Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 163: Blood Tarot (12)

One p.m. +++Mobile reading visit

Li Xiaoyu walked to the No. 103 dormitory where she lived.

Along the way, Li Xiaoyu was a little nervous.

Because she had a face-to-face with Gu Liang near the flower bed just now, Gu Liang asked her to find a time when other players hadn't seen her, and met at the 103 dormitory, saying that she had something to talk with herself.

Gu Liang's expression was quite serious, so Li Xiaoyu was a little bit nervous.

However, she was actually a little confused, she wanted to talk to Yang Ye and Gu Cheng.

She thought for a long time and felt that she could trust the two of them, so this moment passed directly.

At door 103, Li Xiaoyu knocked on the door. "It's me. Are you both here?"

Gu Liang's voice came. "come in."

As soon as Li Xiaoyu walked in the door, Yang Ye came first to close the door.

Immediately afterwards, Li Xiaoyu saw several books on the table. Gu Liang was sitting next to these books.

Obviously, these books were picked out from Li Yingwen's bookshelf just now.

The titles of the books are: "Hypnosis and Subconscious Mining", "The Department of Hypnosis and Mind Control, and Mental Healing", "Hypnosis and Divination"...

Undoubtedly, these books are all related to one word-hypnosis.

Gu Liang looked at Li Xiaoyu and said, "I also tried hypnosis when I was treated in the real world. But in the real world, it is hypnosis that has nothing to do with mysticism and metaphysics."

"In the setting of this script, this kind of hypnosis is quite special and has something to do with occult. In other words, you are well versed in occult and you also master hypnotism."

"Last night, the real murderer must be able (fuck cao) to control everyone's (sleeping in Shui) situation. And I think the way he (fuck cao) controls is through the'I won't leave class' remote control to make the clock A certain regular sound from the pointer guides people to sleep."

"We set the night vigil sequence at 4:20 in the afternoon. At 4:20, everyone left the classroom, searched for evidence, and voted separately. The real culprit was to use this time to set up the remote control."

"Therefore, the real murderer does not need to be awake all night (fuck cao) to control the remote control. He set it in advance, and the clock pointer will naturally make the set action at the specified time to guide people to sleep."

"Of course, I think the real murderer may have prepared more than one method of hypnosis. This method just makes people sleepy and then goes into deep sleep (Shui)."

"For example, at 2 o'clock, 4 o'clock, and 6 o'clock when changing shifts, he made special settings for these three time points, so that people would fall asleep unknowingly by the sound of clocks."

"This method is called ordinary hypnosis for the time being."

"But when stealing the keys and performing (killing) people, he at least performed a different hypnosis on Yang Ye and the deceased Gu deputy squad. We temporarily call it deep hypnosis."

"Under normal hypnosis, we are only (sleeping Shui). The reason for (sleeping Shui) is related to hypnosis. But after (sleeping Shui), our condition is not much the same as that of normal (sleeping Shui)." Different, we will wake up because of special movements."

"Yang Ye hid the key in the shirt pocket under the suit, but he was unaware, which means that he was hypnotized more deeply. He would fall into a coma (sleeping Shui) during that period. He is better than all of us. Waking up late can prove this."

"The same goes for the deceased. He was completely at the mercy of the real murderer. When he was (killed sha), he didn't make a sound... It's probably also deeply hypnotized."

When Gu Liang said this, Yang Ye came over and added: "It is also possible that before 7:50, everyone is hypnotized by ordinary hypnosis. After 7:50, everyone is deeply hypnotized. This During the period, no one heard the real murderer (killing sha) or stealing keys."

"Well, it's possible. But anyway—"

Gu Liang looked at Li Xiaoyu with a serious expression, "Now the situation is very unfavorable for you. Because only your clues point to ‘hypnosis’. Maybe we didn’t get the details completely correct...but you are very suspicious now."

"At this point, players are better at playing this game. They may think of hypnotic brains later than me and Yang Ye, but it won't be too late."

"It's really not me." Li Xiaoyu frowned, "For example... the first deceased, how does Zhao Shushu's death explain?"

Gu Liang: "At first, we thought that the shot put champion was the most direct clue to Meng Yuwen. But when I and other players think of the setting of'hypnosis', naturally they will have this kind of insight-you Asked Zhao Mathematics to the flower bed, hypnotized him, and then slapped him to death with a brick."

"The things you use are also very simple. Shaking watches, flowers and plants...anything that looks ordinary can be used as props."

Li Xiaoyu was actually a little anxious when he heard this.

But based on her trust in Yang Ye and Gu Liang, she is not too panic.

This trust is not only for character, of course, there is also trust for the intelligence of two people.

At this time, Li Xiaoyu can only tell the truth about what he has learned. "I'm really not a murderer. But now my memory is indeed a bit problematic. I don't know if you can understand my description. I will try to say it."

"I voted yesterday. I didn't vote for Mongolian language. I voted for Zhu Physics. I really am not a murderer. I have not (killed sha) Zhao Mathematics."

"As for the memory of last night's vigil, I am actually a bit confused. But I remember one thing, I did steal Teacher Yang's key. I have a picture of myself standing up and walking in front of Teacher Yang to steal the key. I still remember that squad leader Gu seemed to be leaning on his shoulder. I had to be careful not to wake them both."

"But I definitely haven't (killed sha). What happened later (fafa), such as whether I opened the doors and windows, went to the second floor to release the Mongolian language, I don't remember. I have no impression at all. "

"Actually, I thought about telling it directly at the beginning. But when the discussion was concentrated in the morning, that Wu creature had two murderers directly, and the two murderers were conspiring to commit a crime, so I dare not say it. "

"Playing this game all the way, you have helped me a lot. I dare to tell you the truth."

"But I really feel that I am not a murderer."

When Li Xiaoyu said this, he looked at Gu Liang and Yang Ye quite nervously, but saw that the serious expressions on their faces quickly faded.

Of course, Gu Liang still has a poker face. He usually has no expression, but his eyes are much softer.

On the side, Yang Ye smiled, which made people feel very relieved.

"It's okay. Sit down. Drink some water and let's analyze it slowly together."

When Gu Liang said this, Li Xiaoyu sat down opposite him.

As for the position next to Gu Liang, of course it was occupied by Yang Ye.

Li Xiaoyu swallowed, a little dumbfounded. "Wh... what's the situation?"

Yang Ye explained: "Me and Gu Lianggang thought about the possible existence of hypnosis, and when you hadn't been to the library on the first day and you might have seen the remote control manual in the equipment room, we really doubted you very much. React quickly—"

"In the first case, Zhao Mathematics was dead. It is inferred from the method of (killing sha) that Meng Yuwen, who can throw shots, is highly suspected."

"In the second case, the Gu deputy squad died. From the point of view of the technique, the key word has changed from'shot put' to'hypnosis.' The person most suspected is you."

"From another perspective, every evidence pointing to the ‘suspected murderer’ is too obvious. If these ‘suspected murderers’ are not ‘real murderers’, it can only mean that the real murderers are deliberately putting the blame on.”

After a pause, Yang Ye faced Li Xiaoyu: "When I did that with Gu Liang just now, I really meant to test you a little bit; secondly, I wanted you to adjust to it in advance. Because wait a while, you will definitely be caught by others. Players, press on with a more serious attitude. You have to be steady, don’t panic, and figure out a countermeasure."

"Then... After listening to what I said, what do you think?" Li Xiaoyu asked, "I dare to tell you two about this, but I dare not tell other people."

Gu Liang held up two books: "Here are two more, "Hypnosis and Behavior Control", "Hypnosis, Dream Weaving and Psychological Suggestion". The first book is about directly controlling people's behavior through hypnosis. Second. In this book, dreams are compiled through hypnosis. People are dreaming. The dreams are controlled by the hypnotist. The dreamer will mistakenly believe that the dream is true (fa)."

"Therefore, if you are not the real murderer, there are two possibilities for your current memory. First, you are under hypnosis, making the act of stealing the key, and your behavior is controlled by the hypnotist. Second , You haven't stolen the key, but the hypnotist imposed this dream, but you regarded the dream as reality."

"Of course, I think the first one may be larger. After all, if (fa) gives birth to something, everyone will only see you stealing the key, not the real murderer."

"in summary--"

Gu Liang concluded, "The incident may have been like this. At 4:20 yesterday, he set up the remote control and timed the operation of the clock hands at 4:20 yesterday. Point, the pointer will hypnotize everyone on time and let everyone fall in on time (Shui Shui)."

"At 7:50, the murderer deeply hypnotized everyone."

"From 7:55 to 8:30, the real murderer gave Li Yingqi a special hypnosis, let Li Yingqi steal the key, and complete the action of (killing sha) people and handling the crime scene."

After Gu Liang finished speaking, Yang Ye pondered for a moment and couldn't help asking, "But there are also problems with this. First, why did the murderer only (kill sha) after 7:55?"

"Second, after the murderer chose to start at 7:55, why didn't he directly hypnotize everyone at around 7:55? Why did he divide it into three time points according to the time we discussed and set it up? We fall asleep in the order of the vigil determined by the lottery? Logically, he doesn't need to do this at all.

What Li Xiaoyu thought of, opened a book and showed it to Yang Ye and Gu Liang. "In my story, about hypnosis, I mentioned such a sentence. I found the official description in the book. Look at—"

This is a book on the basics of hypnosis. It says: "There are many ways of hypnosis, shallow hypnosis, deep hypnosis..."

"Deep-level hypnosis should be built on the basis of shallow-level hypnosis. Try shallow-level hypnosis more than three times. The hypnotized person is more likely to enter deep-level hypnosis, and its spirit, behavior, and subconsciousness can be affected. (操cao )control……"

"If the deep hypnosis is performed directly without shallow hypnosis at all, it will not be easy to succeed unless the hypnotist is very experienced..."

After moving away from the book, Gu Liang looked at Yang Ye. "This will explain the question you just asked."

"This problem is explained... but I still have a problem here, which I haven't figured out yet."

Gu Liang continued: "Since the ancient deputy squad died, I was wondering why the murderer would (kill sha) him."

"When we were discussing yesterday afternoon, the Gu deputy class made a very good point. That is, when investigating the murderer, we must not only look at the students' ranking in the exam, but also look at the score. This is a serial (sha) case, and The serial (killing of sha) case is related to the mock test. So, in fact, when the murderer decides the order of (killing of sha), it depends on the score and ranking."

"Don't forget, Gu deputy class is the last one."

"We have speculated before that the murderer's exam ranking is relatively low, and the possibility of being in the top three (sexual xing) is very small. Then from his perspective, anyone in front of him can (kill sha). He chooses first (Kill sha) Mathematics Zhao, who ranked first, is understandable."

"If (killing sha) for the second time, he will not (kill sha) the second-placed Li Yingwen and the third-placed me, but choose someone who is ranked before him (kill sha). "

"But why did he (kill sha) the last ancient deputy squad first?"

Yang Ye thought for a while, and said, "In addition to this question, there is another key issue-murder weapon."

"In fact, when I first had the idea of ​​hypnosis, I thought about whether the real murderer had performed deep hypnosis earlier in the morning. At that time, he stole the key and allowed himself plenty of time to commit the crime. In this way, the knife behind the canteen is most likely a murder weapon."

"But judging from the description of hypnosis mentioned in this book, this possibility shouldn't exist. Then, everyone was hypnotized after 7:55. The murderer's series of actions only took 35 minutes in total."

"In this case, what exactly is the murder weapon, 35 minutes... Complete the action of hypnotizing Li Xiaoyu alone, letting her steal the key, taking the murder weapon, (killing sha), and then washing the murder weapon (dry gan) and returning it back. The **** cleaning cloth was thrown at the (fuck cao) field... This time is very nervous."

Yang Ye looked sideways and suddenly found that Gu Liang's expression became serious again.

He stretched out his hands on both sides of Gu Liang's temples and rubbed them gently. "What did you think of?"

"What is the murder weapon? Why was the second deceased Gu deputy squad? These two questions are certainly key. But there is a bigger problem behind it."

Gu Liangdao: "Actually, my judgment remains the same on the whole. Who is the murderer is just a happy choice. Qian Chemistry and Zhu Physics have the greatest suspicion."

"But think about it, the real culprit is not Meng Chinese or Li Xiaoyu's words, does this mean... he may be able to throw shots and also be occult?"

"Then the question is-why does he have so many hidden skills?"

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