Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 175: Blood Tarot (24)

Why did Yang Ye suddenly ask about this?

Gu Liang asked himself that there was no obvious flaw. +++Mobile reading visit

Then Gu Liang thought, probably because the two people are too familiar.

When you love someone, you will always look at him.

Gaze at his eyebrows, pay attention to his every move.

Therefore, if one person has something wrong or unnatural small details, it will not escape the eyes of the other person.

Gu Liang thought to himself that if he changed his position, he would have noticed something wrong with Yang Ye.

But soon Gu Liang felt a little uncertain again, because Yang Ye's acting skills were so good, at least much better than himself (强qiang).

Thinking of this, Gu Liang's heart was a little boring--but there were only three things, so this time he would be countered by Yang Ye.

Turning his gaze to the front, letting the hot and humid wind blow on his face, Gu Liang said faintly: "Yesterday at 6:15 pm, why did I violate the rules? This question is actually what I always wanted to analyze with you. Because it is really important. "

"It's just that I wanted to talk to you after listening to everyone's timeline, otherwise I wouldn't be able to analyze too many things by just explaining why I violated the rules. But since you asked, I will tell you first."

"According to the script, my character (color) monitor Gu will stay in the dormitory before the dinner last night. However, I went to the library at that time. On the one hand, I wanted to see the serial (killing sha) case again last year. Report, on the other hand, I want to talk to Li Xiaoyu."

"Yesterday at 5 o'clock, it was found that no one died again. Everyone thought that the serial (sha) case was solved, but I was quite disturbed. I always felt that the matter was not over. After that..."

At this time, Gu Liang wanted to say that after listening to everyone's next arrangements, he knew that Li Xiaoyu would go to the library alone. He thought that she might encounter an accident, so he wanted to talk to her.

But when it came to his lips, Gu Liang realized that if the logic was changed from another angle, it would be the angle of the murderer's choice of (killing sha) people.

As a murderer, Gu Liang absolutely must hide one thing as much as possible-when everyone had a meeting to discuss the dinner yesterday afternoon, he (touching Mo) knew everyone's timeline.

So after a short pause, Gu Liang said, "Everyone left after half past five. Your task seems to be to clean up the room for Mr. Wang? Anyway, you went very early. I'm a few steps behind you, yes. Walked out with Li Xiaoyu. But Li Xiaoyu’s expression was very wrong and her hands kept shaking. I wondered, she was either the murderer or the dead, so I wanted to talk to her."

"No matter what her status is, I will talk to her to find out the truth. Besides, if she draws the dead card, she is afraid that she will be like that. As a friend, I have to comfort me."

Yang Ye put his elbows on the window frame, and put his head on his arms. Then he turned his face and looked at Gu Liang from top to bottom, and asked, "Have you seen her?"

Gu Liang nodded. "I saw it. She told me that she knew she would die, but she didn't know who the murderer was or how she died. Just because the method of death was unknown, she was terribly scared. She said a few words for a long time. say clearly."

Gu Liangzheng was talking with Yang Ye, and he thought of Wu Biology's voice behind him, and she didn't know when she started eavesdropping.

Wu Biology (inserting cha) said: "So when Li Yingying went to the library, it was indeed purely to read books, and did not know what was about to be born? In other words, there was no dating between her and the murderer. , Did the murderer find the library himself?"

After asking, Wu Biology replied: "Yes... there are so many dictionaries and metaphysics-related books, and there are many notes she took down in the books, which can also prove this point sideways."

"Right, let me tell you something."

Wu Biology continued to add, “Yesterday at around 6:25 pm, Meng Yuwen and I came to set up the tables and chairs in the dining hall. We were also chatting, and found that Li Yingying hadn’t come over yet, Meng Yuwen said that she was going to find her. , Lest she be late and annoy the school board and the principal. I just don’t know what conflict Meng Yuwen had with Li Yingwen (fafa). In the end, both of them died."

Gu Liang seemed to capture something through Wu Biology’s words, and asked: "At 6:25, are you still with Meng Yuwen? Then this point of time is very important. Um... I will continue to finish my violation. Situation, and then analyze this point in time."

"When I met Xiaoyu yesterday, she was terribly scared, so what I said to her was mainly relief."

"You heard the broadcast announcing that I violated the rules at 6:15, but in fact, at about 6:10, my cards began to vibrate. That was a warning from the system that I was about to violate the rules."

"There is such a time difference because if a player (fa) has a violation, the system will first remind the player to make a correction through the card. If the player does not make a correction in time, it will be judged as a violation after a few minutes. Announce it on the radio."

"So the five minutes is the time for the system to remind me to leave the library. And I was still sentenced to violate the rules at 6:15 because I didn't get out of the library in time. At that time, Xiaoyu was crying hard, so I just It was delayed for two minutes."

"Finally, I left the library at 6:16. I went back to the dormitory through the teaching building all the way. When I arrived at the teaching building, it was about 6:20. I didn't meet anyone along the way. "

"Before further analyzing this point in time, I have to analyze the reason why I was convicted of violation."

"According to the arrangement of the script, monitor Gu left the teaching building at 5:30 pm yesterday and went straight back to the dormitory (sleeping in Shui). If I violated the rules because I was not in the dormitory, then I would have been notified by the system. Being convicted of violations was not caused by not returning to the dormitory itself."

"This is probably because I felt in the dormitory (sleeping in Shui) that the matter itself was not important. I couldn't see any murderers before I went to (fuck cao) at 7 o'clock to meet the manager. The relevant clues are the real key."

"For this reason, I was eventually convicted of a violation because when the murderer appeared in front of Li Xiaoyu, I couldn't appear on the scene, so the system urged me to leave."

"Then the time when I was officially sentenced to violate the rules, 6:15, is very important."

"6:15 is definitely not the time for the murderer (to kill sha)."

"The content of my violation is very extensive. I cannot see the murderer (killing sha), nor can I see him appearing in front of Li Xiaoyu... To be more precise, I cannot bump into the murderer appearing in the library, or even near the library. See the murderer of the thrush."

"For example, if the murderer comes from the teaching building, it takes 5 minutes from the teaching building to the library. If he walks to the library at 6:15, and I leave from the library to the teaching building at 6:15, I will be there I met him on the road. And this matter is not allowed by the system."

"So the time of 6:15 is not the time for the murderer, or even the time for the murderer to go to the library. The time for the murderer to appear in the study area on the third floor of the library should be pushed to around 6:20."

"At 6:25, Meng Yuwen was still in the canteen, and she ran from the canteen to the library, and it would take another five minutes. Then she arrived at the library, probably around 6:30."

"If Meng Yuwen (killed sha) hadn't killed Li Yingwen, and Li Yingying had been (killed sha), it would have happened between 6:20 and 30 minutes (fa). In this case, the murderer only had 10 minutes. Time to commit the crime."

Wu Biology's eyes lit up. "It's also possible that the murderer (killed sha) Li Yingwen and then (killed sha) Meng Yuwen?"

Gu Liang turned around and stood with his back against the window frame.

The answer was to Wu Biology. He turned his head, but his eyes were fixed on Yang Ye. "Maybe. Yang Ye, what do you think?"

Yang Ye didn't ask any more, just closed the window, and then put his hand on Gu Liang's head.

With five fingers passing through the black (colored) hair, Yang Ye helped Gu Liang to smooth the hair tossed by the wind, and then said: "As you said, the time of your violation is very important. But you have to wait to listen to other people's timelines. Later, it’s time to take a closer look. Let’s go to the scene of the third case."


At 7:50, the players came to classroom 201 on the second floor of the teaching building, which was the last crime scene.

As reported by the system, Qian Chemical, the murderer of the serial (killing sha) case previously voted by everyone, hangs his body outside the window, and looks the same as Zhu Physical, and the method of death seems to be hanged from (to kill sha). .

It's just that the two people have different locations and different tools.

The scarf used by Zhu Physics and the school uniform used by Qian Chemistry.

The previous system report only said that Qian Chemical used a school uniform that was torn into long strips.

When he arrived at the scene, Gu Liang discovered that the so-called long strip was actually only the upper part of the school uniform after being torn apart.

The jacket of the long-sleeved school uniform has the waist cut off, and the upper two sleeves are tied to the window frame and tied into a knot, which becomes a loop that can be used for self (sha). Qian Chemical’s head hangs on this circle.

Several boys worked hard and fished Qian Chemical out of the window and placed them on the floor. After that, everyone checked his body.

Except for the strangle mark on his neck, Qian Chemical did not have any obvious injuries on his body.

During this process, Gu Liang accidentally touched his hand, only feeling that his hand was very soft, as if it had no bones.

With this subconscious feeling, Gu Liang took his hand and took a closer look, before squeezing it.

Of course Qian Chemical still has bones, but his hand bones are too soft, as if they could bend easily.

During this process, Gu Liang noticed a detail of his fingers-his nails were very white.

This kind of whiteness is very abnormal. If a person is ischemic, his nails will at least have a light pink (color), but Qian Chemical’s nails are almost the same as white paper.

Gu Liang said this strange thing about the deceased, and the players immediately gathered around and patted the nails of the deceased.

During this period, Gu Liangshun asked: "When he was still alive, did anyone notice his fingernails? Are they so white?"

The players shook their heads.

This means that no one noticed the anomaly.

But this actually means that there is a high probability that Qian Hua’s student’s nails are not unusual.

Otherwise, anyone who accidentally sees this weird fingernail will look at it more.

After reading Qian Chemistry, Gu Liang turned his attention to the manager Wang next to him.

There are many injuries on Mr. Wang's body.

There was a blow wound on the back of his head, and there was a clear blood mark on his forehead; there was a bruise that was three fingers wide on his left cheek.

(Off tuo) Look at his shirt, there are several hits on the back of the neck, which are bluish (colored); on the back, there is a scar that extends from the shoulder blade to the position near the tail bone.

Looking at his front (chest xiong) position, there are also several bruises on the ribs. I don't know if the ribs are broken.

All the scars on Manager Wang didn't see much blood.

The blood was hidden under the epidermis, and it condensed into a bruise (color) blood clot after he died.

It is not yet possible to confirm which injury was the one that caused his final (death) death.

But one thing is basically certain-he was beaten to death.

As for the murder weapon, it should be something like a stick.

After seeing the body of Manager Wang, everyone began to check his clothes and pants.

First he took out a cell phone from his clothes.

However, this phone has run out of power and cannot see the contents temporarily.

Although Yang Ye was not a detective this time, it was probably a habit that was carried over from the first stage. Everyone left such important exhibits to him for safekeeping temporarily.

What is quite special is that the style of this phone is completely different from all the other characters (colors) in this script.

The phone case was shining golden, and it looked even gilded.

Gu Liang doesn't know for the time being, this is just to show that the position and wealth of Manager Wang are different from others, or whether there are other meanings behind this.

After checking the tops, everyone found a bunch of keys in the pockets of Manager Wang's pants.

(Touching Mo) Meng Qiancheng, who got out the key, just took the key in his hand when the broadcast suddenly rang.

When the player did not violate the rules, a broadcast suddenly appeared in the middle of the investigation, which is rare.

Gu Liang lifted his eyebrows slightly and heard the system broadcast: "Ding Dong. The key item [School Manager Wang's key] was found, and a new map was opened. Please check it through the card site page."

When the broadcast fell, everyone took out cards one after another.

Gu Liang is no exception.

Clicking on the map page, Gu Liang found that the newly opened area entrance was located on the first floor of the teaching building. It should be a secret basement hidden under the teaching building.

But Gu Liang recalled that when searching for evidence before, he did not see the locked door in the teaching building.

He estimated that it might not be so easy to find this basement, and it would take a little bit of work.

Putting down the cards, I saw that some players were eager to see the new map exploration. Gu Liang reminded him: "I don't think there is any need to rush to see the new map. The crime scene will be closed. It is safer to check here first."

Yang Ye also echoed. "We started investigating the crime at 7:30 this morning, and we will continue to detect it until 4 o’clock tomorrow morning. You really don’t have to worry about it. After reading this, let’s go to the cafeteria to have something to eat, and then go to the new map together. Don’t be bothered by the time. I'm too hungry to turn around."

The words of the two really stabilized everyone.

So everyone looked up carefully again, and the tables and chairs, various drawers, and the podium were searched one by one to see if there were other clues.

For the two corpses, in order to prevent missing places, everyone carefully took pictures of each part of the corpses with their mobile phones.

Of course, there is a small (cha) song in this investigation process.

Principal Li found that his mobile phone was missing and ran out to find it.

Before leaving the classroom and waiting for the 201 classroom to be completely closed, Gu Liang hid the principal Li's mobile phone silently in a drawer of a desk, blocking it with books.

After leaving the teaching building, everyone went to the cafeteria to eat.

Time was tight, but Yang Ye still made Gu Liang stir-fried beef (rou rou) shreds, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, and lettuce in oyster sauce.

The six players besides the two of them simply ate two bites and ran to the new map.

As a result, Yang Ye and Gu Liang were left to eat in the cafeteria.

To save time, Gu Liang also ate much faster than usual.

Yang Ye couldn't help laughing when he saw his rare bulging cheeks.

Gu Liang glanced at him, swallowed what was in his mouth, took a sip of water from the mineral water bottle, and finally found that Yang Ye was still staring at him.

"Hurry up and eat too, always watching what I do?"

The smile on Yang Ye's face faded, and his eyes became a little deeper. "Don't you want me to go back. I have not eaten a meal, but I can make up later. But for you, one less look. After 4 o'clock tomorrow morning, maybe we will be separated again. I want to see you more. "

Gu Liang's action of twisting the cap of the mineral water bottle stopped and blinked, as if he didn't know how to answer for a while.

After a long while, Gu Liang put down the mineral water bottle and said, "It's okay. We will have a long time to come."

Gu Liang, aren't you guilty of saying this?

Yang Ye stared at Gu Liang's eyes for a long while, didn't say the words, just lowered his head to pick up the vegetables and quickly pulled the rice a few times, then got up and took Gu Liang's hand. "Let's go. You want to solve the case as soon as possible, I will accompany you."


10 minutes later.

Gu Liang followed Yang Ye back to the teaching building.

The hands of the two people were always holding, but Yang Ye walked two steps faster than Gu Liang along the way, so that all Gu Liang saw along the way was the back of his head.

Don't you want to see me more?

Why didn't he look back along the way.

Then Gu Liang realized that Yang Ye was angry in his heart.

Gu Liang really didn't think he would be exposed (exposed).

After all, from Yang Ye's perspective, if he got the real murder card, he would not deceive Yang Ye.

There has always been this kind of trust and understanding between the two people.

So Gu Liang could only think that Yang Ye's air was probably only about separation itself.


Returning to the first floor of the teaching building, after walking into the corridor, Gu Liang found that everyone could not find the entrance. At this moment, it was a bit like headless flies ramming around on the wall. From time to time, they would beat on the wall. , They didn't have a clue for a while.

Seeing Gu Liang and Yang Ye coming, Meng Qiancheng was the first to complain. "Oh! I knew I would stay here for a big meal! I had no time to make myself a rib! We ate less and ran fast, but we were busy for a long time without gain. I knew I was with you two! "

Sure enough, it was the style of Lao Meng.

Gu Liang smiled, thinking of something, scratched his finger on Yang Ye's palm, then looked at him and said, "Or let's turn on Dong Dong's phone first. Maybe there is a clue on his phone."

Meng Qiancheng slapped his head. "Yes! Mobile phone! I have a charger here! Let's go to the classroom to charge it. There is a (plug-in) hole."


After three to five minutes, Mr. Wang's cell phone could be turned on.

The phone actually has a lock screen password. Fortunately, Gu Liang had a [Restart Discovery Area Card] and used one immediately.

We went to the second floor together. The white mist at the entrance of classroom 201 disappeared. Everyone walked in and turned on the mobile phone with the index finger fingerprint on the body of School Director Wang.

Meng Qiancheng couldn't help asking: " there a time limit for this card?"

Gu Liang: "Different situations. I have used one before, and there is no time limit for that card. But that kind of card must be relatively rare, and the one in my hand now has a limit. For example, the one I just used, only Can open the crime scene for 15 minutes."

Meng Qiancheng rubbed his hands and said, "But what if we still need to use the cell phone? The body at the crime scene can't be taken out? Shall we go to the cafeteria to get a knife and chop his hand? But this It's cruel...Who is going to chop his hand? The draw is decided?"

Gu Liang raised his eyebrows, and faced the panic and anxious Lao Meng who seemed to be suffering from his conscience, he said lightly: "It's easy. Just cancel the phone lock screen."

Meng Qiancheng: "...Hey?!"

Gu Liang lowered his head and turned on the [Settings] button on the phone of the deceased Mr. Wang, successfully lifting the lock screen restriction.

Exit [Settings], among the dazzling programs, there is an app whose name is simply and rudely written "on".

Gu Liang didn't hesitate, and directly clicked the app icon.

Immediately afterwards, everyone heard a loud noise coming from downstairs.

Get out of the classroom and walk up the stairs to the first floor.

When I reached the first floor, I saw a wall disappeared.

Looking closer, Gu Liang found that the original wall here was not actually a wall, but a hidden door that looked very close to the wall. At this moment, the door moved to the left, embedded in the wall, and (exposed) out of the back. A hidden staircase.

After a short while, walking down this staircase, everyone came to the basement.

When Gu Liang was in school, the basement of the school was remodeled as a bomb shelter during the war. It was very dark.

This created his deep-rooted impression of the school basement.

But unexpectedly, this time the basement is actually very bright, the ceiling, walls, and floor are all white (color), but this is not white (color) caused by ordinary paint, this white (color) is tinged with a touch of silver , Very technological.

Is the school doing any secret research?

This was Gu Liang's first reaction.

After passing through a small corridor and turning at the end, a rather large thing that looked like a freezer appeared in front of everyone.

Subconsciously frowned, Gu Liang walked towards the freezer.

At this moment, Yang Ye stepped forward to block him, and then held his hand tightly.

Gu Liang raised his eyes and stared at Yang Ye for a long time, and when he was in front of the freezer, he looked away and leaned over to look at the freezer.

At this moment, Gu Liang saw three corpses lying inside.

When he recognized who they were, Gu Liang's heart sank fiercely.

He recognizes these three people.

He has seen their photos in newspapers and in the teaching system.

——Wan Painting, Yan Handcraft, and Fang Gangqin. These three people are the so-called "survivors" in the serial (sha) case last year. Gu Liang thought they were rewarded and passed the university entrance examination. He really didn't expect it. , The bodies of the three of them will appear here.

Aside, Yang Ye's voice was also a little serious. "Five people were reported dead last year. Unexpectedly... the eight students in Class 7 last year, none of them stayed, all died."

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