Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 174: Blood Tarot (23)

After listening to these words, Gu Liang blinked when he looked at Yang Ye, as if he was thinking. +++Mobile reading visit

Then he said: "Well. What I just said was my first subconscious judgment after seeing the scene. Your doubts are very reasonable. There is a problem with my judgment. Then...think from another angle, Li Yingwen Can be hypnotized, if she wants to (kill sha) Meng language, she can hypnotize Meng first, and then use the knife (kill sha) her, it does not seem necessary to fight her. So—"

Gu Liang thought about it again and said, "The reverse is also possible. Meng Yuwen smashed Li Yingying's head with a dictionary like throwing a shot ball. After stunned her, he took a knife (killed sha). After that, There is another murderer (killing sha) in Meng Yuwen."

"If this is the case, there is still a problem. Why did Li Yingying's school uniform be (off tuo), how did the splash-like blood stains form on it, and what happened to the scratches on the faces of the two people? You have to reconsider."

Hearing this, the Wu creature next to him couldn't help but join. "Before you came, the six of us had a brief discussion. To be honest, my first judgment is the same as that of squad leader Gu. There were scratches on their faces and they obviously had a fight, but after listening to Yang Ye's Analysis... Indeed, how did Li Yingying beat Meng Yuwen? It seems impossible. Now we can think of possibilities, and indeed there are some unclear explanations."

Wu Biology joined the discussion, and other players with some ideas also joined one after another. Gu Liang first stood up and discussed with them. After a while, everyone found a few chairs to sit around and discuss together.

But Yang Ye didn't go, he was still looking at the body.

Gu Liang's speech just now was basically flawless.

When he and Yang Ye discussed the case before, they basically followed this pattern.

——One person first puts forward a simple judgment, the other person follows the thinking, finds flaws, and asks questions, and then the two people together check the missing and restore the truth, or after in-depth discussion, directly overturn the existing assumptions, rethink a brain hole, and then Check the omission again...

It is quite normal to make a judgment first, think of flaws or find new clues and then overturn this judgment.

But Yang Ye really knew Gu Liang too much, so it was almost entirely out of intuition. He felt that Gu Liang's words and deeds were a little bit unnatural.

But despite this intuition, Yang Ye couldn't think of the reason why Gu Liang lied to himself.

Gu Liang wanted Yang Ye to leave, and the reason Gu Liang gave made Yang Ye unable to refute, so Yang Ye agreed.

Yang Ye would naturally think that if Gu Liang was really the murderer, he would of course tell him, he had no reason to hide it.

With this consideration, Yang Ye has not yet figured out why Gu Liang concealed the identity of the real murderer.

Yang Ye thought about it more carefully, and could only think that Gu Liang was not the real murderer.

His unnaturalness may only be due to the separation he is about to face.

Yang Ye thought--Gu Liang wanted to go back by himself, because he was afraid of an accident. But in fact, Gu Liang would be very reluctant.

Gu Liang didn't want to show his reluctance, sadness, and vulnerability to himself, so that he was even more reluctant to leave.

So Yang Ye wanted to understand--Gu Liang wanted to behave more naturally, not wanting to be hypocritical or vulnerable, but because of this, his behavior was a little deliberate, but it made him feel unnatural.

Then Gu Liang's unnaturalness has nothing to do with whether he is the murderer or not.

Yang Ye followed his new thinking from beginning to end and found that it was reasonable.

But after thinking of this layer, Yang Ye's heart inevitably felt dull.

Gu Liang doesn't speak love words, and he rarely expresses (shows) true emotions, but every step he does is full of such deep love.

From this, Yang Ye guessed by mistake that Gu Liang was performing. He was temporarily wrong about why Gu Liang was performing. But it is only temporarily.

Yang Ye didn't expect it, and Gu Liang would never have imagined that the term "Same Goal by Different Routes" could be used in this way-Yang Ye's brain supplements, and finally Jingnao made up an extremely critical message.

While Yang Ye was full of thoughts, he did not forget to take a picture of the body and exhibits carefully with his mobile phone.

Then he got up and looked sideways and saw the players sitting around and discussing.

His Gu Liang was among them.

Yang Ye raised the phone and couldn't help but meet Gu Liang's face.

After zooming in on the image, Yang Ye looked down at Gu Liang's face inch by inch.

First, Gu Liang's eyes are thick and long, but the color (color) is too light to make his eyes too feminine. The eyes inside are also light tea (color), which looks clear when looking at people. Faint; then the bridge of his nose, cheeks, and the thin lips that are talking.

Finally, Yang Ye moved the phone up and refocused Gu Liang's eyes.

The eyes on the screen are narrow and long. They are serious when looking at others, but gentle when facing themselves.

Yang Ye seemed to drown in these eyes, unable to move his eyes for a long time.

At this time Yang Ye was tangled and uncomfortable.

Yang Ye couldn't persuade herself to return to reality by herself and leave Gu Liang here alone.

But intellectually, he knew that he should go back as soon as possible.

He has no problem himself. He has a big family. If he becomes a vegetable, he will definitely live in the best ward and receive the most meticulous care. But Gu Liang is different. He has a scumbag father. Not only has he harmed Gu Liang’s mother for a lifetime, and has been indifferent to Gu Liang for many years, he may also take away his treatment money when Gu Liang can’t move. Endangering Gu Liang's (sexual xing) life.

Therefore, Yang Ye has to return to reality as soon as possible to ensure Gu Liang's safety, which is almost beyond doubt.

Yang Yemeiyu was a bit dignified. The next moment he put down his phone and saw Meng Qiancheng sitting next to Gu Liang.

Yang Ye and Meng Qiancheng’s eyes met inadvertently, and Yang Ye greeted him with a habitual smile, even as he was the old Meng head.

Meng Qiancheng also returned Yang Ye with a smiling face, but his expression was rather uncomfortable, with an expression of "I don't seem to know you so well".

At the moment of lightning and flint, Yang Ye's heart sank suddenly, and she suddenly realized something that she had ignored for a long time.

The blood (color) on Yang Ye's face almost disappeared at once.


When discussing with everyone, Gu Liang naturally glanced at Yang Ye from time to time.

At this moment, Yang Ye was still squatting near the two corpses to carefully check the surrounding traces. It should be that he wanted to analyze the murderer's line of action based on this, and then speculate the real incident.

Gu Liang didn't go to Yang Ye for the time being. On Wu Biology's proposal, he followed the other players to search for evidence.

Everyone decided to go to the public restroom and other floors to look for clues to see if they could find other suspected weapons.

The library has many floors and a large area, and the players quickly spread out.

During this period, Gu Liang went to the men's bathroom to search for a symbolic (sexual xing), and quickly walked out, glancing at a certain bookshelf accurately.

Last night, squad leader Gu (killed sha) Li Yingying and was about to take off the Li Yingying school uniform (take off tuo) he was wearing, when he heard footsteps. So he hid behind the bookshelf and saw Meng Yuwen.

His hand touched the bookshelf unintentionally, so he left a little blood in the corresponding position.

At this time, Gu Liang was staring at the **** bookshelf.

Obviously, no one has noticed the blood here yet.

Yu Guang caught a glimpse of someone coming, and Gu Liang looked over. It was Principal Li who was taking pictures with his mobile phone.

In fact, Principal Li couldn't find any clues. He just wanted to take a picture of the library first. At that time, he could at least guess the murderer's line of action based on the pictures and restore the whole picture of the library.

Gu Liang looked at the " 嚓嚓" cell phone in his hand, and after a moment he seemed to walk to him unintentionally, and pointed forward: "Principal, you said... Since we just speculated that the murderer might have a sneak attack. , Will he hide behind the bookshelf? You can pat the bookshelf and you may find evidence."

Principal Li felt that it made sense and went quickly.

Gu Liang pushed up the small ladder in the bookshelf and walked to him, as if accompany him to find evidence together.

The bookshelves in the library are very high, and the top books can only be reached with the help of a ladder.

So the library has many small ladders with rollers.

Push the ladder to a certain position and stop, and turn the roller on the bottom layer to fix the ladder so that people can climb up and take the book by the height of the ladder.

"The real murderer wants to hide completely, maybe even with the help of a ladder."

Gu Liang made a gesture to the principal of Zhuli, "Look, if the deceased came from the direction of my finger, from his perspective, he could see the middle and lower part of the bookshelf. But if the murderer was hiding on the top of the ladder, he I can't see it anymore."

After speaking, Gu Liang made a move to climb a ladder, but then suddenly "hissed". "No, I still can't lift my shoulders."

Principal Li quickly said, "You are all injured, so stay. I will climb the ladder and look at the upper part of the bookshelf. The lower part will be handed over to you."

After saying that, the principal got up the ladder.

As it is not convenient to hold the phone, he temporarily put the phone on a certain level of the bookshelf.

Gu Liang glanced at where he put the phone, while pretending to pay attention to the clues on the lower half of the bookshelves, while pushing the ladder to force the principal to shuttle between the different bookshelves.

It didn't take long for Gu Liang to lead Principal Li to the place where the **** bookshelf was.

After a while, Gu Liang's voice was a little surprised: "Hey, does it look like blood? Although it's only a little bit?"

Hearing this, Principal Li quickly climbed down the ladder.

Bend down and looked at the bookshelf carefully. After confirming, he shouted with excitement: "It's blood! It's blood indeed! Look, everyone! There is blood! There is blood here!"

But as everyone dispersed, no one responded for a while.

Gu Liang's shoulder injury was still very painful and it was not convenient to run, so Principal Li was responsible for running to call someone.

Taking advantage of this moment, Gu Liang returned to the bookshelf where Principal Li put his mobile phone.

Lifting his eyes to look at the surroundings, Gu Liang picked up his mobile phone and opened it. After checking his inbox, photos, call logs and apps, he found that there was nothing abnormal, so he temporarily put the phone in his pants bag. Here, I plan to find a chance to throw it at a crime scene.

Of course, Gu Liang did not do this to harm the principal. He simply wanted to increase the frequency of "the phone accidentally fell on the scene of the crime".

Lest anyone catch his lost cell phone and hold on to the matter, killing him is the murderer.

At the call of Principal Li, the players came to the blood-stained bookshelf one after another, and once again eagerly discussed the murderer's line of action.

Gu Liang noticed that Yang Ye was not among them.

Gu Liang put his hand in the pocket of the school uniform and slowly walked back to the study area next to him.

Then Gu Liang saw Yang Ye pushing open the window.

Following Yang Ye's gaze, Gu Liang could see the (fuck cao) field outside the window.

That night, Squad Leader Gu went through this window to make sure everyone turned their heads on the (fuck cao) field because of the explosion of the balloon, and then remotely (fuck cao) controlled the mobile phone and turned on the lights in the 102 dormitory.

Withdrawing his sight, Gu Liang looked at Yang Ye again.

The wind blew on Yang Ye's knife-carved face, blowing a few strands of hair behind his forehead and ears, making him well-defined, handsome and charming.

Gu Liang didn't know what he suddenly thought of, and took out the plain black-rimmed glasses from the pocket of his school uniform.

The plot interpretation is over, there is no need to deliberately pretend to be a student again, Gu Liang didn't wear these glasses, too heavy.

At this time, he deliberately stared at Yang Ye through the lens, imagining how he would usually look at himself with glasses.

After staring at Yang Ye for a long time, Gu Liang took off his glasses and walked to him.

Looking forward at the wide (fuck cao) field, Gu Liang leaned on the window and said, "Did you find anything?"

Yang Ye shook his head, his emotions were not revealed. "Not yet."

Gu Liang turned his head to look at him: "Why don't you go and search with us?"

Yang Ye said: "Save time. So many of you search for evidence separately, there should be no omissions, so I (gan gan) should stay near the corpse and check it out. Since (fa fa) had struggled, there are traces of the scene. Very important. Although the murderer may have dealt with some traces, if you look carefully, you may be able to find clues. I haven't been able to make accurate inferences yet, but they have all been photographed."

Gu Liang nodded. "Hmm. Let's analyze together at that time."

Yang Ye suddenly said, "So Gu Liangliang, I have been fine with one thing."

When Yang Ye called herself "Gu Liangliang", it was mostly when she was not serious.

Gu Liang didn't care, thinking he wouldn't ask serious matters.

Immediately after Gu Liang, I heard Yang Ye ask: "Last night at 6:15, why did you violate the rules again?"

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