Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 214: Marriage Cookies (1)

Yan Jun's birthday is coming. +++Cartino novel website On this day, Wang Xu asked Yang Ye and Gu Liang to have a meal with the purpose of asking them to advise them as to what gift they should give to Yan Jun.

Gu Liang asked: "What does he like?"

Wang Xu: "But I don't know what he likes?"

Yang Ye: "Then what do you like him?"

Wang Xu: "Hurt, I don't know."

Yang Ye: "You two are not together yet?"

Wang Xu: "He just blacked me out. So this birthday gift... is very important. Please two."

The three immediately discussed the plan together.

Of course, Yang Ye's main idea was in this process, and Gu Liang had no skill points in this.

Yang Ye couldn't help but babble. "Don't ask Liangliang, just ask me. Liangliang's efficiency in chasing people is really too low. Look at it. This has been tossing for several months, rounding up to the nearest year! Actually approaching me through work, tell me..."

In the middle of the conversation, Yang Ye felt a burning gaze beside him.

He turned around and saw Gu Liangliang smiling.

Gu Liang spoke lightly and called him lightly: "Yang Ye."

"Huh, cool?"

"People ask you about giving gifts."

"Yes, yes, back to the subject." Yang Ye knocked off the table very seriously, "Where did we just say?"

Wang Xu, who had witnessed everything, inevitably made two "tsk tsk". "Yang Ye, your wife is really strict."

Gu Liang looked at Wang Xu and said calmly, "He is married. And you are still single."

"!!!" Wang Xu looked at Yang Ye in shock, "His mouth is too poisonous."

Gu Liang: "I just state the facts."

Wang Xu sighed at Gu Liang. "The last time I accosted you in a bar, you didn't bother me because of Yang Ye's face?"

It's okay for Wang Xu not to mention this, but Yang Ye gets nervous when he mentions it.

Yang Ye was frightened at the thought of letting Liangliang drink at the bar alone if he didn't go there that night.

After all, he didn't have much emotional experience in his family. He finally took the initiative to summon the courage to add himself. He didn't agree. If he was frustrated, what if he went to a bar to buy drunk and was cheated by a love veteran?

"Don't stare at my house." Yang Ye quickly held Gu Liang's face and asked him to turn around to face him, and then asked seriously, "I asked before, why did you go **** that night? You Fooling over at that time. Don't you tell me now?"

Gu Liang was ashamed to say that he had found Lao Qi to check his whereabouts, and only said, "Didn't you go too?"

"I was taken by Wang Xu. I didn't do anything." Yang Yezheng (color).

"I didn't do anything." Gu Liang said seriously.

"Then why on earth did you go there?"

"Just drink two glasses. Ask so much (gan). Can't I go to the bar yet?"

"Cool, you don't like to drink. I know."

"Stop talking about this. Hurry up and get down to business."

The more Yang Ye thought about it, the more things went wrong. "It's always your brother who asked you to go?"

Gu Liang raised his eyebrows. "The roses I harvested a few months ago have been jealous until now. It works."

Wang Xu felt that the signs were wrong. "Huh? Don't fight. Fight at the end of the bed."

Yang Ye looked at Wang Xu. "I won't quarrel with Liang Liang. I'm just worried that he will be deceived."

Wang Xu lifted his chin in the direction of Yang Ye's phone on the desktop. "Looking at the phone, I sent a link to the three of us."

Gu Liang opened it and looked at it, he was stunned, and then heard Wang Xu say: "I tried it, the effect is very good, enjoy the silky smoothness——"

Yang Ye quickly covered Gu Liang's ears.

Wang Xu: "Are you (gan)?"

Yang Ye scolded: "Don't teach me how to cool my house."

Wang Xu calmly placed his mobile phone: "I placed an order. Would you like to?"

After hesitating for half a second, Yang Ye: "...Yes. Come ten boxes."

Gu Liang: "..."

Immediately, Gu Liang stood up and went out. "The order is refunded. You two continue to discuss. I will go to the next bookstore to pick a few books."

"What does Liangliang want to buy? I'll accompany you." Yang Ye chased it out.

"You don't like the books I like to read. Don't accompany me."

"I love watching! I like everything you like!"

Then Wang Xu received his private chat. "I will invite you to dinner later. To plan a birthday for Liangliang, I met a good private banquet planner. I pushed it back to you and you talk to her!"

Wang Xu's heart is refreshing.

——He invited people to dinner, but was fed dog food. Not only that, but he felt that the image of Fa Xiao in his heart had been disillusioned. What about the boss? This is too foolish.


When he went to the bookstore, Gu Liang went directly to the professional area. Yang Ye's father asked him to manage the information system, and he had to hand in homework. The newly hired architect has already arrived. After Gu Liang had been in contact with him for a while, after his recommendation, he decided to buy a few professional books and go back to study. After finding all the books recommended by the architect, he wandered around the relevant areas to see if he could pick some good books.

Yang Ye mute the mechanism and accompany him to pick out books. Later, he took a look at his mobile phone and found that it was actually the call from Wang Xu. He patted Gu Liang on the shoulder and gave him a gesture. Then he walked outside. The mall answers the phone.

When Yang Ye just walked out of the bookstore, the store manager heard the wind and arrived, quite frightened. "Mr. Yang, why are you here?"

"It's okay, come and buy things. Go back to work." Yang Ye said.


"I'm not here to inspect, to accompany my love to stroll around."

The manager understood immediately, did not dare to interrupt, and left silently.

Wang Xu has hung up over there, Yang Ye called back. "what happened?"

"I think I solved the case." Wang Xu's voice sounded quite excited.

"What solved the case?" Yang Ye was puzzled.

Wang Xu: "Thank me. Do you remember the circle of friends our sister-in-law sent?"

"Cool's circle of friends? What's wrong?" Yang Ye asked.

Two days ago, the photos of the wedding scene between Yang Ye and Gu Liang just came out.

Yang Ye felt that the Jiugongge in the circle of friends was not enough, and immediately sent out countless pictures, of which Gu Liang had the most photos, and his desire to show off was self-evident. Of course, according to Gu Liang, they had to be low-key, so Yang Ye only used his personal account to post photos, and most of the company's people and outside partners were invisible.

But Gu Liang doesn't like posting in Moments. His personal circle of friends has nothing except occasional sharing of legal knowledge and valuable science.

Unable to hold up Yang Ye's soft and hard work, Gu Liang was forced to post a photo of him and Yang Ye, and was also forced to add a paragraph of text that was too sour, similar to "more advice for the rest of my life".

Right now Wang Xu is referring to this circle of friends of Gu Liang.

Wang Xu's voice was transmitted to Yang Ye through the mobile phone. "It's such a situation. There is a man named Lao Qi in my circle of friends who sits firmly on the top of the gossip circle. He knows who has cheated or something. He will take on the job of a private investigator. I just Saw, he has liked the little sister-in-law’s circle of friends. What does this mean, it means that he and little sister-in-law are good friends!"

"But isn't this my sister-in-law's personal account? This means that they have known each other a long time ago!"

After setting the stage, Wang Xu said: "I remember, we went to 37bar that night and I posted it to Moments. Of course, I blocked Yan Jun. Ah, don't tell Yan Jun about this. Anyway, I mean... Did the little sister-in-law go to you that night? It's not a coincidence."

"I think it's strange, when did you two meet? How come you are so in love with each other? You were so cold that night, why did he pick you up later?"

"Aren't you just arguing about why he went to 37bar? Did I help you solve the case?"

"Thanks brother. I see. Yan Jun's gift, I will continue to help you think." Yang Ye's heart was beating hard, he took a long breath and hung up the phone.

Gu Liang actually found someone to follow me! He went to the bar for me!

——He really loves me too much!

Gu Liang was fascinated by picking books, and when he remembered something, he glanced out the window and found that the setting sun was all coming out.

Huh? Where did Yang Ye go?

Gu Liang later realized that he took his cell phone to call Yang Ye, and walked to the cashier with the book.

"Liangbao, I'll come here."

A person suddenly appeared in front of Gu Liang, it was Yang Ye.

Holding the book that Gu Liang had picked, he went to the cashier to scan the code and the payment was done in one go, and then Yang Ye led him all the way to the underground parking lot by elevator.

No, what happened to this person?

Drinking high?

"Why did you just go (gan)?" When Gu Liang asked, Yang Ye opened the trunk. Gu Liang looked down and saw the roses full of the trunk.

Gu Liang: "..."

Putting the book down, Yang Ye took Gu Liang into the co-pilot, galloped all the way, and drove the car home.

The two returned to the new house they bought, which was a villa in the suburbs.

Drive the car all the way into the underground parking lot, next to the elevator that can directly enter the house.

As Gu Liang was about to open the door and get out of the car, Yang Ye suddenly dropped the lock.

Do gan)?" Gu Liang looked at him warily.

Yang Ye took his hand. "It's okay. I found the chef in our hotel to cook at home. We had a candlelit dinner in the evening. They haven't made it yet. We can stay a little longer."

"Do you want to (gan)?" Gu Liang squinted.

Yang Ye looked at him tenderly: "Liang Bao, where are we going for our honeymoon?"

Gu Liang shook his head: "I really don't have time to go. I will hand in homework for your dad soon."

Yang Ye: "Let's charter the plane, go and return quickly, it won't take much time."

Gu Liang: "Let's talk about it in the second half of the year. Wait until the information system is finished."

Yang Ye: "...That's OK. I listen to Liangbao."

Gu Liang waved Yang Ye's hand away, raised his chin with both hands, stared at him seriously and asked, "Are you intermittent (sexual xing) abnormal? What's wrong?"

Yang Ye stroked his hand. "I'm just very touched. Liangliang has paid a lot for me."

Gu Liang: "............?"

Yang Ye bit his ear: "I know about Lao Qi."

Gu Liang: "..."

"Cool and blushing."

"Enough of you, let me get out of the car."

Just as Gu Liang said this, Yang Ye pressed a button next to him, and the co-pilot's chair immediately fell back.

Yang Ye immediately leaned up and lay down with Gu Liang.

"No, Yang Ye, you in broad daylight--" Gu Liang's voice was obviously unstable.

In the car overflowing with the fragrance of roses, Yang Ye (Kiss Wen) puts on Gu Liang's lips.

"This is the basement garage!"

"It doesn't matter, it's our garage."

"No, you, hey, be lighter."

"I feel distressed when I think of the cold night."

After what he said, Gu Liang suddenly remembered something, raised his leg and kicked Yang Ye, rolled over and overwhelmed him with his elbow on his neck, blushing and breathing for a few breaths, and said, "Distressed? You that night? But he left without looking back. I am embarrassed to mention that night."

Yang Ye looked at him for a long time, and said softly, "I went back later."

"...Huh?" Gu Liang seemed a little unbelievable.

"I don't know why. You should be a stranger. I should leave like that. But I can't help but go back. Then I saw Duan Yi picking you up. I didn't know that it was your cousin. Later Looking back on this, I feel jealous."

After a pause, Gu Liang asked, "Then what did you think?"

Yang Ye: "I couldn't be sure at the time. If it was your boyfriend, I think he would not let you come to a **** place alone. I thought, it might be a friend."

Gu Liang stared at Yang Ye for a long while. At first he thought it was funny, but later he thought it was funny and warm, and the corners of his mouth rose.

——After all, he didn't expect that Yang Ye had returned that night.

Seeing him smiling, Yang Ye couldn't help but push up.

"You..." Gu Liang said halfway, his waist was held down.

"You, when are you..."

"It's tough all the way." Yang Ye said in a hoarse voice.


When he got out of the car, Gu Liang's legs were so weak that he was carried into the elevator by Yang Ye.

When the elevator went up, stopped, and was about to open, Gu Liang held down Yang Ye's hand. Then he covered his face. "No. If the chefs are still..."

Yang Ye comforted in his ear. "Relax. I just called to confirm. They are all gone. We are the two of us at home."

Gu Liang didn't move his hand, looking at Yang Ye through the gap between his fingers.

Today, Yang Ye was playing too crazy, and he simply exceeded Gu Liang's upper limit of shame.

After a while, Gu Liang asked him: "How do you know Lao Qi?"

Yang Ye said casually: "Oh, Wang Xu said."

The elevator door opened and Yang Ye walked out holding Gu Liang. Gu Liang took three deep breaths and took a look at the marks on his lips and neck with his mobile phone. His mind continued to slide through the evil behaviors of Yang Ye just now. Gritting his teeth and thinking—Wang Xu, you wait for me.

Another month later.

The film of Huaiyu's film and television company is about to be released.

Huaiyu is the home of commercial real estate development, and later opened the theater business in its own shopping center. Last year, through the business expansion of the theater, Huaiyu further entered the film and television industry.

And the film to be released this time is the first film invested by Huaiyu, which plays a decisive role in the success of this step of the group.

On the day of the film premiere, Yang Ye and Gu Liang made an appointment to attend. To this end, Yang Ye specially customized a set of very matching dresses for the two.

When the premiere was approaching, there was a problem with the group database and some bugs in the newly launched system products. Gu Liang, who was in charge of the information, couldn't go there and had to stay to solve the problem.

Yang Ye inevitably frowned. "Information is a bottomless pit. I have to hurry up and find a cto. Otherwise, you will be too busy. My dad will tell me."

Gu Liang said: "The cto is looking for. But before I find it, I have to be responsible. Don't tell your dad. Don't make me shirk responsibility. Although you are not in charge of film and television, it is the first movie of the group after all. You Go. Leave it to me here. See you tonight."

In the early morning, Gu Liang stared at the people in the information center after solving various bugs and breathed a sigh of relief.

Picking up his mobile phone, he saw the message from Yang Ye's driver-Yang Ye was a little drunk during the dinner, but he was already in the car, and the driver was now sending him to the apartment behind the company.

"Okay. Work." Gu Liang replied and put down his phone.

I went to the pantry to pour a glass of water, and when I was heading back to the office area, Gu Liang heard the colleague from the information center.

"Fuck, we are going to have a scandal at the development conference."

"I'm going, this Xiaoxian (rou rou) is curved? My girlfriend is crazy about him. Today, her house collapsed."

"I didn't expect him to get Mr. Yang together?"

Gu Liang raised his eyebrows, opened the search app developed by his cousin, and typed in the word "Yang Ye".

——Really enough. He went to a premiere and could make such a thing.

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