Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 47: The fifth person (4)

The system broadcast continues: "Players don’t have to worry, the camp fire will be extinguished by npc. +++ Mobile phone reading visit After the fire is extinguished, players have 2 hours of free exploration time. Friendly reminder, for the safety of players For this reason, all cave openings are closed and no entry is allowed."

"After the exploration is over, the time for intensive discussion will be 5 hours. Since the camp has been burnt down, this time we will not set up a separate centralized discussion room. Players are asked to discuss in an (exposed) environment. The npc will send drinking water and energy bars."

"At 12 midnight, the "Fifth Man" case-solving session is completely over, and everyone will have a 15-day break. As the script site has been burned and is in a state of awaiting repair, for the health of the players, this place will not be used as a resting place. People lead everyone to the public rest area xx561 for rest adjustment."

"Well, please continue to work hard to solve the case! I wish you all a happy game!"


After 30 minutes, the fire was extinguished by several men in black.

I don't know if the system uses any special methods. In short, the air is quite fresh and there is no burnt smell after the fire.

Gu Liang and Professor Wang walked side by side into the camp, which was almost burnt down. As far as they could see, only a piece of scorched earth remained—their tents and various equipment were all scorched.

In addition, all three corpses were burned completely, and all the materials they had found before, such as student ID cards and diaries, were also gone.

Gu Liang remembered the notification from the system just now--the inside of the cave is no longer accessible.

This means that players have been unable to go back there to investigate whether there is any evidence that has been missed.

In this way, the situation seemed a little bit optimistic-when they didn't even figure out the plot of the script, all the evidence, along with the corpse, was completely destroyed.

At this moment, Dr. Xu knocked his head and was still a little dizzy, so he sat in an open space 50 meters away from the burned camp to rest, and did not enter the camp to investigate.

The various scorched things in the camp are still very hot, and Professor Wang and Gu Liang have not been able to conduct an in-depth investigation for the time being.

After a brief look, they went to Dr. Xu to take a break.

After a (fart pi) sat on the snow, Professor Wang looked unlovable and sighed again and again. "The relics of the three corpses, the schoolbag, the student ID card, the diary...and the corpse itself are all turned into charcoal...all burned to black charcoal, just look at it!"

Doctor Xu seems to have not recovered yet, and he has no energy to speak. He just hugs his knees and sits on the snow with a serious face.

Gu Liang also looked down at the snowfield in front of him, seemingly lost in thought.

So for a while, no one paid attention to Professor Wang, and his heart was even more irritable. "The system is also well-known for letting me probe for two hours, and it's all the **** burnt, let's probe for a fart. What can be probed for a pile of black charcoal?"

"The cave is not allowed to enter, other places...there is always something buried in the snow. Although the place enclosed by the thick fog is not too big, but in only two hours, I can't take this mountain Xuexue all over! What kind of plot interpretation without beginning and ending!"

When a gust of wind blew, Professor Wang shivered, looked left and right, and finally set his eyes on Gu Liang.

Seeing that Gu Liang seemed to be in a daze, Professor Wang shook his hand in front of him and said, "I find you are quite prescient now. I am sleepy and hungry now...We have to stay here for 7 hours and have to stay up late. If I sleep like you (sleeping in Shui) this afternoon, that's fine."

Gu Liang still did not speak.

After a while, Dr. Xu eased up a bit.

She sat up and glanced at the pitch-black, coke-like camp from a distance, her brows wrinkled visibly. "All the evidence was burned?"

"Not really." Professor Wang said.

Dr. Xu frowned even more. "We have 2 hours of investigation time. But it seems that there is nothing to investigate. We still have 5 hours of discussion time. But what are we discussing? I haven't even figured out the situation. Who is the dead? Who is the murderer? Detective Who is it again? This... this script is too strange."

Indeed, the lack of information may be the difficulty of this script.

After Gu Liang came to this game, he experienced not many scripts, only three.

In those three scripts, it is nothing more than investigating the role and timeline of each character (color), and then solving the case by restoring the plot.

Among them, the setting of "Undead City" is very complicated at first glance, but as long as you pay attention to details and verify the timeline of each character (color), it is not difficult to find the murderer.

In any case, when he was in the exploration stage, Gu Liang knew the truth in his mind.

This script is different.

This is the first time, the site for free exploration is straightforwardly placed in front of Gu Liang, but Gu Liang still doesn't know where to start.

Not only that, he hasn't even sorted out the plot of the script.

Regarding this game, Gu Liang is good at restoring the plot and sorting out the characters (guan), so as to solve the case based on the logic of the characters' behavior.

But this time the system provided too little plot information and character clues.

It can be said that he really has no clue.

The story does not. The deceased is unknown. The evidence is burned.

What is the basis for solving the case? Pure brain hole?

Professor Wang remembered what happened to him, and he quickly asked Dr. Xu: "By the way, after Liu and I went to the bathroom, what about Li Kexue? Where did he go, do you know?"

Dr. Xu said, "After you left, I cooked vegetable soup outside the tent, which I planned to use for dinner. Li Xuexue said he went to the cave. It was the cave where we found the three bodies."

Professor Wang: "Why did he go to the cave (gan)? Is there any unspeakable secret?"

"I don't know. And the timeline I was with him before was the time when he was attacked by Xiaocao. What he said was very strange..." Dr. Xu stopped here, "Forget it, let me first Don't tell me. I'll wait and see..."

After a while, Gu Liang stood up. "Go to Li Kexue first. If Li Kexue is dead, the murderer in this case should be the one who killed Li Kexue. If he is still alive..."

As soon as Gu Liang finished speaking, he saw a person walking halfway up the mountain. His walking figure was swaying, and it seemed that he was hurt.

Although the distance is still quite far away, it is not difficult to see that this person is Li Xuexue.

Gu Liang narrowed his eyes and watched Li Xuexue approaching step by step, and said, "He is still alive, he is back. Then, we have only seen three corpses in the cave. The murderer sought in this case should have been three years ago ( The one who killed the three of them."


After Li Xuexue joined, the four players sat on the snow, almost forming a circle.

Gu Liang noticed that after Li Xuexue sat down, he kept rubbing his left wrist with his right hand, as if the pain had not been relieved, he frowned tightly. It looked as if his wrist was seriously injured.

"Are you okay here? You fell?" Doctor Xu apparently noticed this problem, and asked him like this, "Did it when I was pushed down by a ghost in the morning?"

Li Kexue shook his head and said, "After they went to the toilet an hour ago, I didn't want to go back to the cave to see. I fainted on the way. Half of my arm was pressed under the body, and it was in direct contact with the snow. I guess it hurts if it’s frozen. I’m a character..."

"I'm talking about the characters in the script, not me. In the script, I had a deformed wrist since I was a child, so I have undergone many surgeries, and it usually hurts during rainy weather. It's even more serious when I get here a little bit of freezing. "

"When I read the script, I didn't expect the pain to be real. I really hurt my hands. I don't know how to design this system, and it makes me seem to have a real wrist disability..."

When Gu Liang heard this, he also asked him: "Can you tell me more about your wrist?"

When Li Xianxue saw Gu Liang, he had no good face (color) and turned his head directly.

Dr. Xu seemed to be curious about this question, and asked: "Actually, I also think that this script currently has very little plot. Therefore, for us, any small plot clues are very important. Your wrist The script will never be written for nothing. Can you tell me more specifically?"

Doctor Xu asked softly, and Li Kexue finally let go: "It's really nothing, it's a congenital deformity. I have been undergoing corrective operations since I was a child and have done more than a dozen times. The script mentioned this sentence."

As such, Gu Liang couldn't analyze it for the time being. Li Kexue injured his wrist. What is the relationship with the main line of the script and the murder case.

Dr. Xu asked again: "You just said that you fainted on the way to the cave. Then what?"

"Then I don't know anything. When I woke up, it turned out to be behind the cave we went to last time. I woke up after hearing the system's announcement. It should be the murderer who knocked me out and knocked me out. Brought to the back there."

Li Kexue said, "I got up, my legs were a little numb, and I walked a little slow. It was a little late. By the way, Xiaowan—"

Li Xuexue stood up while rubbing his wrist. He walked up to Doctor Xu and said, "I believe no one, I believe you. I have some clues, I want to talk to you alone."

With regard to the question he suddenly raised, Dr. Xu also seemed a little strange.

She stood up, observed the expressions of Gu Liang and Professor Wang, and finally nodded to Li Xuexue, and the two headed for the temporary toilet together.

Seeing Li Xuexue and Doctor Xu walking away, Gu Liang stood up, turned and looked in the direction of the camp. "I saw that the man in black had done special treatment before. The exhibits and so on should have almost cooled down. Wearing gloves, I am not afraid of being burned. I will go and see."

"I'll go with you."

As soon as Professor Wang heard this, he followed Gu Liang. On the way to the camp, he glanced back at Doctor Xu and Li Xuexue from time to time: "They went whispering again. I don’t know what secrets they have kept. We. I think if they are a team, we can do it together."

What is the combination of crime solving games?

Gu Liang didn't reply.

Professor Wang added: "I always think they have some conspiracy. This Li Xianxue is especially strange. Isn't he the murderer?"

Gu Liang didn’t look back, only said: “There are two kinds of players in this game. The first is that I have any doubts in my heart. I want to talk to someone alone, but I dare not make this request because I’m afraid that everyone will suspect that he is. Murderer; the second type, when you see others communicating alone, you suspect that they are the murderer based on this alone. These two kinds of people are usually novices."

"Li Kexue is not a novice, knowing that everyone will not doubt him because of this, so I dare to be so upright. You should not be a novice either."

Unexpectedly, Gu Liang was shocked. Professor Wang︰"……"

Gu Liang said again: "Li Kexue is indeed not friendly enough, but I can see that his IQ is not low. He did this, and he may really not trust us enough, so he has some ideas, but for the time being, he just wants to communicate with Dr. Xu. Don't worry, Let them talk first."

Professor Wang: "Then can you tell me, what are your thoughts on solving the case so far?"

Gu Liang: "Yes."

"First, what is the intention of the script to tell the ghost story at the beginning of the story."

"Second, we did encounter a ghost, and his name is Xiaocao. Xiaocao asked if you trust him, and this echoes that ghost story. But what is the story between Xiaocao and that story? system."

"Third, three people died, but we only met Xiaocao's soul, where are the other two souls?"

"I think, based on the above questions, we try to restore the whole story, maybe we can figure out the real plot. On this basis, we can speculate on the murderer."

After a long while, Professor Wang said, "You don't usually speak, but when you say it, it's the key point. From your point of view, how do you think you should answer these questions? What are your brains?"

Gu Liang stopped and looked at him, "Why don't I just tell you the answer after I find the murderer?"

Professor Wang: "That's great!"

Gu Liang: "..."

Gu Liang ignored Professor Wang again, just raised his head and looked not far away.

Eight hundred meters north of the camp, it was a cave halfway up the mountain—the place where they found three bodies.

However, the road from the camp to the cave did not go directly along the road to the north, but a path from the northeast to avoid the cliff.

At this time, it was vaguely visible that the entrance of the cave had been covered by mist, and there was no way to enter it again.

Looking back, I can still see the footprints on the snow through the moonlight and headlights.

The footprints were quite messy, and it was exactly what the four of them stepped on when they went up and down the mountain yesterday.

At this point, you can see that there are some deeper and clearer footprints, which are newly stepped on, and should have been left by Li Kexue just now.

Gu Liang looked in the direction of Zhengdong again. The footprints in this direction are even messier.

The man in black came from here just now, and after the fire was put out, he left here again, so basically there is nothing to be seen here.

It seems that it is impossible to analyze something from the footprints in the snow.

Gu Liang finally retracted his gaze and stared at the pitch-black camp in front of him, then squatted down and looked down.

Professor Wang sighed. "Don't waste your time. When you just stared at the mountain hair, I turned it over and really lost everything. The tent burned out, the (sleeping Shui) bag burned out, the solid alcohol burned out, and some others The hardware equipment has burnt charcoal. Here, here are a few boxes, but they have not been completely burned (gan), so they can be recognized. But it doesn't make any sense."

Professor Wang kicked the box that was burnt to the point of almost only one horn. "There are some burnt vegetables in it, but unfortunately, I don't even have to drink the vegetable soup."

Gu Liang heard the words and squatted down. Through the gloves, the box is indeed not hot anymore.

He opened the box and he did see a dark mass of vegetables that had been charred before they were cooked.

Gu Liang's hands lightly stumbled again, and they crumbled into powder.

Withdrawing his hand, Gu Liang turned aside the two boxes next to him.

These are two boxes with energy bars.

A box has not been unpacked. This is an energy bar that Gu Liang asked for separately from the system. At this moment, the box was burned along with the energy bar inside.

The box next to it was empty and there was nothing inside. Gu Liang stomped slightly, and the whole box collapsed.

In the end, there was a box left, and Gu Liang remembered that it contained vodka.

In the snow (lu) camp, bring some of this spirit to keep out the cold.

The box is also empty at the moment.

There was no trace of the wine bottle, I don't know if it had been blown to pieces, and then melted into the scorched black.

Professor Wang said: "The system is afraid that the funds are limited. The equipment prepared for us is very simple. We don’t have much in the camp, and they are almost burned. The only useful school bags are also burnt. Here, I will put them. Arranged aside."

After looking at all the evidence that was burned to ashes, Gu Liang finally walked to the three charred corpses, squatted, and looked at the past carefully.

These three concrete corpses were completely burned, completely black, almost carbonized.

——The box containing (take off tuo) water vegetable packs and energy bars, and there are still residues, how can this corpse burn so thoroughly?

At this moment, the moon (color) and snow scenes complement each other and the scenery is beautiful.

But the various events of (fafa) birth are not so beautiful.

In Professor Wang's eyes, Gu Liang stared at the three corpses in a daze, and no one could talk to him.

In addition, he didn't know if the ghosts in the script would continue to appear scary. He just felt more and more panicked and couldn't help asking Gu Liang, "Why are you staring at the corpse? , Can't see anything."

Gu Liang didn't look up, but just asked, "How do you think this fire started?"

Professor Wang: "Maybe... when Dr. Xu was cooking vegetable soup, (fuck cao) improperly caused the gas tank to explode. She cooked the soup at the entrance of the tent, the explosion made the tent burn, and then the fire gradually spread and the energy Everything burned is burned, probably like this."

"There are two detonation methods for liquefied gas tanks. The first is that the gas leaks and mixes with air to a certain ratio and is deceived by the open flame; the second is that the gas tank itself is violently knocked, squeezed, or... heating."

Gu Liang said, "This is the (exposed) camp. The first situation can almost be ruled out. Therefore, I prefer that someone set a fire in the camp, and the liquefied gas tank was detonated by the fire."

"That person... why did he set fire here?" Professor Wang asked.

Gu Liangdao: "Look, two cardboard boxes are still a bit surviving, but three corpses were completely burned. I think the corpses were the source of the fire. I remember none of us drank, but the vodka box was empty. It should be. Someone poured alcohol on the corpse and lit the fire."

Professor Wang's eyes widened: "You mean, someone deliberately burned the body? The explosion was only caused by fire?"

"Yes." Gu Liang nodded, "Someone set fire to the corpse, the purpose should be to destroy the corpse."

"So... the person who set the fire just now may be the person who (killed sha) the three people three years ago?"

Professor Wang suddenly realized his expression, and then he became a little excited about what he thought of, "Hey, you and I went to the toilet, if Li Kexue didn't lie, we went to the cave. Who has the conditions to light the fire? It can only be Xu. Doctors."

"She happened to be cooking. She burned the corpse and caused an explosion, and then she made it all into one-she accidentally (fuck cao) made a mistake, causing the liquid gas tank to explode and then causing a fire. Then she is murderer!"

"Not necessarily." Gu Liang said.

"Why?" Professor Wang asked.

Gu Liang stood up and looked at Professor Wang: "After going to the toilet, I passed out. You also have a chance to commit a crime. Li Kexue is even more uncertain. So everything is possible."

"Heaven and Earth Conscience. I fainted with you at that time. I only woke up when the system was broadcasting. The ghost knows what's going on—"

When Professor Wang said this, he suddenly said, "Hey, let's talk about this ghost... Why did you say that we two fainted for no reason? Is there a ghost... What spell was used to confuse us? Then the ghost let it go. Where's the fire?"

"If the ghost uses magic to set fire, just cast it directly in the air. Why does he stun us (gan)?" Gu Liang asked back.

Professor Wang thought for a while, and said, "Look, what about this Xiaocao? I ran into him, but he didn't do anything to me. Li Kexue and Dr. Xu also ran into each other. Although Xiaocao said he had beaten Li Kexue, but Didn't say what killed him."

"Xiaocao just asked some strange questions. But he didn't harm anyone. So I thought, if he set the fire, he stunned us, maybe he just didn't want us to go back to the camp, lest we be burned to death. ."

After listening, Gu Liang said indifferently: "Then this ghost is quite conscientious."

Professor Wang: "No."

Gu Liang: "If the fire was set on grass, would he burn the body (gan)?"

Professor Wang: "...I don't know..."

After saying this, Professor Wang looked back. About four to five hundred meters away, Li Kexue and Doctor Xu were still talking about something.

The body language of the two people is a bit rich, it seems that they are arguing.

Professor Wang said: "Anyway, I think Li Kexue is the strangest. What did you say he went to the cave (gan gan) alone? By the way, did you mention a word in your script. We went to this cave the first time that Li Kexue proposed it. ."

Gu Liang turned around and looked at Li Xuexue and Doctor Xu.

Under the moon (color), above the snowy field.

Excluding the elements of supernatural horror and the intense murder, the two seem to be quite right.

The moonlight stretched their shadows very long. On the snowy ground, the shadows of the two were entangled, like (guanguan) close lovers.

A scene from three years ago appeared to Gu Liang slowly.

Three years ago, four college students came here to take risks.

Three boys and one girl.

This girl is beautiful and beautiful, held in the palm of her hand by three boys, she is called Xiaohua.

Later, somehow, all three people died here, including this pretty girl.

Xiaocao and Xiaodong accompanied her to death.

Xiaodong died holding Xiaohua, Xiaocao died alone with his back on the mountain wall.

Three years later, Madoka is missing.

And the grass became a wisp of ghost.

——So, what about the ghosts of Xiaohua and Xiaodong?

Professor Wang asked Gu Liang: "Are you also observing them? What are you thinking?"

Gu Liang: "I suddenly have a brain hole. Maybe I'm not mature."

Professor Wang: "Let's talk about it?"

Gu Liang: "You said this script, is there any possibility of soul possession?"

Professor Wang was excited and listened to Gu Liang said: "When we entered the cave yesterday, in fact, Xiaocao, Xiaohua and Xiaodong's spirit were all there. It's just that... Xiaohua and Xiaodong found two suitable (身shen ) Body, so he is possessed."

Professor Wang, who is nearly sixty years old, jumped up on the spot like an eighteen-year-old boy. His voice coexisted with fear and excitement. At the same time, he lowered his voice, as if he was afraid of being heard.

"You mean... the current Li Kexue is actually Xiaodong? Then Doctor Xu is Xiaohua! This..."

Professor Wang said, "It's very possible! Xiaocao didn't attack me, but when he saw Li Xuexue, he suddenly attacked him with anger! Because he knew that Li Xuexue was Xiaodong. Because of Xiaohua's affairs, he was jealous of Xiaodong! Then what Li Xuexue said just now that he fainted is just lying!"


xs007 control center.

Countless screens are showing different images, which are scenes of (fa) being born in the "Fifth Man" script from all angles.

A man in black sat in front of one of the screens.

Through the display, the person in black couldn't help laughing when he saw Gu Liang and Professor Wang discussing here, and then asked the person next to him: "I'm also obsessed with this brain. This is the first time you come to watch the scene? You call this Will Gu Liang's players find the truth?"

The person next to him is also wearing a white robe costume.

He was sitting by the window, the white snow and bright moon not far away reflected in his eyes.

When the man in black asked, he smiled: "Why can't I find it? It's not a difficult script."

The black man said: "Mingyue, you wrote this book. You write the murderer's psychology so abnormally, it is difficult for ordinary people to guess."

Mingyue turned her head and looked at the man in black: "Do you know what happened to me the first time I noticed Gu Liang?"

The man in black asked: "What's the matter?"

Mingyue said: "When I was in the first year of high school, there was one (touching Mo) test, and I didn't get it well."

Man in black: "How many points?"

Mingyue: "701."

Man in black︰"……"

Mingyue said: "Gu Liang is the first in the school, two points higher than me, 703."

The man in black asked, "What happened later? You continue to compete, who wins and who loses?"

Mingyue shook his head: "Later, there weren't many opportunities like this. When he was divided into classes, he had a very good score in science, so he actually chose the liberal arts."

Man in black: "Why?"

Mingyue said: "His parents just divorced at that time. His father was a homosexual love. He hated his father very much and had to do everything against his father. His father was academic, so he chose Liberal arts. Of course, he also hates homosexuality. Ah, that’s not the point, the point is—"

"He will find the truth. I have no doubt about that. From which angle he approached the truth, this is what I need to observe."

Mingyue turned to look at Gu Liang on the display, and the smile on the corner of her mouth seemed a bit perverted: "After all, you can know yourself and your enemy before you can fight forever."

Hearing this, the man in black seemed to suddenly think of something funny, and fiddling with the display in front of him, called up the scene where Gu Liang pushed Mingyue's body down the mountain, and it was broadcast several times. "I really don't see that you are classmates."

Mingyue took the corner of her mouth. "I didn't expect that he would be involved in this game."

The man in black stretched. "If he can go to the end like you in the previous round, I might be interested in your class teacher. I really want to see what kind of high IQ people were in the class he recruited back then."

"High IQ is not uncommon. Our class is the best top class in the best school. It's just..."

Mingyue smiled again, "There are fewer anti-social personality like me. What this game ultimately compares is not IQ."

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