Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 42: Undead City (11)

The voice of the mechanization of the system sounded again: "Wow, our detective really made a choice very quickly. +++ Catino novel website I announced that President Cha was finally voted by everyone. The murderer. So, will he be the real murderer in this case?"

Two men in black appeared out of thin air to subdue Principal Cha, in order to arrest him.

After a three-second pause, the system continued: "Unfortunately, President Cha is not the real culprit in this case."

"But since everyone thinks he is the murderer, he will be punished (death si) as he deserves. As for the detective—"

"Detective, you are really incompetent. You killed an innocent Headmaster Cha. If you let go of the real murderer, you will pay the price! You will also accept the death penalty!"

Two other men in black appeared behind Yang Ye immediately, seeming to be about to take him away.

Yang Ye felt the collar of the mouth become tighter and tighter.

Lowering his head, he saw Gu Liang's knuckles that were white because of his force, and further up, it was his face that was pale to the extreme.

"Yang Ye, you..." Gu Liang's voice was extremely hoarse, with an uncontrollable tremor.

"I'm fine. Don't be afraid." Yang Ye said softly.

"How could you be okay?" Gu Liang's pupils dilated, and there were worries and fears clearly written in the tea (colored) eyes.

"Did I not tell you the reward from the last script?"

Speaking of this, under Gu Liangshun's gaze, Yang Ye took out a card from his arms and said in a loud voice, "System, I apply for this card."

Gu Liang, who was close at hand, could easily see the card in Yang Ye's hand.

——"Death Free Card: Only for players to use; exempt from one death penalty."

What's the odds of one in ten-thousandth?

Haven't seen anyone draw a free card for many years?

What kind of European Emperor and Koi Carp are Yang Ye?

Wait, he is using the dead-free card now, what if he draws the dead card directly in a script?

In order to save himself, he just used up such a precious card casually?

Before...Why was there so much trouble?

Surprised, guilty, ashamed...

At this moment, Gu Liang had mixed feelings.

Yang Ye handed the death-free card to the man in black, patted Gu Liang on the shoulder, and helped him sit back on his seat.

Afterwards, Yang Ye turned his head and fixed his eyes on Liu Ran, who was sitting next to him.

Yang Ye still remembered clearly that Liu Ran was persuaded by herself when he was in the interrogation room.

At that time, after listening to Yang Ye’s account, Liu Ran asked a few questions. After getting the answers, he said to Yang Ye with the square face that honest people often have, “I see. Principal Cha is the real murderer and didn’t run away. Up."

"Yes. That's it." Yang Ye looked at Liu Ran, still a little bit suspicious in his heart.

But he and Xun Feng had already discussed it, and when Liu Ran went out, everyone took turns to talk to him, so that he would not have the opportunity to contact Gu Liang.

Liu Ran: "Okay. I have always been convinced by your reasoning. In the first book, I was almost killed by my son Bai, and you helped me. I remember it. Anyway, I will follow. You voted."

At this moment, Yang Ye looked at Liu Ran quite seriously: "What is your reason for doing this?"

Liu Ran put his hands on the table and clenched his fists. He had bowed his head originally. At this moment, he seemed to feel that his actions were not shameful, so he raised his head to look at Yang Ye.

"I'm just for the gold coins. I don't think I'm wrong. Don't think I didn't understand the tricks you played. Gu Liang's boss Meng is the real murderer. I can vote for him and get gold coins. Besides, Principal Cha will also Give me his four gold coins. I...I can have five gold coins."

Yang Ye raised his eyebrows and smiled slightly. "Tsk, goodbye for three days, I really deserve to be respectful."

Liu Ran stared at Yang Ye and said loudly: "Gold coins may offset the age limit. I have to earn enough coins as soon as possible to get out of this game! I have a daughter, and I want to go back to see my daughter! I am not wrong!"

"Ding Dong. Now we will enter the reward settlement stage." The system broadcast interrupted the dispute between the two. "The first is the reward settlement of the good people. Unfortunately, because you did not find the real culprit, you could not get the gold reward."

"No!" Liu Ran stood up suddenly, "That's because they didn't vote against the real murderer. I voted correctly! I should be rewarded!"

System: "It's a pity. It doesn't count if you vote against the real murderer. This is a game of good teamwork, and the final result is used to judge!"

In panic and anger, Liu Ran looked at Li Xiaoyu beside him, gritted his teeth and said: "You kept pulling me and saying that the real murderer was Principal Cha, not Gu Liang. I thought you were pretending to be stupid too. So you are really stupid. You. Have played a lot of scripts, why are you so stupid? Don't you want to return to reality?"

Seeing that Liu Ran seemed to be about to pounce, Li Xiaoyu jumped up and took a back. There was a man in black standing there. Li Xiaoyu (gan gan) suddenly hugged the waist of the man in black.

Man in black︰"……"

The system broadcast continues: "Warning, please don't interrupt. If you delay everyone, you will be punished."

"The reward settlement of the true murderer is announced below. The true murderer succeeded in escaping (escape tuo) and won six gold coins. Congratulations!"

The man in black who was hugged by Li Xiaoyu pushed her away, walked in front of Gu Liang, and handed all the six gold coins into his hand.

Gu Liang picked up the gold coin and looked at it for a while, then he stood up, walked in front of Xun Feng and Li Xiaoyu one by one, gave them two gold coins, and said separately: "Thank you."

Finally, he walked to Yang Ye and gave him the remaining two gold coins. "It's not enough to buy a death-free card, I will earn gold coins later, and I will pay you back."

Yang Ye took a deep look at Gu Liang. Of course, he didn't intend to ask for Gu Liang's gold coins, but looking at his firm and serious eyes at the moment, after all, it was not easy to give up his kindness.

Yang Ye decided to take care of Gu Liang temporarily, so he chose to put away the gold coins.

But before putting away the gold coins, Yang Ye planned to mock Liu Ran first.

Facing Liu Ran's direction, he raised the two gold coins. "I really want to know how you feel right now. Regret it? Now see clearly, who is the fool?"

"I... I didn't lose. The one that didn't get the reward from the system. I got at least four of the ones from Principal Cha!"

Having said that, Liu Ran took out four gold coins from his arms and put them on the table.

It was during the intensive discussion that Liu Ran saw that Principal Zha gave himself a suggestive "2".

But soon Li Xiaoyu came out of the lounge and asked him when to look for Yang Ye. Liu Ran ignored Principal Cha for the time being.

Until later, Liu Ran seized an opportunity when no one was in the hall and stepped forward to remove the stuff that was stuffed in Principal Cha's mouth.

"What do you mean?" Liu Ran asked.

Principal Cha pulled out two gold coins from his sleeves. "Two gold coins, one vote for you. Don't vote for me. Gu Liang must be the real murderer."

"For you, I offend them. It's not worth it." Liu Ran said.

"Then I'll give you four gold coins." Principal Cha said, "I am definitely not the murderer. Why don't they have anything to say in the lobby, and they should all go into the lounge to chat alone? Because they are stringing timelines and making up stories. That. The death of Ding beggar has nothing to do with me. I have harmed you."

When Liu Ran hesitated, Principal Cha said, "This time the script is over and everyone is gone. Who knows if you will meet them next time? Offend you offend. What are you afraid of?"

"Furthermore, since you know them, they have played a few scripts, you know. With all the money, how many gold coins will Yang Ye have? Can he give you four gold coins like me? Impossible! "

"I'll give you four, and the system will reward you with another one, five gold coins, what a bargain!"

At this moment, Liu Ran muttered to himself while looking at the gold coin in his hand. "Yes. I'm still a good deal. This time the script is over, everyone walks on the road, and maybe never meet again. At least I have four gold coins..."

The voice of the system suddenly sounded: "Dingdong! Warning! Warning of finding fake coins! Please confiscate and destroy them!"

The voice of the system fell, and a man in black stepped forward and took the four gold coins in Liu Ran's hand.

He squeezed it hard and the four gold coins crumbled into powder in his hand.

Liu Ran was shocked (color), and immediately looked at Principal Cha.

Seeing Liu Ran's reaction, Checking School clutched his stomach and almost fell off his chair with a smile. "Hahaha, it's okay, you are not the first to be fooled. This game, you can lie anytime and anywhere! I will teach you a lesson!"

After laughing, Principal Cha narrowed his eyes and looked very sinister. "Anyway, you couldn't save me. Don't make it easier for everyone!"

System: "Ding Dong, quiet and quiet! The reward is settled. Now we enter the punishment link. Let's take a look at the crimes committed by Principal Cha! These crimes will be engraved on his epitaph for all future generations to cast aside!"

The wall facing the conference table in the discussion room lit up, and the life of Principal Cha appeared on it.

"Principal Cha, real name Weicai, 35 years old, from Xigang Village, Baili County, X Province, an unemployed vagrant, (rape jian). Several people (female nu), are also the truth of a rare serial (killing sha) case He was murderous, murdered and divided up to seven people. After a year of absconding, he was arrested by the police and sentenced to death. Sinner, be punished!"

Afterwards, the wall opened and an autopsy room appeared inside. The (bed chuang) was empty, and a white coat wearing a mask stood beside him. He was holding a scalpel and staring coldly in the direction of Principal Cha.

Principal Cha trembled all over and struggling violently. At the same time, he yelled something, but after being covered by the man in black, he couldn't even shout.

Finally, he was taken into the autopsy room by the man in black and accepted the fate of being dissected.

The wall closed immediately, and the meeting room was quiet, as if nothing had happened.

No one spoke in the discussion room.

Only the final announcement of the system sounded: "Well, congratulations everyone, the script of "The Undead City" has come to a successful conclusion. Next, everyone will have a 15-day break. Please relax and meet the next challenge."

"Since "The Undead City", everyone has begun to enter the intermediate difficulty script. From this script, the system will rate the player’s performance in all aspects of the game, including whether there are negative matches, verbal abuse, (violent) bao) Bad behaviors such as force behavior, the final rating the player gets, will determine the direction of the next script."

When he heard the "negative match", Gu Liang's lips curled up, presumably he was suspected of this.

But in any case, he really won't do it again in the future.


The game has come to an end.

Liu Ran guessed that he had no face to stay in the centralized discussion room, he was the first to leave.

Li Xiaoyu glanced at Yang Ye and Gu Liang cleverly, and took Xun Feng away by force.

The huge discussion room suddenly became quiet, leaving only Yang Ye and Gu Liang.

Gu Liang pulled the chair back, stood up, turned sideways, and found that Yang Ye was standing by and looking at him.

Under Yang Ye's gaze, Gu Liang slowly said, "Even if you have this card, you shouldn't use it indiscriminately. In case you draw the dead card directly next time..."

Yang Ye bowed slightly, staring at him with a joking smile on the corner of his mouth. "Eh, curse me?"

Gu Liang blinked his eyes: "Of course not. It's just—"

Yang Ye said: "Okay. The things you said are not necessarily (fa) things. But if I use this card, I will save you, which is certain. Then it is worth going. made."

Yang Ye's eyes are open, just like his personality.

At this time, Gu Liang felt that he was unhappy before, and it was an unforgivable little human heart.

Gu Liang's eyelids drooped, avoiding Yang Ye's gaze.

His face (color) is still extremely pale, as if there is still something in his mind that has not been solved, and the whole person stands still on the spot with some force.

Yang Ye raised his hand, grabbed his shoulders, and then went around and patted his back.

From a distance, it seemed as if he was hugging Gu Liang.

Then he approached Gu Liang's ear and said softly, "It's okay Gu Liang. It's all over. Don't be afraid."

Gu Liang didn't speak, Yang Ye looked at him like this, and his heart ached.

"Gu Liang, I didn't intend to hide it from you. It's just that I thought that before that, I told you that I had a death-free card, and you would not agree with your (sexual xing) status. In case of trouble. Liu Ran knows the truth and may vote for you. After all, I didn't know the consequences of a tie vote at the time. Um...Of course, I knew Liu Ran was like this, I should tell you all, lest you worry."

Gu Liang heard this and shook his head. "It has nothing to do with you. It's all my own problem. I am..."

Speaking of this, Gu Liang paused.

After a long time, he raised his eyes to Yang Ye, his voice a little hoarse. "Yang Ye..."

Yang Ye responded softly. "Well, I'm here."

Gu Liang exhaled gently, and then said, "Sorry."

Sorry? Sorry for what?

Gu Liang's black hair was reflected in Yang Ye's eyes.

Gu Liang's hair was sitting quietly, just like his whole person at this moment-all the disguised sharp and mean, it became so docile and well-behaved.

Yang Ye raised his hand, his fingertips touched Gu Liang's hair, and finally his generous palm covered the back of Gu Liang's head and stroked it gently and restrained.

"Gu Liang, you don't need to say sorry to me. I know why you did this."

"You are a good person. Very good, very good."

"If you still think you are bad, then I will remind you once a day from now on. How about until I completely brainwash you?"

"No, Yang Ye..."

"Okay, let's go. Go back and have a rest. I will make you steamed pork ribs in the evening."


In the evening, in the small restaurant on the second floor of the Shroud Store.

Gu Liang sat at the dining table with a gold coin on the table, which he obtained in the last script.

He raised the gold coin and looked at the place illuminated by the light. He didn't know what he thought of, and the corner of his mouth was raised.

" ", Yang Ye put a plate full of steamed pork ribs in front of Gu Liang, "What are you thinking?"

Gu Liang's index finger pressed on the gold coin and pushed him towards Yang Ye. "I forgot it when I was in the discussion room today. I still have a gold coin. Here it is."

"Give it to me? Then you won't be a complete pauper."

Yang Ye sat down and gave him a piece of ribs, "Okay, put it away. Don't care too much. This kind of game has to help each other, maybe you will help me next time."

Yang Ye (强qiang) made Gu Liang put away the gold coins so that he could eat with peace of mind.

Gu Liang put away the gold coins, and was indeed temporarily attracted by the ribs in front of him.

The ribs are wrapped with finely ground sweet potato flour and rice noodles, and the outer layer of the steamed ribs is distinct and full and even.

The scent of (meat rou) is mixed with the scent of sweet sweet potato flour and rice noodles. Gu Liangguang smelled the scent, and his whole person was a little energetic.

After eating, Gu Liang insisted on his principle and went to clean the table and wash the dishes.

After he finished washing the dishes and walked out of the kitchen, Yang Ye had already set the wine on the table.

Yang Ye prepares healthy red wine for Gu Liang, and pours beer for herself.

"Where did the red wine come from?" Gu Liang asked him.

Yang Ye said, "Principal Cha is a rich man, and there are many good things at home. The ribs are also taken from his refrigerator."

"Yes. I saw it when I searched for evidence. I almost forgot." Gu Liang sat opposite Yang Ye and took a sip of red wine. "Well, it's a bit worse than Mr. Bai's, but it's not bad."

Yang Ye tilted his head and saw that Gu Liang's hands were still a little wet, so he took a piece of paper and handed it to him. "Why do you like washing dishes so much?"

"You can't just eat and not (gan) live." Gu Liang said, "but I do like washing dishes. Wash off the greasy layer and (exposed) the original porcelain white (color) of the dishes, sometimes An inexplicable sense of accomplishment."

Gu Liang, who usually drank slowly, didn't know what to do tonight, and he drank in a hurry.

He quickly drank a half glass of red wine, and then said to Yang Ye, "I want to try some beer."

"Can it work? You don't usually drink much?" Yang Ye asked.

Gu Liangdao: "It's okay. I want to drink a little today."

"All right. Then I will drink with you." Yang Ye helped him open a bottle of beer, staggered against him, and then raised his head to pour it down.

Gu Liang glanced at Yang Ye at this pledge.

Yang Ye's neckline was open, and he was lazily sitting on a chair, his powerful arm was raised to pour himself wine, his apple slid up and down.

The wine that was too late to swallow was spilled from the place where the mouth of the bottle meets the lips, slid through the Adam's apple, and then fell into the neckline, dampening the front of the clothes, and the delicate and powerful muscles (rou) suddenly appeared.

The whole person is almost full of **** hormones.

Compared with Yang Ye's unrestrained drinking, Gu Liang felt that he was too restrained.

Coldly, Yang Ye put down the bottle and glanced at Gu Liang, just in time to meet his gaze. "Are you looking at me?"

Gu Liang calmly asked, "What do I think you do?"

Yang Ye: "Look at how handsome I am."

Gu Liang: "..."

For some reason, Gu Liang raised the corners of his mouth, smiled, and then averted his gaze, just looking up and drinking.

Yang Ye looked at him and reminded him: "Drink slowly. Drinking too fast makes it easy to get drunk."

Gu Liang said "Um" and slowly drank the beer bit by bit.

But even though Huanliang drank slowly, he finally got drunk.

When Yang Ye drank three bottles of beer, Gu Liang only drank one bottle.

After drinking, Yang Ye went to take a bath.

When he came out of the bathroom, Gu Liang was already lying on the sofa, and it seemed that (Shui Shui) was ripe.

Walking forward, Yang Ye asked him softly, "Gu Liang? Would you like to get up and take a bath before going (sleeping in Shui)?"

Gu Liang didn't move, his cheeks were slightly red, and he passed away completely (sleeping Shui).

Yang Ye bent down and looked at the corners of his drunken eyebrows. After all, he couldn't help but stretched out his hands and threw the corners of his eyebrows, the bridge of his nose, and finally his cheeks.

Yang Ye sighed softly, picked up Gu Liang, and led him to the bedroom.

"Take you back to the room (to sleep in Shui). You will have a (xi) bath tomorrow morning. It's just that you're a bit of a little cleanliness, and I don't know if you will wake up crazy tomorrow."

"No response to this? It seems to be true (sleeping Shui)."

Yang Ye put Gu Liang on the (bed chuang), helped him (take off tuo) shoes, wiped his feet, and then wiped his face with another towel.

After doing all this, Yang Ye lit a bedside lamp and watched Gu Liang quietly for a long time.

Starlight came in through the screen windows, covering Gu Liang's body.

His pale face was slightly red because of the alcohol (guanguan), and he passed by (sleeping Shui), his brows finally stretched out, appearing comfortable and quiet.

It's as if... after traveling thousands of miles, he finally put down all guards in front of Yang Ye.

At this moment, Yang Ye suddenly remembered the words Xun Feng asked himself in the interrogation room.

"You just flirted with Gu Liang casually, or did you really move?"

That was the first time Yang Ye was asked this question.

It was also the first time that he carefully examined his feelings for Gu Liang.

At that time, Yang Ye did not immediately answer Xun Feng's words, but fell into silence.

Many images appeared in Yang Ye's mind.

At first, it was the appearance of Gu Liang, who was punished for refusing to do something (to kill sha) in the morning, walking step by step.

On the long street, he was dressed in the morning glow. At that moment, he was a hero walking on colorful clouds.

When Yang Ye stepped forward to support him, a certain (strong qiang) strong feeling spread from fingertips to heart, and then to the limbs.

Later, the time came when Yang Ye, Li Xiaoyu and Gu Liang had lunch together.

After watching the plot alone, Gu Liang refused to give Yang Ye a cent, and then went back to the coffin shop alone without letting Yang Ye follow.

At that time, the guard and alienation in his eyes made Yang Ye suspect for the first time that he might be the murderer.

If he is a murderer, what should he do?

After Gu Liang left, Yang Ye stayed alone at the dining table. He raised his hand and touched the table top, which seemed to have the temperature of Gu Liang's fingertips.

He looked at the kitchen again. Just now Gu Liang was wearing a waistband to wash the dishes, clanging in the kitchen, lively.

After Gu Liang left, the kitchen in front of him was empty and lifeless.

The battle between heaven and man in his heart stopped immediately, as if Yang Ye had already made a decision at that moment.

Many pictures continued to flash back and forth in Yang Ye's mind.

When I first saw it, Gu Liang was sitting on the sofa in the medieval-style bedroom, raising his eyes and looking over indifferently.

Next, he was sitting on the sofa holding up the playing cards, and seriously asked, "Playing poker? Is it bigger or smaller?"

Later, it was Yang Ye who cooked noodles casually. He ate with relish. At that time, he was full of enthusiasm and content, as if he was not eating ordinary noodles, but delicacies of mountains and seas.

Later, after the last script was over, when Yang Ye fell into the water, Gu Liang jumped into the water, his tea (color) pupils (showing) deep anxiety and fear, Yang Ye now recalled, still a little heart palpitations.

Later, in this script, Gu Liang led Yang Ye to the cellar scene. At that time, he was sending the key (sexual xing) evidence to Yang Ye. The dim light of the cellar illuminated his cold face. Gentle eyebrows...

Finally, the picture freezes on the night Yang Ye first came to the script.

——He dug out Gu Liang's body from the mud in the backyard.

Gu Liang lay quietly in the mud, his gray face (color) was soiled by the mud, his thin lips were lightly bluish (color), and his white neck had a scary scar.

He closed his eyes quietly, did not stare at himself, did not get angry, did not speak out, did not smile tenderly, did not lift up his sleeves and put on his waist to wash dishes...

Yang Ye couldn't describe how she felt when she saw Gu Liang's body.

He only knew that he didn't want a living Gu Liang to disappear into this world ever since.

Put one's life and death before one's own life and death.

I feel happy when I see him.

I want to make good food for him, I want to bring all the good things to him...

——Do you like this emotion?

Is this really moved?

Yang Ye has talked a lot about love, but this time, he turned out to be like a young man who had just begun to love him. For some reason, he didn't dare to pry into his heart for a while, and he didn't dare to confirm the secret and deep emotions immediately.

In the interrogation room, Xun Feng looked at Yang Ye who was in silence, and said after a long time: "A person like you does not seem like a fortune or a fool, but it is actually quite reliable. You did not answer easily, but thought for so long. , It seems that he moved his heart. This is not surprising. Gu Liang has that kind of attraction. He just didn't realize it."

Xun Feng also advised him at the time: "So, don't confess it lightly. He really thinks that he is not worthy of liking. He will think that you have a psychological problem, and your thinking is biased, so that he will like him."


At this moment, looking at Gu Liang (sleeping in Shui), Yang Ye whispered, "If you know what I want for you, would you still dare to drink in my house to become such a virtue? How courageous... "

Yang Ye couldn't hold it back after all, and leaned forward, and dropped a shallow (kiss wen) on his forehead.

At that moment, it seemed that time was still, and the world was quiet.

What I can see is the face of Gu Liangshu (Shui Shui), and what I hear is the sound of his even and long breathing.

Yang Ye's heart suddenly melted, and the warm current spread from the corner of his lips to the deepest part of his heart.

In fact, this (kiss wen) is very short, Yang Ye's lips left as soon as the temperature was printed.

But Yang Ye felt that he had been greatly satisfied.

He may be in purgatory, but he met Gu Liang here. While he was infinitely gentle in his heart, he also had the courage to shawl through the jingle.

In the end, Yang Ye helped Gu Liang turn off the lights, and left with a light hand holding the quilt, (sleeping Shui) onto the sofa outside.


After Gu Liang woke up in the morning, he was confused for a while before sitting up.

He found that he was still wearing the same clothes as yesterday, but his whole body was barefoot.

He sat up, saw a pair of slippers next to the bed, and walked directly to the living room.

This is the second floor of the shroud shop. The living room is not open and connected to the dining room.

As soon as he walked into the living room, Gu Liang smelled the fragrance of breakfast.

It seems that Yang Ye has even made breakfast?

Gu Liang was stunned for a moment, and the door on the left side was opened with a "crash", and then Yang Ye walked out of the bathroom.

Seeing Gu Liang, Yang Ye smiled and patted him on the shoulder. "Get up? Let's take a shower. Breakfast is ready, and you can eat it after the shower."

Gu Liang didn't speak, but looked up and down Yang Ye.

Yang Ye doesn't even wear any clothes now.

He should have made breakfast first, and then went to the shower. He just came out of the bathroom, naked, with only a loose towel around his waist.

Gu Liang could clearly see drops of water falling down his temples, dripping down his neck to the (chest xiong) mouth, and then flowing through the eight pack abdominal muscles, submerged in the bath towel.

Yang Ye's skin is not dark, but it is much darker than Gu Liang, close to healthy wheat (color).

There are a few scars on the strong and powerful (chest xiong) of the wheat (color). I don't know if it was injured when he was a soldier.

But the scar can show the masculinity, and Yang Ye now exudes too strong aura of sex.

Gu Liang suddenly felt that he was too close to him, and subconsciously took a step back.

When he raised his head again, Gu Liang saw Yang Ye smiling embarrassingly.

Yang Ye asked him: "Looking at me again?"

"Oh." Gu Liang was generous this time, seeming to answer sincerely, "Good abs. I only have four."

Yang Ye stepped forward, and the distance with him became closer again. "Envy me?"

Gu Liang: "That's right. You can think so."

Yang Ye's voice sank: "Oh, do you want to (touch Mo)?"

Gu Liang glanced at him in surprise, pushed him away, and walked to the bathroom. "I have it myself, (touch Mo) your (gan)."

"Do you have eight yuan?"

"Four bucks (touch Mo)."

"It feels different."


Seeing Gu Liang walked into the bathroom without looking back, Yang Ye's heart moved.

——If before, according to Gu Liangliang's thinking, he would definitely come (touch Mo).

Between men and men, they exchange their fitness experience and each other's muscles (flesh). Actually, it's nothing.

What is he hiding now? Finally realized... the man is different?

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