Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 41: Undead City (10)

In the lounge where Xun Feng is. +++Mobile phone reading visit

Li Xiaoyu actually drank two cans of Coke in his lounge and came over to rub Coke.

She took a sip of Coke and asked Xun Feng: "By the way, Gu Liang didn't know that he was the murderer at first, did he? When did he know?"

Xun Feng said: "Just when you finished eating at noon that day, he received a plot, and then went back to the coffin shop alone, talked to Ding Guer, and went to the cellar. At that time, he was basically sure. Later, he explored the case. At that time, he knew everyone's timeline, and he was sure."

Li Xiaoyu asked: "Why? Looking at it this way, Principal Cha is also possible. He has the opportunity to (kill sha) Ding beggar."

Xun Feng thought for a while, and said, "No. Witchcraft said at the beginning that'self (kill sha)' can break this spell. It doesn't say that (kill sha) two people can break the cycle, this sentence We made up the words to deceive Liu Ran."

Xun Feng continued to explain: "The original words of the letter from Gu Liang were that incantation would make people violent (kill sha), so of course there may be a situation where one person (kill sha) has multiple people. It will not cause the spell to be cracked."

"After all, we are a one-star difficulty script this time, so I think that one person only (kills sha) one person, and finally a closed loop situation is formed. This is a coincidence of the script's intentional design, which is convenient for players to reason."

"That afternoon, Gu Liang saw the letter and deceived Ding Beggar from (killing sha) as a role model, and he was the first to start witchcraft. So at that time, he was basically certain that he was the murderer. ."

Li Xiaoyu took a sip of Coke, thought about it for a while, and then asked: "That letter also said that (killing sha) killing may form a cycle. In case it only lists'self (killing sha)' as a way to break the spell , What if there are other ways to break the curse? Although (Killsha) two people can break the curse, you made up Liu Ran to deceive it, but what if it works?"

Xun Feng shook his head: "First, we even rummaged through the turf of the (fuck cao) field and found no other clues to break the cycle of death. Second, even if such clues exist, it is impossible. of."

Li Xiaoyu asked: "Why is there no possibility of (killing sha) Ding beggar by Principal Cha?"

Xun Feng said: "Because I have a very important timeline here. That is after I (Killsha) throws the body, I have been paying attention to the movements of you and Principal Cha."

Li Xiaoyu blinked his eyes twice and reflected. "Couldn't you bump into me and Principal Cha hiding the body after throwing the body?"

"Exactly. Therefore, I actually came to confirm the timeline of Principal Cha. Logically, I can prove that he has no possibility of poisoning Ding Beggar."

Xun Feng said, "In fact, the whole story should be like this--"

Li Xiaoyu held his breath and listened to Xun Feng slowly explaining: "I have (killed sha) Gu Liang three times. You understand this, right?"

Li Xiaoyu nodded: "Understood. The last two deaths of him will circulate with us."

"The first time I (killed sha) him, it was actually impulsive, not planned."

Xun Feng said, "My character (color) also likes Feng-senpai. Gu Liang's boss Meng is the kind of broken mouth. After he knew I like Feng-senpai, he often mocked me and said I was a toad. I wanted to eat a swan. That night, I asked him to drink and talk about business. We talked to Sister Feng, and he said that I can’t even compare to Ding Beggar. I was impulsive and strangled him with a tie. ."

"On the night of August 7, when I strangled him, the witchcraft didn’t work, so when I strangled him, I didn’t mean to kill him, I was angry and wanted to teach him. I just missed it. I saw him pass out. , I panicked and thought he was dead and wanted to bury him."

"I remembered that Wang Shouyi mentioned that he went back to his hometown to visit relatives, so I dug a hole in Wang Shouyi's backyard and buried Gu Liang with grass. I think Gu Liang died in the soil in the end, so he immediately resurrected. At that time, the man was already in the backyard of the shroud shop. At that time I had already left, I didn't know he was resurrected."

"This is my timeline for the first day. But my timeline for the next two days is different."

"At around 9 pm on August 8, it was my second time (killing sha) for him. This time, I (killing sha) he was not purely impulsive, but became violent (killing sha) under the influence of witchcraft. After (killing sha), he went to the shroud shop to throw the body. The timeline for this journey is the same as the first day. But the latter is different-because I saw you and Principal Cha."

"I walked from the shroud shop to the street and saw you and Principal Cha walking from the direction of the coffin shop towards the apartment building. I now know that you were going to the back door of the coffin shop to hide the bodies. But I didn’t know the specifics at the time. I'm afraid you saw my burial. So I have been following you to the apartment building. After you get home, I went to hide behind the street lamp across the building, paying attention to your movements, lest you go to the shroud shop to look through the body or something. ."

"You went out soon after you got home. You are a girl, it is impossible to go to the backyard of the shroud shop to check the body. So I chose to stay in the apartment building and follow the principal. During the period, I saw Li Barbecue coming to the apartment building. I know, he went to blackmail Principal Cha at the time."

"And Principal Cha, he never came out during this period. When he came out, it was already 10 o'clock in the evening. He didn't go far, so he smoked at the door of the apartment building. He came out at that time because of him. Gas was put on at home to make Li barbecue. At 11 o'clock, he went back."

"So, from start to finish, he had no contact with Ding Beggar that night. He couldn't (kill sha) Ding Beggar."

"Finally, Beggar Ding told Gu Liang that he went to the piano shop in the city during the day to ask about the price of the guitar. The first time Beggar Ding was (killed), the body was in the alley, but he woke up in the next city. Therefore, it is unlikely that Principal Cha will see him alive during the day."

"Combined, only Gu Liang is possible."

Li Xiaoyu thought for a while and nodded. "Sure. I understand everything."

"Last night, August 9th, it was my third time (killing sha) Gu Liang. Actually, of course I didn't (killing sha). Both Yang Ye and I went to the small black room. But just look at the character (color) There are still subtle differences in the timeline of the character Neighbor Liu."

"The first two (killing sha) were finished, Wang Shouti was not there, so neighbor Liu threw the body directly in his backyard. Based on the fact that Boss Meng lived directly after his first resurrection, there is no Boss Meng's body in the backyard, so When Liu threw the body for the second time, no abnormality was found."

"After the third time (killing sha) last night, neighbor Liu went to throw the corpse and saw the lamp in the shroud shop. He thought it was weird-Ming Ming Wang Shouti went home to visit relatives, why did he come back again? It was strange, but he didn't want to run around carrying the corpse, so he could only quickly dispose of the corpse. So he dug a hole and buried the corpse as soon as possible."

"At this time, he should have seen it. There seems to be someone buried in the mud nearby. But he is afraid that Wang Shouti will come to the yard at any time, so he has to leave quickly. Therefore, he still found no abnormality and didn't know (die si) died. It's a cyclical thing. So, neighbor Liu will not be the murderer. The whole story tends to be complete and reasonable."

"In the previous free investigation, Gu Liang was the first to find me, Yang Ye joined later. After I checked the timeline with Gu Liang, he should be sure he was the murderer."

"So your timeline is very important." Li Xiaoyu said.

"Yes. The most important thing in this story is the timeline."

Xun Feng said, "In fact, when you think about it carefully, the most difficult part of this script is not the setting, but the amnesia. But as long as everyone keeps a diary, and when discussing together, carefully check everyone's timeline and confirm each other. , The murderer is easy to find."

Li Xiaoyu said: "Everyone's time confirms each other... It's really hard to lie to the real murderer. Fortunately, you confirm the timeline of the principal check."

Xun Feng: "Yes."

Li Xiaoyu put down the coke, ran to the door of the lounge, opened the door, and took a look outside, then said: "Huh? Gu Liang came out from Yang Ye, and I don't know how they talked. Liu Ran... Liu Ran went to find Yang Ye is now. Do you think he will be persuaded?"

Xun Feng said: "There should be no problem. As long as I lied and killed myself, I saw Principal Cha go downstairs before 10 o'clock, have been to the alleys, and saw Ding Beggar."

At this moment, Xun Feng got up and walked to the entrance of the lounge, and took a look outside. Then he said to Li Xiaoyu, "You remember what I said before."

Li Xiaoyu made an "ok" gesture. "Remember. Pay attention to your eyes and body movements, and don't let Gu Liang find out that we are lying to him or something."


Gu Liang's lounge.

He had only a few mouthfuls of Coke on his table. He didn't throw the pull ring of the can, and it was also on the table.

Gu Liang took out his card, drew it, and saw the help button under his feet.

That is a button similar to a call.

Gu Liang pressed his finger on it, and soon he heard the voice coming from the card: "Hello, No. 0603 is for you, how can I help you?"

Gu Liang: "I am injured, very serious. Help. I need a medical kit. By the way, do you know who I am?"

Card: "Yes. Your card records your number, name, role (color) bound this time, location of the script, and specific location. Please later, we will designate npc to handle it for you."

The card call is closed.

Gu Liang put away the card, picked up the tab on the table, and quickly swiped his index finger.

So when the man in black appeared in the lounge, what he saw was—Gu Liang sat calmly on the sofa, raised a slightly broken index finger, and asked indifferently: "Hello, band-aid Have it?"

Man in black︰"……"

——You call this "severely injured"?

The man in black put down the medical kit. "Please handle it yourself."

Gu Liang stopped him: "Wait, I verified one thing. The help function started from the second script. At that time, the cards were fully upgraded. But your function has loopholes."

The man in black did not say a word, Gu Liang said again: "I just clicked the help button, and when I was talking to your customer service, I was not injured, and I didn't even scratch my finger. But he didn't verify, so he just asked you to come. This shows that what?"

"In the course of investigation and discussion, maybe you will continue to observe the players and evaluate their performance. For example, Yang Ye was rated as outstanding last time. But the call I just made shows that at this stage, your supervision of players , It’s not as strict as the plot interpretation, right? After all, players are not going to run the plot at this time, so there is no need to stare at them in real time.

"Therefore, I think you have a way to prevent our current dialogue from being supervised by the system."

"Don't rush away. Has any new player in "Painted Skin • Longevity" gone? I hid something there."

The man in black faces Gu Liang. "What do you want to say?"

"I recognize you." Gu Liang said, "Although your faces cannot be seen, there are still differences in behavior. You are the one who drew me the plot twice. You are also the one who'received' that Li Xiaoyu said. Are you following a fixed player?"

Man in black︰"……"

Gu Liang said again: "After the last script was over, you gave Li Xiaoyu the book so that she could review the exam. This gave me a guess-we should basically be in a completely unsupervised state when we are resting. ."

"I actually didn't expect to draw the murderer's card so quickly, so I did it at that time, in fact, just to test the rules, I hid something in Xiaoyao faction. Sure enough, no system reported that I violated the rules."

"So your work flow should be like this. When we are resting, you can also have a break. After we leave, you will send someone to clean up the entire Xiaoyao faction, and restore all the clues and props to welcome the next Batch players. Right?"

Man in black: "I don't understand what you mean."

Gu Liang: "I know that you designed this game for ulterior motives, such as testing or something. In this way, I hid clues in Xiaoyao Pai and directly pointed out who the murderer was. Influence. This will expose (expose) people in black are negligent at work, right?"

"A new player enters "Painted Skin • Longevity" and finds the clues I left instead of the system specified. What punishment will you get?"

Man in black: "If I guess right, you are threatening me."

Gu Liang: "The threat is too serious. You give me a waiver card, and I will tell you where I hid the clue."

Man in black: "You think too much."

Gu Liangdao: "Then let's go step by step.

Man in black︰"……"

Gu Liang: "I triggered a side story in the last script. The side story can reward cards. This time, I guess there will be side quests. The main quest is to find the murderer, but there will be a side to find the dead. If there is a side quest Completed, there is a reward card link, you can do it in the dark box (fuck cao) then, give me a dead-free card?"

The man in black: "Impossible. There is a strict limit on the number of dead-free cards. I can tell you that the chance of getting a dead-free card is only one in ten thousand. I have not seen a player draw a dead-free card for many years. . The control over it is very strict."

"Okay. Let me ask you a question. Even if I was voted as the murderer, I might not die, right?"

"I think I am not a good person, but I am not a heinous criminal. In the first two scripts I experienced, both the murderer and the dead have committed felony crimes. After all, I am different from them. I am curious how I will suffer. (Die si) death penalty?"

The man in black still did not answer.

Gu Liang said again: "Playing this script made me want to understand one thing. What I saw is not necessarily true. A corpse does not mean (death) death. You are too confusing to tell the truth. The previous murderer and the dead, even in front of us. If you are tortured, you don’t necessarily really die, right? In other words, the heinous crime may be really dead, but what about me who has never committed a felony? Do we have a way of not dying?"

"If none of these questions can be answered, I'll change another one. How did you, Maid Liu and Beggar Ding come from?"

"If those felons are really executed, then those of us who have not committed a felon will not be actually executed, will we become your kind of NPC? In other words, after our game fails, we will change One way to continue serving in this game?"

The man in black: "I can't answer all of these questions. The time is up, I have to go. What are you hiding in Xiaoyao faction?"

Gu Liang: "It seems that you still care about this issue. So, if my guess is true, will you really be punished?"

The man in black: "I want to give you a piece of advice. Many of your guesses are too naive. The system is everywhere. The reason why I am talking to you is not threatened by you. It's just that there will be new players coming soon. "Painted Skin • Longevity", we are about to start the repair work of Xiaoyao School's script site. If you hide something, tell me directly, it will reduce my workload a little bit."

Gu Liang: "Is the amount of work that helped you reduce, is it worth some kind of reward card? For example, is there a card that can allow me to transform my identity after voting, such as...becoming an NPC? By?"

In fact, Gu Liang was very nervous at this time.

Because he quickly reacted, the "advice" of the man in black was actually correct.

The system is indeed everywhere.

At the very beginning, the man in black pretended to be cooperating with Gu Liang and was really threatened by him, but he refused to answer any of the key questions that Gu Liang asked later. This meant that he and Gu Liang’s Dialogue, in fact, is still under supervision.

Gu Liang understood that maybe everything he did just now was not really because he caught the so-called system loopholes, but because it was part of the system to observe player behavior.

In other words, if this script (killing sha) game is really a test, then whether he "bribishes" the person in black or "threats" the person in black, it may all be part of the system test, or in other words, belong Part of this game.

Gu Liang reacted to all this and immediately looked at the man in black and added: "I have not committed a serious crime, I don't have to be punished. It makes no sense to directly (kill sha) me. I think I have been doing well all the time. , I still have the value of being tested, right?"


After the man in black left.

Gu Liangwo hugged Coke on the sofa to think about the problem.

Before I knew it, an hour had passed.

Now the question he wants to (fuck cao) has nothing to do with the system or the man in black.

What he (fuck cao) is thinking about—in a short while, when he is voted out and is punished by the system (death si), like all the other murderers arrested, his life will be released. On the big screen.

His fig leaf will be torn up, and his past will be **** exposed (exposed) in front of everyone.

And it seems that he is not ready for this now.

After a while.

Gu Liang heard a knock on the door.

"Gu Liang, I'm Xun Feng. I want to talk to you again."

Gu Liang stood up and opened the door for him, welcomed him in, and then closed the door.

At the moment the door was closed, through the crack of the door, Gu Liang saw Yang Ye outside the door. He seemed to frown slightly, his expression very serious.

Gu Liang closed the door blankly and sat on the small sofa, facing Xun Feng who was opposite. "looking for me?"

Xun Feng opened the door and walked in and sat down opposite Gu Liang: "You have been alone?"

"Yeah." Gu Liang nodded.

Xun Feng glanced at the direction of the front door, as if he could see Yang Ye outside through the door panel.

After a long while, he retracted his gaze to look at Gu Liang, and acted according to the method he discussed with Yang Ye: "It seems that Yang Ye was really deceived by you. He thought you really wanted to fight him. He was helping. Yours. But now... he has thoroughly convinced everyone that everyone is going to vote for you. Liu Ran has been persuaded..."

"Very good." Gu Liang said.

Xun Feng frowned tightly: "I tried my best. I will think of a way again...I won't vote for you anyway."

Gu Liang said, "No. You can vote for me. Besides you, I have 5 votes. Why should you lose a gold coin for nothing?"

"You want to vote for yourself?" Xun Feng only asked.

Gu Liang: "Of course."

Gu Liang was sitting tightly holding the coke can, seemingly motionless, but Xun Feng clearly noticed that his knuckles were a little white.

Xun Feng asked him: "If you can live for another hour, what do you think?"

"I said I'm quite calm, do you believe it?" Gu Liang asked back.

Xun Feng raised his eyebrows and folded his hands on his lap. He tried his best to make himself look relaxed and inattentive, just like when he and Gu Liang were sitting in the counseling room.

Later, Xun Feng asked him: "Do you not blame or complain about Yang Ye's actions?"

Gu Liang said lightly: "This is my own choice."

Xun Feng said, "Of course, this is your choice. But when you see that he really doesn't care about you, just for his own consideration, you have no idea?"

"What should I think?"

"Isn't it uncomfortable?"

"Why should I feel uncomfortable?"

"Nothing..." Xun Feng smiled helplessly after all, "I just want to come to see you and have a chat with you."

Gu Liang: "You have already seen it, now I want to stay alone for a while."

The chase order was unceremonious.

Xun Feng knew that he was knowingly committing a crime, and he asked Gu Liang taboos and didn't want to face problems that touched the dark side of people (sexual xing).

Xun Feng actually feels that this is completely human nature-you are ready to sacrifice for a friend, even if you are willing, you will be more or less minded when you see him accept it without burden or even worry about your death.

For example, Gu Liang nowadays, although he is willing to take the initiative to bear the punishment that the murderer deserves, he will not drag Yang Ye into the water.

But when he saw that Yang Ye was really persuading everyone to vote for himself, Gu Liang might have that unhappiness in his heart. It was normal.

Therefore, Xun Feng came here to comfort him.

Seeing Gu Liang pretending to be calm, Xun Feng couldn't hold back for a while, and asked a few more questions like a psychologist.

He knowingly committed this and stepped on the thunder again.

In fact, Gu Liang was most afraid that he himself would appear selfish and mean. He didn't care how he said it. He would go to his heart when others asked.

He would remind himself over and over again-he was so gloomy, so mean and selfish.

Xun Feng regretted it was too late, so he had to sigh and leave.


Xun Feng did indeed make Gu Liang fall into a state of self-doubt again.

After Xun Feng left, Gu Liang stepped forward to close the door, but did not close it tightly.

Gu Liangxu concealed the door, and through the crack of the door, you could see that Yang Ye brought the people to the one-on-one interrogation room from time to time to discuss, as if he was really racing against time, trying to convince everyone to believe him and get everyone to vote for the murderer To Gu Liang.

At this moment.

There is only one hour left until the voting ends.

Gu Liang didn't take a few sips of the Coke that Gu Liang had been holding in his hands.

He looked outside for an instant.

Yang Ye was chatting with others, his face was always smiling, like a little sun.

Such a person has always been the envy of Gu Liang.

A good family background, a good background, a chic and wanton life, free (tuo) with (sexual xing).

What's even more rare is that he is polite and demeanor, and he is also relaxed in doing things, so he will not cause trouble to others because of his own free sex.

In contrast, Gu Liang felt that he was a little embarrassed, as shameful as mud.

Gu Liang didn't know why, looking at Yang Ye in front of him, his heart suddenly ached.

This dull pain is because of what Xun Feng said-because I am unwilling?

After seeing Yang Ye unscrupulously sending me to death, did I feel complaints in my heart?

He is a detective and I am the murderer.

He did it, obviously it was justified, why would I be unhappy?

Obviously when I was confessing everything to Li Xiaoyu, I still felt that I was amazing...

At this time, why am I unhappy, unwilling, and unwilling?

Is it just because Xun Feng said a few words, or because I am still a selfish villain?

Hmm... Why do I start to hate myself again?

In case I got everything wrong, in case I only have one hour left to live, do I just spend it like this in self-rejection?

After a while, when the mistakes I made are put on the screen in front of the interrogation room, will Yang Ye see it?

What will he think of me then?

In the face of uncertain punishment, possible death, as well as torture and questioning of his soul, Gu Liang was in a panic.

At this time, the door was knocked.

"You still have something?" Gu Liang thought Xun Feng was outside the door.

After a while, a deep voice came through the door panel.

"It's me, Yang Ye."

Gu Liang squeezed the Coke tightly: "I'm tired. Let me rest for a while."

Yang Ye: "Really? Then I'm leaving?"

Gu Liang: "..."

There was no voice outside the door, only the voice of footsteps drifting away.

Gu Liang thought Yang Ye was gone.

He sat upright (shen), took a big sip of the Coke, because he drank too fast, he coughed twice, then he put the Coke down, and he nestled into the sofa again, closed his eyes, and planned (Sleep Shui) Sleep.

But after a while, the knock on the door rang again.

Gu Liang frowned slightly and hugged his arms tightly.

Then, he heard Yang Ye's voice again. "It's all boring? I just found a deck of cards. How about we play more than the size?"

Gu Liang: "..."

This time, before Gu Liang could answer, Yang Ye had already pushed the door straight in.

Gu Liang subconsciously (body shen) leaned back, opened his eyes wide, and looked at him in a daze, "You...what are you?"

Yang Ye said, "If it disturbs you to rest, I'm sorry. It's just that you keep silent, I'm a little worried."

Gu Liang turned his head, lowered his eyelids, avoided Yang Ye's sight, and said nothing.

Yang Yeju looked at him condescendingly, just in time to see his long, low-hanging eyelashes, like the wings of a crow, under the light, reflecting the color between gold (color) and tea (color). color).

Further down, there is the straight bridge of the nose, and the thin, gently pursed lips.

With playing cards in his hand, Yang Ye did not move forward or move.

After a while, he stepped forward and sat across from Gu Liang and put the playing cards on the table. "If you don't want to play a big game, let's play a train?"

"Will you play? It's very simple. It is to divide the playing cards equally, and then one person in turn will show two cards of the same type, and then take these two cards and the cards between them as their own cards. Finally, Whoever finishes playing the cards in his hand will lose."

Gu Liang: "..."

Yang Ye didn't say a word extra, just asked him: "Can you come?"

Gu Liang finally laughed.

His stiff, tightly clasped hand on the back of the chair relaxed and turned to hold up the playing cards.

Long eyelashes were raised, and he met Yang Ye's eyes. "Come."


One hour later, voting began.

The system broadcast announced: "There are two rounds of voting. The first round is a side mission. Please select the dead in the "Undead City" case."

No one helped Principal Cha when he voted.

Finally, the man in black appeared, helped him to take out the card he carried, helped him loosen the tie, and let him complete the vote.

After all, there are rules in the game that they cannot steal or **** their cards, so Yang Ye cannot (qiang) help him vote.

After the first round of voting, six people sat quietly on both sides of the conference room, waiting for the announcement.

After a while, the broadcast rang: "The "Undead City" case is over. The results of the first round of voting will be announced below. Who is the deceased in this case? Wow, Ding Beggar won 6 votes and was voted unanimously. He is the case. The dead?"

"Congratulations, everyone got the right answer! This round of voting rewards are cards. Please draw players!"

Two men in black holding cards walked past six players in turn, waiting for them to draw reward cards.

After the players have drawn the reward cards, the system will say again: "The second round of voting is now. Who is the real culprit in this case? Players are invited to vote. Whether the real culprit can be caught is up to you!"

Yang Ye was holding the card and clicked on [Principal Cha]'s portrait without thinking.

While waiting for others to vote, Yang Ye had the final say.

Gu Liang will vote for himself, and Principal Cha will definitely vote for him, then Boss Meng will get 2 votes;

The remaining people, Yang Ye himself, Li Xiaoyu, Xun Feng, and Liu Ran, all vote for Principal Cha, who won 4 votes.

In short, 4:2, Principal Cha would be voted out, and did not run away.

"The results of the second round of voting will be announced below. Who is the real culprit in this case? Wang Shoyi is a detective. In addition to him, three players got zero votes, namely Feng Xuejie, Li Babei, and Liu Neighbor. Then, President Cha and Between Boss Meng, who is the murderer of the vote?"

"Interesting. In our game, this kind of result hasn't appeared for a long time. Next, I announce, check the principal with 3 votes, Meng Boss with 3 votes, and the votes are tied! Oh, in this case, who is elected What is the real murderer?"

When the broadcast paused, Gu Liang, who was sitting calmly with his eyelids down, suddenly raised his head, suddenly understood something, and turned around to look at Yang Ye next to him in disbelief.

System: "The final decision, of course, is given to our detectives. Detectives, if the final vote is not the real murderer, you will be punished (death si) death, so the second time is opened for you Opportunity to vote. Please choose again. Your choice will determine whether the real murderer will escape (get out of tuo), whether the good person will be unjustly killed, and whether you will be punished (dead si) death. Detective, please be careful take the chance!"

Hearing this, Gu Liang stood up abruptly and walked to Yang Ye, grabbing his shirt by the skirt.

However, Yang Ye has quick eyes and quick hands. Before Gu Liang stopped him, he pressed Principal Cha's portrait again.

Gu Liang's hand holding his shirt was trembling. "You... You lied to me? Are you crazy? Do you know that this means..."

——The man in black told himself that the chance of getting a free death card was only one in ten thousand, and he hadn't seen it for many years.

Gu Liang didn't think that at the end of the last script, and during the card drawing session just now, Yang Ye might get the free card.

Next, the information that the man in black gave to Gu Liang just now is not 100% accurate.

What if Yang Ye receives a (death) death penalty for a while, will he really die?

Yang Ye lifted up one hand, grabbed Gu Liang’s wrist, and walked around behind Gu Liang with the other hand, patted him on the shoulder soothingly, then leaned forward, leaned in his ear, and asked softly, “Fear Now, worried, guilty?"

Gu Liang clutched his shirt tightly and said nothing.

Yang Ye said in a deep voice, "It's right to be afraid. Let me teach you a little lesson. From now on, I'm never allowed to lie to me like this."

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