Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 23: Painted Skin, Longevity (10)

"Yes, I don't know. +++ Catino novel website"

The second brother opened his mouth when he said this, as if he was hesitant to speak.

Yang Ye caught this detail and asked quickly: "Is there anything else I want to add?"

The second brother paused for a while, and only said, " It's just...the body you photographed, can you show me another look?"

"Okay." Yang Ye took off the camera hanging around his neck and called the photo to the second senior.

The second brother stared at the photo for a long time, his brows became tighter and tighter, but finally loosened.

"Alright." The second brother returned the camera to Yang Ye. "Then I will look elsewhere."

"Is there anything wrong with this photo?" Yang Ye's narrow eyes narrowed halfway, and he looked at the second brother with a slightly elegant look.

——After reading the photos, without saying anything, just plan to leave like this?

The second brother hesitated, and said, "Look, a bit above the word'Animal' and a knife below the word'sheng' look too deep? Does it look too deep? The depth of the knife marks is different from other pens?"

Yang Ye was very keen, and immediately asked, "You mean, this knife mark was caused by two people?"

——Now ruled out, only you and the big brother might have stabbed the knife, and now you are suggesting to me that both of you stabbed?

"I learned to paint, and I probably know a little bit more about the structure of the human body than you. The deep point on the character "Animal" is exactly where the lungs are. As for the lowermost horizontal line of "Sheng" is the abdominal artery. These two The injury may have really caused him to die. I will say so much now, and the rest will be discussed later when the discussion is concentrated."

The second brother wanted to leave after saying this.

Yang Ye stopped him again. "Wait, I will ask you one last thing."

"Well, you said." The Second Senior Brother said.

Yang Ye said, "Is there a "little brother" in your story?"

The second brother recalled and said, "Yes. He is related to this case? I mentioned it in the plot. If you don't ask, I didn't even notice him."

Yang Ye asked: "How did you write in your script?"

The second brother probably couldn't remember this unimportant character in his opinion, so he took out the card from his arms (touching Mo) and checked it, and then replied: "There is one sentence above. Then there was a younger brother, but he died within two years. I don't have any impression of him. We are not familiar with him."

Yang Ye asked: "Does the big brother know him well?"

The second brother shook his head: "I don't know. I came to Xiaoyao to work as an undercover agent, and I have never planned to have a heart-to-heart with anyone. It is written in the script that the senior brother (sexual xing) is deep, and I am enthusiastic on the outside but indifferent on the inside. I live with the big brother, but we don’t know each other very well."

After being asked by Yang Ye, the second brother ate a bowl of porridge and left the kitchen to explore elsewhere.

When the others left, Yang Ye and Gu Liang who were left were more confused.

Gu Liang's index finger tapped on the desktop. "For a full 75 minutes, the two senior brothers acted separately. They both have time to commit crimes. I can't see anything about the little junior brother for the time being. But the second senior brother said something strange about the knife mark."

Yang Ye asked, "What do you think is a strange method?"

Gu Liangdao: "Why did he tell us that there are two kinds of knife marks on the deceased? Only he and the big brother can stabbed the knife. He is equivalent to indirectly admitting that he stabbed the knife. But he refused to directly tell the story of the matter. Make it clear. Why?"

Yang Ye figured out some meaning. "So, how do you analyze his behavioral logic?"

Gu Liang frowned, and slowly said, "He seems...not sure if he is the real murderer. For example, is it possible? He engraved that character. He is actually not sure whether the action of engraving himself (killing) sha) is dead, but he is afraid that if he admits it, he will be directly identified as the murderer. So he just threw this question to you, first listen to how you analyzed it. Perhaps, after listening to your analysis, he will consider Do you want to tell you the truth?"

"You mean, is he testing me as a dog-head detective?"


Yang Ye smiled: "If this is the case. It means that he first engraved the word on the counterfeit. But he failed to kill him. After him, the big brother also went to the crime scene. Finding that the counterfeit is still alive, I made two cuts along his handwriting."

Gu Liang nodded: "Yes."

Yang Ye's pupils narrowed. "But it's also possible the other way around. Or, he did both of the knife marks. He did this to pour dirty water on the big brother and lead us to think in the direction of the big brother's knife. He dare not say Be too direct to avoid exposing (exposing) his scheming. He throws a question out and let us follow the train of thought he leads and think that he will be much safer."

Gu Liang exhaled. "Yes. What you said is also a possibility. Therefore, it is still not sure who the murderer is. In the final analysis, there is a lack of key evidence."

Yang Ye picked up the bowl and was about to take a sip of porridge. Suddenly he thought of something, and stopped, forming a posture that he was about to drink while holding the bowl but did not drink.

Gu Liang looked at him for a while and found that he had maintained this posture for a while: "What are you thinking?"

Yang Ye looked at him and said, "It's still the same sentence. Back to the title itself. This script is called "Painted Skin•Eternal Life". Let's take the title apart and look at it.'Chang Sheng' means Wang Bu Lao is immortal but immortal. Not old, what does it have to do with the story? Come on, what does painting mean? Is it a human skin mask?"

Gu Liangdao: "Since there are fakes playing Wang Bu Lao, there is indeed a human skin mask."

Yang Ye immediately put the bowl on the table and took out the cards to study the map. "The problem is that we didn't find any clues related to human skin and painted skin. This shouldn't be. This Xiaoyao school is so big, as a martial arts school or something... Will there be secret rooms of Tibetan martial arts secrets? "

After hearing Yang Ye's words, Gu Liang sat up straight.

Yang Ye asked him, "What did you think of?"

"Rockery. There is a problem with the route of the rockery."

Gu Liang replied affirmatively: "When I went to find you last night, I followed a path on the map and walked to a place. I suddenly found it was a dead end, and then I walked around. But there was clearly a line on the map. ...There may be the secret road."

"Understood. Go."

Yang Ye put down the bowl, pulled up Gu Liang's sleeves and ran.

At this moment, Gu Liang had no time to stop him, so he had to be dragged all the way to the position of the rockery.

Next to the rockery is a garden and a small artificial lake.

At this time, Big Brother and Doctor Jade were also by the lake.

Doctor Jade saw the two of them, with some surprises, some surprises, and a little smug. "Do you also think that there is a secret path here? But you came later than us. We thought of it before you!"

"You are amazing." Yang Ye praised her perfunctorily, and asked immediately, "have you noticed anything?"

"There is a road here on the map, but there is no actual geographical location. The road is blocked by a rockery. This is what I discovered just now with the big brother, here—"

Doctor Jade raised his hand and pointed, "The door is right there. But we haven't found the mechanism yet, so we don't know how to open it."

Gu Liang walked all the way to the stone wall and confirmed that he was here last night. He stroked the stone wall with his palm, then tapped his fingers. "Open the door? I'll look for it."

After saying this, Gu Liang first checked the raised stones around the lower stone wall, and pressed them down, but the stone wall did not respond.

When he lowered his head and saw some weeds in front of the stone wall, Gu Liang squatted aside and looked at the grass.

Doctor Jade said, "We have checked there, and there is no mechanism. So we thought, if there are so many rocks by the lake, will there be any problem. Eh, will there be five elements and gossip? Do you understand this? ?"

Gu Liang circled the stone wall and found nothing, so he had to run to the lake to check the stones.

After a while, he had already ran back and forth several times around the small artificial lake, and again thin sweat came out on his forehead.

Yang Ye stood aside and stared at Gu Liang.

The blush on his face became heavier, like rouge, and like Sanyue Taoyao.

At this moment, he stopped slightly and took a breath, then raised his head and glanced at the sky (color).

At this moment, the sky shines into his tea (color) eyeballs. He has a long body of jade, forming a landscape with the ink-washed landscape paintings behind him. Once he is seen, he can't move his eyes.

Although the atmosphere at the moment should be tense, because they need to race against time to solve the case.

Looking at Gu Liang like this, Yang Ye's impetuous heart can always be strangely quiet.

As if perceiving Yang Ye's gaze, Gu Liang turned his head and met his gaze. "Detective dog head, are you standing there (gan gan)? Not looking for the agency?"

"Eh, I said--" Yang Ye walked to the rockery and asked, "have you tried... just push it?"

After saying this, Yang Ye raised his hand to the stone wall in front of him, pushed hard, and after a muffled sound, the door opened.

Gu Liang: "..."

Doctor Jade: "..."

Big Brother: "..."


After the door was opened, a long corridor appeared inside, with faint light shining from the deepest part of the corridor.

Yang Ye turned his head and blinked at Gu Liang, his eyes were very proud, and he looked a little bit awkward.

This person seems to always find a simpler and more effective way.

But my own thinking makes things easy to think about complicated.

Gu Liang was not particularly willing, but he had to admit it.

At the moment, he had to suppress the urge to beat Yang Ye and walked into the tunnel first.

"Be careful, who knows if there are any demons or monsters inside." Yang Ye continued to move forward and pull the sleeves.

"This script is for people to solve the case, and it's not a big risk." Gu Liang raised his arm in advance this time to stop Yang Ye's childish behavior, and walked straight into the tunnel.

Yang Ye grabbed a bit of space, and withdrew his hand angrily, and had to keep up.

Doctor Jade and Senior Brother looked at each other and followed one after another.

The four of them walked into the tunnel all the way, and soon came to the innermost cave.

There are always bright lights around the cave, which is very light.

There is an old man on the left side of the cave entrance, which should be an npc. He was engraving something on a stone platform, and there was a wooden barrel beside it, inside it was something like (flesh) batter.

As for the things on the wall on the right side of the cave, it was enough to shock the four people living in the field.

——The pitch-black stone wall stands majestically, with neat rows of grooves on it, and in each groove, a piece of dough is placed.

The walls are full of skins, but every face looks different.

Gu Liang looked at these doughs carefully. He didn't know most of them, they should be the disciples of the Xiaoyao faction. The name of each of them is engraved on the groove under the dough.

Slowly seeing the center of the stone wall, Gu Liang was surprised to find that the skins of the various corners (colors) in the script were also on it-those with beautiful clothes, master Hui, senior brother, and Doctor Jade.

But only two people are missing.

The two grooves used to place the dough are empty, and the two names engraved below are "Second Brother" and "Wang Bu Lao".

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