Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 177: Blood Tarot (26)

Leaving the reuse center, the room everyone entered was the "3d modeling room". +++Mobile reading visit

There are two rows of computers in the room, one of which is on.

Gu Liang walked directly to this computer and saw that a program was running here.

There is a model person on the screen, drag with the mouse, you can look at the person from various angles, such as overlooking, looking from the back, etc.; by rolling the wheel in the middle of the mouse, you can zoom in or out.

When shrinking, you can observe whether the person's body proportion is reasonable.

If you zoom in, you can clearly see the appearance of all his facial features, the length and thickness of his eyelashes, and even the texture of his skin.

There is a shrunken panel next to the character. After clicking it, it is the data of the current character model.

(Body shen) body height, short, fat and thin, hair style, length, skin (color), eye contour, eye radius, nose width, height, chin length, etc., all can use this data Make adjustments.

Behind Gu Liang, Ma Qingjie said in surprise: "When I played online games before, when I pinched my face and pinched characters, it was a bit like this!"

Aunt Guan echoed: "I haven't played an online game, but when I played "The Sims" and pinched the characters, it was almost the same. Um...Of course, this one in the script is obviously more detailed and more high-end."

There is also a button under the data panel called "Import Historical Data". After Gu Liang clicked it, a folder popped up on the screen with three subfolders, "2341", "2342", and "2343".

Gu Liang first clicked the "2343" button.

When you open it, there are eight data files, "Gu monitor", "Li Yingwen", "Qian Chemical"...

The names of these eight data files are actually the names of the eight students in Class 7 of Level 2343 of Magic High School.

After Gu Liang opened these data files with a program, the character models that appeared on the screen could also correspond to the figures of the students in Class 7.

Gu Liang sweated a little between his forehead, and then opened the "2342" file.

There are still data for eight characters.

The name of the data is the same as the names of the eight students of the previous class, that is, the 7th class of 2342.

Gu Liang remembered that the one who looked a lot like him in the last class was Yuan Bancao, but he was a little bald, his eyes were bigger than him, and his lips were thicker.

After thinking of this character, Gu Liang used the program to open the data file named "Yuan Bancao".

Sure enough, the character that appeared on the screen was Yuan Bancao who looked very similar to Gu Liang.

Pulling open the data panel on the side of the program, Gu Liang tried it, and it was indeed possible to modify the character's appearance by modifying the data.

Make Yuan Bancao's lips thinner, the outline of the eyes is slightly reduced, and the hairline is moved down. After doing this, zoom in on the face of the character model on the screen, and you can clearly see-that Zhang Lian is exactly the same as Gu Liang, or Gu squad leader.

There was another student named Tao Banhua in the last class, who looked very similar to Li Yingwen.

So Gu Liang recalled Tao Banhua's data file, and after some debugging, it was able to be adjusted to Li Xiaoyu.

Five people died in the serial murder (sha) case last year.

The appearances of these five people are similar to those of the five students in the class of Gu monitor.

As for the three "survivors" of the previous year, that is, the three people who are now lying in the "destroyed warehouse", they cannot find corresponding similar faces among the current students.

Seeing this, Gu Liang felt a certain guess in his heart, and normality gradually came true.


The next room the players walk into is the "functional design room".

There are still two rows of computers in it. The difference from the modeling room is that the programs running on the computers are different.

The computer program in this room contains two parts, one is called "brain settings" and the other is called body shen) physical function settings".

Click "Brain Settings", and a brain immediately appears on the screen.

The brain is divided into different small areas, and each area is marked with a different color (color) for distinction. What function each area controls, move the mouse to the corresponding area, and the related text description will automatically pop up.

Gu Liang tried to click on a small green (colored) area, and the text that popped up was: "Language Supervisor Area. Double-click the area and confirm it. That is to add a'language' talent to the currently edited character. He won eight countries at the age of seven. Language? It's not a problem at all! The next language genius is you!"

Turn off "Brain Supplement Settings", turn on 身shen) Physical Function Settings", and a (身shen) body appears on the screen.

The body is divided into dry parts, which can finely adjust the density of different parts of the muscles, the acuity of joints, and so on.

After reading the "Functional Design Room", Gu Liang's previous speculation was further confirmed.

The heart seemed to sink a bit, Gu Liang and the other players went to the "quick nurturing room" next to them.

The equipment in this room is even more amazing.

All kinds of weird devices are lined up with the words: artificial fertilization, insemination, egg incubator, artificial uterus and embryo culture vessel, growth barrel...

The various materials next to the equipment are also somewhat sensational, such as "carbohydrate substitutes", "proteins", "ultra-fast growth hormones", "glucose"...

Continuing down, the players came to the body shen) body and brain testing center".

The first impression of this room is that it is a game room.

The test center can be divided into two parts.

Part of it is for sports. There are all kinds of equipment here, some of which look like a reduced version of a gym.

In addition to equipment for training (body shen) physical fitness, there are also many instruments for measuring blood pressure, heart rate, and so on.

The other part is related to brain development, the upgraded version of Rubik’s Cube, Chess and Go, Scrabble puzzle blocks, word vocabulary tester, etc.; there is also a computer with various decryption games and test programs for brain development. .

Finally, everyone came to the "Program Design and Management Center".

This is the simplest room in the basement.

Because there is only one table, one computer, and one chair.

Otherwise, there is nothing in the room.

However, the host connected to this computer is very large, and it seems that there is some kind of key program hidden on it.

All the way to "visit" here, the players are getting more and more nervous.

Lao Meng, who plays the role of Gao Canteen, has been holding back all the way. At this moment, he couldn't help but said: "What the **** is going on? The more I look at it, the more I get panicked. When I just saw the modeling room, I thought the students were all robots. It seems not. They are making living people!"

Gu Liang frowned deeply and nodded: "Yes. I think...the eight of our students are made."

"The modeling room determines what each of us looks like, including the five senses and (body shen) body; the functional design room determines what kind of talent each of us has. For example, my literary skills are very (strong qiang), Li English can learn mystery; (body shen) body appearance, talents and skills are set, we can be produced."

“This year’s students look very similar to last year’s students. It’s possible that when modeling, the modeler was lazy, imported historical data directly, and simply performed partial fine-tuning to create our appearance. Therefore. I look like Yuan Bancao, and Li Yingying looks like Tao Banhua."

"In short, after all the data are set, we will become fertilized eggs in the rapid nursery room, and then become embryos, and finally we will grow up. I am 17 years old now, but maybe in the nursery room. Under the action of growth hormone in it, it only takes one year for me to change from fertilization to egg."

"After we grow up, we will be sent to the (body shen) physical and brain testing center to pass physical and intellectual tests to see if we are qualified and whether we can be released."

"I'm not sure if the exams or Olympiad competitions that we actually conducted after being released from the basement were other tests. But combining the current plot and findings, there is a conjecture that is basically certain-part of it The people who are created will be killed by the same kind (sha); some people who have been created will be destroyed for some reason. After the destruction process, they will become'scrap' and put in Destroyed the warehouse."

"Finally...these people who have been destroyed, or'waste', they will be put into the equipment of'Waste Destruction and Material Recycling Center', and they will be turned into scum. As for this' Reuse'--"

Gu Liang frowned even more and said in a deep voice: "I initially suspect that the person doing the experiment will separate and extract some things from the blood, skin (flesh) and bones of the scum, such as protein, glucose, and fat. Wait. And these materials will be taken to the'nurturing room' for the next batch of people to be made to eat or inject."

After hearing this, the three girls Ma Jianqing, Aunt Guan, and Wu Biological inevitably went into vomit.

After hearing this, Meng Qiancheng vomited directly.

Fortunately, Yang Ye reacted sharply and moved in a timely manner. He carried a trash can over at a speed as fast as an instant transfer. Comrade Meng Qiancheng did not spit the filth on the ground, which would pollute the entire space.

Putting down the trash can, Yang Ye looked a little serious. "I agree with this idea."

After saying this, Yang Ye turned on the computer in this room.

After turning on the computer, the lock screen password appeared on the computer screen. Yang Ye thought about it and tried it with the three characters "sai".

Yang Ye failed and the computer could not be turned on.

Soon Yang Ye tried a second time.

This time he entered "sai5" and the computer was successfully turned on.

At this point, Yang Ye said: "If this is the case, does sai mean super_artificial_intelligence? That is, super artificial intelligence. They have almost the same blood (flesh rou) as humans, but they are much smarter than humans."

"So... it's possible that the students in our class are all sai, not real people. We go to school, do questions, and activities... just part of the experiment."

Gu Liang put his hands (xiong) on ​​his chest, and clicked his fingers on his forearms, "But it's not right. We are sai, and the school staff are not. Teacher Yang is a newcomer, not to mention. But the others came last year. . If all the students are sai, don’t they find anything unusual? They have been here for a year, and they will always find something wrong, right?"

"Furthermore, Teacher Yang said that before attending the interview, he checked the school. From what he checked, the school is a normal school. Then, in the spring and autumn semesters, the school will have classes normally. Just modeling The computer in the room contains only the data of three-year students. It is speculated that this experiment should have been conducted for three years."

"But where do those students come from when they are in normal class?"

Principal Li replied Gu Liang's words: "Ah, that's it. You students came here during the summer vacation. It was also the last one. The elites of your genius class are different from the usual students. !"

"Well, I started from last year, so you may understand. Our school usually only opens six classes for each grade. As for the seventh class last year, it was temporarily established during the summer vacation. There are eight students in it. , Was also sent by Mr. Wang himself. I thought it was that in order to face the Olympics, Mr. Wang found eight elites from the schools under his hand, and temporarily put them in Magic High School for training, and then temporarily set up Such a class seven."

"Later on the way to the training camp, (fafa) gave birth to a serial (killing sha) case. Eight students, five people died. The remaining three survivors were picked up by the manager on the eve of the Olympiad. At that time, we thought it was a competitor (killing sha), and Mr. Wang said that the three of them should not be kept in the school, so as not to be (killed), he had to let the bodyguards strictly protect them. ."

"So the three survivors of them were all taken away by Mr. Wang again. Later on their achievements and rankings, we all listened to Mr. Wang, and the director and I also received bonuses. No doubt about it."

"After the Olympiad, I took a vacation and then returned to school on the eve of the start of school on September 1. The seven classes temporarily established during the summer no longer exist, and the remaining students in classes one to six in each grade , All come to class again."

Speaking of this, Principal Li paused for a moment, and then said: "After finishing the autumn and spring classes, it is this summer vacation after a year. The students in the ordinary classes have all gone home. And in preparation for this year’s Olympiad, Wang The school manager asked me to set up a new class seven. As a result, you students of class seven were only established during the summer vacation this year."

"Like last year, you were also sent by Manager Wang."

"I suspect that when you set up your brain data, you made certain modifications and controls to your memory area. So you didn't realize that you thought you were always going to school here."

Principal Li exclaimed: "Usually, the students in the ordinary classes from Class 1 to Class 6 are really ordinary. They certainly won't be sai. Moreover, the hundreds of students have their own families. It is impossible for the people in the laboratory to be the same. One forgery."

"As for the genius class of Class 7, the students in each class may be sai. They are made. I have not had much contact with geniuses. I have noticed that the students in this class are somewhat different. I thought this was the basic qualities and quirks of being a genius... I didn't think much about it. I never expected that the truth is like this..."

Gu Liang thought for a moment and nodded to show that he understood. "So, Magic High School is usually just an ordinary high school, and the students who come and go are also ordinary humans. The secret experiment here will only be conducted every summer vacation."

"This assumption is true. There is an experiment log on this computer. I think... after reading this log, we will be able to fully understand the purpose of this experiment. And I just saw that it took nine months for the character to be quick."

It was Yang Ye who said this.

Gu Liang followed his reputation and saw a schematic diagram of the experiment process on the computer screen.

——It takes one week to design the appearance and talent of the character, and nine months to cultivate this person.

In other words, in just nine months, this person will grow from a fertilized egg to a seventeen-year-old person.

After the character grows up, he will be sent to the testing center for a three-month test. If all aspects of the test pass, he will be allowed to enter the next step of the experiment.

Yang Ye clicked to open the first experiment log. The log number was "2341", which should refer to the previous students, and should be the first batch of experimental products in this base experiment.

Judging from the year of the diary, this can also be confirmed from the side, because it was the year before.

The diary first recorded in detail how these people were nurtured.

In the experiment the year before last, a total of ten fertilized eggs were cultivated.

In the process of further cultivation, one of them was damaged at the embryonic stage (fafa), so nine of them became embryos and then grew into human appearances.

After the character grew up, he was sent to the testing center. After various tests in the test center, one person was eliminated, and he was directly destroyed and became a waste product. The waste was sent to the destruction warehouse. After a period of time, the experimenter extracted his brain cell data for analysis. Finally, the person was sent to the recycling center and was turned into scum by the equipment.

At this point, a short summary was written in the experiment log.

The 2341th batch of sai experiment, the pregnancy success rate: 80%, a total of eight people successfully "leave the factory", arranged to enter the next stage of the experiment-"social activities".

The more you look down, the more shocking you are.

Experimental stage: socialization activities.

Experimental topic: "Preparation for Olympiad."

Test dimensions: anti-stress test, communicative competence test, moral character test.

Among them, the specific (fuck cao) on the anti-stress test is for guidance: it is necessary to render the matter of the Olympiad competition very important, so that the experimental products realize that being able to get the top three is a supreme honor and is worth a lifetime What I am proud of is to test the stress resistance of the experimental product.


The status of each experiment on July 24 is as follows...

Generally speaking, everything is normal.

The status of each experiment on July 25 is as follows...

Generally speaking, everything is normal.

On July 26, the Olympiad simulation test was conducted.

The mood of some experimental products fluctuates slightly, which needs to be observed; the specific data are as follows...

The rest of the experimental products are all normal.

On July 27, the Olympiad simulation test ranking was announced.

caveat! caveat! bug warning!

The system detected mood swings in the experimental product No. 2341-07, which were manifested as anger and jealousy (strong qiang); in addition, there was an antisocial personality tendency.

The abnormality of the experimental product was caused by an unknown bug.

There are two suggestions: first, take no action for the time being, and keep observation of the behavior of the test product; second, destroy the test product immediately and extract relevant cell data to check the cause of the bug.

How to do it (fuck cao), please instruct your superiors.

In addition, please pay attention to the higher-level leaders. Various data show that the experiment may have murder (sha). If the media and the police intervene, the matter will become very troublesome. Please make relevant arrangements in advance to avoid The experimental base is exposed (exposure); please also risk control colleagues to plan ahead.


Seeing this, Principal Li couldn't help but be surprised: "Fuck! So the murderer we caught before, Qian Chemical...he (killing sha) was because of a bug in him?!"

Yang Ye frowned and did not look at the specific experiment log for the time being, but dragged it to the bottom to check the experimental conclusion first.

I saw a paragraph above: "Sai Experiment No. 5 Base, about batch 2341 experiment summary-the experimental product has grown well, (shen) body is healthy, and all talent skills are successfully tested. If it is put in the human society, each Experimental products can become geniuses and make outstanding contributions to the development of science and technology."

"But there is a common bug in the experimental products, jealousy, emotional extremes, anti-human personality, ignorance of life, like (sha) killing. If it is directly put into human society, it may be detrimental to humans. Therefore, this time The experiment was unsuccessful. After optimization and adjustment, start the second experiment. See the detailed report below..."

By this time, Gu Liang finally knew why the squad leader Gu, who he played, suddenly changed his (sexually) sentiment and wanted to (kill sha).

That's because a bug also appeared in Squad Leader Gu.

It's just that his bug appeared several days later than Qian Chemical.

After reading the experiment log of the previous year, Yang Ye opened last year's log.

In the previous year's log, there was a detailed report of the (sha) person incident, but there was nothing related to the tarot card.

Therefore, Gu Liang initially estimated that the blood-carrying tarot card really only started to appear in the serial (sha) case last year.

After reading last year's experiment log.

This conjecture in Gu Liang's heart was confirmed.

Last year's serial (sha) case was far more complicated than everyone expected.

Wan Painting is the original criminal.

She is good at the occult and is proficient in the curse of the blood tarot, so she uses tarot cards (kill sha) people, every time (kill sha) a person, a blood tarot card will appear next to the body.

After three people were killed in succession, the experimenter controlled her remotely in the control center.

Wan Painting temporarily stopped this behavior, but immediately afterwards, Yan Handcraft also started (killing sha).

In order to push everything to the serial murderer who had previously (killed sha) three people, Yan manually simulated the crime and put the tarot cards on the scene of the crime.

After (killing sha) one person, Yan Shuo was controlled.

This time Fang Gangqin started.

Based on the same psychology of imitating crimes, Fang Gangqin also put the tarot cards on the scene of (killing sha).

Next to the relevant experiment log, there are notes from the experimenter.

"Every crime (Fan) crime scene is seamless. Laboratory staff don't need to do anything, and it is difficult for the police to find the real culprit. Question 1: How did the experimental (Fan) crime talent come about?"

"Question two: Wan Painting's original talent skill was painting. This point has been confirmed with colleagues in the'Functional Design Room'. Then, why did she suddenly learn the mystery without a teacher? The learning function of the experimental product An exception occurred. This should be the second bug in this experiment."

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