Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 176: Blood Tarot (25)

In the big freezer, the faces of the three corpses were grayish white (color), a little blue, and strangely blue. +++ Catino Novel Network

Staring at their faces for a while, Gu Liang turned to look at their bodies.

The hands of the corpse in the middle were lifted up, overlapping on the (chest xiong) mouth position, and the nails (exposed) came out, allowing Gu Liang to discover that his nails were pure white just like Qian Chemical. (color).

Gu Liang's heart trembled and heard Yang Ye's voice. "Look at Gu Liang, there are words here."

Yang Ye was standing opposite Gu Liang now, and there was a freezer between him.

Gu Liang walked around and saw the words on the other side of the freezer. "Destroy warehouse No. 2342."

So this is not called a freezer, it is called a "destruction warehouse"?

Looking at the series of numbers for a moment, Gu Liang caught something and said, "2342? The three dead are of level 2342. As for our students, they are of level 2343."

The voice of Wu Biology soon came from ahead. "Here... there are many big freezers and dead people here!"

The basement was winding around, going around a corner, and entering another room. Gu Liang saw that there was also a large freezer here, or a destroyed warehouse. However, there is only one destruction warehouse in the room that is not close to the door, and there are three in this room.

First walked to the nearest destroyed warehouse to check, Gu Liang found that there were two bodies inside.

Their faces were vaguely familiar. Gu Liang recognized them for a long time and discovered that they looked very similar to those of the Gu deputy class and Zhao Mathematics respectively.

And the words on this freezer are-"Destroy Warehouse No. 2341."

Gu Liang frowned, "If this number really indicates the grade of the student, then the two corpses may be from the last class. Last year's serial (sha) case may not be the first. The source of the series of cases has to go back much earlier."

Yang Ye nodded in recognition, and then checked the other two freezer-style destroyed warehouses before returning to Gu Liang. "The other two destruction bins are empty."

Gu Liang nodded at him, then lowered his head again, looking at the two corpses in front of him, and directly at their nails.

Without opening the freezer, he can clearly see their fingernails, which are also white (color).

Gu Liangqian frowned, raised his head, and looked around again.

They just walked down the stairs and just entered the basement. First, they encountered a shorter corridor. At the end of the corridor, they turned to the room with the first destruction warehouse. At the other end of the room, there was a small corridor. Come to the room where they are now.

In other words, the two rooms with the destruction chamber are connected by a corridor, and there is no door in between.

But it’s a little harder to explore further from the current room.

Except for the return path, there are no other direct passages in this house, only a thick iron door.

"I'll try whether Mr. Wang's key can open this door."

Yang Ye obviously noticed this iron gate.

After speaking, he grabbed a bunch of keys and walked directly towards the iron gate, and Gu Liang naturally followed.

Yang Gu is in charge of finding ways to open the door so that they can explore the next step.

Taking advantage of this time, the remaining players started searching in the two rooms that have been discovered so far.

In the two rooms, a total of four destruction bins were installed, two of which contained dead bodies and two were empty.

In addition, the things here are really lackluster, only two tables and a big iron clamp.

There are a few books and a few notebooks on the two tables, and the iron shelf is empty. You don't need to go close and search, and you know that there are no clues on them.

Fortunately, there was something in the table. Aunt Guan found a piece of paper in the drawer. After opening it, she said with some excitement: "Yes! Map! A complete map of the basement!"

Hearing that, Yang Ye continued to test the key, and changed one after another. Gu Liang walked up to Aunt Guan with other players and checked the map she had found.

The map sent by the system through cards only marked the general area of ​​the basement, but did not have a detailed structure map of the basement interior, nor did it indicate the purpose of each room in the basement.

It was not until he saw this map that Gu Liang was able to know the names of the two rooms where the destruction warehouse was stored-"Waste Repository No. S1" and "Waste Repository No. S2".

At the top of the map, there is the name of this basement.

-"Sai Experimental No. 5 Base".

Suddenly there was a sound of " Da", it was Yang Ye who opened the iron gate.

Gu Liang moved his eyes on the map and learned that the room behind the iron gate was called the "Waste Destruction and Material Reuse Center."

Putting down the map temporarily, as the other players passed through the iron gate, Gu Liang came to this so-called reuse center.

This room is very large. There is a huge tool made of unknown material in the middle. The main structure has five-entrances formed by four iron sheets, large funnel-shaped vessels, if (dry gan) filtering equipment, if (dry) gan) groove, and finally a big recycling bin.

There is a red (color) button at the entrance, which looks like a switch.

Looking closer, there is still a schematic diagram of the entrance.

After reading the schematic diagram, you probably understand the workflow of this tool.

——Throw people in from the iron entrance, and the conveyor belt will bring people into the big funnel. The funnel is not a simple funnel. It is estimated that there are a series of utensils to crush people and have a sorting function.

After crushing people into scum, the funnel can also divide the scum into different categories and flow different materials into different filters.

Finally, the filtered material will flow into different grooves and be used, while the remaining unusable materials are put into the recycling bin.

"Nima, what does this mean?" Gao Shitang shivered and couldn't help but said, "Will the living person be crushed and made into medicine? What is this filtered out? Protein? Blood? Or? What the hell? It makes me panic."

Gu Liang also frowned, thinking for a moment, and then said: "This room is called the'Waste Destruction and Material Recycling Center', and the room where the corpse was stored in the freezer just now is called'Waste Storage', and the name of the freezer itself is called 'Destroy the warehouse'. I think..."

"Destroying may mean (killing sha) those people. The waste refers to the corpses left after (killing sha) them. Then the tool in front of you is for these corpses. But these corpses are processed by it. What is it, and what does it mean to reuse... I don’t know."

Yang Ye was just looking for the key to open the door, before he had time to read the map.

At this moment, he took the map, took a closer look with his glasses, and frowned: "In our story, this is a school called'Magic High School'. But on the map, it is written in the sai experiment. Base 5. Isn't this a real school?"

Gu Liang asked Yang Ye: "How did you get recruited?"

Yang Ye said: "I am looking for a job myself, so I filled out my resume on the recruitment website of'Finding a Job for You', but I never met a suitable owner. Later, I was from Magic High School and contacted me through this recruitment website. , Saying that they checked my resume and felt that I was suitable, so they invited me to teach Mathematical Olympiad at Magic High School."

"I checked Magic High School. The conditions of the high school were very good and the salary was good, so I participated in the interview. The interview was a video interview. The person who interviewed me was Mr. Wang."

Gu Liang looked at the principal and director again. "What about you? When did you come?"

The answers of these two people surprised Gu Liang. "We both came last year."

Gu Liang asked Director Xiang what he thought of this pledge. "In the first stage of the script, I asked you about your student files. At that time, you said that when you took over, the student files were already in the teaching system. Those materials were not entered by you, so it is possible... …Did the manager Wang directly entered the system?"

Director Xiang nodded: "Yes. It should be."

Gu Liang asked again: "Who came in for the interview?"

Director Xiang: "I am Manager Wang."

Principal Li immediately said, "I am also the manager of Wang. As for the way I come in, it is similar to Teacher Yang."

Gu Liang: "There were so many murders (to kill sha) last year (fa fa), did you two respond?"

Principal Li blinked twice. "I was very scared at the time. But I thought the murderer was a competitor, so I didn't think much about it. The main reason was that the manager Wang wanted to reassure the faculty and staff. He was afraid that we would think that too many people had died in the school and that it was unlucky to resign. We both increased a lot of wages. I left it for the money. I didn’t expect to have the same thing again this year."

Taking out his notebook and pen, Gu Liang asked again: "How long did you two start the job?"

Principal Li: "Last May."

Director Xiang: "Last June."

Gu Liang bit off the cap, wrote down the message, and asked: "The three survivors last year participated in the Olympiad and won the rankings, but what happened later? I saw their monthly test results for the following year in the file. Like, are they still in school?"

Principal Li shook his head. "No. The three of them participated in the Mathematical Olympiad. After they got the rankings, the director and I also received generous rewards. After that, they were picked up by the school manager. The school manager said that they are talents and need to focus on training. As for the teaching system, their various examination results that year later did not pass the hands of the director and me, but were directly in the system."

"Yes." Director Xiang echoed, "The school manager is a big boss, and he has more than one school under his control. I thought he had other elite schools, and he took the three of them to more elite schools for training. But who would have thought ..."

Gu Liang knew what Director Xiang hadn't finished talking about—who would have thought that the three of them might have been (killed) at that time, and the bodies were hidden in the basement under the teaching building.

On the side, Yang Ye glanced over Principal Li and Director Xiang, and then at the other three employees-Gao Canteen, Ma Jianjie, and Aunt Guan.

Yang Ye asked them: "When did you three join the company?"

Gao Canteen: "Last July."

Ma Clean: "Last October."

Aunt Guan: "I was last June."

Yang Ye asked: "Who recruited you and interviewed you?"

The three people said in unison: "School Manager Wang."

Hearing this answer, Gu Liang subconsciously glanced at Yang Ye, feeling quite startled.

Then Gu Liang picked up the map and found that there were "3d modeling room", "functional design room", "quick nurturing room", "brain construction room", body shen) body and brain testing center", "Program design and management center".

What kind of school is this?

With such doubts, Yang Ye opened the other iron door of this room, which also seemed to be opening the secret door behind the school.

The door opened, and a round room appeared in front of everyone.

And there are six closed doors around this round room. The names of the rooms are on the doors, which are the ones that Gu Liang saw from the map just now.

It just so happened that the six keys left by Manager Wang were unused.

Yang Ye stopped and looked back at Gu Liang: "Which one do you want to be advanced?"

Gu Liang hasn't answered yet, Wu Biology found a record book from the room just now, and brought it over now. "Wait, take a look at this book first. It was found in this room called Reutilization Center. It seems that there are records on who has been turned into scum by this ghost."

Walking to Wu Biology, Gu Liang saw the contents of the latest pages of the record book.

The content is only a few words, but it is a bit chilling.

"Wan painting, experiment code 234207; Abandoned situation: Abandoned, placed in destruction warehouse s1; Destroyed situation: To be destroyed; Reason for not destruction: To be extracted brain cells and spinal fluid for sampling analysis."

"Yan Handman, experiment code 234204; Abandoned situation: abandoned, placed in destruction warehouse s1; destroyed situation: to be destroyed; reason for not destruction: spinal fluid has been extracted, and brain cells are to be extracted for sampling and analysis."


After watching, Gu Liang said solemnly: "So, these five corpses are intact and have not been destroyed, that is to say, they have not been made (cheng) scum... because someone needs to analyze their brains further."

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