Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 57: Doll (5)

Su Lan is about 1.65 meters tall. Standing in front of Gu Liang has already suffered a lot. Standing in Yang Ye should have looked like Xiaoniai. +++Mobile reading visit But her aura is very strong, stepping on stiletto heels and lifting her chin to look at Yang Ye, feeling a little bit of pressure.

If you change someone who cares about her, it should form a tense and volatile atmosphere with her.

But Yang Ye didn't pick up her stubborn stubbornness at all. He just hugged her shoulders meaninglessly, raised her eyebrows and asked her: "Oh, why do you think so?"

"You went to see Lady Rong last night, Dong Wan told me."

Su Lan said, "When you coaxed her into (sleeping in Shui), she suddenly fragmented. She didn't know anything. When she woke up, she was woken up by a fire spray."

Yang Ye asked: "She wasn't hurt? Where are the sheets?"

Su Lan: "She was not injured, and there is no relevant memory. The bed sheet cover has burnt marks, but the area is small. But I think, since the fire sprinkler is effective, you must have used fire."

"I stabbed the knife at the time of the power outage last night. I know that girlfriend Ai has always been uncomfortable with Celebrity Rong, and she should do something too, but she helped Celebrity Rong back to her room at 9 o'clock in the evening. It should be at that time. Her timing."

"Therefore, it is you who will find the lady Rong at the latest, and you should also be the one who has to do with fire. There is a great possibility that you are the real murderer (sexual xing)."

Yang Ye asked again: "Even if I make some fire in the ladies' room, what is the relationship with Feng's death?"

"It might be some kind of magic like'disaster transfer'."

Su Lan said, "In Boyfriend Feng’s room, we found the spell that made people fall in love with him. This means that there are magic elements in this script. Then, you burned the celebrity, but failed to burn her at that time, transfer method The curse will take effect the next day, and it is possible to burn her boyfriend Feng."

Yang Ye opened his mouth to say something. Gu Liang, who had been silent for a long time, turned his head to look at him and asked: "Yes, I haven't asked before, what is the motive of your character (color) (killing sha) Rong celebrity ?"

Su Lan answered for Yang Ye. She replied to Gu Liang: "I let him go. He is chasing... I mean, Yu Zhannan is chasing beautiful design. As a beautiful design, I had a power outage after 6 o'clock. At that time, I could not kill the celebrity Rong. So not long after the prom started, I found the opportunity to tell him that if he killed the celebrity Rong, I would be with him."


Gu Liang looked at Yang Ye and glanced at him.

——The men in this script are really scumbags.

Yang Ye felt his gaze, and quickly said, "Tsk, that is Yu Zhanan's personality, not me."

Gu Liangzheng turned around and looked at Su Lan. "If this is the case, the person he wants to (kill sha) is very clear, that is the lady Rong. Then, if the disaster transfer magic that you said really exists, then the killer should be a person who uses magic. Yu Zha Nan set the fire, but The real murderer took advantage of (killing sha) boyfriend Feng. So your logic is wrong."

Su Lan's face turned pale. "It's not just that. In short, there are still some things that I don't know for the time being... For example, only Yu Zha's doll is missing, so I think it may be him."

Gu Liang asked her: "Intuition?"

Su Lan: "It can be regarded as intuitive."

Gu Liang said indifferently: "This game still pays attention to evidence and logic. Intuition is not reliable. Let's continue to search for evidence."

"That..." Su Lan frowned and called to Gu Liang, "Maybe you have misunderstood."

"Misunderstanding?" Gu Liang didn't understand what she meant.

——Am I misunderstanding something? I just analyze the case objectively.

Su Lan said again: "I just think that speaking my thoughts now may be helpful to Yang Ye. After all, if I think so, others will think so. He saved me. I want to help him. You really Misunderstood."

Gu Liang turned for a long time before turning around. "Oh, you're afraid I thought you were suspicious of Yang Ye?"

Su Lan: "...Don't you think so?"

Gu Liang: "No. Are you analyzing the case objectively?"

Su Lan was stunned for a while, and forced a smile. "That's good. It's good if there is no misunderstanding. I really want to help."

The detective has just begun, and it is impossible to determine who the murderer is.

Why do you say you are helping Yang Ye? Does anyone insist that he is the real murderer?

Besides, it's normal to say things like I doubt you and you doubt me in the game, and test the reaction of others. What does she mean?

It seems a bit subtle.

But she did think too much.

Gu Liang looked at Yang Ye, and the expression in his eyes probably meant "What does she mean?"

Seeing Gu Liang's reaction, Yang Ye smiled, stepped forward to look at Su Lan, and asked: "After the power cut last night, you (killed sha) Lady Rong, did she know that you (killed sha) her? Or, she "Fragments" too?"

Su Lan said: "She was fragmented. After the call, when we were chatting, she asked me why everyone said that the power was stopped for 20 minutes. She felt like she hadn't stopped for long."

"Understood. In other words, almost as soon as the power outage, she was fragmented. Soon after the fragmentation ended, the power came. So in her opinion, the power outage did not last long. Thank you."

Yang Ye nodded, and walked away with Gu Liang's neck, "Daughter-in-law, let's go and see elsewhere."

"It's not Yang Ye..."

"Shhh, a shield."



Leaving the (Lu) platform, the two went to the direction of the back kitchen on the north side.

The back kitchen area is composed of several rooms. In addition to the kitchen for cooking, there are also a refrigerator room, a vegetable preparation room, a small room for storing various spices, a utility room for tools, and a chef's lounge next to it.

There are four main NPCs that Gu Liang has encountered. The first is the man in black; the second is Maid Liu, Ding Beggar, Xiaocao, and the boyfriend Feng in this script. They play important roles in the script. (Color) npc; the third is the waiter in the rest area; the fourth is the npc that serves as the background board in the script, such as the maid guard in the painted skin script, and the chef in the script.

In the detection link, all the fourth NPCs disappeared.

So Gu Liang did not see any chefs. In the chef's lounge, I couldn't find more useful things.

He and Yang Ye looked around in the kitchen and lounge, and then went to the utility room.

Gu Liang unexpectedly remembered what had happened on the (exposure) stage just now. At the moment, he finally understood something. He said to Yang Ye: "What Gang Sulan meant... after you used me as a shield, did she really treat me as a love enemy?"

Gu Liang pondered the overall performance of Su Lan for a while before figuring out a set of possible logic of her behavior-she first questioned Yang Ye as the murderer, and after Gu Liang helped Yang Ye refute and even questioned her, she was pitiful again. Xixi, saying that she was misunderstood by Gu Liang, she was here to help.

Is she acting in front of Yang Ye? The kind that makes himself pitiful and Gu Liang sinister?

"Maybe." Yang Ye thought of something funny, and said to Gu Liang, "Hey, Gu Liangliang, you--"

Gu Liang raised his eyebrows.

Yang Ye immediately changed his words: "Next time we go to a Gongdou notebook, Gu Liang, you will be a concubine..."

Seeing Gu Liang's expression, Yang Ye changed his mouth again: "No, you want to be an emperor, surrounded by three thousand beautiful girls? Hey, do you really like pretty girls?"

Gu Liang knew that he would never know what Yang Ye's brain circuit was like.

When he was serious, he seemed to be more glorious and stalwart than anyone else, and he was admirable. When he is poor, he is particularly irritating.

But Gu Liang found that he was disgusted and disgusted, so he was quite used to it, and he even asked: "If I am the emperor, what do you do?"

Yang Ye: "General, I'm guarding the country, actually to protect you."

Gu Liang: "..."

——Too many TV dramas in the chaos of Gufeng Zhong 2?

Forget it, you know you shouldn't pick it up.

While searching for evidence, Gu Liang thought of something, and then asked: "Speaking of which. If Su Lan really treated me as a love rival just now, playing tricks, it means that your last shield plan failed, and she has not given up on you. So. I am curious, what did you do in the last script to make people so obsessed with you not to change?"

"Let’s put it this way, when I was in real life before, a lot of people did show good things to me. There are indeed girls who like to be demon or succumbs, who are jealous and make troubles in front of me playing tricks like just now. But to be honest, that This kind of people is a minority, they are immature, and I watch a lot of Gongdou dramas, thinking that men are stupid, most normal people are not like that.

"Su Lan is quite shrewd and belongs to the category of a normal person. She has no reason to be like this. I think she may have other calculations."

"Finally, Liang Liang, when she was attacked by zombies, I shot her and helped her. This is where we all meet, so don't get me wrong."

Why don't you get me wrong one by one?

Gu Liang raised his eyebrows and did not continue the topic, but continued to search for evidence with his head down.

Yang Ye would inevitably want to ask a few more questions on this topic. "You look so good-looking, are there many girls around you when you are in school? I wonder how you reacted at that time."

Yang Ye always felt that Gu Liangliang was surrounded by a bunch of girls, but couldn't understand the little girl's mind for a while, and didn't know how to react to the embarrassing look. It must be very fun and interesting.

"You think too much." Gu Liang didn't look up, "No."

Yang Ye was surprised: "Why not?"

Gu Liang paused, and said, "Take the first year of high school, didn't my parents just get divorced? My mentality was not very good, and I was afraid that my classmates would laugh at me if they knew that my dad was in a sexual relationship. What. In short, I have suffered a lot of hatred all day long. The head teacher has talked to me, saying that I think everyone owes me money to him, and he reminds me to get along with my classmates. Therefore, most girls are afraid of me. Right."

Yang Ye feels distressed to hear this.

But he knew that Gu Liang never liked others to sympathize with him, so he just pretended to lightly tease: "Then you can still like you at the same table. It's a miracle."

Gu Liang smiled a little, and recalled roughly his high school life, only saying: "There was a boy in my class who was really good-looking and had a good temper. He was good at chatting with people. Most girls I should like him."

Ok? Gu Liang, a straight steel man, once said that girls are good-looking, but it is rare to hear him say which boys are good-looking.

Yang Ye immediately asked him: "Who is it? Is it okay to have my temper? Is it handsome like me?"

Gu Liang looked back at Yang Ye, frowning originally, unable to understand how he could always say such things naturally.

But when he saw Yang Ye, he was amused by Yang Ye's narcissistic rogue appearance.

"He is really good in all aspects and has done some impressive things, but I am not familiar with him. This time I think of him because there was a very strange thing in the last script... Forget it, the script is over. Talk to you about him again."

Having said that, Gu Liang held up a booklet. "Search for evidence. Come and see this. It feels like something will happen."

This is a manual book called "Castle Safety Manual for Employees Must Read".

Gu Liang roughly flipped through the catalog. Some talked about the safety of fire in the kitchen, and some talked about the layout of the castle circuit and plumbing facilities.

When Gu Liang thought of something, he opened the manual, and his eyes stopped on the page about fire.

"The castle fire safety instructions: smoke alarms and automatic sprinklers are installed in each room."

"Once the smoke alarm detects smoke, it will send the program to the automatic sprinkler device. The sprinkler device will automatically sprinkle water to extinguish the fire after receiving the program instructions."

"After three minutes, the smoke alarm will make a second judgment. If the smoke in the room disappears, the sprinkler device will be notified to stop spraying; if the smoke continues to exist, the sprinkler device will continue to spray water, and the smoke alarm will transmit the fire information to The fire alarm center, and issued a sirens resounding throughout the castle, reminding everyone to pay attention to escape and wait for the firemen to arrive."

"Ps, if guests come to the castle, please inform them not to smoke in the guest room, otherwise they will get drenched!"

After reading the safety pamphlet with Gu Liang, Yang Ye said, "Neither last night nor this morning, I did not hear the alarm sound. This means that when a fire broke out in the house, the smoke alarm was triggered immediately, followed by the sprinkler device. Spray water to extinguish the fire."

"Yes. The content of this clue is actually consistent with the traces of the crime scene. That is, the fire is not big, and it may have been extinguished at the beginning. Just now, when I saw the scene, I probably guessed that boyfriend Feng was killed. The burning time is very short, because there are not many traces of the fire in the house."

Gu Liang couldn't help frowning: "This clue is even more direct. He was burned to death in just three minutes."

Yang Ye thought for a while and corrected: "It should be more accurate to say that the moment boyfriend Feng caught fire, his body was burned into a curled shape, which is the'fighting posture' often mentioned in forensic medicine. Three minutes is pure fire-fighting time."

"Because if he burns to death in a normal way, it will take time from burning to death. In only three minutes, he will not burn like that, or if the fire is severe enough to three minutes If it can burn him like that, then three minutes will not be enough for the sprinkler to extinguish the fire, and the smoke alarm will sound."

"Agree. In other words, Feng's boyfriend caught fire instantly, died instantly, and was scorched instantly."

Gu Liang said, "Then, this fire really should not be related to magic (off tuo) (guanguan)."

"Come on again, let's talk about the Yu Zha Nan (killing sha) Rong celebrity last night."

Yang Ye said, "The scum man pours alcohol on her. If she burns up, it will immediately trigger the smoke alarm. In this way, the sprinkler will spray water to extinguish the fire."

"We often say that if an object is ignited by alcohol, it cannot be extinguished with water, because it is ineffective. Alcohol dissolves in water, and the flow of water will drive the burning alcohol to flow, which may cause a larger area of ​​burning, but..."

"If there is very little alcohol, of course you can use water to extinguish the fire. The sprinkler sprays a large amount of water that is many times more than alcohol, and reduces the alcohol concentration below the combustible ratio to prevent the fire from spreading further."

"Well, generally speaking, the flammable concentration of alcohol is about 50%. Below this concentration, it will not continue to burn. Under extreme conditions, the alcohol concentration must reach at least 28.4%."

Gu Liang nodded, and then asked him, "How much did you take to splash alcohol last night?"

"It's a very small bottle. Yu Zha Nan threw most of the alcohol into her respiratory tract when she opened her mouth and screamed."

Yang Ye said, “It’s different from the situation when an object is ignited by alcohol. When a person is ignited by alcohol, water is actually helpful. When the human body is burned, it needs to be cooled immediately. The large amount of water sprayed out by the spray device can wash away Rong Mingyuan ( The heat of the flame on the surface of her body gave her a chance to save herself."

"She (sheshen) body is drenched in water to avoid being burned by the high heat and severe burns. At the same time, she can take further self-rescue measures, such as wrapping a wet towel on the ignition point on her body. Even if the alcohol concentration is reduced by the water, stop burning and add With a lot of water scouring, the fire naturally went out."

Gu Liang nodded: "Agree."

Yang Ye helped her glasses and continued: "So, if the scum man didn't pour alcohol into her respiratory tract, she would have a chance of not dying. When the fire followed the alcohol into her respiratory tract, she would definitely die."

"In fact, this detail is very important."

Gu Liang looked at Yang Ye, "This can show that the death of boyfriend Feng has absolutely nothing to do with you."

According to common sense, the scene of Yu Zhan Nan (killing sha) and Rong celebrity should be like this-alcohol spilled into her respiratory tract, only a small part of it spilled on her body, and finally, a small amount Sporadic alcohol spilled on the sheets.

After a fire broke out, when the smoke alarm and sprinkler device worked, the scattered alcohol on the sheets melted into the water, and the concentration dropped below the combustible concentration, and the fire could be extinguished.

In the same way, although a little alcohol on Rong Mingyuan’s body burns, the large amount of water falling from the sky will wash away the heat on her body surface, giving her a chance to save herself, even if the alcohol concentration on the skin surface continues to drop , The fire will go out.

Therefore, the burning of alcohol on the skin can hardly cause her to suffer fatal damage.

What really killed the lady Rong was the burning alcohol flowing down her throat when she was lying on the (bed chuang) and screamed.

Therefore, Rong Mingyuan should have died of suffocation caused by respiratory tract injury, but because of the spray device and the small amount of alcohol, she will not be burnt, let alone burned into a "fighting pose."

In other words, if the fire that Yu Zhan Nan put on Lady Rong was transferred to Yu Zhan Nan, then Yu Zhan Nan's body would not be burned so badly.

Therefore, Yang Ye set fire to the celebrity, and the fire on Feng's boyfriend was actually two completely different scenes, and there was no possibility of the so-called "disaster transfer" magic.

Gu Liang checked the details with Yang Ye and said, "Nothing wrong. Su Lan also said just now that Mingyuan Rong's sheets were only slightly burnt, and she was awakened by the water from the spray system."

"It's not difficult to speculate that the process is - the sporadic alcohol you poured on the bed sheets burned, triggering the sprinkler to extinguish the fire. But for some reason, the body, including the respiratory tract, was not damaged. And according to Su Lan's statement, she was fragmented, and she had no idea what she gave birth to."

Gu Liang picked up the manual and said, "Let's go and look elsewhere. Besides, I have a hunch."

"What premonition?"

"You burned a celebrity, someone burned boyfriend Feng with another magic that doesn't know what to do. Both of your methods are related to fire, so..."

Gu Liang glanced at him, "I think the real murderer will find a way to blame you."

"For example, Sulan, if you confessed everything, you and her had no special affection before, and she really did not have a special affection for you..."

Yang Ye interrupted him: "Really, I confessed."

"Yeah." Gu Liang nodded faintly, "Then she is here to make a idiom. After the idiom failed, she said those little tricks that seemed to be a girl's jealousy... just to confuse the audience. Well, this girl is really smart. You have to be careful. Don't be so distracted."

Yang Ye smiled and said, "I don't have to worry, I just need to be happy."

Gu Liang: "?"

Yang Ye looked at him: "Liang Liang is so worried about me, of course I am happy."

Gu Liang: "..."

——This person is really...


Leaving the back kitchen, passing through the north side door, back to the hall, two people walked towards the west door.

Exit the west gate, walk 100 meters to the north, you can enter the (Lu) Tian Garden Restaurant by the wall. In this way, there is exactly one wall between the restaurant and the wedding banquet.

In this review, Liang didn't go to the restaurant again, but went straight to the west towards Taolin.

Taolin walked about 800 meters in the direction of Taolin, and at the end was a large peach forest. There were two fork roads on the north and south sides.

Gu Liang asked Yang Ye: "Where did you go this morning?"

"Come on. Come here with me first." Yang Ye took Gu Liang to the path to the north, through the woods on both sides, and came all the way to a lake. A familiar thick fog floats on the lake, and it seems that this is one of the ends of the game map.

"Take me to see what?" Gu Liang asked him.

Yang Ye said: "Don't you want to explain my timeline in detail?"

Gu Liang slightly raised his chin to look at him. "Okay, you can explain."

Yang Ye said: "After having breakfast at 8:30 in the morning, I went to Ai's girlfriend's room. No, it's not me, it's Yu Zha man."

Gu Liang: "..."

Yang Ye: "Yu Zha man and Ai girlfriend also have a leg. In the circle of celebrities, Ai girlfriends are all over the limelight by Rong celebrities, so girlfriend Ai’s idea is like this-Rong Yuan is dumped by Yu Zha, but if If she can (gou) catch up with the scumbag, she can win the celebrity once."

Gu Liang nodded and asked calmly, "What then?"

Yang Ye said: "Two people are dating ** or something. The script only summarized one sentence and didn't say anything specifically. So I didn't do anything. You see, when you were a beautiful woman, you were asked to hang out with me, you also not--"

Gu Liang: "Talk about the main point."

Yang Ye (touching Mo) (touching Mo) nose: "Isn't this clear to you, lest you think about things and misunderstand them again."

Gu Liang: "..."

Yang Ye smiled, and then said, "At 9 o'clock, Yu Zhannan came to this lake. He came here on the way back after breakfast, and Midea made an appointment with him temporarily."

"Shortly after Yu Zhannan arrived, Mei Design also came. Mei Design asked him to meet here to question him why Mingyuan Rong had not died. Yu Zhannan said that he did not know anything. Mei Design asked. He, what his (killing sha) technique was, he didn't say specifically. That's why, Su Lan just suspected that I used fire, but was not sure why."

"Why did girlfriend Ai come after that? Catch (rape Jian)?" Gu Liang asked.

Yang Ye touched his nose again (touching Mo). In order to make the description simpler, he still called Yu Zha Nan "I".

He said to Gu Liang: "My girlfriend Ai saw that I was having an appointment with her, so she left halfway and naturally followed. She was in the main hall, watching me go to Taolin, and seeing Mei Design followed, and she After waiting for a while, I saw that we hadn't come out yet, thinking that I betrayed her so quickly. She came to make a fuss, said I was cheating or something, and had a fight with Mei Design."

"Understood, the car overturned." Gu Liang commented lightly.

"Anyway, after the quarrel, the two of them were so angry that they wanted to break up with me, and they both left. I also got a headache because of the quarrel, and didn't bother them, so I let them go and sit alone by the lake."

"Not long after I sat, someone attacked the back of my head and I was knocked out."

When Yang Ye said this, he found that Gu Liang had walked around behind him.

"Huh? (gan)?"

"You squat down a bit, let me see."

Yang Ye turned around and held Gu Liang's shoulders and smiled and said, "It's okay. It doesn't hurt."

Gu Liang looked at him for a while, and said, "Think about it carefully, this script is still very strange. You, girlfriend Ai, and Mei Dianxiang (kill sha) should all be ladies Rong. Mingyuan Rong and the housekeeper can't tell if they are against someone. (Kill sha) means, but this does not constitute the reason why I suspect the two of them, because indeed my role (color) is also very good at soy sauce, and I don't have any chance to (kill sha)."

"Wow, you two are talking trivia together again!"

It was Li Xiaoyu who said this. She ran over and asked Gu Liang, "Did you find anything?"

"There are some findings, it's not easy to elaborate on it for the time being." Gu Liang asked her, "Why are you here?"

Li Xiaoyu said, "They are all here, but they went on the southern road first. I came here to take a look, but I didn't expect to meet you."

Gu Liang asked her directly: "Have you ever (killed sha) Lady Rong? Have you chopped her arm?"

Li Xiaoyu said: "I (killed sha) her before, but never killed her. Did I chop her arm (gan)? I wanted to (kill sha) her. I poisoned her."

Gu Liang asked: "Can you tell me about your technique?"

"Of course. I am definitely not the murderer anyway."

Li Xiaoyu said, "I gave her the poison called [Plastic Girlfriends Send You on the Road]. When I helped her back to the room to rest yesterday, I gave her a lipstick. The poison is in that lipstick, I let her I used it for the wedding makeup today. Um... After breakfast at 8:30, she went back to the bedroom to put on makeup. The poison kills within 5 minutes. I don’t know when she put on the lipstick, suppose before 9 o’clock anyway. She is not dead."

"What are the symptoms after poisoning?" Gu Liang asked.

Li Xiaoyu said: "If the deceased dies from this poison, a pink (color) heart will appear on the right arm."

"The right arm?" Gu Liangxin sank, frowning and asked her, "Is it the right hand?"

Li Xiaoyu said, "Yes. When you two were away, they found this evidence in my room just now. We just watched it together."

At this time, Meng Qiancheng's voice came over. "Xiaoyu, come to our side! There is a major discovery! We found the burned doll, and the butler kept a roster of dolls. There are records of what kind of dolls Rong Mingyuan assigned to whom. After comparison, we It is basically certain that the burned doll belonged to Yang Ye! I know that you are tied to them (Guanguan), but you should not tell Yang Ye or Gu Liang!"

Meng Qiancheng was walking towards the lake and saw Gu Liang and Yang Ye walking out with Li Xiaoyu.

Meng Qiancheng: "..."

Yang Ye slightly leaned forward and said sincerely, "I'm sorry, I heard everything accidentally."

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