Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 22: Painted Skin, Longevity (9)

After leaving the library, Yang Ye and Gu Liang went to the weapons depot. +++ Catino Novel Network

Weapons are placed on different weapon racks, including knives, guns and swords.

Looking at them one by one, Gu Liang noticed that one of the racks where the knife was placed was missing a knife.

There are words engraved on the shelf, and it says "Broken Water Knife".

Gu Liang stepped forward and gestured for the size, visually inspecting that the knife originally placed here should be the knife at the crime scene.

The weapons depot is very close to Wang Bu Lao's bedroom. It is not difficult to speculate that the murderer took a knife here to stabb Wang Bu Lao, and then threw the knife at the scene of the crime.

Except for one less knife, the weapons depot has no clues.

After leaving the armory, the two went to the steward's room.

This is the place where the Xiaoyao guards live. The room is quite luxurious. Many utensils look very valuable. There are even jewelry boxes full of pearl agate.

"It seems to be in charge here, it is very easy to fish."

Gu Liang raised his eyebrows and (touched Mo) two books out of the drawer, one of which was a ledger, and the other was a booklet with "Administration Log" written on it.

The ledger that Gu Liang looked at first.

The large and small expenditures of Xiaoyao faction are recorded in the ledger.

Gu Liang carefully checked page by page, focusing on finding content related to Wang Bulao and several suspects.

He did have some key discoveries.

"On the seventh day of March, the master bought the famous sword Shuying to the big brother for a thousand taels of silver."

"On the tenth day of May, the master bought a white jade flute for the big brother, spending five hundred taels of silver."


"This Wang Bu Lao is very willing to spend money on the big brother. This is true love."

After reading the album, Gu Liang opened the "Stewardship Log".

This is probably the diary written by Guan Shi, which records a lot of trivial things and a lot of gossip.

Among them, it was a diary that caught Gu Liang's attention.

"On the tenth day of August. I accidentally discovered that Yi Meiren had an affair with Master Hui, so I told the head secretly. Who expected the head to let me keep this secret for him. I was worthless for the head and thought he should be punished severely. Yi Meiren. The head said that Yi Meiren is not easy, let me not leak this secret, otherwise she will be ruined forever. He also said that the Yi family is also very famous in the arena, let me Do not affect the reputation of the clothing family."

Seeing this, Gu Liang was actually a little embarrassed.

Yi Meiren is afraid that the head king is not old and discovers that she and Master Hui secretly secretly keep Chen Cang, do nothing but do nothing, want to (kill sha) him.

Unexpectedly, people knew about this a long time ago, not only never thought of pursuing anything, but even trying to hide it for her, trying to preserve the reputation of her and her family.

Gu Liang frowned slightly, and continued to flip forward, then flipped to a diary that interests him.

"On the tenth day of March, I was ordered by the head to go down the mountain to buy goods. I swallowed some silver and was sued. But the head didn’t punish me but also rewarded me with some pearl agate. I confessed my mistake to the head. But the head said that he thought he had deducted me from the monthly money to make me feel greed. The words of the head made me deeply ashamed. The former head (killing sha) was numb and bloodthirsty. , Is a harsh person, think about it, in addition to improving martial arts, retreat can also enhance the state of mind. After several years of retreat, the (sexual xing) son of the head has changed a lot.

Gu Liang put down the two books and turned his head to look at it. Yang Ye also found a book from the steward's pillow, and was watching it with interest at this moment.

Perceiving Gu Liang's gaze, Yang Ye raised his head and looked at him. "How about, what did you find?"

"Yes." Gu Liang said, "the current king is not old, he is simply a holy father."

"How do you say?" Yang Ye asked.

Gu Liang told Yang Ye about the contents of the two pamphlets, and then handed him the pamphlets.

Yang Ye flipped through it, and then said, "So, if the question of (sexual xing) alone is not enough to make the following conclusions, after reading this booklet, we can be sure that the current Wang Bulai has changed. Didn't it mention that his (sexual xing) son changed after the retreat? It seems that the problem lies in this retreat. The Wang Bu always before the retreat is true, and after the retreat he is some fake. From He has all changed to (sexual xing), to (sexual xing) style, and then to behave in the world."

Before the retreat, things such as the killing of the Kongtong school of the second brother were really Wang Bu Lao (gan gan). He is a (killing sha) person like a numb, in order to expand the sect's power by any means.

But now this counterfeit king is not old, but a good person.

"Yes. I agree with you."

Gu Liang frowned slightly. "But in this way, there is still something strange. Since he is such a holy father, even if he loves the big brother, he won't... do (强qiang) his thing, right? What kind of rhetoric after drinking, some Qiang (qiang qiang). Can you afford to be really drunk?"

Unexpectedly, Gu Liang said so bluntly, Yang Ye laughed, then coughed a few more times.

"What?" Gu Liang glanced at him.

"No. Nothing. After a while, we will ask the senior brother for details. See what's going on."

Yang Ye didn’t have glasses to support, so she had to use her index finger (gou) and the bridge of her nose, and then said, "I just think that there is no need to lie about the motives of (killing sha), because everyone has ( The motives of killing sha) people, and the machines are quite (strong qiang)."

"Yeah. Look for the opportunity to ask the details of Big Brother."

Gu Liang looked at the book that Yang Yegang found and asked, "What did you find?"

"This thing is equivalent to the personnel changes recorded by the personnel department. Very interesting. You can take a look."

Yang Ye opened the booklet and handed it to Gu Liang, so Gu Liang could see the time when the people around Wang Bulao came and went.

Twenty years ago, Wang Bulao married Yan Ruyu as his wife. This was his ninth wife.

Seventeen years ago, Yan Ruyu gave birth to her daughter, but left with her daughter and a paper.

Fifteen years ago, Wang Bulao accepted his first brother and second brother as his apprentices.

Thirteen years ago, Wang Bulao accepted his junior apprentice as his apprentice.

Ten years ago, the younger brother and Wang Bulao traveled abroad. The younger brother died in a foreign country. After returning, Wang Bulao began to retreat.

Three years ago, Wang Bulai left the customs; in the same year, he married a beautiful woman in clothes.


"So, ten years ago, Wang Bulao began to retreat, and he didn't leave until three years ago. He has been replaced after he left."

Gu Liang's pupils shrank slightly. "It's just... who is this little brother? I don't have him in my story, which is understandable, because he was dead when I'married' over. Why didn't the senior and second seniors mention him?"

Yang Ye stretched out his arms and stretched out, "We will focus on asking them about the younger brother in a while. Come again...the timeline after the two of them will also be asked."

Gu Liang: "It seems that they are basically locked."

Yang Ye nodded: "Yes, we are almost finished reading the place to see. At present, we can confirm that the current deceased is a fake king. But there is no clue that anyone knows about this. Even the very close to the king is in charge. , I just feel that he turned (sexual xing) after seven years of retreat. No one knows that Wang Bulao has been replaced. Everyone cursed Wang Bulao, not a counterfeit. This fake king is not old because he was killed by the knife ( Kill sha) dead, not curse."

After the inspection of the steward's room was completed, most of the two-hour inspection time had passed.

Gu Liang and Yang Ye hurriedly hurriedly finished shopping around the corners and corners of the Xiaoyao faction, but they could not find more clues.

After all, the map of the Xiaoyao School is a bit big. After running for an hour, the two of them were a little tired. Finally (gan gan) went to the kitchen to dig out some porridge to drink, relieve hunger and thirst, and rest for a while.

Gu Liang took a sip of cold porridge and looked at the time on the card. They didn't have much time left to explore.

The murderer can basically be locked into the elder brother and the second elder brother, but who killed him is still unconclusive.

Because he had been running around, Gu Liang sweated a little on his forehead, and his face (color) was not as pale as usual, but rather rosy. The corners of his eyes and eyebrows are like rouge (color), which complements his red dress.

Yang Ye looked at him unexpectedly, and saw a drop of sweat slipping from the tip of his nose, which looked very...very sexual.

As his eyes fell uncontrollably, some damp sweat from Gu Liang's throat was dripping deep into his clothes.

Yang Ye's pupils deepened and he looked away.

A spoonful of cold porridge in the entrance dispelled the dryness in his throat and heart. Yang Ye said: "Are you hungry? I just passed the vegetable garden and the chicken-raising place. The vegetables look fresh and the chicken (meat rou) is also very fresh. Fatty. After a while, the investigation is over. I will go to (kill sha) the chicken. Do you want to have a stewed or braised one?"

Gu Liang raised his head to meet his gaze, and asked curiously: "Now I'm thinking about dinner. Regarding solving the case, are you a detective really in no rush?"

Yang Ye smiled. "Worry about me?"

Gu Liang raised his eyebrows. "That's true. If you die unfortunately, you will lose a chef."

"Tsk, I'm thinking about what I cooked."

"Well, yes, so you have to live well."

Gu Liang's eyes were cold and he seemed to say casually.

But Yang Ye heard it in his heart, and his heart was warm.

——Look, it's all like this, he still doesn't admit that he just cares about me.

Just then, the second brother came to the kitchen to investigate.

He walked to the door, saw Yang Ye and Gu Liang, but took the initiative to say hello. "You are here too. Have you noticed anything?"

Yang Ye waved at him. "You come in first and have rice porridge."

The second brother glanced at him and went into the kitchen.

After he sat down, Yang Ye served him a bowl of rice porridge and asked, "I'll ask you, what are you doing with the big brother after Maoshi?"

The second brother thought for a while and said, "I just tore up and hid the paper used for the curse (sha), and the master came back from the toilet. I was very hungry, so I went to the kitchen to find food. But then The guy in the kitchen just started to cook, so I stayed in the kitchen to help. It was about a quarter past five. I went home with breakfast, and I ran into the senior brother practicing in the courtyard, so I told him to come and eat together. It didn’t take long before I heard that The maid said that the headmaster died. You saw it when you went to our place. There are leftovers on the table."

"In other words, from 60 o'clock to 5 o'clock - a full 75 minutes, you were in the kitchen?" Yang Ye was obviously suspicious of this statement, but he didn't make a sound for the time being.

The second brother replied, "Excluding the time on the road, that's it. Because there is a fire or something."

Yang Ye's eyes were dimmed, but he didn't wonder if the second brother was really in the kitchen for 75 minutes. He only asked, "Before you left and after you came back, the first brother was there. But you don't know, where you were not. For 75 minutes, has he ever left?"

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