Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 167: Blood Tarot (16)

4:10 pm. +++Cartino Novel Network Teaching Building 102 classroom.

Yang Ye summoned all the players who were still alive here for the last concentrated discussion before voting.

And before this concentrated discussion, Gu Liang and Yang Ye also deliberately or unintentionally confronted other players-sure enough, several people were wondering if the murderer might be Li Yingwen.

After everyone sat down, Yang Ye walked up to the podium and said directly: "In the reasoning this time, squad leader Gu deduced the whole process of the case and how the real murderer was determined (kill sha). The order of the people. Let's ask the monitor of Gu to explain to you."

Yang Ye arranged the explanation process to Gu Liang. On the one hand, it was naturally because Gu Liang did have a lot of bright moments in the reasoning process this time; on the other hand, the murderer through Gu Liang was based on "framing" ( The logic of killing people is naturally for the final voting consideration.

Gu Liang's reasoning clearly helped Li Yingying and Meng Yuwen clarify and dispelling their suspicions.

But whether this reasoning was said by Yang Ye or Gu Liang, the effect was different.

After all, in everyone's eyes, Gu Liang is also one of the suspects.

If it was Yang Ye, it would only dispel the suspicion of Meng and Li.

But if Gu Liang said it, it would basically guarantee that at least these two people would not vote for him. Because they know that they are not the real murderer, from their perspective, Gu Liang's remarks are completely good people's play, they are to help good people analyze.

Gu Liang and Yang Ye looked at each other, passed him, stepped onto the podium, faced everyone, and started to sort out their ideas.

"On the whole, the real murderer (killing sha) is to ensure that he can enter the top three of the Olympiad. Then he was the first to want to (kill sha) to drop, of course, the person who hindered him the most, or Said that he hates most and is the most jealous. Zhao Mathematics, who ranked first, bears the brunt of the victim."

"But since the second case, the thinking of the murderer has been adjusted."

"Before the (killing sha) case was born, everyone was equal and everyone was likely to commit a crime. So the first deceased Zhao Shushu was (killed sha) only because he had good grades and passed the exam. One. But after the first case (fa fa) was born, everyone began to analyze, find clues, and discern logic, and everyone's suspicions were no longer equal."

"Out of self-protection, when the real murderer (killing sha), he began to think about how he could better put away his own suspicion and blame others, instead of just looking at the ranking. Because he only needs to (kill sha) If you lose 5 people, you can actually achieve the goal."

"This is the reason why the last Gu deputy squad was (killed) in the second round. Because he was suspected of committing crimes is very small, and can no longer be used and framed by the real murderer."

"If everyone agrees with this logic, we will continue to move on..."

Immediately afterwards, Gu Liang talked about the hypnotic sequence of the murderer, stealing keys, throwing blood cloth, etc., and also showed everyone the video he took-Yang Ye took a new cleaning cloth to wipe the blood off the chair, (Lu ) The complete process of getting out the crack on the chair surface.

After Gu Liang finished speaking for the time being, two players raised their hands one after another.

The first is Li Yingwen. She opened a book on hypnotism and added it. "Actually, if the murderer has enough time, he will be able to directly (kill sha) five people on the second night. If there are only three people left, he will definitely be in the top three."

"But I wrote in this book that when ordinary hypnotists perform deep hypnosis, they need to control the time within 20 minutes. Because hypnotism is a thing that consumes a lot of themselves. If you are not careful, the hypnotist himself may also Falling into a certain kind of dream, you may never come out again until you run out of mental power and die."

"Attention, another key point is that it is written in this book that ordinary hypnotists will impose certain images in the dreams of the hypnotized before they perform deep hypnotism."

"If the hypnotist has an accident temporarily (fa), and at the end of the deep hypnosis, he fails to awaken the hypnotized person, then there is no (guan) system. 20 minutes after entering the deep hypnosis state, the hypnotized person Relying on the established images in the dream, one can switch from a deep dream state to a shallow dream state on its own, that is, enter a shallow hypnotic state, and wake up after a period of time."

"So, I have to amend the case returned by monitor Gu."

"At 7:55 this morning, the real murderer gave everyone a deep hypnosis, and gave me a special hypnosis alone to let me steal the keys. But then he only had about 10 minutes to (kill sha)."

"The reason why we didn't wake up in time was just because we turned into a state of shallow hypnosis without waking up."

"And the state of shallow hypnosis is not much different from our usual (sleeping Shui) sleep. We may wake up at any time because of hearing a certain movement. This is why the real murderer can only (kill sha) alone in time."

"I understand, thanks a lot."

Gu Liang nodded towards Li Xiaoyu and continued, "So, based on the success of being hypnotized at 7:55, each of us only has 20 minutes, and we are in a state of deep hypnosis. Then at 8:15, we will all Entering a shallow hypnotic state is not much different from ordinary (Shui Shui) sleep. From then on, if we hear a little movement, some of us may wake up."

"So the time for the real murderer to commit the crime was further reduced to less than 20 minutes. This also includes the time to hypnotize Li Xiaoyu and let her steal the key. Therefore, although this is an excellent opportunity, he dare not in such a short time ( Kill too many people."

"Counting the time spent dismantling the chair, restoring the chair, wiping blood, and disposing of the cleaning cloth... he only had time to (kill sha) alone."

"From 8:15, someone might wake up. So he must ensure that he has processed all the evidence before the first person wakes up."

After Gu Liang said this, someone raised his hand again. It was Wu Biology.

After Yang Ye signaled, Wu Biology spoke: "Actually, after listening to monitor Gu’s analysis, I really want to applaud. But I immediately had a question, that is the murderer (gan gan), why not take advantage of the time to hypnotize everyone (kill sha) A few...Thank you Li Yingying for sharing, this problem has basically been solved."

"Now I raise my hand just to add a detail. About the crack in the chair."

"When everyone moved the chairs last night, although I didn't move them, I watched by the side. Later, when I entered the classroom, I also put snacks on the chairs. If there are such obvious cracks on the chair surface, I will definitely notice. Arrived. But I did not notice the crack in the chair last night."

"So I just corrected it a bit. I think the murderer's chair may have just cracked in the original, but it's not a serious one. That is, if we don't look closely, it won't be obvious."

"Last night he moved the chair near the classroom and let everyone move in, he might find another opportunity to completely crack the chair surface. For example, when he sits on a card game, he sits on the chair surface more cracked. It was easy to break apart before (killing sha) people and use it as a murder weapon."

"Of course, I only corrected the details a little bit. The overall situation does not seem to affect anything for the time being. Then, monitor Gu thinks...who is the murderer?"

After listening, Gu Liang shook his head and said, "I don't know. I can only exclude myself, Li Yingying, and Meng Yuwen who was wronged the first day."

"Among fact, anyone is possible. Although I basically restored the whole case, I did not find the most critical evidence that clearly points to (sexual xing)."

"But the detective seems to have some ideas. Let's ask Detective Teacher Yang to speak."

When Gu Liang said this, he turned his head and looked at Yang Ye deeply. The corner of his mouth was slightly (gou) (gou), and he stepped aside and returned the position of the podium to Yang Ye.

In fact, Gu Liang deliberately missed one point in the entire description just now-the reasoning about the exchange of tarot cards.

The real murderer cannot guarantee that he will be able to imitate the scene of the murder case to the tarot card that the deceased carried with him, especially in the second scene of the crime-the classroom is a closed environment, and everyone was caught before coming in. Searched.

Therefore, if the real murderer wants to do this, he must have exchanged the tarot cards in advance.

This is a very simple logic, but just like the chair placed in front of everyone, few people can think of it as a murder weapon.

The murder weapon must be concealed, but this time the murderer not only placed the murder weapon next to the corpse, but also used the blood on the murder weapon to cover up the murder weapon itself. In this way, it is hard to think that this chair will be used. It is a murder weapon.

The same is true for tarot cards.

It appeared at the scene of the crime in an open manner. And everyone had drawn tarot cards beforehand.

Everyone will naturally think that it is just a sign of serial (killing sha) people, and it is only taken from the dead by the murderer (killing sha). If there is no magic setting in this script, then it will be different. Usefulness.

Gu Liang thought so at first.

He also considered what Li Xiaoyu said about blood tarot, magic backlash, and other settings, but after this path failed, he temporarily put the tarot card line aside.

It wasn't until later that he resumed the case that he thought of the possibility of tarot cards being exchanged.

Gu Liang didn't talk about this just now, naturally it was to cooperate with Yang Ye's murderer.

In addition to the fact that the tarot card exchange was not mentioned, Gu Liang was confident that he basically restored the details of the crime, especially after Li Yingwen and Wu Biology made supplements, the whole incident became clearer.

Well, although the suspicion has not been completely locked on one person.

But the real murderer must have been panicked now.

At this time, Yang Ye's possibility of successfully defrauding him is great.


Yang Ye passed by Gu Liang again.

Only this time the person who walked onto the podium became him.

During the process, he turned his head to look at Gu Liang, and saw Gu Liang's dizzy eyes with a little admiration, as well as the slightly (gou) smile at the corner of his mouth.

Yang Ye's heart melted.

In this world, there is nothing like the affirmative look and smile of the sweetheart.

The affirmation of the sweetheart can be turned into the most indestructible weapon. Holding it, Yang Ye feels that he can cut off all the thorns.

After a while, Yang Yeping felt a little throbbing in his heart, and stood calmly on the podium facing the players.

Then, he directly raised a box of tarot cards, and the cards in it fell on the palm of his other hand.

At the same time, he did not let off the expressions of every player under the podium.

"I thought of a brain hole. Is it possible for the real murderer to steal the deceased's tarot card?"

"After all, every tarot card has a meaning. If the murderer is not Li Xiaoyu, but if he understands hypnosis, he may also understand occultism like Li Xiaoyu. Then he will be a superstitious person. He may have drawn a bad card, so He exchanged the good cards drawn by the deceased. The real murderer was to seek a good luck."

"Next, I would like to ask every student to take out the tarot cards they have drawn. I will take a look."

Hearing this, many people felt that this brain hole was a little unreliable, and many people frowned and showed a puzzled expression.

And one of them (exposed) a smile of sarcasm and disdain.

The smile was fleeting.

But Yang Ye caught it.

Yang Ye didn't make a sound (color), but when everyone took out the tarot cards from their backpacks and jacket pockets, they walked off the podium, and then walked towards a certain person inadvertently.

On the surface, Yang Ye pretended to check everyone’s tarot cards next to each other, and at the same time said: “I don’t know the situation of the first deceased Zhao Mathematics. But I want to share one new thing with you. That is. The second deceased ancient deputy squad, actually asked me to exchange the tarot cards."

"That was after class was over at noon yesterday. When monitor Gu and I were eating in the cafeteria, Deputy Gu came to see me."

"The ancient deputy said he was quite superstitious. The tarot cards he drew had a bad meaning, and it actually meant sacrifice [The Hanged Man]. This may be the reason why he was the last one in the mock test. So he I want to change another one."

"I said drawing a tarot card before the game is just a school tradition. I am not superstitious myself, so let him not care. If he is really upset, I will draw another card."

"I don't know when he returned to the classroom or what the re-drawing of the tarot card was. But I asked him when he was investigating the crime yesterday afternoon, and he said that he drew a new card with a good meaning. Chariot]."

"The [Chariot] card depicts the chariot of the king who overcomes obstacles and achieves victory, which means to overcome obstacles and achieve success."

"So, the first card that the ancient deputy squad drew was [The Hanged Man], but he drew another one later, and it became [Chariot]."

"But the cards on the scene of the death of the ancient deputy squad (death si), inexplicably became [Justice], I think it was changed by the real murderer. The justice card may be drawn by the real murderer himself. He is superstitious and thinks the justice card only implies justice , Honesty, there is no meaning of winning the game. After (killing sha), the real murderer felt that the deceased’s license plate was more auspicious, so he changed it. Then the problem is—"

Yang Ye stopped in front of Qian Chemical, opened the card in front of him, stared at him, his voice sank, and asked, "Why is the card in front of you [Chariot]?"

"You count a thousand things, but you didn't count... I know that the ancient deputy squad has a chariot license plate, so I dare to change it?"

Qian Chemical frowned: "What are you talking nonsense? My card is not a chariot!"

When Qian Chemical just took out the Tarot card, he didn't look closely at it himself, and placed it directly on the table.

Because he simply sneered at Yang Ye's brain and reasoning--heh, what is the real superstition to exchange tarot cards? This detective is nothing more than that.

In fact, what Qian Chemical originally got was really not a vehicle license plate.

When Yang Ye walked up to him to flop just now, he made some tricks.

The chariot license plate was originally one of the eight remaining cards in the card box that were not taken away by the students. Yang Ye took it out in advance and hid it in his sleeve, and quickly replaced it when he opened the card in front of Qian Chemical.

When Qian Chemical opened his eyes to see what the card in front of him was, his face (color) changed dramatically.

"How... how is it possible?! My name is obviously the Emperor card! What...what the hell..."

Yang Yeju looked at him condescendingly, with sharp eyebrows, and the sense of scrutiny and oppression in his eyes made Qian Chemical who he was looking at inevitably leaned back subconsciously.

Yang Ye stared at him and said every word: "But the card in front of you is clearly a chariot. This should belong to the deceased. I can be sure that the card on the deceased is [Chariot], but it is now Appeared in your hand. Why?"

Between the lightning and flint, Qian Chemical wanted to understand something, his eyes widened, and he pointed to Yang Ye and said, "Your reasoning is nonsense. No, that's right! You deliberately lied to me! You must have changed cards! I can't have it here. Chariot plate!"

Yang Ye: "Oh? The deceased's card is not a chariot? Is it the first hanger? But how do you know that he got the hanger first?"

Qian Chemical's tone was a little anxious: "The card he drew at the beginning was not the Hanger, his is—"

Qian Chemical suddenly fell silent and did not dare to continue.

Yang Ye curled his eyes and smiled. "How do you know that he didn't get the hanger in the first place?"

"Also, why don't you dare to continue talking? If from your perspective, the card of the deceased is the [Justice] of the crime scene, you can directly say the six words'His is the card of justice'. Nothing at all."

"You almost missed your words. When you said something was wrong with the card that the deceased really owned, you stopped talking. Right?"

"The card that the deceased drew at the beginning was indeed not the hanged man. The hanged man was drawn by squad leader Gu. Of course, the deceased did not draw the chariot. The deceased did not draw the hanged man or the chariot. , The cards he really drew, only you know."

"You were cheated by me, and you almost said it. Your hesitation has stopped, which has shown one thing-you are the real murderer."

"Tsk, you just said-I deliberately changed cards to defraud you. If you are not the real murderer, why should I defraud you?"

"In fact, for the same trick, half an hour ago, I asked another suspect Zhu Physically. Do you want to know what his reaction was?"

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