Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 213: Mingyue 4

After listening to Mingyue's words, Wang Yu smiled. "Of course I know. She is alive and you are dead. She is still free, but you are locked here."

"She is not free." Mingyue said, "She will be trapped for the rest of her life by looking for my brother's whereabouts and destroying themoon. She will never get relief (tuo) in her life."

"No." Wang Yu looked at him and said, "You let her find themoon, just want to borrow her hand to get rid of it. You want to borrow your mother to get rid of the evil fruit you planted yourself. You have realized it. Sin."

"Do you think so?" Mingyue asked.

Wang Yudao: "This is the result of the system's judgment. Otherwise, how could you just be judged as indefinite."

Mingyue smiled and said, "I thought it was because I performed well in the game, and you decided to use me. For really came here by yourself."

Wang Yu: "You don't have to deny it. The system will count people's merits clearly. You have realized the results of your letting themoon develop arbitrarily. You and your mother went to two extremes."

"Too much is too late, I pay attention to the golden mean. So, of course I will control you. But my approach is different from your mother. I am willing to give you another chance."

"Cherish it, Mingyue. Otherwise, you won't even be able to maintain this life form anymore. According to the human world, you will be lost in spirit."

When Wang Yu, who was standing next to Bi An Hua, said this, his eyes were a little tender. It is similar to the kind of gentleness of the Great Merciful Guanyin Pudu of the world.

"Obviously leading people into the Yellow Spring, but acting like this kind of compassion..." Mingyue leaned forward to ask him, her voice sinking, "Are you a Bodhisattva or Hades?"

Wang Yu did not answer his question, only said one sentence: "Come with me."

Afterwards, a man in black carried the sedan chair, and Mingyue sat on it.

After reaching the goal, Mingyue got off the sedan chair and saw a mountain split from the middle in front of him.

Standing in front of this mountain, Wang Yu smiled compassionately and tenderly when he looked back.

With such a gentle smile, he held Mingyue's wrist, and then sent him into the crack of the mountain.

The split mountain quickly closed, Mingyue raised his arm, his hands clasped the stone wall tightly, but in the face of a force that he could not control, all his struggles were of no avail.

Before the mountain wall was completely closed, in pain, Mingyue raised her head, her sweaty hair came down, and her eyes were cold. He stared at Wang Yu, his face (color) extremely pale.

Wang Yu looked back at him with a very calm appearance. "Push hell. Once a day at this stage. Be punished."


The time flow of the game is different from that of the world. A year in the game is equivalent to a day in the world. This is mainly for the player's consideration, and the time is deliberately slowed down. But outside of the game, the flow of time in various areas of the entire **** is not the same.

Therefore, for a long time, Mingyue didn't know how long he stayed here.

He can only feel that he has been here for too long, so long that he has almost forgotten the human face (color).

The time to see the end stretched everything extremely long.

When boring, Mingyue can only play the memories inch by inch in his head.

At the beginning, he was shocked that too good memory was not a good thing, his father's inaction, mother's meanness and desire for control, on the contrary, magnified his mind.

At the same time, the person who cared for a few glances when he was young, the little bit of good that that person brought to himself, will be infinitely magnified by the memories over and over again.

Especially when suffering all kinds of torture, Mingyue can only imagine the little beauty that she has in her life, and make it better every time.

At this time, for his Mingyue, Gu Liang became an image, or a kind of symbol, that was constructed after he was endowed with imagination, which symbolized beauty and light.

Later, Wang Yu arranged work for Mingyue and an opportunity to understand this system and even the world. He only needs to accept this punishment once a month.

In the face of a completely unknown world, Mingyue can still cope with ease. When it is boring, or when the system lacks manpower, he will help write scripts.

He did not expect that he would meet Gu Liang.


On this day, the Xs004 control center.

The man in black is checking the list of players and characters (color) in "Undead City".

What he saw and asked Mingyue: "No, Gu Liang, the player, shouldn't get the killer card at this time. You...have you ever moved your hands and feet?"

Mingyue only said: "I applied to the above, I want him to stay and help me. So I have the right to conduct some individual assessments against him. The above did not say no."

The man in black: "I have only played two elementary books, so you have to make a decision? Anyway, he does have a pretty good score. However, even if he gets the script, he can pass the level, he may not be cast. If he manages to escape (get out of tuo), you will not be able to get him over."

Mingyue said: "But he will take the initiative to confess. I know him, and I have seen his previous performance, and even part of his life. After so many years, he has not changed at all."

Because Yang Ye joined, Mingyue's plan fell through.

So Gu Liang's next punishment book was written by him himself. He wants to observe him more.

After the performance on the first day, return to the control center of xs007, which is the closest to the "The Fifth Man" script, and Mingyue is watching the playback of the monitoring players.

This night, he turned into a small grass npc and met Gu Liang on a snowy night.

Gu Liang, who was afraid of ghosts, was very frightened, and his every subtle expression was recorded.

In the control center at this time, Mingyue saw these expressions.

Frozen the picture for a moment, facing Gu Liang's fearful eyes, Mingyue tapped the tablet several times.

After the code is entered, a mechanical sound sounds.

"The expression analysis and emotion recognition system has been activated. The emotion of Gu Liang, the player is being calculated."

"The analysis results show as follows: 60% fear, 20% doubt, and 20% complaint."

Mingyue thought for a while, and clicked the word "blame".

The system said: "Detailed explanation of complaining emotions-players complain about the system because of the cold weather."

Hearing this, Mingyue almost laughed, and then he focused on the text analysis on the tablet, staring at the words "60% of fear" for a moment, and he smiled and opened a new "baby". script.

He tapped on the tablet and quickly entered a few words: "I love you so much, why are you afraid of me?"

Mingyue really wanted to keep him, and even arranged him to be a detective in "Rhinoceros", and entered it to play the murderer.

In the long years of punishment, after Mingyue’s memories were superimposed over and over again, and then given his own imagination, Gu Liang became a symbol of perfection and light in his youth. It was a dream that was impossible to achieve when he was young. A light coming in during his hell.

But between them are the doll and the ladies, the duke and Ai Meili, or even the head of the village Hong and Xiaoli...

In the script, Mingyue has previewed the most likely ending for him and Gu Liang.

After all, just as he chose to stay away when he was a teenager, this time, he still decided to send Gu Liang back.


On this day, after being tortured, Mingyue grabbed Wang Yu's skirt. "Scrape the bones, shave (the meat rou), break the bones again and again...You have tossed me. Be careful. One day, I will step on your head and become the next Song Emperor Yu."

"Okay, if you really can cultivate into the next Emperor Song. I can retire and enjoy the good fortune." Finally, Wang Yu said casually, looking very leisurely.

It seemed that because of this, Mingyue let go and sat on the stone bench again with an unhappy expression.

"Are you complaining about the test I designed for you?" Wang Yu looked down at him and said, "Actually, this test is not for you. You designed it for yourself. When I read the scripts you wrote , I already know that you will let him go back."

"Mingyue, you are not as incurable as you think. As for hell, it is not as bitter as you think."

Mingyue glanced at him with a rather cold tone. "Don't be self-righteous. You like being self-righteous the most. But you don't know me at all."

"I don't know you, but I think I know you a little bit more than you think. So, in fact, it's always you who think I am."

"The last penalty for pushing **** is over. You can accumulate merits for atonement."

Wang Yuchao's sitting Mingyue stretched out his hand, and his expression was quite gentle. "Signed the appointment letter, come with me."

Mingyue stared at him, raising her eyebrows. "The last time I left with you like this, I immediately fell apart."

Wang Yu smiled. "Then you can keep looking forward to what you will encounter this time."

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