Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 48: The fifth person (5)

Above the snow (color) wasteland. +++Mobile phone reading visit

Professor Wang followed Gu Liang’s thoughts, and the more he thought about it, the more he realized that the brain might be true. He slapped his thigh fiercely, and said, “Yes! It must be so! This is much more reasonable! The soul just got angry at random and happened to be hit. He would definitely attack two people. He had no reason to only attack Li Xuexue, but not Doctor Xu!"

"Doctor Xu is possessed by Xiaohua. Xiaohua is a girl Xiaocao likes, so he won't attack her! All this is a matter of course!"

"Great. Great!"

When Professor Wang said this, he gave Gu Liang a thumbs up.

Compared with Professor Wang's excitement, Gu Liang seemed much calmer. "It's just a guess. Even if the two of them are possessed, the whole story is still not clear."

For example, where Madoka went, I still don't know how to explain it.

Next, why did Xiaohua and Xiaodong possess their bodies to Doctor Xu and Li Keke separately?

Why doesn't Xiaocao find someone to possess him? Why does he wander in the form of a soul? Where is he now?

If the murderer we were looking for was the one who killed three college students back then, could the murderer be one of Xiaohua and Xiaodong? What happened to (fa) that year?

Gu Liang breathed out a little, and glanced in the direction of the cave again.

Then he chose to walk along the path to the northeast, and then climbed to the cave halfway up the mountain.

"Hey! What about you (gan)?" Professor Wang stopped him, "Be careful of the fog."

"Come with me." Gu Liang said.

Professor Wang said, "Don't you think there is something hidden in that mountain? With so thick and so much snow, even if there is really something underneath, we can't find it."

"Don't there be one thing here."

In front of Gu Liang, on the way to the cave, a glass bottle reflected the moonlight, lying quietly on the snow.

Upon hearing this, Professor Wang hurriedly stepped up and followed. "Oh, a glass bottle. But I can't see anything for the time being."

Gu Liang didn't answer, and went forward to pick up the glass bottle and walked slowly all the way to the entrance of the cave.

He stopped and looked at the entrance of the cave quietly for a moment, then he turned around and headed to the unseen area to the east.

"You just walk? Stop digging around? What if you can dig something else?" Professor Wang asked.

Gu Liang said indifferently: "Didn't you say that, such a big snow-capped mountain can't be digged."

Professor Wang: "I found a glass bottle unexpectedly. It seems there is a drama... Then it's not a problem for you to wander around."

Gu Liang paused for a moment, and his eyes followed the chaotic footprints in front of him all the way, looking towards the snow-capped mountains under the moonlight.

The moon (color) is like frost, and the mountains are even more cold.

After a while, Gu Liang continued to move forward and said, "The'evidence' we thought was burned. But the system gave us two hours of exploration time. Then... maybe the topography and landform of this entire mountain are us. The evidence you are really looking for."

"Don't worry. Walk around. Maybe you can find something."

Professor Wang followed Gu Liang up the mountain step by step.

Strictly speaking, they are not going in the direction of due east, but in the northeast by east.

The north-northeast **** leading to the cave they visited that day was also the place they had explored along the road just now.

Now they are going to the east-northeast, climbing up another slope.

Walking all the way to the highest point of the slope, there is also a cave here.

The entrance of the cave has been obscured by thick fog, making it difficult to see its appearance.

Gu Liang walked to the entrance of the cave, then bypassed the entrance, and came to the back of the cave. There were two rock walls standing up to the sky. When he walked between the two rock walls and looked overhead, he could see the beauty of the sky.

Professor Wang followed Gu Liang all the way to the two stone walls, and couldn't help asking: "Why do you seem to have been here?"

"I did come." Gu Liang said, "I didn't see anything that night. I met Xiaocao's soul and I was chased here all the way."

"Huh? Then you didn't say anything?"

After Professor Wang said this, he reacted, "Oh, you are waiting for our timeline. Did the grass attack you?"

"No. I met him in exactly the same situation as you. Therefore, the three of us all met Xiaocao's soul. But only Li Xuexue was attacked."

"Next, listening to Doctor Xu's description, at first Xiaocao only asked him about trust. It was Li Xuexue who turned his head, and Xiaocao saw his face before attacking him. Anyway, Li Xuexue was on him. There is something strange."

At the moment, Professor Wang followed Gu Liang all the way through between the two stone walls to the exit on the other side.

The two of them walked out of the exit for a few steps, and then they couldn't move forward. It could be vaguely seen that there was another downhill road ahead. But where will continue to lead is unknown. Because the front is completely covered by dense fog.

"Starting from the camp, go up the trail in the northeast. When it diverges, the cave where the body was found is to the north, and to the east is another cave and a line of sky formed by these two rock walls. As for the camp to the south. , It's the toilet."

Gu Liang concluded, "At present, the map is basically this big, and I'm finished shopping. Go back."

"Let's go." Professor Wang followed Gu Liang back, crossed the two sky-high mountain walls again, and walked down the **** towards the camp. "Really...really going back like this?"

Gu Liang stopped for a while and said, "If you want, you can dig through the snow or something. Maybe you will find it."

Professor Wang: "You young people let me dig snow for an old man? You don't know how to respect the old and love the young."

Gu Liang smiled faintly, didn't say anything, just wrapped his jacket tightly, and returned to the camp.


Two hours of free exploration time is over.

The time for focus discussion begins.

This time the "centralized discussion room" is quite unique.

The two men in black walked over from the direction of the cave, bringing a white mist wherever they went, and when they passed the camp, the camp was completely shrouded in white mist.

In this way, Bai Wu circled the four players in a clearing in front of the toilet, and this was their "concentrated discussion room".

Two men in black came here, on the one hand, the site was closed for free exploration, on the other hand, they came to bring them some food and drink.

A man in black put down a box of energy bars, another man in black put down a box of mineral water, and the two turned around.

Professor Wang called out: "Could you discuss a place to move down? This is close to the toilet, it's a bit smelly."

However, the man in black did not pay attention to Professor Wang, and walked towards the east, his figure slowly disappearing into the snow (color).

After the man in black left, the four players sat on the snow.

The moon (color) moved a little to the east. It can be seen that the sky (color) is even later.

Dr. Xu looks a little **** (color) on his face now.

She ate an energy bar from Li Xuexue, drank a few more sips of water, and asked Gu Liang: "Inspector Liu, you went to the camp with Professor Wang just now. Are there any new discoveries?"

Gu Liang shook his head and asked her in turn: "Mind to talk about the situation at the time? How did the fire start? Did you (fuck cao) improperly cause the LPG tank to explode and cause the fire again?"

When Professor Wang heard this, he immediately stared at Gu Liang with wide-eyed eyes. Gu Liang shook his head slightly, and Professor Wang also reacted. Gu Liang was silently talking. So he fell silent and said nothing for the time being.

"I... I don't know. I fainted. I don't know anything."

Dr. Xu said, "Really, after you went to the toilet, I cooked vegetable soup at the entrance of the tent, and then suddenly... I don't know what happened. It seemed that the wind was a bit strong at that time, and then I passed out.

Is it windy?

Gu Liang recalled that before he passed out (sleeping Shui) several times, he had encountered strong winds.

Last night, he was vigil in the camp.

He remembered that he was quite energetic, after all, he would sleep (sleep in Shui) whenever he had time.

At that time, he was thinking about the case, the wind was a little bit stronger, he wrapped his clothes tightly, and then unconsciously (sleeping Shui) over.

When he woke up, he met Xiaocao's soul.

At the same time, the camp behind him disappeared.

He ran all the way, Xiaocao chased all the way, the two people ran along the east-northeast direction, went up the slope, bypassed the cave, and finally Gu Liang hid between the two rock walls.

After entering the stone wall, Gu Liang "finished conversation" with Yang Ye, and then spoke a few words to Xiaocao.

Then there was wind again, and then he went (sleeping Shui) again.

When he woke up again, Gu Liang was already in the camp.

After careful calculation, Gu Liang fainted twice that night.

The third time Gu Liang fainted, it was when he and Professor Wang walked out of the toilet.

As soon as he walked out of the toilet door, there was a gust of wind and he fell to the ground.

It was 6 o'clock when he went to the toilet, and when he woke up, he broadcasted a notice that it was already 7 o'clock.

He fainted for an entire hour.

At this moment, Dr. Xu said again: "I just discussed with Li Kexue that the liquefied gas tank should not explode due to a leak in an open place. It should be someone set the fire first, and then the fire detonated the liquefied gas tank."

"But if you faint in front of the liquefied gas tank, you won't have the possibility of surviving."

Gu Liang looked at Doctor Xu, "Could it be that the person who stunned you saved you? After he stunned you, he took you away from the explosion. Therefore, you were only slightly exposed to the explosion wave in a coma. The impact was able to roll down towards the toilet."

The camp is small, located on a relatively flat snow.

Only 50 meters south of the tent, the road became uneven, and there was a **** leading down to the mountain and in the direction of the toilet.

If Dr. Xu didn't lie, it could only mean that after she was unconscious, someone took her to a place away from the tent on the slope. In this way, after the explosion (fat), she would only roll down the **** towards the toilet, without being injured or burned.

This person is saving her.

Dr. Xu opened the mineral water bottle and took a sip of water, and then said, "Yes, it should be so, that's right. Several of us moved the bodies out of the cave to bring them back to the base camp, and then went to the police station down the mountain to call the police. So , The fire may have been set by the murderer. He may just want to burn some kind of evidence, or burn the body, but he did not want to (kill sha) me."

When Professor Wang heard this, he leaned into Gu Liang's ear and said, "She should have not lied. She is possessed now. She is Xiaohua. The three boys, Xiaoyuan, Xiaodong, and Xiaocao, all like her. Now she has found a new (body shen) body, they will not harm her (body shen) body."

If you follow Gu Liang's previous brain hole, what Professor Wang said is not unreasonable.

Back then, it was possible that one of the three boys (killed sha) the other two boys. In the process, he accidentally (killed sha) Xiaohua.

From then on, Xiao Hua's soul wandered miserably in the snow-capped mountains.

It wasn't until three years later that the expedition team went into the cave unintentionally, and Xiaohua finally found a suitable body. She was possessed by Doctor Xu to replace her.

In the process of destroying the dead body of the real murderer, it is possible to take her away from the tent for fear of hurting Xiaohua.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Dr. Xu did not lie.

But this brain hole still has problems.

Since the real murderer was stunned by "Xiao Hua", he went to destroy the body without telling her, which meant that Xiao Hua's ghost did not know that he was the murderer.

This means that when he killed everyone three years ago, he not only concealed Xiaohua, but also concealed her for three years.

is it possible?

No way. The story still has too much to say.

Li Kexue pulled Doctor Xu aside before, what did he want to say to her alone?

The plot he concealed may be the key to solving the case, and he still needs to be clear about it.

But interpersonal communication has always been Gu Liang's shortcoming.

Especially in this game, he completely abandons the social rules of reality and becomes himself completely, it is even more difficult to make friendships with strange players.

Gu Liang felt that if he changed to Yang Ye, he might have had a happy conversation with people like Li Kexue.

But Gu Liang couldn't do it.

Especially when the other party's attitude was bad, Gu Liang felt that the words were not too speculative, and their relationship did not continue to deteriorate. It was already very good.

But... Fortunately, he can still corrupt people.

So Gu Liang opened his mouth and said to Dr. Xu, "Then the one who saved you and set the fire on is Li Kexue."

Li Xuexue's eyes glared over immediately. "What do you mean?"

Gu Liang looked at Professor Wang, "We were both in the toilet at the time and we could testify to each other, right?"

Professor Wang received Gu Liang's hint and nodded vigorously. "Yes. That's right."

"Professor Wang and I are in the toilet, so the person who set the fire can only be Li Kexue."

Gu Liang continued, "This makes everything possible. In our expedition team, Li Kexue and Dr. Xu are lovers, and they are about to get married. Therefore, when Li Kexue sets fire, pay attention to protecting Xu. Doctor, it makes sense."

Li Xuexue's face was completely darkened, his anger was accumulating, and it seemed that he would break through the critical point at any time. "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Compared to his anger, Gu Liang seemed very calm. "Aren't we always curious about where Madoka went? Actually Madoka might be Li Kexue. Three years ago, Madoka (killed sha) three people and escaped. Three years later, he mixed into the archaeological team and became one of us. He is a member and engaged to Dr. Xu. Now everything he does is destroying evidence."

"Look, I can rule out that I am Xiaoyuan. Dr. Xu (sex xing) is not incompatible. Professor Wang does not meet the age, then only Li Xuexue is left. From every aspect, Li Xuexue is a murderer."

Li Kexue stood up suddenly, looking like he wanted to yell at him, but he tried his best to endure it. "According to you, is this script worth two stars? I can also say that the murderer is you. I **** know that I am not Madoka. Excluding Doctor Xu and Professor Wang, then you will be left."

Gu Liangdao: "I just said that Professor Wang and I can confirm each other's time. We have gone to the toilet. I have no possibility of setting fire."

"You--!" Li Xuexue was a little angry with Gu Liang.

Doctor Xu stood up and tried to hold him down, let him sit down, and patted his shoulder a few times. It seemed that this had comforted him.

Doctor Xu glanced at Gu Liang and then at Li Xuexue, his face a little hesitant. Then she said: "Otherwise you still..."

"No way, Xiaowan. I can't say this."

Li Kexue breathed a long sigh and said with an iron face, "Anyway, I am not a murderer. Think about it yourself, this case can't be so simple. Besides, if you just rely on this to judge me as a murderer, a ghost thing. How to explain? What did Xiaocao's soul say?"

Gu Liangdao: "You can tell your story completely."

Li Science: "I have nothing to say."

Gu Liang: "If you don't say anything, we can't judge. I can only vote for you."

Professor Wang added: "I agree with Liu's observation."

Li Kexue sneered: "There may be no detectives in the four-person script. You and Professor Wang vote for me, yes. I and Xiaowan will vote for Liu's inspection. At most 2 to 2 votes. At that time, it will be determined by the system."

"Really..." Gu Liang raised his right eyebrow slightly and looked at the only female voice present, "Then I will convince Doctor Xu."

"What I just said is that when there are no ghosts, Li Kexue is very suspicious. Now let's imagine a situation with ghosts."

Gu Liangdao, "Starting from what happened back then. Four college students, three died. Madoka is gone. I still tend to think that Li Kexue is Madoka. Of course, it doesn’t matter whether he is Madoka or not. Later inference."

"Everyone saw the corpse. Xiaocao sat alone against the mountain wall and died. Xiaodong died holding Xiaohua. I think the story should be like this. It is actually difficult for Xiaohua to face three boys who like him very much. Choice. On the one hand, she was afraid of hurting everyone’s friendship, on the other hand, she actually didn’t know who she liked."

Gu Liangdao, “For people, sometimes they can see their heart clearly between life and death. Back then, perhaps for some reason, the three of them were trapped in a cave and froze to death. Just before death, Xiao Hua I realized that she liked Xiaodong. So she showed her thoughts to Xiaodong, and the two of them hugged each other to death."

"Since we are thinking about the brain holes with ghosts this time. Then follow the speculation. All three college students have become ghosts. Ghosts may be possessed. After meeting the expedition team, Xiaohua became Doctor Xu and Xiao Dongcheng through possession. Li Kexue. At this time, it does not matter whether Li Kexue is Madoka or not, because his body is already occupied by Xiaodong’s spirit body."

"Xiaodong likes Xiaohua. He designed everything back then. It was he who killed everyone, but he didn't want Xiaohua to know about it. He had to destroy the body. He tried to make Xiaohua dizzy before putting it away. The fire is to prevent Xiao Hua from discovering that he is the murderer. At the same time, he loves Xiao Hua. So before setting the fire, he takes Xiao Hua to a safe place."

After listening to Gu Liang's combing, Professor Wang was the first to agree. "I approve of this ghost. In this way, everything is clear. The only thing-how did Madoka escape from that year. If it was Xiaodong who committed the crime (sha) back then, Why did he kill Xiao Hua and himself, so Xiao Yuan ran away."

Gu Liangdao: "Yes. The lack of plot clues is exactly the difficulty of this script. But although the specific plot is not clear, sort it out, whether there are ghosts or not, whether Li Kexue is the little circle of three years ago, Li Kexue is a player The most suspicion."

"You are talking nonsense. I said Professor Wang, why were you fooled by him?"

Li Kexue glared at Professor Wang, then stared at Gu Liang, "You have too many loopholes in the story. You said that the murderer back then was Xiaodong, yes. Xiaodong did not dare to let Xiaohua know that he killed everyone. . Then let’s talk about his corpse destruction."

"You just said that he destroyed the corpse because he was afraid that Xiao Hua would know it. You have a logic problem. He didn't burn the corpse early or later. Why did he wait until this time? He was afraid that Xiao Hua would know that he was (sha). Is it possible to burn the body again every three years?"

"Of course it is possible."

Gu Liang responded calmly: "According to the plot, this cave that may contain colorful crystals is very difficult to find. It is very likely that in the past three years, only our expedition team has visited this cave, and only we have camped nearby. Only we have the tools."

"Furthermore, now we are going to hand over the body to the police. The police have verified that the murderer was Xiaodong. Although Xiaodong has the identity of Li Kexue, he is not afraid of going to jail. But then, Xiaohua knows This happened. This is Xiaodong's motive for destroying the body."

"With the motive, the conditions for the crime, alcohol, liquefied gas, etc., he can set fire to the corpse as a matter of course."

The problems raised by Li Keke were solved by Gu Liang one after another.

Finally, Gu Liang looked up at the moon (color) in the sky, and said, "The time is still long. You have enough time to think about whether you should tell the story you have hidden. Otherwise, the murderer can only be you."


After Gu Liang said all this, he walked to the other side and sat down alone.

Professor Wang glanced at him, turned around, and watched Doctor Xu pull Li Xuexue aside again to whisper.

Professor Wang looked around, but he had to go to Gu Liang.

He walked to Gu Liang and sat down, "Actually, I was still a little confused about the story. But when you said that, I think it's almost the same. The murderer is that he didn't run."

"Not necessarily. In this case, the script is really too simple. Whether he is Madoka or is possessed by Xiaodong and became Xiaodong, it will be him who is voted and executed in the end. He is too memorable. Up."

Gu Liangdao, "I said that just now, I just wanted to force him to tell what he was hiding."

"What do you think he is hiding?" Professor Wang asked.

Gu Liang thought for a while and said, "I think he should be Madoka. There should be two reasons why he didn't admit it to death. First, this is his side mission. He wants to get rare reward cards. Second, he is afraid. He said, we would think that he was the murderer who (killed sha) three people back then."

"According to your brain hole just now, the Xiaoyuan three years ago is today's Li Kexue. But whether he is Xiaoyuan or not, he is possessed, now he has become Xiaodong. It was Xiaodong who set fire to destroy the corpse. So if this is the case... then, this..."

Gu Liang said, "If this is the case, he only needs to prove that he is not Xiaodong, and he has not been possessed. But what he entangled with me from start to finish is that he is not Madoka. . This is very against peace."

"So it's possible that he really doesn't know the truth. He is just completing a side mission, and he is afraid of being recognized as a murderer."

"Then what the **** is going on?" Professor Wang sighed repeatedly.

"In short...No matter from which angle you look at it, this story is full of violations."

After Gu Liang said this, he took out the glass bottle from his pocket, which he had picked up on the way to the cave.

It is not an ordinary glass bottle, but a reagent bottle, and there should be some special medicine in it.

Staring at the reagent bottle for a moment, Gu Liang got up and walked away again.

"Eh... Are you (gan gan)? Don't think about (killing sha). There is fog over there." Professor Wang reminded him.

"I'm fine. Actually, I have some other conjectures. But before confirming this conjecture, I want to hear someone's opinion."

Gu Liang (touching Mo) pulled out the card in his arms, his eyes moved slightly. "Anyway, I got a help card. Just contact a friend to try."

Professor Wang whispered: "Can you still make friends?"

——Li Xuexue is more difficult to get along with, I can't talk to him.

I always go to Doctor Xu. Don't think I am a bad old man who pesters beautiful girls.

I'm really boring by myself, so I can barely follow you all the time...

Gu Liang: "?"

"It's okay! I'm talking nonsense! Go ahead!"


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