Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 40: Undead City (9)

In the one-on-one interrogation room, the clock hands went to 11 o'clock in the morning. +++Mobile phone reading visit

Li Xiaoyu sat silently opposite Yang Ye, keeping his head down.

After a while, Yang Ye poured her a glass of water over.

Li Xiaoyu glanced at him awkwardly, then quickly lowered his head to open the notebook and held the pen.

But she didn't look at Yang Ye or the notebook. She picked up the pen and turned around, her eyes were empty, like a young girl (female nu) who had a runaway in class.

Yang Ye thought her behavior was a little weird. "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Li Xiaoyu sat upright, "Just say whatever you want, I will listen."

Yang Ye asked her: "Who do you think is the murderer?"

Li Xiaoyu squeezed the pen tighter, bit her lower lip, and said after a while, "I was outside just now, and I had a chat with Gu Liang, I think he reasoned right."

"Oh? What did he say?" Yang Ye asked.

Li Xiaoyu: "Or... I won't tell you what he thinks first. Let me talk about your thoughts first. Let me take a look at it. I'm really confused. You just assume I don't know anything.

"Okay." Yang Ye said, Kill sha) people's closed-loop matter, do you have no objection?"

Li Xiaoyu: "No. a (to kill sha) b, b (to kill sha) c, c (to kill sha) a, I understand this. Everyone is trapped."

"Then you think, how to break this closed loop?" Yang Ye asked.

Li Xiaoyu thought for a while and said, "Just now Gu Liang said that there are two ways."

Yang Ye paused while holding the pen, and narrowed his eyes. "Oh, which two?"

"In the first type, some people (kill sha); in the second type, some people (kill sha) two people."

When Li Xiaoyu said this, he picked up the cup and took a sip of water. "Gu Liang said that the clues he saw about witchcraft are like this. So... so..."

I don't know why, when Li Xiaoyu said this, it seemed that he couldn't continue.

Yang Ye took her words: "But judging by the death of the corpse, it is impossible for anyone to kill sha. Do you agree?"

Li Xiaoyu: "Recognized..."

Yang Ye said: "Okay. Then the first possibility, we directly ruled it out. Now there is only one possibility to break the cycle—someone killed two people."

Li Xiaoyu: "Well, I understand."

"Then I will ask you one more question now. In this setting, the body will not disappear. Think about it, if you find your body in an alley one time, you will find something wrong. Or, you also I saw two people, one is him and the other is his corpse. Slowly, you may find through reasoning that everyone is involved in a cycle of death. At this time, what will you do? ?"

Li Xiaoyu said: "I will (kill sha) the person who (killed sha) me. In this way, I will not be (killed sha). Or, I will (kill sha) a person at random, see if it is ( Kill him, the cycle may break."

Yang Ye nodded: "Yes. That's it. So, can we think that the real culprit actually realized this, so (killing sha) two people, thus breaking the cycle."

"Yeah." Li Xiaoyu nodded.

Yang Ye said: "For this reason, because Gu Liang has clues to witchcraft, it does not mean that he is the murderer."

"Hmm..." Li Xiaoyu drank a sip of water and almost choked herself again.

Yang Ye handed her the tissue, and she quickly wiped her mouth.

"You are also a little weird. Are you okay?" Yang Ye asked her.

Li Xiaoyu shook his head quickly. "It's okay. Your analysis is...very good. Go on."

Yang Ye said: "Therefore, two conditions must be met for a murderer to become a murderer. First, he was aware of the cycle; second, he (killed sha) two people. Right?"

Li Xiaoyu: "Yes."

Yang Ye: "So good, let's use the method of elimination. First of all, I can exclude you. You don't know who you are (killing sha), and there is no chance (to kill sha) against the past (to kill sha) Ding beggar. Then again. Here, you saw the corpse of neighbor Liu twice, both after being (killed by sha). You did not see his corpse and him at the same time at the same time. I basically understand your other timelines, you It should not be possible to realize the existence of the cycle."

Li Xiaoyu nodded.

Yang Ye said again: "Now, we have determined that the deceased is Ding beggar. The second time (killing sha) Ding beggar must not be the same person as the first time (killing sha) him, otherwise the cycle cannot be broken. So, for the second time (killing sha), he will definitely not be Li Barbecue again. We can also exclude Li Barbecue. Right?"

"Yes. That's right."

"Come on again, do you now know why you were killed by Ding Beggar?"

"I know. Gu Liang told me just now. It was because of a dream."

"Okay, the second time you were (killed sha), it was still when you passed the alley around 10 o'clock. At this time, Ding beggar will have hallucinations and will go to (kill sha) you. This means the time he was poisoned. It's still half past nine, right?"

"Yes, that's right."

Yang Ye: "That's it. We can exclude Gu Liang."

Li Xiaoyu: "..."

Yang Ye said: "Last night, that is the night of the second cycle, your script corner (color), staring at Gu Liang in the backyard of the coffin shop before 9:30, you found that he has not been out of the coffin shop, right? ? And in fact, you are in my backyard and we both witnessed it together. Even after you left, I clearly saw that he had been in the coffin shop. So he had no chance to poison Ding beggar again. ."

"Yes... Gu Liang can be excluded."

Li Xiaoyu put down the pen, put his hands under the table, and twisted them together where Yang Ye could not see.

Her heart was a little magnificent, and she was a little surprised at what Yang Ye said, but she dared not say anything.

"Then, after eliminating this, neighbor Liu and Principal Cha will remain."

Yang Ye continued, "Let’s analyze it further now. The person who killed the beggar Ding twice is not the same person, but the bodies of the two beggars are exactly the same. Why? It can only be because of Liu's neighbor and Cha. Among the principals, one person imitated and committed crimes. In this way, everyone would be misled into thinking that Ding Beggar was killed by Li Babe (sha) twice."

"Imitation and committing crimes have to meet a condition. He knows the poison of [Fantasy Dream]."

"Of these two people, who knows this poison?"

Li Xiaoyu exhaled and said, "Principal Cha. He knew that I used a dream to kill neighbor Liu. He helped me deal with the body."

"Yes. So the real murderer can only be Principal Cha."

Yang Ye said with certainty and added, "The whole process should be like this. During the second cycle, Principal Cha went to help you finish the corpse, and secretly took the poisoned barbecue from the barbecue booth. Then waited for you from He left the apartment building to go to the coffin shop. He also left the apartment building, and Li took a barbecue first and gave the barbecue to Ding Beggar."

"In this way, even if Ding Beggar still went to Beggar Li to beg for dinner afterwards, he ate the poisonous barbecue given to him by Beggar Li, but the poison that Principal Cha fed him had to be earlier, so he died at the hands of Principal Cha first."

After speaking a long paragraph, Yang Ye breathed out a little while observing Li Xiaoyu's reaction.

He was waiting to see if Li Xiaoyu would raise any flaws.

In this script, Yang Ye already felt that Liu Ran was getting smarter.

Therefore, if this lie can't even be convinced by Li Xiaoyu, naturally it can't convince Liu Ran.

Yang Ye waited for a while, and Li Xiaoyu finally spoke and said, "Yes. I think it's okay. The murderer is Principal Cha."

its not right.

According to Li Xiaoyu's (sexual xing) pattern, it is not said that the murderer has been found. When she found any clues, she was happy and dancing. Why is her reaction so calm now?

More than this, her reaction from start to finish was not particularly right.

Thinking of something, Yang Ye twisted his eyebrows, stood up, patted his palm on the table, and looked down at Li Xiaoyu. "Do you really think it's okay?"

"No...nothing wrong."

Li Xiaoyu was a little hairy by Yang Ye's stare, and the whole person tilted back, his eyes drifting, "When you were talking with Xun Feng, Gu... Gu Liang talked to me just now. His guess is almost exactly the same as you. You two Every gangster said that, the murderer was that Principal Cha did not run away."

Yang Ye remembered Xun Feng's previous analysis, (gan gan), he was learning and using it now, and immediately turned his eyebrows to Li Xiaoyu. "you are lying."

Yang Ye has sharp facial features, stern face without smiling, and when he stares at people, he is almost like Yan Wang Shuluo.

Before, Yang Ye had always given people the impression that he was good-tempered and talkative. Where did Li Xiaoyu see him like this.

Li Xiaoyu was frightened by him. When he tried to stand up, he waved his hand and splashed the water again.

"Your eyes are constantly moving, come again, when you said that sentence, the direction of your fingers and the expression of your eyes are not consistent, you are lying. Why?"

"I didn't move my fingers?"

Li Xiaoyu did not move his fingers.

But Yang Ye couldn't help but bluff her to deceive her, and immediately said fiercely: "Moved!"

Li Xiaoyu was a little confused: " talk nonsense..."

Yang Ye: "Why are you lying? Are you hiding something for the real murderer?"

Li Xiaoyu: "I am not...I don't have..."

Yang Ye: "Really? How do I feel that you lied under his instructions? Did Gu Liang say anything? What did the real murderer ask you to help him (gan)?"

Li Xiaoyu: "No, Gu Liang didn't do anything. Why did I (gan) lie to him? I helped the real murderer (gan)..."

Yang Ye: "The real murderer? Isn't the real murderer Principal Cha? Why mention Gu Liang? You missed it."

"...I... did I say, wait a moment..."

Li Xiaoyu was stunned for ten seconds, staring at Yang Ye blankly. "I didn't say anything about it. You said all these words, the real murderer, Gu Liang. do what I mean! You you you--!"

Yang Ye patted her shoulder, softening her voice. "It's okay. Sit down. Tell me, what on earth did Gu Liang tell you."

Li Xiaoyu was a little veiled by him, with a face of no love. "I suspect you guys are uniting to **** me."


About half an hour ago.

In the lounge where Gu Liang is.

While apologizing, Li Xiaoyu hurriedly took out the paper to clean up the water (gan).

Then she sat down and looked at Gu Liang uncertainly. "You...what did you say?"

"I said I was the murderer."

Gu Liang explained the content of witchcraft to Li Xiaoyu, "understand?"

After a while, Li Xiaoyu nodded: "Understood. Once you die, witchcraft will work. You are the first person to start the cycle."

"Yes, the first time I died was at 9 p.m. on August 7th. I was the one who started witchcraft. The first time I died, I was resurrected immediately. I got up from the backyard of the shroud shop and returned to the coffin shop. I At that time, I didn't realize that I was (killed). I felt a little pain in my body. I thought I was beaten by neighbor Liu."

"Witchcraft started to work from this night. It will make everyone irritable (kill sha). Thinking of President Cha's harm to me, I was upset and went to the street to relax. At this time, I did not see Li Barbecue poisoning (killing sha) Ding beggars, because that night, there was no series of murders (killing sha) such as (fa) poisoning you (killing sha) Liu neighbors. After that, a series of (killing sha) killings , Which were all produced on August 8."

"Going out to relax this night did not eliminate the irritability in my heart. Under the influence of witchcraft, I finally decided to (kill sha) to Principal Cha."

"The next day, on the morning of August 8, I went to (kill sha) to headmaster Cha. Slowly, you all started to (kill sha)."

"On this day, Feng-senpai, who is usually timid and kind-hearted, used poison to neighbor Liu, causing him to die at 8 o'clock."

"His body was hidden by you in the coffin shop. Others were resurrected at home. At that time, his memory went backwards for 24 hours. He set up wine and peanuts at home and waited for me to come. He had planned to (kill sha) At that time, under the influence of witchcraft, I had the urge to have to (kill sha) quickly, so he even called me to urge me to go."

"At this moment, I feel strange. Because he asked me to discuss business yesterday, but beat me up and threw me in the yard. Why did he ask me again?"

"Thinking about the first night, I was very angry, so I went to settle the account with him. As a result, I died in his hands again."

"This is my second (died) death. This time, like you, I have lost 24 hours of memory. At this time, detective Yang Ye walked into this script site for the first time."

"On August 8, at 10:30 that night, I went to the alley and saw the bodies of you and Ding Beggar."

"On the morning of August 9, I went to (kill sha) and went to Principal Cha for the second time."

Killing sha) After he came back, I met you who came to buy the coffin. This is the first time I have noticed something is wrong."

"I met your body last night, how can you come and buy a coffin again?"

"This is actually a very critical point in this book. Meeting your corpse, meeting you alive and looking for me, in the middle of these two things (fa), I have not been (killed), so I have not lost my memory. Yes. I'm equivalent to seeing a dead you and a living you at the same time, so I can find out what's wrong."

"Similarly. This afternoon, I met Ding beggar who came back from outside the city. I also saw his body last night, but why did he come back from outside the city?"

"Something went wrong one after another. At this moment, I remembered the letter my father left me and what he said to me. I realized that on August 7, I was not beaten by my neighbor Liu, but He (killed sha), so I started the cycle."

"It stands to reason that I should (kill sha) neighbor Liu. However, witchcraft said, people have to (kill sha) themselves. I can't think of a way to let neighbor Liu (kill sha) themselves. It just happened to reach Ding Ding. When the beggar came to the door, I said to try, can you fool him...make him willing to (kill sha)."

Li Xiaoyu digested it for a long time, and finally digested it.

She asked Gu Liang, "How did you let him (kill sha)?"

Gu Liang turned his gaze and looked at Li Xiaoyu faintly: "I don't actually know now. Because the plot on my card is gone. And my diary didn't remember it in detail."

"Then what you just said are...?"

"Combining the diary and the free investigation, I guessed the timeline of Xun Feng and I in detail."

"Then what do you guess about Ding Beggar Zi (killing sha)?" Feng Xuejie asked.

After a long while, Gu Liang replied: "I guess...I used you."

"Me?" Li Xiaoyu was surprised.

"Yes. Yang Ye said that day, I pulled Ding Beggar into the coffin shop and spoke for a long time. I think I told him about the existence of circulation."

Gu Liang leaned back on the sofa, staring at the floating dust in the void.

"Boss Meng, can you give me some money? I'll be able to make up enough money to buy a guitar for Sister Feng-Beggar Ding probably said this to me, similar to when he begged Li BBQ for dinner."

"Then I told him, what's the use of you pooling the money to buy a guitar? Your Feng-senpai is trapped. If you don't save her, she will continue to die and live and never get liberated. ). She couldn't play the guitar you gave me at all."

"Beggar Ding will definitely ask me, then what should he do."

"I said, someone has to kill sha. But there is no way, who will kill sha? I can’t. It’s impossible for other people. No one can save his Feng-senpai. . Even the Ding beggar has nothing to do. He was roasted with poison by Li Barbecue (to kill sha), and he was also trapped in witchcraft."

Li Xiaoyu was a little sad after hearing this story. "I see. Ding Beggar chose to kill himself (to kill sha) in order to save Feng Xuejie (脱tuo) from (死si) death cycle. You tell him that the barbecue he eats at night is poisonous. But he still went to eat. . The first time he was poisoned by eating barbecue, it was unconscious. The second time, he knew that he was poisonous and still ate it. This is self (to kill sha). But he was fooled by you (to kill sha)... Find the real murderer who harmed him, and that real murderer is you."

"Yes. Ding beggar is willing to die, and is no longer blessed by the'immortality technique'."

"I think... when he died for the first time, he didn't stare at him. He returned to the light before he died and found that he (killed sha) you."

"The second time was different. He didn't look down at him in the end, probably because, in the end, he still didn't collect enough money to buy a guitar for Sister Feng, so he couldn't listen to Sister Feng playing the guitar."

"But anyway, he died for his beloved girl. He is a hero."

Li Xiaoyu's brows are almost frowning.

She hesitated for a while, but still asked: "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because you need to win gold coins. The gold coins may offset the years. Don't you have to go back to the exam? Acca, right?"

Gu Liang said lightly, "I wish you an early approval and become an excellent accountant."

Li Xiaoyu couldn't help asking again: "It's know, you are a self-confessed murderer and you don't want to harm the detective, right? Then why don't you tell Yang Ye directly? Let him announce it to us. it is good?"

"Because he wants to help me. He won't agree to vote for me directly."

Gu Liangdao, "But, I don't want him to do this."

"But what's the difference between you like this and seeking death?" Li Xiaoyu asked, "You... don't you want to live?"

"That's not the case. (Death) is not terrible at all. It is the most terrifying and cowardly to step on someone's (sexual) life humblely."

Gu Liang looked up and looked at the pitch-black ceiling, "When I was in my teens and 20s, I also had a heart of innocence. But later, the older I got, the more I lived. I walked with a broken soul. In the world, it’s not alive, it’s surviving."

"I don't want to bear a life anymore. I don't need others to sacrifice their lives to save me. I want to be the one who saved them, just like Ding Beggar."

Gu Liang smiled at this point, "In reality, I failed, but in the game, I can at least be sexually xing."

Li Xiaoyu shed tears, and he didn't know if it was because of the beggar Ding in the story or because of Gu Liang in front of him.

Gu Liang looked at her for a long while, helped her draw a tissue, and said, "Don't worry. I won't necessarily die."

"Why... why?" Li Xiaoyu didn't quite understand.

Gu Liang smiled. "Because I prepared some surprises for the man in black."

Li Xiaoyu: "Eh... eh??!"

Gu Liang said lightly: "Of course. Challenge the system, there will be a little risk. I cannot guarantee 100% success. But this risk can only be dealt with by myself, not Yang Ye."

Waiting patiently for Li Xiaoyu to wipe (gan) his tears, Gu Liang said, "Okay. Before the Xiaoyao faction, before the final vote, when you lied to the big brother with us, you behaved very well. So I trust your acting skills. Please continue to play and help me fool Yang Ye."

Li Xiaoyu: " do I lie?"

Gu Liang: "Just tell him, I persuaded you and asked you to cast the headmaster as the murderer."


At this moment, under the coercion and lure of Yang Ye, Li Xiaoyu had nothing but to explain.

Thinking of Gu Liang's phrase "I trust your acting skills", Li Xiaoyu felt very guilty.

After Yang Ye listened, she was dumb for a while, unable to tell what she was feeling.

Now he understands everything.

Yang Ye recalled that shortly after the investigation started, Gu Liang said a lot of harsh words at the back door of the coffin shop. His constant (strong qiang) adjustments were self-interested.

Next, when he was in the cellar, Gu Liang deliberately looked at himself provocatively, saying that he would prove that he was not the real murderer.

Finally, it is now that he tells Li Xiaoyu and Liu Ran that he is the real murderer, but he let these two people lie to himself with him, making himself think that he is standing on the opposite side of Yang Ye and he wants to kill me. .

why? He was telling me Yang Ye that Gu Liang is a terrible and selfish person.

He wanted me to think that he would not care about my life or death in order to protect himself.

In this way, after he was disappointed, he would give up helping him.

I would really tell other people that Gu Liang was the real murderer and let them vote for Gu Liang.

——Is this Gu Liang's plan?

Yang Ye was a little distressed and helpless, and then a little depressed and lost.

At the end, he was full of helplessness.

Li Xiaoyu was also very helpless.

She said to Yang Ye: "Anyway, now, he doesn't want you to die, you don't want him to die. Am I right? You are not going to lie to each other, do you? There are still 4 hours before the voting time. What should I do among you?"

Yang Ye cleared up his emotions and looked at her: "Then follow the script directed by Gu Liang. Just let him think that I am disappointed in him, and let you vote for him. I trust your acting skills."

Li Xiaoyu: "..."

Yang Ye said: "But in the end, please don't vote for him. You have to vote for the principal. Principal Zha was originally a scumbag. This is the reason why I made up the story and made up the murderer. You can rest assured that you lost because of the wrong vote. I will replenish you with that gold coin."

Li Xiaoyu: "I don't care about gold coins. I just..."

"sorry to bother you."

Yang Ye looked at her seriously, "Neither he nor I will die. Don't vote for him, we can all live well."

"I...I try my best." Li Xiaoyu said.

Yang Ye nodded, "Okay. Go out. me call in Gu Liang."


5 minutes later.

Gu Liang walked into the one-on-one interrogation room.

The first thing Gu Liang saw was the appearance of Yang Ye lowering his head to write and draw in his notebook.

He frowned slightly and looked tired.

His lips are a little hairy (dry gan), obviously, because he has been talking.

Gu Liang's footsteps paused, and he went to the drinking fountain to catch water with a (sexual xing) cup.

Walking back to Yang Ye again, Gu Liang put down the water glass, handed it to him, and sat across from him, and asked, "How are the discussions?"

Yang Ye put down the pen, looked up at him, picked up the water he handed, raised his head and took a few big mouthfuls. "Thank you. I am indeed thirsty."

Gu Liang nodded slightly, put his hands on the back of the chair, gently pinching the aluminum handle with his fingers, and said nothing.

Yang Ye looked up and drank a glass of water, threw the glass into the trash can next to him, and said, "I’m a little tired after talking with them for an hour. Why don’t we go to the lounge to talk. There is beer or something, I want to drink some Anyway, between the two of us, there is no need to be too formal."

Gu Liang was taken aback for a moment, nodded, and asked, "Is it mine to go to your lounge?"

Yang Ye didn't know what he thought of, and the corners of his mouth curled. "Come on to me."

"Yeah." Gu Liang had no objection, stood up and walked out.

Yang Ye looked at his memorial moments and followed.

After a while, in the detective lounge, Yang Ye opened the can and pushed it to Gu Liang. "Still not drinking beer?"

"Stop drinking," Gu Liang said.

"This dark beer tastes good."

Yang Yewu took a sip of the beer with a strong malt smell and slightly bitter taste, and glanced at Gu Liangkong's empty hands, "You didn't even bring your pen and notebook?"

Gu Liang calmly said, "Do I need to analyze anything?"

"When you were in the cellar, didn't you claim to persuade everyone not to vote for you? Then what is your strategy? When you are outside, how do you talk to other people?" Yang Ye asked.

"Of course it is to push the matter to other people. Isn't the person who plays Principal Cha happen to be a scum. So I smeared him." Gu Liang said.

Fine. Gu Liang began to perform.

Yang Ye is so angry, but she still has to keep smiling.

"Really? How did you pollute the principal?"

"Just say (killing sha) two people can break the cycle of death. The deceased is Ding beggar. The first time he was poisoned, the murderer was Li Babei. But the second time he was poisoned, the murderer was Principal Cha."

"Didn't Li Xiaoyu just come out from you? She should have told you my reasoning. She will vote for the principal."

"Xun Feng doesn't need to persuade, he won't vote for me."

"As for Liu Ran, I will also persuade him to vote for Principal Cha."

Gu Liang opened a bottle of Coke and took a sip, his apple slid up and down.

Then he put down the Coke, looked at Yang Ye and said, "Yang Ye, you lost. I said earlier that you treat others as comrades in arms, and others may not consider you."

"Really..." Yang Ye picked up the beer and took another sip, really sad and angry.

He almost felt that he really wanted to teach Gu Liang a lesson right now.

He wanted to smash all his indifference and alienation, and even more wanted to smash the thick wall he built between himself and others, blocking the kindness of all outsiders.

After a while, Yang Ye swallowed the beer, as if to swallow all dryness.

In this way, he can continue the play and say as calmly as possible: "I don't think so. I found the flaw."

"Really. Where is the flaw in my story?" Gu Liang asked.

Yang Ye asked: "Principal Zha does have knowledge of the poison of Fantasy One. But how does he know that Beggar Ding died of this poison? How do you convince everyone about this?"

Gu Liang thought for a while, and said, "The bodies of the other people are either hidden in the sandpit, or in the coffin shop or backyard. Only the body of the beggar Ding is lying in the alley. So Principal Cha might look at it. To his body."

"That night, after he and Feng-senpai hid the body, they walked to the apartment building together, and then went home separately. Later, Feng-senpai went out to the coffin shop. Principal Cha might also go out again. At this time, he passed the alley. , Of course it might have walked in and saw the body of Ding beggar."

"It happened to be around 9:30. He walked a few steps forward and saw Li Barbecue giving food to Ding beggars. He ran into two Ding beggars, one dead and one alive. So at that time, he not only noticed The (die si) cycle of death, I also know that Li Babei will count on the beggar."

"No one can prove what you said, what was his motivation for going out for the second time?" Yang Ye asked.

Gu Liang: "Senior Feng will go to the coffin shop to stalk, can he not stalk? It's just that he found out about Ding beggar, so he was delayed. Besides, no one can prove that he never went out again. Feng Senior sister was hiding at the back door of the coffin shop. If Principal Cha was walking on the long street outside, Senior Sister Feng would not have met him."

Correct. well.

Yang Yexin said that he and Xun Feng had made up this question before—when Li Babei went to threaten Principal Cha, he said that he had poisoned Ding Beggar.

But now it seems that Gu Liang's reason is obviously more reasonable.

Yang Ye quickly put the notes in the notebook.

So that Liu Ran will ask this question when he suddenly thinks that Principal Liu Rancha is the murderer.

Gu Liang would definitely tell Liu Ran that he himself was the murderer.

But Yang Ye will surely convince Liu Ran that President Cha is the murderer.

On the surface, Yang Ye pretended to be serious and deep. "I have to admit that you have found a good reason for this. It is difficult for me to refute it."

"Well. What's the flaw?" Gu Liang asked.

Yang Ye said: "Principal Cha (killing sha) broke the cycle. He (killed sha) two people, one is Li Barbecue and the other is Ding Beggar. Why is the dead beggar Ding instead of Li Barbecue? "

Gu Liangdao: "Simple, Ding Beggar died behind Li Barbecue. That's why he was the'second' person who was killed by Principal Cha (killing sha), and he naturally became the one who broke the cycle."

Yang Ye shook his head: "In the first cycle of death, Ding Beggar was poisoned at 9:30. In the second cycle, if he died at the hands of Principal Cha instead of Li Barbecue, then he was poisoned. The time must be earlier than 10:30. In this way, Ding Beggar will die before 10:30. And Li Barbecue fainted at 10, can the gas kill him in 30 minutes? Generally speaking, no It will be so soon. He should die behind Ding Beggar."

Gu Liangdao: "This is not necessarily true. At that time, we couldn't judge the concentration of gas. Besides, the wine that Li Barbecue drank was not added with medicine. The medicine may accelerate the reaction."

Yang Ye's face is solemn: "Tsk, so it seems...The story you made up is really comprehensive. Everyone will be fooled by you."

Gu Liang said lightly: "I'm sorry."

Yang Ye raised her eyebrows and looked at Gu Liang: "There are less than 4 hours left. It sounds like I have to race against time to find out where you have fatal flaws."

"Exactly." Gu Liang nodded, "I said, I'll be honest with you, it's not that I want to lose, let alone seek death. I showed all my cards, and I can still win. Because they didn't see that card. So I have room for change."

Yang Ye lowered his head, sighed heavily, his face was a bit depressed. "I didn't expect that we would come to this point."

Gu Liang said calmly: "Sooner or later there will be such a day."

Yang Ye acted with Gu Liang, and finally laughed angrily by his words.

In order to cover up his emotions, he took a few big sips of beer, and looked at Gu Liang deeply through the drunkenness: "So, maybe this is the last 4 hours we spent together. Apart from the case, do you have anything else to say...I want to be right. I said?"

Gu Liangdao: "If you die, I'm still alive, and if you are lucky enough to get out of this game and return to a normal life, I will burn you paper money. And vice versa. If you win, give me some burn Paper money."

The wine in Yang Ye's mouth became bitter inexplicably.

On the face, he looked at Gu Liang with a smile, and joked, "You are quite superstitious."

Gu Liang said, "It's okay. Burning paper money or something is just a thought. Of course, if you are still willing to burn it for me. After this time..."

Gu Liangxin said-after all, after this incident, in your heart, I became the enemy you wanted to harm you, and maybe we could never be friends again.

Gu Liang didn't say this, but Yang Ye could understand it.

As a result, Yang Ye felt even more bored--Gu Liang really didn't trust himself at all.

Even if it had nothing to do with love, he thought that he, a detective, would not care about anything, would he really want to send him to death by himself?

"Well, time is tight, you and I will fight separately." Gu Liang stood up holding the Coke and left.


Focus on the discussion room.

Liu Ran frowned and sat, his expression a little worried.

At this moment, Xun Feng and Li Xiaoyu seemed to be discussing something, and they went to the lounge together.

As for Gu Liang, he just came out of Yang Ye's lounge and went to his own lounge.

Liu Ran thought for a while, stood up, and decided to talk to Yang Ye.

At this time, he noticed movement from a nearby location.

He turned his head and saw that the movement came from Headmaster Cha who was tied up.

Principal Cha was stuffed with something in his mouth and could not speak.

His hands were tied behind the chair.

But his fingers can still move.

At this time, Liu Ran saw President Cha compare himself with a number-"2".

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