Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 21: Painted Skin, Longevity (8)

Gu Liang is homophobic? Feel the same (sexual xing) relationship disgusting?

Yang Ye frowned. +++Mobile phone reading visit

Gu Liang closed the album, put it back on the shelf, and looked back at Yang Ye.

Seeing Yang Ye frowned, Gu Liang thought he was worried about the case, but took the initiative to relieve him. "Don't be nervous, although the case is still a bit confusing, but it's eye-catching anyway."

Yang Ye took a deep look at him, then nodded, and only took out a few more books to read. Those books are still various catalogs, all of men and men.

Yang Ye turned page by page, just wanting to see if there were other clues stuck in it. After a while, he heard Gu Liang's voice. "Yang Ye, come and see here."

Yang Ye followed his reputation and saw Gu Liang standing in front of his desk with many scrolls in front of him.

At the moment, Gu Liang is unfolding these paintings one by one.

Yang Ye walked to the front and found that the same person was on the painting-the big brother.

Each painting has different inscriptions, which are familiar verses.

Some wrote: "The wind and rain are like obscurity, and the **** crows endlessly. After seeing a gentleman, Yunhu is not happy."

Some wrote: "Mountains have trees and trees have branches, but I don't know if I am happy."

Yang Ye picked up a painting, it was the one with "The Song of Yue People".

He said to Gu Liang, "This poem was written by men for men. Did you know?"

"Know" Gu Liang nodded, his eyes were unresolved towards Yang Yedon, and he only said, "In this way, Wang Bulao really likes the big brother. So the strange thing is that he writes poetry and paintings, it looks like Quite elegant, he would do... something like that?"

"Isn't there so many **** albums? Maybe it's impulsive, maybe it's sexual drunkenness or anything."

Yang Ye returned to the bookshelf and put the albums he had read back to the bookshelf one by one, "In short, these things can actually prove one thing-there is no clue about Wang Bulao's love for women (sexual xing) in this room. It shows that he is really a total homosexuality."

Gu Liang looked at him: "You mean..."

Yang Ye said affirmatively: "I mean, in fact, your mind was right at the beginning. The current Wang Bu Lao is indeed not the same as before. I think now this Wang Bu Lao does not "swing a knife from the palace" at all. This is him. An excuse made up to lie to you. The actual reason is-he can't help women."

Gu Liang didn't seem to understand. "Why? Isn't there a bisexual relationship? If Wang Bu always has a bisexual relationship, it is possible that he could marry a wife and have children before and later fall in love with a big brother."

Yang Ye further explained: "Um...Do you know the difference between the attack and the receiver in the same (sexual) relationship?"

Gu Liang was stunned for a moment, then thought about it: "Probably."

Yang Ye said: "If a man is the recipient, once he is bent, he may not be interested in thrush women anymore. Therefore, if Wang Bu is always the recipient, I cannot make a positive judgment. But if the big brother didn't lie, Wang Bulao (qiang) had him. Then in their role (color), Wang Bulao is the attacker. This is different."

"If his attack is bisexual, and he could marry a wife and have children before, then he will be good with his apprentice, and it will not prevent him from continuing to be good with other women. After all, Yimei is the number one beauty in martial arts, and he has no reason to not Hey, she even found an excuse like "Zigong" that undermined the dignity of his male (sexual xing). This can only show that he has a great psychological barrier to women (sexual xing), and he can't get rid of it at all. . So he has always been in homosexuality rather than bisexuality."

Gu Liang understood thoroughly now.

Wang Bu Lao, who gave birth to Doctor Jade with his ninth wife, must not be the current Wang Bu Lao.

The former king is not old, he is really not old, he likes women.

Now this Wang is not old, he is a fake, he only likes men.

"Understood. Basically, it is definitely a substitution."

Gu Liang looked at Yang Ye curiously. "How do you know this? Have many girlfriends?"

Yang Ye: "That's not true."

——I am not a girlfriend.

But what happened to his brain circuit?

Did he know the rotten girl and thought that the girlfriend I had had was a girlfriend? I heard my girlfriend talk about these things?

He didn't even suspect that I was actually gay?

Yang Ye (gan gan) quickly followed his thoughts and asked, "You don't understand at all? Haven't been in a relationship?"

Gu Liang: "Does junior high school count?"

"Not counting."

"Then it's gone."


"I'm not a good person, so what kind of love is it? I'm delaying other girls."

Why are you not a good person?

Yang Ye frowned, his eyes fell, and he couldn't help but land on the red rope on Gu Liang's wrist.

Gu Liang didn't pay attention to his eyes. He just said, "You take out the notebook. Let's follow the logic together. I think we can find the murderer."

Up to now, although it has not been possible to confirm who is the real murderer, from the perspective of Gu Liang and Yang Ye, everything is actually quite clear.

Yang Ye opened the notebook, took out the black-clothed signature pen, and slowly wrote his sorted logic on it.

When Yang Ye was writing, Gu Liang was watching to help him check the omissions.

The situation where the knife is used first and then cursed has been ruled out.

There must be someone who spells (killing sha) first, and then someone took a knife and engraved on Wang Bulao.

Many people cursed Wang Bu Lao, if they were not the real murderer, it means that Wang Bu Lao must not die, but a fake. The identity of the counterfeit is temporarily unknown.

In the end, whether this counterfeit was killed by curse (to kill sha) or knife (to kill sha), there are two possibilities.

The first possibility is that the counterfeit was killed by the curse (to kill the sha).

As for the lettering, it's just that the senior brother or the second senior brother added it before six quarters of Mao's time out of venting anger.

And the reason why he died of curse (to kill sha) was because someone knew his true identity.

In this way, the real culprit can first eliminate the second brother.

Because among the four suspects, only the clues of the second senior brother can show that he is indeed the cursed Wang Bulao himself.

——The second senior brother cursed with paper and pen. The torn paper was restored and everyone saw it.

As for the other three people, the sword used by the senior brother, the rouge used by the doctor, the water used by Gu Liang, no one can prove that the three of them cursed the real Wang Bu Lao, maybe someone wrote the real name and birthday of the fake. .

Again, from the perspective of (killing sha) people's motives, Dr. Jade can be excluded.

Because Dr. Jade’s enemy is Wang Bingao, who is his biological father, not a counterfeit.

Even if she knows the real name and birthday of the counterfeit, she does not need to curse (kill sha) the counterfeit.

Therefore, she must use Wang Bulao's name and birth date to implement the curse.

The summary he wrote is: "If the counterfeit is cursed to death, the murderer is locked in the elder brother and the beauty."

The second possibility is that the counterfeit was killed by the knife (sha).

After discussion, Yang Ye and Gu Liang had ruled out the possibility of Doctor Yu using a knife.

Therefore, in this case, the suspects are locked in Senior Brother, Second Senior Brother and Gu Liangzhong.

Gu Liang looked at it from beginning to end and said, "It's nothing. Just looking at it this way, no matter what is possible, you can't rule out the big brother. He is very suspicious. You can focus on his timeline after Mao Shi. Oh of course. Now, in these two possibilities, there is also my name, and I also..."

Gu Lianghua hadn't spoken yet, and saw that Yang Ye had crossed out his name.

Yang Ye’s final summary is: “If the counterfeit is killed by a curse, the real murderer is among the senior brothers; if he dies by a knife (killing sha), the real murderer is one of the senior brother and the second senior brother."

Yang Ye put away the notebook and said to herself: "Look elsewhere?"

After Yang Ye said this, he found that Gu Liang had not moved.

"What's wrong?" Yang Ye asked him.

Gu Liang asked: "Why did you just exclude me? Do you trust me?"

Yang Ye asked in turn: "Why don't I believe you? The logic of swinging a knife from the palace, and having a sexual relationship, we both had **** together. I can basically assume that you are also cursing Wang Bulao himself."

"What about the knife (to kill sha)? I have time to commit crimes." Gu Liang said, "From Mao Shi to Mao Shi 3, you have gone to the Buddha Hall. I have three quarters of an hour, which is 45 minutes of crime time. Actually, I am too. Maybe stabbing."

"Come on. You have been (sleeping in Shui). Thought I didn't know?"

"Maybe I have good acting skills."

"No, I believe you, do you have any comments?"

"There is no opinion." Gu Liang glanced at him and said lightly, "Just ask."

After Gu Liang said this, he turned and moved forward. "Let's go. Go to the Armory and have a look."

Walking out of the library of books, you can see the fate of fallen leaves, and a few patches of yellow withered due to the wind.

At that moment, Gu Liang remembered a lot of past events.

When I opened Weibo, I saw overwhelming verbal abuse. When I went to the company and saw colleagues, I saw their contemptuous and suspicious eyes.

As for the resignation, for a long time he was idle at home with nothing to do.

During that period, as long as he closes his eyes, he will fall into the most terrible nightmare, countless phantoms appear in front of him, there are dead souls, there are crying young (female nu), and there are skeletons covered in blood...

After that incident, no one in the world would believe him, and he would no longer believe in anyone.

The world is bustling with people coming and going, but driven by interests, there is no need to talk to each other.

He did not expect to come to this inexplicable game, nor did he expect that a "detective" would say to his "suspect": "I believe you."

In fact, at first Gu Liang felt that Yang Ye was very frivolous and gentle and scum. What he said to believe in himself now, of course, might be doing his own routine.

It's just that although the two have not known each other for a long time, they have indeed been getting along day and night in these few days. So Gu Liang could feel that Yang Ye was actually quite sincere when he said that.

So Gu Liang actually felt some relief.

When Gu Liang saw Yang Ye just now, he himself was undecided, but Yang Ye's heart trembled when he saw it.

It's hard to say what it feels like. It's a bit like a dragonfly standing on the lotus suddenly fluttering its wings, and it's also a bit like a ginkgo leaf that suddenly flies up in the courtyard at this moment.

Yang Ye couldn't help holding up the camera and took a picture of Gu Liang, just in time to see him leaning against the door and looking back at him, seeming to be asking why he hadn't left yet.

Putting down the camera, Yang Ye looked at the photo with a deep smile in his eyes.

Gu Liang's voice came: "Are you taking pictures of me again?"

"Pat more. Take a picture."

"Souvenirs? The camera can't be taken away. When the script is over, these props will be taken away."

"You..." Yang Ye put the camera away, walked to Gu Liang and patted his shoulder, "Sometimes, it's good to live in the present. Not everything has to be meaningful. You do something. When I feel happy, that’s the right thing."

"Happiness is right? Illegal (Fan) crime also counts?"

"Tsk, don't misunderstand what I mean."

"Okay." Gu Liang smiled, "I won't stand up to you. Let's go."


"Huh? Are you pulling my sleeves again?"

"It's rare that you wear your skirt back."


"Otherwise, pull your skirt?"

"you try."

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