Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 168: Blood Tarot (17)

Half an hour ago. +++ Catino Novel Network

Avoiding other players, Yang Ye and Gu Liang arranged Zhu Physics to classroom 201 upstairs.

Yang Ye played the same trick. Gu Liang analyzed the case for Zhu Physics and attracted his attention. Yang Ye took the opportunity to exchange the tarot cards in front of Zhu Physics.

Zhu Physics first affirmed Gu Liang's reasoning. "I think what you said makes sense."

But when Zhu Wuxi looked at Yang Ye, his eyes were a little distrustful and confused.

It was because he felt that Yang Ye's reasoning just now was not very reliable, so he cast a distrustful look at the detective. Upon closer inspection, his eyes were still a little bit contemptuous.

Zhu Physical’s reaction is completely different from Qian Chemical.

Qian Chemical was the real murderer. When he thought he had completely deceived the detective, his eyes were a little triumphant and mocking.

However, micro-expression or something, after all, can only be used as a reference, and it is not certain that Zhu Physical is completely innocent.

It really made Yang Ye and Gu Liang believe that he was not the murderer, besides his reaction, there was also what he said next.

It’s completely different from Qian’s reaction. Under Yang Ye’s constant questioning, Zhu Physics was stared at him a bit, but he really couldn’t think of how his cards would change, so he could only say, “No, I don’t really know. How did my card become [Chariot]. You (killed sha) me, I don’t know. Moreover, I think your reasoning is very problematic."

"Why does the real murderer change the cards of the dead? No need. It can't be superstition."

"Detective, have you forgotten one of the most basic things-the positive and inverse positions of the tarot cards are completely opposite."

"Even if I am the murderer. I (killed sha) the ancient deputy squad and saw that the card on his body was [Chariot]. But the card of the chariot stands for victory and success, but if it is against the position, that means It's completely changed. A reversal tank means failure."

"Then how do I know when the ancient deputy squad draws this card, whether it is on-position or reverse-position?"

"Just after the squad leader analyzed, the murderer will hypnotize and understand the occult, then the murderer will be very particular about these. How can he change the cards casually without knowing whether the tarot card drawn by the deceased is up or down?

"So, first, I don’t think the murderer has the possibility of changing the card; second, even if the murderer changes the card, the deceased draws a chariot plate... Then I really don’t know why my card became a chariot. Or it was someone who blamed me. I will recall if I contacted anyone today, maybe they lost the card on me..."

Hearing this, Gu Liang and Yang Ye looked at each other, and then he spoke again and explained Zhu Physics.

"The murderer did change the cards, but we don't know what the original card of the deceased was. The reason why the murderer changed the cards is indeed not because of superstition. Let me explain to you--"


At this moment. 101 classroom.

Yang Ye faced the players and described Zhu Physical’s reaction and answer truthfully, and then said: “It’s almost time to vote. I think everyone has a decision in their hearts. If no one has anything to add, let’s focus on the discussion. , Can end now."

After speaking, Yang Ye turned and walked towards Gu Liang.

Every time I see Gu Liang, Yang Ye's heart is always calm.

Gu Liang looked at him and smiled with the corner of his mouth.

But soon Gu Liang's eyes changed suddenly, and as soon as he stepped forward and grasped Yang Ye's hand, (body shen) went around behind Yang Ye at a very fast speed.

In this way, Gu Liang hugged Yang Ye from behind, and suffered the knife stabbed by Qian Chemistry.

Immediately afterwards, Qian Chemical's hideous voice rang. "The game is not over. I now (kill sha) lose five students, and I can continue to go back...Don't stop me!"

"Gu Liang——!" Yang Ye turned around immediately, a **** mist flew in front of him, making Yang Ye's eyes red.

Seeing that he only pierced Gu Liang's shoulder, Qian Chemistry shook his hand back to Gu Liang's shoulder.

At the moment of his death, Gu Liang was picked up by Yang Ye and turned around. The blade immediately wiped Gu Liang's cheek. The blood drops from the cheek, leaving a small blood stain.

Yang Ye was mad, and kicked Qian Chemical violently when he raised his foot.

 After a few noises, Qian Chemical and his desk was kicked to the ground by Yang Ye, and then he was severely pressed to the ground by the desk. The (chest xiong) had a sudden pain in his mouth, and he almost didn't catch his breath.

Yang Ye put down Gu Liang, bent over to pick up the desk, and immediately slammed the desk towards Qian Chemical's head. A porcelain-white hand immediately held his wrist to stop him. Of course this person is Gu Liang.

Yang Ye turned his head and stared at Gu Liang with red eyes, the obvious anger inside, until he met Gu Liang's gentle eyes, which relieved a little.

Gu Liang opened his mouth and whispered: "You were just doing normal defense, nothing. But now he has lost the ability to resist. If you (kill sha) him, it may affect your moral score. So Yang Ye, it's not necessary. "

"Gu Liang—" Yang Ye's heart was really beating, he was too angry and too angry, and too afraid that Gu Liang would make a slight mistake.

"I'm fine." Gu Liang persuaded him, "put the table down, and you will take me to bandage the wound."

At this moment, several other players also came to hold Qian Chemical.

Qian Huaxiu was kicked and pressed by the table again, and he had completely lost the strength to resist. Several men clamped him down. Ma Qingjian said that she rushed to the dormitory to get the money The chemistry is well **** to avoid other actions after his strength is restored.

Thinking of something, Ma Jianqing said again: "By the way, I have a medicine box there. You can go with me."

Li Xiaoyu also stood up and persuaded: "You two hurry up. Leave it to us here. By the way, don't forget the 5 o'clock vote."


After 20 minutes. Teacher Yang's classroom dormitory.

Gu Liang's left shoulder was wrapped several times with gauze. After the wound was treated, Yang Ye treated him with a relatively minor wound—a small cheek wound.

The small wounds on Gu Liang's cheeks were already crusted, but Yang Ye still disinfected him with a cotton ball soaked in iodophor.

During the whole process of dressing Gu Liang, Yang Ye's facial expression was very serious.

Gu Liang raised his eyelid and glanced at him. No need to ask, he also knew that Yang Ye felt that he shouldn't help him with a knife. He definitely wanted to tell himself that he could have time to react by himself and then deal with the past on his own.

But Gu Liang didn't really think too much at the time. When he crossed Yang Ye's shoulder line and saw the cold light flashing in Qian Chemical's sleeve, he instinctively blocked Yang Ye's back.

Gu Liang wondered in his heart that Yang Ye had been muffled and silent for a while, probably thinking about how to "learn" himself.

He is obviously angry, but he can't look too aggressive.

After all, he was injured for him, so he couldn't get angry with himself.

However, without getting angry, how to make oneself understand the seriousness of the matter (sexuality) so that oneself can stop committing a crime is a question Yang Ye is considering.

After Gu Liang figured it out, he suddenly felt that - he already knew Yang Ye very well.

But Yang Ye was not a difficult person to understand.

It was the first impression that he thought he was a smiling fox with a knife in his smile. It was really caused by his lack of a well-structured suit, silver-rimmed glasses, and his irregular expression.

In fact, Yang Ye is a very direct person.

After a while, Gu Liang saw Yang Ye open his mouth, and he probably had already thought about the words to reprimand him.

So Gu Liang hurriedly asked before he spoke: "Is my face a big wound?"

Yang Ye stared at him with stern eyes, and did not answer Gu Liang's question.

Gu Liang blinked his eyes, and learned from Yang Ye's usual sentence pattern that he often used to molest himself, and said, "Look at your expression. It seems that I have broken my face and you don't like me anymore."

Yang Ye: "..."

Yang Ye gritted his teeth for a while, and then started to speak again.

Gu Liang raised his still movable right hand in time and put it on Yang Ye's shoulder, then rubbed his head forward, putting his mouth near his ear. "It's 5 o'clock. Vote first. Then we go to the cafeteria? I'm hungry. You make me ribs?"

"Gu Liang, don't keep thinking about turning off the topic, what happened today—"

"Vote first."

"Gu Liang, listen to me--not you..."

In the middle of the conversation, Yang Ye's voice suddenly changed, because Gu Liang turned his head and kissed his face.

Gu Liang said again: "In fact, I originally wanted to reason with you. For example, I just did a very ordinary thing. Compared to what you did for me, it is nothing at all. But I know you can't listen. So. ...Don't be angry. Are you really mad at me?"

"Gu Liang--" Yang Ye said softly. He really couldn't help Gu Liang.

Gu Liang raised his hand (touched Mo) (touched Mo) his hair, feeling that Yang Ye was basically coaxed, and patted him on the shoulder with a sense of accomplishment. "It's 5 o'clock soon, Teacher Yang, take out the card and vote!"

5 o'clock in the afternoon.

When Yang Ye and Gu Liang finished voting, they naturally chose Qian Chemical.

Half an hour later, the system announced the voting results. Qian Chemical was voted as the murderer. Everyone needs to put him in classroom 201.

The system also broadcasts that if there is no third case of murder (sha) before 5 pm tomorrow, Qian Chemical will be determined to be the real case of this serial (sha). fierce.

He will remain detained in classroom 201 until the bridge is repaired and the police can rush to this school to apprehend him.

Although I heard the system's announcement on the follow-up matters, everyone was relieved for the time being.

Because whether it is from the point of view of reasoning or the point of view of Qian's subsequent reaction, he is the real murderer.

This means that, in any case, the first stage of this script is finally over.

Taking into account that Gu Liang suffered a serious injury to his shoulder, Yang Ye did not let him go to the teaching building to imprison Qian Chemical.

Before leaving, Yang Ye hugged Gu Liang tightly and kissed his forehead. "In short, I won't be able to do this again in the future. Everything is mine. I will protect you, and of course I will protect myself."

"I'm going to Guanqian Chemical now, and then going to the cafeteria to make spare ribs. When it's done, I'll bring it for you. You just stay here and wait for me, don't go anywhere."

Yang Yexuxu exhorted a lot, and Gu Liang kept nodding his head docilely, as he agreed to Yang Ye.

Yang Ye (kissed Wen) on his forehead again before leaving.

The moment the door closed, Gu Liang's card also shook.

Gu Liang took out the card from his pocket (touched Mo), took a look, and found that he had received a new plot.

When Gu Liang saw the first line of words, he frowned.

——That is a bright red, **** English sentence.


——(Kill sha) all of them.

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