Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 24: Painted Skin, Longevity (11)

Inside the cave, the sound of "Shusha" kept ringing. +++ Catino Novel Network

It was the sound of the old man at the stone table grinding the white (color) water.

"These people. Skin masks, are you all made?"

"What is the function of these dough?"

"Why don't you answer me?"

Doctor Jade asked a lot of questions, but the old man didn't say a word, just bowed his head to do his work.

Yang Ye glanced at Gu Liang and Doctor Yu, and then walked to the end of the cave. "There is a monument here."

Gu Liang looked at him and asked, "What is written on the tablet?"

Yang Ye looked at the stone tablet and read the words on it: "Secrets of the Xiaoyao School. Wang Bulao asked the painter to make the skin mask. The painter usually walks around the Xiaoyao School as a servant, and he will see everything he sees. The dough of the past is made."

"The painter is skilled and loyal to his duties. Once the head takes a piece of dough, he will immediately make a new one, in case the head needs it from time to time."

"Ah, no wonder." Doctor Yu sighed.

"No wonder what?" Gu Liang asked.

Doctor Jade said: "There is a story about Jianghu in my script. I didn't think it was important before, so I didn't tell it. That's it. After I decided to take revenge on Wang Bulao, I kept inquiring about what he did. It was written in the script, I After investigation, a strange thing was discovered."

"The Xiaoyao Sect is the number one school in the world. Many children from aristocratic families send their children to practice exercises. But the strange thing is that these children are like being brainwashed by the Xiaoyao Sect. Sometimes they say they are going home to visit relatives, but they secretly take them when they leave. Take the secret books and treasures at home. The worst is the Qingcheng faction. The wife of the head sent his brother to the Xiaoyao faction as a foreign disciple. This younger brother once returned to the Qingcheng faction and not only stole the martial arts secrets, but also (kill sha There are so many people, it’s like they completely forget that they were originally from the Qingcheng faction."

"The script says that I found out these things and determined to (kill sha) Wang Bu Lao, because I want to kill the people. Now I know..."

Yang Ye took the words of Doctor Yu. "Now you know that those disciples of the aristocratic family dealt with their own family not because they were brainwashed by the Xiaoyao Sect, but because they were all pretended to be by Wang Bulao wearing the top skin. The painter will make the skins of all those who have been to the Xiaoyao Sect . So, even my monk’s dough and Doctor Jade’s dough were prepared for Wang Bu Lao."

After a while, Gu Liang frowned and said, "The counterfeit needs to play the role of Wang Bu Lao, so I wear Wang Bu Lao's dough all the time. But the text on the stone wall just now indicates that once there is a missing piece of dough here, the painter will immediately redo it. Zhang put it back on the wall in case the boss needs it from time to time. For example, in case the face of the counterfeit is damaged, in order to avoid exposure (exposure), he can come here at any time to get a new one. Then, there should be a new one here. Wang Zhang's face is right, why is it gone?"

"Lost Wang Bulao's skin?" Yang Ye asked immediately, "Who is missing?"

Gu Liangdao: "Second brother. His face is gone."

As soon as Gu Liang's voice fell, Yang Ye, Big Brother, and Doctor Jade immediately surrounded him.

They looked over the dough and the names corresponding to the remarks on the grooves on the stone wall, and confirmed that the second brother and Wang Bulao's dough were indeed missing from the six players.

Doctor Yu tried to understand something, and suddenly jumped up. "Is it the second senior brother who died? The current second senior brother, Wang Bulao pretending to be? They have already exchanged identities, and Wang Bulao is the murderer?!"

Yang Ye frowned: "If the real king is alive, you will already be cursed to death by you. How can you continue to pretend to be the second senior brother and follow us to solve the case?"

At this moment, I couldn't allow everyone to think about it, and there was a vibration reminder from the four cards.

Immediately afterwards, a message came from the broadcast: "There are still 30 minutes before the free exploration is over. Please take care of the time."

five minutes later.

The four were dispersed again. Doctor Yu and the big brother went to explore other places.

Gu Liang and Yang Ye looked at the places they should see, and instead of looking for clues, they went to the artificial lake next to the rockery.

The breeze came slowly, but the water was not happy.

Yang Ye and Gu Liang sat on the shore side by side, and got a moment of respite during the tense exploration.

Yang Ye exhaled a few breaths and looked sideways at Gu Liang. "What do you think?"

Gu Liang said: "Our previous analysis was not wrong. There must be a counterfeit. And this counterfeit is probably the little junior. Because it is impossible for a little junior to give us a clue. Actually, I am in the housekeeper's room. After seeing those things, I got a brain hole."

"Tell me carefully?"

"The steward's record says--on one occasion, Junior Brother and Wang Bulao worked together. When they came back, Wang Bulao was the only one, and Junior Brother died in his hometown. I was thinking, maybe at that time, Wang Bulao who came back, He's already a junior brother."

"It's just a matter of mind that Wang Bulao's (sexual xing) changed drastically after seven years of retreat. When he first came back, he hadn't changed (sexual xing)."

"It is possible that when the younger brother first came back, he was afraid that everyone would doubt, so his behavior was imitating Wang Bu Lao. After seven years of retreat, it is possible for a person to change his (sexual xing) sentiment, so he did not continue to pretend after he left the customs. "

Yang Ye nodded after listening. "Reasonable. So, how do you explain the skinny matter?"

Gu Liang said: "What Doctor Jade said just now is half right. The deceased is indeed the real second brother. As for the second brother who is investigating with us now, it is a counterfeit, that is, the younger brother. This mysterious little brother. He used to pretend to be Wang Bulao, but now he is the second senior brother."

Yang Ye's eyes narrowed. "Little Junior Brother and Second Senior Brother, when did they exchange identities and why? Why did the Junior Brother (kill sha) Second Senior Brother? If you think this way, how does the story go? There is no clue to these plots."

After a long while, Gu Liang said calmly: "They are not the identities they exchanged before, they can only exchange them today."

"The second brother wanted to (kill sha) Wang Bu Lao. He was afraid of cursing (killing sha) the undead, so he went to Wang Bu Lao's bedroom to make up for the knife. Unexpectedly, he was played as the young brother of Wang Bu Lao instead of (killing sha). In order to hide from the sky, put on the face of the second brother, appeared in front of us disguised as the second brother, and went to investigate the crime with us."

Gu Liang threw a stone into the lake.

Circles of ripples dissipated around, Gu Liang also slowly restored the development of the matter in his mind.


On the ninth day of September, at 9:00 in the morning.

The big brother used a sword and a curse (to kill sha) in the yard on the pretext of going to the toilet.

At the same time, the second brother used a pen and paper in the room to curse (kill sha) Wang not old.

After that, the second brother went to the kitchen with an excuse, but actually went to Wang Bulao's bedroom.

He knew that the beauty in clothes was having a private meeting with Master Hui, and that only Wang Bulao was in the room.

Therefore, he can check whether Wang Bulao was cursed to death by himself without attracting anyone's attention.

Before going to Wang Bulao's bedroom, the second brother first went to the weapon store and took a handy knife in case of emergency.

He didn't use his own saber, but took the knife from the armory. Naturally, because of this, the murder weapon came from a public area that everyone could enter, and he could avoid being suspected.

After arriving at Wang Bulao's bedroom, the second brother found out that Wang Bulao was not dead. He just fell into a coma (sleeping Shui) because of being drugged.

But why is it so?

This curse (to kill sha) is supposed to be foolproof. Why did Wang Bulao not die?

——Could it be that the person in front of you is not Wang Bulao?

After having this thought, the second senior brother walked up to Wang Bulao to look closely, and finally found traces of a human skin mask on his face.

The second brother understood in his heart-this Wang Bu always is fake.

There is a high probability that this king is not the boss of the younger brother.

The junior brother had drunk the drug and fell into a coma (sleeping Shui).

But when the second brother was studying his skin, the drug effect passed, and he suddenly woke up.

When Gu Liang talked about this, Yang Ye said: "So, the second brother, the younger brother (killing sha), is an (excited) love (killing sha) incident. He woke up and saw the second brother broke his secret, just right He still had a knife in his hand, and the younger brother (gan gan) grabbed the knife and (killed sha) him."

Gu Liang thought for a while and shook his head. "Not quite right. The younger brother is very kind. He shouldn't take the initiative to (kill sha), but will choose to have a good talk with the second brother and ask him to help hide the secret. It's just..."

"Second Brother doesn't think so. He doesn't understand what Junior Brother is like, and fears that Junior Brother will (kill sha) himself because the secret will be broken, so he starts (强qiang) first. It's just that he never beat Junior Brother. Junior brother (killing sha) may just defend himself."

Yang Ye: "How do you explain the words on the body?"

Gu Liang was silent for a moment, seeming to be lost in thought.

After a while, Gu Liang said, "The younger brother stabbed the second brother twice, one in the lungs and one in the abdominal artery. In order to cover up the crime, he went to the secret road and took two dough skins. He took Wang Bu Lao's dough, Putting it on the body of the second brother makes everyone think that the dead is Wang Bulao. But he himself put on the face of the second brother and pretended to be the second brother."

"At this time, he needs to find a reason for Wang Bulao's death. He followed the existing two swords and added the word'beast', in order to disguise all this as a grudge (to kill sha). Wang Bulao's enemy There are many. In this way, there will be many suspects, and they will not necessarily be suspected of the second senior brother he is dressed as."

Yang Ye asked again: "If this is the case, Junior Brother doesn't know the timeline of the second brother in the morning. When we asked him, why did he correctly state the timeline?"

Gu Liang: "He is a little brother of the Xiaoyao School. He naturally knows that [draw a circle to curse you] and know that it will work today. The second brother directly used pen and paper to draw the curse. Those scraps of paper, the younger brother may I saw it. In addition, he had been with the senior brother in the morning. He may have used the words of the senior brother. In addition, he knows the living habits of the two senior brothers well. When combined, he can guess the timeline of the second brother, no difficult."

After a while, Gu Liang stood up and looked at Yang Ye, only to see that his expression was a bit solemn, and he did not feel relaxed after discovering the truth.

Gu Liang asked him: "At present, it seems that only the junior apprentice, that is, the imposter king, knows about the secret path. So he can only take the dough. What do you think is wrong?"

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