Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 212: Mingyue 3

Mingyue was 16 years old in the third year of high school. +++Mobile reading visit

He found some evidence that he might have a 10-year-old brother.

He recalled that 10 years ago, he was exactly 6 years old. That year, he was taken to see a psychologist for the first time.

So, parents thought they gave birth to a failed product. Did they give birth to another after taking them to the doctor 10 years ago?

Mingyue speculated this way and began to apply to foreign schools.

In his second year of high school, he had already achieved very good results in the TOEFL test. Sat1 and sat2 scores were very impressive, and there were several high-gloss competition results to help. In this way, he submitted an application in the last semester of high school, and received the application shortly after the start of the next semester, and applied for a very generous scholarship.

Not long after Mingyue arrived in the United States, his mother couldn't reach him.

In the first two years, she could remotely hack into his computer from time to time, search for his whereabouts, and order him to work in her research institute. Later, she completely lost the whereabouts of Mingyue.

She met Mingyue again when he was 19 years old. It stands to reason that he should be a junior at this time.

But from what she can know, Mingyue is no longer in school.

All of Mingyue’s mother’s patented technology was sold to the government, and she also worked closely with the public security organs.

She saw the bright moon again when she cooperated with the government to track themoon.

A video popped up in the computer pop-up window with Mingyue's face inside.

"I know you are looking for me. But you can't find it. So I took the initiative to see you."

Mother was shocked. "You are the founder of themoon? Do you know what you did?!"

"I only provide technology. The technology itself is not guilty. As for what the people who use this technology will do. I can't control it." Mingyue laughed defiantly, "Even this organization was created under my name, and they called themselves For the followers."

"Remember what I said to you? I'm different from you. I don't control the ‘product’ I make, such as themoon. I want to watch it grow freely. I also look forward to what it will become in the future."

"Stop. You will be hunted down. You will die." Mother said that there was no threat to Mingyue, but her pale face (color) when she said this made Mingyue a little bit interested.

"I don't care if I die. But themoon will always exist."

After saying this, the video popup disappeared.


Two years later. Mingyue is 21 years old.

Cafe on the Thames River, UK.

As the sunset glows over the river, the lights of the Tower Bridge are about to come on.

A blonde lady was using a notebook to handle work. When Yu Guang noticed something, she looked up and saw the very good-looking Oriental man.

He walked towards him in a suit, looking very gentleman, too eye-catching.

When speaking, he was talking in a standard London accent. "Excuse me, madam, I have an urgent email to send. Can I borrow your computer?"

He is so good-looking, and his behavior is too elegant, she has no reason to refuse.

She closed the paper she was writing, and she gave him the computer.

About twenty minutes later, the good-looking oriental man returned the computer to her and invited her to have a cup of coffee.

The lady handed him a note with her phone number on it.

The eastern man smiled, put his hand to his ear, made a call gesture, folded the note and put it in the pocket under the collar before leaving. His handsome behavior made the blonde lady's The heart is melted.

But just 12 hours later, she received a summons from the police station.

"You are suspected of attacking the network in the mainland of China (Z). There are many problems with the back-end databases of several large media companies. We have received notification from the Chinese (Z) police...Madam, this matter is very serious. Please cooperate with our investigation."

And as early as 10 hours ago, Mingyue had changed her identity and boarded a plane to South Africa.

When the plane was connecting, the organizer got on the plane and gave him a new passport.

When he reached his destination, he had a new identity.

The organizer drove him back. "Running out with a red (color) wanted order, are you crazy?"

Mingyue said meaninglessly: "There is no end to escape anyway."

"You can't have an accident. The organization needs your skills."

"There will always be someone to replace me." Mingyue replied lightly.

Two years later, New York.

In a room on the top floor of a hotel.

The door of Mingyue’s room has been surrounded by several Interpol, including several plainclothes Chinese (Z) police, and his mother.

China (Z) has no extradition treaty with the United States, so the police in China (Z) have no direct right to arrest him. Plainclothes are here in the name of helping solve the case.

His mother whispered something to the plainclothes police beside her, and the plainclothes negotiated with the Interpol.

After a while, his mother got permission and stepped into the house.

Mingyue raised his gun and confronted a group of people across the door that had been broken by (强qiang). "Don't come in again. I will shoot."

The police raised their guns one after another.

Mother stopped, turned around and made a gesture to them, and then said to Mingyue: "I will find a way to bring you back to China. You should die in China. Give up struggling."

"If I didn't release the water, do you think you can find me?" Mingyue smiled.

"What do you want to do?" Mother couldn't help asking.

"I haven't seen you in just a few years, you actually have gray hair." Mingyue looked calm. He raised the remote control and slowly opened the curtain behind him.

wrong. After walking into this room, I realized that the bright moon was wrong.

The sun shines on the room, but he has no shadow.

Mother couldn't help but speak: "You..."

Mingyue said: "3d projection technology. Is it perfect?"

At this time, my mother discovered that the sound was not from Mingyue's mouth, but from something that looked like an alarm clock on the bedside.

"Yes. I found the microphone so soon. So, guess where I found the monitoring of your every move?"

"Forget it, this question is not important."

"I will call you mother one last time. I let you find it, not out of repentance, but out of boredom. This world is too boring, including the escape itself. I don't think it is fun. Just like now, I can still bring you a group People play with applause."

"But I left themoon to you, to this odious world. If you can beat themoon in the end, then I reluctantly admit that you win. But I guess you lose. Because it has spread all over the world. Everywhere, everywhere."

Mother clenched her fists tightly. "Don't try to run away! Did you take your brother away? That's your brother. Whether you are crazy or hate me, don't take him! Tell me where he is!"

"Yo, you actually have a mother (sexual xing)." Mingyue said with a smile, "but I won't tell you."

The bright moon illuminated by 3D projection technology disappeared instantly from the house.

The police outside the door swarmed in instantly.

The heavy curtains in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows were completely opened. I don't know who first shouted "Look at the other side". After that, everyone looked at the opposite side and saw the real bright moon on the roof of the opposite hotel.

He is dressed in a trench coat, and his height of nearly 1.9 meters makes him look extremely slender and tall.

He just stood by the roof, smiled and waved to everyone, and finally he jumped and jumped down.

Mingyue completed a magnificent performance art with (die si) death, took away his brother's whereabouts, and left his mother with a lifelong nightmare, and also left the world lurking in the dark and will continue to flow. Themoon that creates evil.

But he didn't even think that he was not dead. At least when he first entered the system, he thought he was not dead.

He entered a game called Script (Kill Sha).

Halfway through the game, he guessed the purpose of the game and probably knew what kind of world he was in.

He didn't feel scared, he only felt excited—another world that had not been confirmed, actually existed. If he understands the reasons for the existence of this world, perhaps he can truly understand the universe, and even the real world and everything.

In addition, unlike other players, he does not want to return to the original world.

He doesn't care that certain actions in the script will increase the value of crime, he just wants to win and want to go deeper into the world.

At the end of the game, on the bank of Wangchuan River, beside the lace on the other side, he heard the man in black reading.

"Players Mingyue, the number of completed scripts: 24; the number of true murderers: 23 times; the true murderer's escape (tuo) rate is 100%; the number of detectives: 1 time, the detective correct rate: 100%."

"Additionally, there is a script in which the player Mingyue draws the dead card to counter (kill sha) detectives and some players, causing the plot to be interrupted. This script is not counted in the number of completed scripts."

"Calculated by the system, the player Mingyue has completed all relevant tests for valid scripts."

"The player Mingyue will enter the next stage of the system-the service stage. Service period: indefinite."

Mingyue smiled and asked the man in black: "How to serve the sentence?"

"I personally discipline you."

Such a voice came from behind Mingyue, quite a bit of irritability.

Immediately, Mingyue saw the man in black kneeling down in front of him, and said respectfully to the direction behind him: "Emperor Song."

Emperor Song?

Mingyue turned around and looked at the incoming person. "Are you the Song emperor Yu among the Ten Hades?"

"Instead of guessing who I am, you might as well guess what punishment you will suffer immediately." Wang Yu said.

Mingyue only said: "You just said that you want to discipline me? Do you know what happened to the last person who wanted to discipline me?"

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