, or he has been to the bathroom to simply wash the keys and then return the keys."

"During this process, he removed the color (color) of the lipstick, and also removed most of the blood stains on the keys, but a small part of the blood stains in the crevices could not be removed."

When Yang Ye made this statement, everyone looked at the key next to each other, and went around for a while, and now Gu Liang returned the key to Yang Ye.

When Yang Ye took the key from Gu Liang, his index finger (hook gou) touched the back of the person's hand, making Gu Liang itchy, like a little ant crawling over.

Gu Liang immediately raised his eyelid and glanced at him, Yang Yelue closed the corner of his lips, and continued to analyze the case seriously.

"Now there are many problems in this case. First, we have clearly divided the groups. How did the murder case (fafa) happen?"

"Secondly, I hid the key next to my skin. The murderer could not steal the key without awakening me. So how did he do it? I wondered at first whether the murderer used drugs or something. But I just looked around and found no relevant clues. If the second round of exploration is to be launched later, I suggest you focus on finding clues related to drug addiction."

"Thirdly, what was the purpose of the murderer stealing the keys? Was it to go outside to get weapons, such as knives? But there were no knives around the crime scene. The only place with knives was the back kitchen of the cafeteria. The cafeteria went to and from the teaching building. For half an hour. If the murder weapon is a knife in the cafeteria, there is a problem now."

"When I had breakfast just now, I confirmed with Gao Canteen that the back chef has no shortage of knives."

"This means that if the knife in the kitchen behind the canteen is a murder weapon, then the killer's move is to leave the teaching building and go to the canteen to get the knife, return to the teaching building (kill sha), and then wash the knife (dry gan) and return it back. , And finally return to the teaching building."

"This process requires two round trips from the teaching building to the cafeteria, and it takes at least one hour to complete the calculation. This is not even his time."

"Theoretically, I don't think the murderer would do this. Because it would require him to risk leaving for an hour. If someone wakes up during this hour, he will be exposed."

When Yang Ye spoke, the players took notebooks to take notes. They were sorting out the questions written by Yang Ye and recording their thoughts in the process.

After Yang Ye finished speaking, he saw a porcelain white hand raised in front of him.

Yang Ye leaned over from the podium and looked over, and saw Gu Liangliang sitting in the first row raising his hands.

The sunlight had smoked his eyelashes golden, and his tea (colored) pupils looked particularly beautiful.

When Yang Ye saw Gu Liang, the corners of her lips couldn't help but rise. "What does monitor Gu want to say?"

Gu Liang stared at him, and then said, "Last night we entered the shift system from 12 o'clock. There are 12 people in groups of 3, and there are 4 groups in total. The shift is changed every 2 hours."

"The deceased's ancient deputy squad is in the fourth group, responsible for the vigil from 6 am to 8 am... In fact, this is no longer a vigil, because it is already morning. In fact, the 3 people in the fourth group can start from 12 midnight. Point (Sleep Shui) to 6 o'clock, (Sleep Shui) for a full 6 hours, and then be awakened by the third group."

"The same group as the deceased Gu deputy class is Gao Canteen and Ma Clean. It happens that these two people, we think that there is no motive for (killing sha). Therefore, I especially want to hear what they two said last night. A description of the timeline."

Yang Ye nodded towards Gu Liang, then looked at Ma Qingjian and Gao Canteen. "What squad leader Gu said is exactly what I want to say. I believe it is also what the rest of the players want to know. The time of your three-person group's'night vigil', which is 6 to 8 o'clock, (fafa) what happened Is the ancient deputy squad alive at 6 o'clock?"

Ma Qingjian said: "The third group is Principal Li, Director Xiang, and Aunt Guan. I, Deputy Gu, and Gao Canteen were awakened by the three of them. At that time, Deputy Gu was alive. Yes. We did not find anything unusual."

"The three of us couldn't wake you up, and didn't do anything, so we sat side by side (gan gan) and stared."

"Later...Almost until about 7:50, I suddenly became sleepy. When I was too sleepy, I closed my eyes. Before closing my eyes, I saw Gu Deputy Ban also closed his eyes (sleeping Shui)."

After Ma Jianyi finished speaking, Gao Canteen, also known as Meng Qiancheng, immediately added his writings. "Yes, yes, yes. I'm so bored. I watched the sun outside (fuck cao) for a while, and then watched the clock. When I was too sleepy, I found that Gu deputy class followed Ma Jianqing (sleeping Shui). ). This is the same as what Ma Qingjian just described."

"Afterwards, I subconsciously glanced at the clock and found that it was 7:55. I thought, I would wait another 5 minutes to wake everyone up, even if I had survived the night. I was too sleepy to survive this. For 5 minutes, I'm still (sleeping Shui)."

Therefore, the time of death of the ancient deputy squad was at least after 7:55.

And the time when Gu Liang woke up and saw the body was 8:30.

According to Yang Ye's analysis just now, then the murder weapon is unlikely to be the knife of the kitchen back in the cafeteria.

The rest of the players seemed to understand this question, and their expressions were a bit solemn.

Meng Yuwen shrugged and said: "You can follow the logic of yesterday. Anyway, I can rule it out. I have been locked in classroom 201."

After a while, Wu Biology suddenly said. "You can't rule it out completely."

Meng Yuwen looked at her dumbfounded: "Why?"

Wu Biology said: "Now the possibility of accomplices cannot be ruled out. The key has been stolen. What if someone steals the key and opened the 201 lock, let you out?"

"It is impossible for one of us to go back and forth to the cafeteria twice. But if you two conspire, it is possible to do this. You go to the cafeteria to put the murder weapon back, and when you return, throw the key out of the window to your co-conspirator. He put the key in It’s all on Teacher Yang."

Wu's words are not without reason.

But she will undoubtedly lead the reasoning to more complicated places. After all, if there is a collusion, the case will be more complicated.

While frowning and thinking deeply, Gu Liang turned his head abruptly, but unexpectedly found that Li Xiaoyu's expression beside him was a bit wrong.

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