Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 162: Blood Tarot (11)

Withdrawing his gaze, Gu Liang didn't say anything for the time being, only glanced at Yang Ye. +++ Catino Novel Network

Yang Ye's sight just happened to be withdrawn from Li Xiaoyu's place.

Gu Liang and Yang Ye have played games together for so long, and a tacit understanding has long been formed. The glance at each other has a tacit meaning.

So neither of them said anything for the time being.

Yang Ye just looked at Wu Biology and said, "Thank you for sharing your reasoning. This is not impossible. However, whether it is a collusion or a single crime, someone has to steal the key from me first. That question, is there drug addiction? If there is no drug addiction, how did the murderer do it?"

"Also, I want to hear the timeline of the people in the other groups."

"The first group of three people who were the first to watch the night, can you share it now?"

The three people in the first group of vigil are Qian Chemical, Zhu Physical, and Wu Biological.

The speeches of these three people are actually very important.

As far as Gu Liang is concerned, Wu's biological speech made the first day, but he was ruled out before.

Actually, he and Yang Ye had already targeted Qian Chemical and Zhu Physical the real murderer yesterday.

In the final vote, Yang Ye voted for Qian Chemistry and Gu Liang voted for Zhu Physical.

Of these two people, Zhu Physics has been to the library and came into contact with serial (sha) cases in the past years, and may then imitate and commit crimes.

But for the time being, Qian Chemical does not have the possibility of knowing the case last year, so there is no basis for imitating the crime.

The votes of Yang Ye and Gu Liang were based on this, but they had different perspectives.

However, in Gu Liang's view, the suspicion of these two men is still the greatest.

So their speeches are very important.

However, after the statements of these three people in turn, Gu Liang did not get too special information.

It was nothing more than 12 o'clock last night, and the rest of the players went into (sleeping Shui) one by one. These three people were playing Fighting Landlords silently while watching the night.

After playing for two hours, at 2 o'clock in the morning, the three woke up Yang Ye, Gu Liang, and Li Xiaoyu, and they started to sleep (Shui).

In the timeline of the three of them around 2 o'clock, Gu Liang could actually testify-he did see them fall in sequence (sleeping Shui) with his own eyes.

The group behind Gu Liang was the third group. The principal, the director, and Aunt Guan spoke in sequence, and there was still nothing unusual.

From 4 to 6 o'clock, the three of them watched the night, and then awakened the fourth group where the dead belonged.

In other words, from everyone's rhetoric, there is no abnormality in the entire midnight to 7:50.

At 7:50, Ma Qingyan in the fourth group first saw the deceased Gu Fuban (sleeping Shui) and then she too (sleeping Shui).

At 7:55, Gao Canteen watched Ma Qingjian and Gu Deputy Ban enter (sleeping Shui), he was the last one to enter (sleeping Shui).

In fact, it seems that the suspicion of Gao Canteen is also very high.

Because Ma Qingjian did not watch him fall (sleeping in Shui), he was suspected of committing a crime.

But Gu Liang had previously ruled out Gao Canteen from the motivation, and could only temporarily believe that he did not lie.

So, that is, between 7:55 and 8:30, someone completed the action of stealing the key and (killing) the person.

This whole thing is actually very strange.

First, how can the murderer ensure that no one wakes up after 7:55? If there is no drug addiction, how does he do it?

Second, the murderer hasn't (sleeping Shui) all night, but has been pretending (sleeping Shui)? Or is he able to strictly control the time he spends (sleeping Shui) and when he wakes up?

So even if there is a drug, how does he act and how to accurately grasp the time when other people are sleeping (Shui)?

While Gu Liang thought, he glanced at the clock subconsciously.

Since everyone did not want to discuss in the **** 101 classroom, this discussion was conducted in 102 classroom.

It happened that no one was speaking at this time, and Gu Liang concentrated his breath and found that he could hardly hear the clock in this classroom.

This is somewhat unusual.

Because Gu Liang remembered clearly that the clocks in classroom 101 were loud.

On the first day of the script, he had counted the "ticking" sounds, waiting for Teacher Yang's arrival; including last night, he also watched the shadow of the trees outside and fell asleep listening to the sound of the minute hand moving.

But Gu Liang has no time to think deeply for now.

At this moment, someone suggested that everyone search each other, men search for men, women search for women, to see if the players carry drugs with them.

After the search, everyone returned to 101 together, and carefully checked the snacks, washes (with yong) and so on that everyone brought last night to see if there might be anything similar to drugs.

The proposal was passed unanimously.

Soon everyone got up and took action, and men and women were divided into groups and searched for each other.

Yang Ye naturally took Gu Liang's hand and walked aside, "Stand well, let me search."

Gu Liang also spread his arms, looking at Yang Ye quietly with his eyes, with a look of "Okay, you can search whatever you want".

Yang Ye laughed: "So good."

Gu Liang looked at him: "Just follow the rules. Don't mess with your brain."

Yang Ye leaned in his ear. "I've seen Liangliang anyway."

Gu Liang bent his legs and raised his feet, and the back of his shoes touched Yang Ye's calf. "You are serious about me."

After a while, Yang Ye pretended to search for Gu Liang, and old acquaintance Meng Qiancheng walked over.

Yang Ye turned his head to look at him: Do gan)?"

Meng Qiancheng said as Gao Canteen: "Search your body."

Yang Ye squinted: "Who do you want to search for?"

Meng Qiancheng: "Of course it is Squad Leader Gu. Aren't you a detective?"

Yang Ye: "I've searched it, he's fine."

Meng Qiancheng pouted. "I received a separate reminder. You and Squad Leader Gu have a [essential (sexual xing) relationship (guanguan) relationship], who knows if you will protect him?"

Gee. This old man's amnesia returned to amnesia, and his style of behavior has not changed.

Yang Ye held Gu Liang's hand and said righteously to Meng Qiancheng: "Since we know that we have an essential (sexual xing) relationship (guanguan), you can't help him."

——Just kidding, can my people make you guys stand up?

After all, in Yang Ye's eyes, Gu Liangliang's hair shouldn't be rushed by outsiders.

Meng Qiancheng wanted to understand what he had come over, and looked disgusted with Yang Ye: "Fuck, my son is almost as old as Squad Leader Gu. I'm all this old, am I? Do you think anyone is like you? ? And oh, let me tell you, my wife is so pretty!!!"

Faced with Meng Qiancheng, Gu Liang, with an expression of "I'm sorry that my children are not obedient and jealous and silly and show ugliness", dragged Yang Ye behind him, and then took off his school uniform and handed it to Meng Qiancheng. "Search whatever you want."


The body search is over, and there is nothing related to drug abuse.

The players immediately returned to Classroom 101 to check in detail what everyone brought last night.

Gu Liang didn't look at the gadgets. Since entering classroom 101, he has stood by the podium and stared at the clock.

After a while, Yang Ye walked to him and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

Gu Liang thought for a moment, and said, "Have you noticed the clock in classroom 201 of Guan Meng Chinese upstairs earlier? When the minute hand moves, is there such a loud noise?"

Yang Ye thought for a while, and said, "I didn't notice this detail."

Gu Liang: "You can check again in a while. The clock in classroom 102 doesn't have such a loud sound. If there is not in 201, it means that only the clock in classroom 101 is special. I am thinking that there may be some articles in this clock."

After a short pause, Gu Liang said again: "Yang Ye, I think this time the incident is not as simple as being drugged."

"Suppose the murderer put the drug into the snack fruit."

"The murderer was someone who (killed sha) after 7:55. The drug he took, in principle, should last for more than 8 hours. After all, everyone ate snacks before 12 o'clock yesterday."

"The method of drug addiction should be to fascinate everyone, and then (kill sha) while everyone is fascinated. But it is not the case now."

"When the first group was awake, we were sleeping (sleeping in Shui). In our second group, we first (sleeping in Shui) for two hours, then waking up, two hours later, we will continue (sleeping in Shui)... It is unlikely that medicine will achieve this. It is not clear to explain many details just by using drugs."

"For example, how do we people wake up midway? After we woke up, we didn't feel dizzy or dizzy. It didn't look like we had been drugged."

"I reopened (sleeping in Shui) around 4 o'clock. We were leaning on at that time. In my impression, no one appeared in front of me spraying drugs or anything."

"So if I am addicted to Chinese medicine, it can only be small snacks. But I only ate the oranges you peeled."

"I remember that Li Xiaoyu had a packet of Huamei. I clearly saw that everyone except me had eaten it. But I didn't eat it."

"If the real murderer puts the drug into the snacks and fruits, first, he cannot guarantee that everyone will eat it; second, even if everyone eats it, there will be no possibility of waking up midway, staying vigil, and then becoming fainted."

"So it's normal not to find drugs."

Yang Ye thought for a while and nodded: "Well, you make sense. At first, I just thought about it roughly. Maybe after you and Li Xiaoyu (Shui Shui) were talking, I took out the drug and faced us. I sprayed it to make sure I will steal the key again after I'm stunned, but now let's see..."

"The murderer is more like being able to grasp the absolute (sleeping) time for all of us. This is very strange."

"If it is a spray drug, first of all, we did not find a mask and other protective measures that the murderer himself used to protect his mouth and nose, let alone that. If he sprays the player next to the player with the drug during shifts, this is also Not reasonable. The risk of being discovered is too great."

"Yes. That's exactly what I want to say."

Gu Liang nodded and said, "We were in the night's vigil group when we focused on the discussion in the afternoon. You just said to be a group with me. Because Li Xiaoyu was the second place in the exam, he was afraid of being (sha), so I wanted to join us. The others are also divided into groups based on how they got along these two days or before."

"After dividing into groups, everyone is in the order of the night's vigil by drawing lots. Therefore, the real murderer only knows you who has the key and when the deceased will enter (sleeping Shui) after everyone draws lots."

"A key problem now is that we are grouped into (sleeping Shui), which is just a negotiated shift vigil. This method is not entirely certain."

"For example, if there is a girl who is on the night watch to go to the toilet, it is not convenient for the boys in her group to accompany her. You have to ask the other girls to get up and accompany her, and you have to wake the person with the key to open the door."

"Come on again, people like me, although I have always been able to (sleep Shui), but that was before. From the end of the script of "Rhinoceros", after experiencing the punishment in the small black room, I have not committed the old man for many years. I am guilty of the problem. I easily suffer from insomnia, especially when I have (sleeping Shui) for two hours. Last night, I clearly remembered that I couldn't sleep for (sleeping Shui) at first, but then I don’t know how Suddenly (sleeping Shui)."

"Whether it is from the perspective of me as a player, or from the perspective of the game role (color), this is very strange."

"The fourth group of Ma Jian and Gao Canteen actually have similar problems. Judging from their speeches, they were at 7:50 and suddenly started to feel sleepy, and then they (sleeping Shui). This is even more strange. After all, they got up at 6 o’clock in the fourth group, and actually didn’t stay up late. Why are they so sleepy?"

"Ma Cleanliness gets up early every day to clean, and Gao Canteen gets up early to cook breakfast. This is their working time. According to the biological clock, (sleeping Shui) returning to the cage is not reasonable, or even if it is possible to (fa), it is reasonable. , The murderer cannot guarantee this."

"Therefore, when each group of people enter (sleeping in Shui), it is a shift system that everyone has discussed. But this is not something that will definitely happen.

"It stands to reason that no one can guarantee that I will wake up at 2 o'clock and I will be on time (sleeping Shui) at 4 o'clock. I am likely to wake up at 1 o'clock and then (sleeping Shui) at 5 o'clock."

"7:55 to 8:30 is the weirdest thing, why is everyone sleeping (sleeping in Shui)?"

"From the player's perspective, you have been a soldier, and you have a thunderous biological clock that wakes up before 6 o'clock."

"From Teacher Yang's point of view, you should be ready for class at 8 o'clock. Why did you wake up when I called you?"

"Last night and all night, if the real murderer just needs to steal the key, he secretly observed and found that you and I (sleeping Shui) are on, and other people are also (sleeping Shui), so he used spray medicine to make sure he steals the key. Will not wake us up, it is possible."

"But by spraying drugs, it is almost impossible to ensure that every player will enter (sleep Shui) in the order determined by the lottery at the time of shift change."

"For example, the real murderer is Zhu Physical, who I voted at the beginning. He was in the first group. He didn't do anything during the first group's vigil. After waking us up, he was pretending (sleeping Shui) during our two-hour vigil, After we change shifts at 4 o'clock (sleeping in Shui), he will spray you and me again. He has to make sure that this matter will not be seen by the third group of night watchers... This probability is too small."

"Even if the third group of people were chatting to fight the landlords in a low voice, he did it once quietly behind them, and it succeeded. But he can't succeed every shift. At least it shouldn't be the perfection he has set. ) People plan. Because the risk is too great."

"This is a matter of the players' own safety. When the players watch the night, they should generally be more serious."

"So, this must not be a drug."

"The murderer must have mastered some means that we don't know for the time being to control the time for each of us to enter (sleeping Shui). Maybe after we draw lots, he ordered his own according to the order of entering (sleeping Shui). (Kill sha) people plan, and then start to control us according to plan (fuck cao)."

"I just can't imagine how he did it."

When analyzing the case with Yang Ye, Gu Liang had been looking around the classroom.

Players have entered a very detailed stage of evidence search, and even the school uniform sets have begun to be removed.

Gu Liang slightly looked at the crowd and began to examine the structure of the classroom.

Finally he raised his head and looked at a fan above the podium.

There was a chair with blood on the podium, next to the body of the ancient deputy squad.

The fan is just above the chair.

Gu Liang frowned and asked: "It's summer vacation, it's a hot day, why haven't the fans turned?"

Yang Ye thought of something, and said, "This is explained in my plot. The fan was installed before, and there was no air conditioner at that time. Later, the school got investment and got the money, so it installed the air conditioner. The fan just didn't remove it. But The button to switch the fan has been removed. So this fan is purely a display."

"So... maybe there will be something hidden on it."

Gu Liang put his hands on the podium and planned to jump up. Standing on it, he checked the top of the fan blades.

Gu Liang was about to act, and Yang Ye held his hand.

Gu Liang looked back at him. "Ok?"

Then Gu Liang saw Yang Ye squatting and hugging his knees directly.

Gu Liang: "Hey-?"

Yang Ye: "Come on, I'll just lift it up high. The podium is full of blood and dirty hands."

With all eyes in sight, Gu Liang was too late to stop, and was directly lifted and hugged by Yang Ye.

Gu Liang's face was flushed, and he was not embarrassed to look at the expressions of other players.

But Gu Liang couldn't take care of it.

His attention was quickly diverted.

After being lifted by Yang Ye, he saw that there was something on the fan. It was something similar to a remote control and could be held by one hand.

Yang Yeju and Gu Liang's movements were so sassy that everyone had indeed seen it.

So when Yang Ye put Gu Liang down, and Gu Liang held the black (colored) remote control to observe, some players recognized what it was.

It was Director Xiang, the dean of academic affairs. "Hey! I recognize this thing! It should have been on the podium."

Gu Liang immediately asked, "What kind of remote control is this? What does it do?"

Director Xiang said: "This is called [I won't leave class]."

"The clock in Classroom 101 is special. The movement of the hour hand and minute can be controlled by this remote control.

"This classroom is a dedicated classroom for training. For example, this classroom was specially selected for the training of the Olympiad."

"During the critical period of the training camp, in order to let the students concentrate on their studies, we will turn off the class bell. Then students can only check the time through the clock in the classroom."

"So, the teacher can control this remote control quietly (fuck cao) to adjust the minute hand time. For example, when class ends at 11:30, the clock is under the teacher's (fuck cao) control and can display at 11 when it is already 11:30. point."

"Ms. Yang has just taken office, and the training camp has not yet reached the middle and late stages. The principal and I have not had time to tell him the little secret that fooled the students not to leave class."


Director Xiang's remarks are really informative.

After the principal confirmed the purpose of this remote control, Wu Biology soon asked: "Will the real murderer change the time with this remote control last night?!"

Gu Liang thought for a moment, and said, "If you just change the time, it actually doesn't make much sense. For example, in the morning the Gao Canteen was the last person to enter (sleeping in Shui), it was 7:55 then. It might be that. The real time for the moment is 7:30. In that way, the murderer will have enough time to travel to and from the cafeteria to get the weapon."

"I don't think that the role of this remote control is just as simple as changing the time."

"This is not a case that requires changing the clock time and forging an alibi."

Having said that, Gu Liang looked down at the buttons on the remote control, which had the words "pause", "timing", "slow down" and so on.

Gu Liang looked at President Xiangli and Director Xiang again. "Do you know the detailed description of the remote control and clock?"

Director Xiang said: "The teaching equipment room has manuals. From my memory, it has many specific functions. You can directly adjust the minute hand, such as dialing back half an hour. But this is easy for students to discover."

"So it has another function, which is to slow down the speed of the minute hand. If the minute hand jumps once, it normally takes a minute. But by setting it, it may take 1 minute and 10 seconds. Of course, the speed is adjusted faster. it is also fine."

"And... By the way, if the teacher presses the remote control in front of the students, it will easily arouse the students' suspicion. This class is all gifted students, and everyone is very clever."

"So, the teacher can set everything in advance, the hour hand, minute hand, second hand, how to rotate at what time, and how much the speed can reach at a certain point in time, can be controlled in advance through the remote control."

Gu Liang frowned and couldn't help asking again, "Apart from you and the principal, who else might know the function of this remote control?"

Director Xiang said: "I don't know. However, this remote control is placed under the podium, so anyone can reach it."

Gu Liang: "But even Teacher Yang doesn't know."

Director Xiang thought for a moment: "That is someone who has been to the teaching equipment room and saw the instructions. The equipment room is on the first floor of the teaching building, next to the teacher's office. It is not locked. Anyone may have been there."


It's almost noon.

The players are still a little confused.

Chef Yang Ye, cooked for everyone.

After a simple meal, everyone spread out to search for evidence.

The time is 12:30 noon.

Yang Ye and Gu Liang were sitting in the corridor beside the flowerbed.

Gu Liang sat on the promenade, looking at the flowerbed not far away, which was also the scene of the first crime in this case.

Gu Liang is watching the flower bed, while Yang Ye is watching Gu Liang.

After a while, Gu Liang turned his head, met Yang Ye’s gaze, and said, “We found the body at 1 o’clock yesterday afternoon. One hour after we searched for evidence, we went to Classroom 101 to discuss at 2 o’clock. At 4 o’clock, you asked 5 After the votes were cast, everyone discussed how to live together at night. After you made this suggestion, everyone agreed. The 12 players were simply divided into four groups on the spot, and lots were drawn to determine the order of the night vigil."

"At 4:20, everyone separated, started a second round of search, and finished voting at 5 o'clock."

"After 5 o'clock, we were the first to arrive in Classroom 101."

"The broadcast was announced at 5:30, and at 5:40, all the players gathered. The last one came, I remember it was the old deputy squad of the dead."

"In short, after determining the order of everyone's draw at 4:20, the real murderer must have done something before meeting with us in Classroom 101 at 5:40."

"In fact, it takes 10 minutes to come from the dormitory with the bedding and sheets. Then, the time can be further shortened from 4:20 to 5:30."

Yang Ye frowned when he thought of something.

Gu Liang frowned. "I think he is adjusting the remote control during this period of time. The remote control can set the clock's hour hand and minute swing. In addition to the role of misleading players, there is another role that I just thought of. This is very important. ."

Yang Ye frowned more tightly. "If the murderer knows the specific instructions of the remote control, he must have been to the equipment room. Then, on the first day of the plot, which is July 23, people who have not been to the library are actually suspicious."

When the game first started, it was July 23.

This day was also the time when Teacher Yang gave the students the first class.

On July 23, class in the morning and mock test in the afternoon.

On July 24, in the morning, the examination results and rankings were announced, and the oath-taking meeting was held; at noon, Zhao Mathematics was born and died in the flower bed.

Today, it is July 25th.

After Gu Liang was silent for a moment, he said, "Li Xiaoyu went to the library at noon yesterday, July 24. Zhao Mathematics died at noon yesterday. This is why we excluded Li Xiaoyu as the murderer of Zhao Mathematics."

"But now this means that on July 23, when other people go to the library, she may have gone to the equipment room. Come again—"

"The special function of the remote control is related to Li Yingwen's specialty."

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