Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 58: Doll (6)

Meng Qiancheng was busy covering his mouth, but it was too late, and he regretted immediately. +++ Catino Novel Network

——He was too excited because he found an important clue. Besides, he did not see anyone when he came here just now. He was negligent and forgot to confirm that Li Xiaoyu was the only one present.

When Gu Liang passed by Meng Qiancheng, he looked at him with a melancholy expression. After thinking about it, he followed Yang Ye and said, "Excuse me, I heard it too."

It's already embarrassing enough, your husband and wife will entertain my old man with me?

Meng Qiancheng said angrily: "Forget it, let's come and see together."

Gu Liang followed Meng Qiang's journey from the lake in the north, through the peach forest on the right and the fruit forest on the left, all the way south to a vegetable garden.

The vegetable garden is square with a few wooden stakes on the westernmost side.

At this moment, Steward Hao, Mingyuan Rong and Mei Dian were standing not far behind the stake.

Housekeeper Hao didn't speak, and kept silent.

Mei Design is discussing something with Mingyuan Rong.

Gu Liang walked to the stake, and saw a pile of charred, almost burnt ashes.

This mass of ashes is not out of order. Although it may have been blown out of shape by the wind because it has been placed here for a while, it is vaguely recognizable that this mass of ashes was placed in some form before being burned to ashes. Formation.

Li Xiaoyu was the first to speak: "Hey! I know this! This is a five-pointed star! I played with Onmyoji before, and this is what Abe Haruaki painted! There is a five-pointed star in the middle, a circle on the outside, a five-pointed star!"

Gu Liang took a step forward, looked at the formation carefully, and then said: "Well, it is a good pentagram. It is generally believed that the five vertices of the pentagram represent the earth, water, wind, fire, and structure. (成cheng) The fifth element of human spiritual power. These five elements are the origin of heaven and earth."

"Japanese Yin and Yang Tao, ancient Egyptian religion, Greek mythology, etc. all have pentagrams, but their meanings are not exactly the same. In this game, there should be other clues as to what the pentagram is for."

Li Xiaoyu was surprised: "Why do you know everything?"

"I saw it when I was reading, but I don't understand it deeply. It's just a superficial."

Gu Liang replied, then looked at Meng Qiancheng, "Where is the burnt doll you mentioned?"

"Here I am." Dong Wan said, "Come and see."

The doll was indeed burned almost entirely, to the same extent as the burnt boyfriend Feng.

It's just that her eyeballs are not too damaged.

A girl like Rong Mingyuan, even the doll's eyes are made of genuine diamonds.

The fire burned the baby's beautiful face, but it could not destroy the sapphire (color) diamond eyes.

At this moment, the sapphire (color) diamond reflects the mottled brilliance, lying quietly in the burnt-out black eye socket, looking very strange.

A gust of wind blows, and the burnt silky black eye sockets are directly shattered, and the diamond falls a little further down, which looks even stranger.

In addition to the eyeballs, there is a small area on the doll that is almost intact-the shoes on her right foot.

She was wearing red (color) high-heeled shoes with ribbons. It was probably because someone accidentally rubbed her shoes when they were holding her, causing her right foot to fall off. But because the ribbon is tied to the instep, the shoes did not fall off completely.

When the fire spread, it burned her calves, feet and most of the ribbon, but there was a small strand of ribbon that was not burned. The half-dangling shoes were kept relatively intact and not affected by the fire.

On the side, Mr. Hao held a lot of exhibits, one of which was a manual for recording which guests the doll was assigned to.

Meng Qiancheng took the manual from the housekeeper and said in the direction of Gu Liang and Yang Ye: "Rong Mingyuan treats dolls very carefully. Each doll has a different hair color (color), diamonds for her eyes, clothes and shoes. Now I can’t see hair and clothes, but judging from my eyes and shoes, this doll belongs to Yang Ye’s room."

"Yeah. I understand. It's just... why don't you want him to know about this?" Gu Liang asked Meng Qiancheng.

"This..." Meng Qiancheng coughed awkwardly, "Doesn't it feel that he is a bit suspicious? I want to cheat him later."

"I really don't know why the doll in my room came here." Yang Ye said.

Meng Qiancheng: "When I played chess with Gu Liang, didn't you go to Taolin, but you went to the lake in the north or the vegetable garden over there, we can't see it. You might be here. The vegetable garden burns dolls."

"I've only been to the lake in the north, and then I was knocked out." Yang Ye said, "If you suspect that the burning of the doll is related to the death of Boyfriend Feng, you should find the person who stunned me."

Meng Qiancheng: "But you may also lie. You may indeed have been to the vegetable garden to burn dolls."

Yang Ye nodded: "Well, of course."

"Burning a doll, and the death of Feng's boyfriend (dead si), the relationship between the two, and the meaning of the pentagram, we still don’t know. Next, why does the doll lack the right arm? Why does the (chest xiong) mouth Is there any injury? I think it makes sense to go to the timeline after clarifying this."

Gu Liang said this and squatted down in front of the pile of ashes.

He reached out and stumbled with his fingertips. The ashes were not hot, so he rummaged in the ashes with both hands.

It is not entirely accurate to say that ashes describe this scorched black mass, because there are a lot of scorched black (color) substances burned into blocks, which are probably gelatinous things that have been burned and then condensed together.

This kind of lumpy condensate cannot be counted as ash, because it is relatively large.

Then, Gu Liang rummaged carefully, and could still see some finely shredded fabrics that were not completely burnt.

Yang Ye also walked over and squatted down at this moment, and followed Gu Liang over and over.

Gu Liang turned his head to look at Yang Ye, then turned back and asked everyone: "Does anyone know the clues of the Pentagram?"

For a time, except for Li Xiaoyu and Meng Qiancheng, the looks (looks) of the others were a bit strange.

Gu Liang looked even more strange.

Everyone seems to have something that has formed a tacit understanding.

Soon Meng Qiancheng suggested to look at other places. Everyone dispersed. Only Gu Liang and Yang Ye were left in this place.

"My intuition has come true, everyone seems to be suspicious of you." Gu Liang said to Yang Ye.

When the vegetable garden calmed down, Yang Ye whispered to Gu Liang, "I really know something about the five-pointed star."

Gu Liang: "..."

Yang Ye said: "But I can be sure that I am not the murderer. I have nothing to do with a doll or anything. So I didn't hide the evidence too much. The evidence was hidden in the sports car I drove. They estimated You will find out in a while."

"What kind of evidence is that?" Gu Liang asked.

Yang Ye: "My mother is a wizard, and there is a photo of her wearing a wizard robe with me in the car. On the back of the photo is the pentagram protector drawn by her. The remaining pentagram clues are in my script."

"As mentioned in my plot, a pentagram can seal evil spirits. The specific way of sealing is to put the evil spirit-related items in the shape of a pentagram and then recite a spell or something."

Gu Liang asked him, "Did you mention fire?"

"No." Yang Ye said, "It has nothing to do with fire."

Gu Liang stared at him: "If it weren't for being familiar with you before...I would have doubted you. Your suspicion is too great."

"So this is one of the reasons for the difficulty of the script. For a good person, not only must we find the real culprit, but also find a way to clear ourselves of suspicion."

Yang Ye lowered his eyes and looked at the black (color) in front of him. "These should be items related to evil spirits. But where did the evil spirits come from? Could it be that the doll came alive and became evil spirits?"

Gu Liang couldn't answer Yang Ye's words for a while, only picked up a burnt black lump, looked at it for a while and said, "What are these burning lumps? It's a bit like plastic. If the evil spirit is a doll, press you It is said that to seal the evil spirits, it is necessary to place the items related to the evil spirits as pentagrams. Then these things that have been burnt to ashes are related to the doll, maybe her clothes, small plastic houses, small toys, or something? "

"Yes, it's possible." Yang Ye said.

"Who has these things? Shouldn't it be a lady Rong?" Gu Liang asked.

Yang Ye said: "Ms. Rong likes dolls so much, I don't think she can burn them. Come again, the storage room on the 6th floor is the one I avoided. There are many doll-related things in it, and anyone can go in. "

Hey, I have a chance to get the doll's related items after entering the storage room. I know the Pentagram, my mother is a wizard, and I have been alone in Taolin for a long time...

Yang Ye's suspicion is indeed too great.

The situation is not favorable to him.

Gu Liang sighed again in his heart, if this was the first script he played, he would doubt Yang Ye just like everyone else.

Yang Ye clapped his hands and continued to stare at the ashes, then fiddled with his hands, trying to restore them to the shape of a pentagram.

During this process, Yang Ye said, "I must not be the only one who knows the Pentagram."

"But first you can rule out Li Xiaoyu. She and Mingyuan Rong are plastic besties. From the perspective of people, they probably won't be able to touch the Pentagram. Unless you find other clues. Next, she just said that the Onmyoji game or something, echoes her consistent dance She dared to be the first to mention the pentagram, she did not know the meaning of the pentagram in this script."

"Furthermore, Mei Design, she is a doll designer. Since there are evil spirits in this world, as a doll designer, in this industry, she should know a few related taboos. What are the spiritual bodies and dolls? guan) system, she should understand. My mother painted a pentagram on my frame to protect me. So beautiful design may also know that pentagrams can be used as amulets."

"Finally, there are the three people in this villa, Dao Rong, Mingyuan Rong, and Steward Hao. They know the reason for the Pentagram, and it is the same as Mei Design. Mingyuan Rong likes dolls so much. People in this villa should Everyone knows some taboos."

Gu Liang smiled helplessly when he heard this. "I really don't know. My role (color) is too soy. Hey wait—"

Gu Liang stood up, remembered something, and said, "I have to go to the back kitchen again."

"Back kitchen? What do you want to see?" Yang Ye asked.

Gu Liang: "The chef's lounge, I remember there is a book that records the tastes and habits of each customer. That book is a bit thick, I didn't read it carefully just now. But what you said just now makes me think I can take a closer look. For example... Have any wizards or the like have come to the villa and mentioned things related to evil spirits."

"Well, it works. But wait a little longer." Yang Ye said.

After hearing this, Gu Liang looked down and saw that Yang Ye had restored the ashes tossed by the wind into the shape of a standard pentagram. A five-pointed star in the middle and a circle around it is very regular.

But on closer inspection, some five-pointed stars, and the edge part of one-third of the circle, seem a bit too thick.

It's like drawing a pentagram with a pen, but in some places it looks like you have drawn a few more strokes back and forth with the pen, resulting in an uneven thickness of the entire pentagram.

Gu Liang frowned: "Why are some areas thicker?"

Yang Ye destroyed the pentagram made of ashes and stretched out his hand to push the entire ashes away.

At this moment, the pentagram pattern on the ground was immediately revealed.

This is the person who burned the doll. He piled up doll-related items, clothes, small houses, and the like in the shape of a pentagram. After being ignited, the soil underneath was also burnt at high temperature.

Therefore, the land itself also has the shape of a pentagram.

"Are you a pentagram swinging along the traces of the scorched earth on the ground?" Gu Liang asked.

"Yes. So I found that these ashes seemed to be much more. I placed the excess ashes according to the principle of proximity, and all the edges were thicker."

Yang Ye twisted a scorched black object with his hands, and said, "Especially this kind of thing. This kind of plastic...other than a doll's small house, what else could it be?"

When Gu Liang thought of something, his pupils dilated, and he immediately said, "Maybe the doll itself. This kind of doll is probably made of resin or something. So I have an idea..."

Gu Liang stood up and looked around the surrounding land. Everything was level and level, and the soil showed no signs of renovation.

Gu Liang continued: "If we search the entire castle for a while, but we can't find the missing arm of the doll, it means... the arm may have been burned."

"Okay. Let's go to Lao Meng, let him, as a detective, take a closer look at the evidence clues here, and then go to the back kitchen area to see the situation of the visitors."

After Yang Ye said this, he got up and looked at the vegetable garden.

When they came just now, they came across the path between the peach forest and the fruit forest.

But there is a road across the vegetable garden, which can actually reach the direction of the main entrance of the castle.

Gu Liang also looked at him and took out the card map to check it.

"At that time, the system asked us to go to the garden restaurant for breakfast. I noticed that there were two roads marked on the map. One was from the west entrance of the main hall where the banquet was held. That was the way we went for breakfast; the other was from ancient times. Go around the main entrance of the fort, go west from the main entrance, and then north to the restaurant. The road is separated from the vegetable garden by a fruit forest."

"So--" Yang Ye stepped onto this road that no one has walked so far, and said, "Walking from here, you can pass through the fruit forest and walk up to the road that you just mentioned that leads to the restaurant. Two roads, of course, can also go to the main entrance."

"Not bad." Gu Liang followed Yang Ye towards this road, going east through the fruit forest, and then going south for a while, and he saw the main entrance of the castle.

As expected by Yang Ye, at this moment the players, including Meng Qiancheng, were looking around Yu Zhannan's sports car.

Gu Liang thought for a while, and said, "So, I saw the direction you, girlfriend Ai, and Mei Design have been to Taolin. All three of you may have been to the vegetable garden to make dolls. But in fact, Mr. Hao and Rong Ladies, may have been to the vegetable garden, but they did not go through Taolin, but took another road. Whether they have been there, I don’t know."

"Yes. That's right. Except for you and Lao Meng, everyone has the possibility to go to the vegetable garden to make dolls."

After Yang Ye said this to Gu Liang, he took a few steps forward and called Meng Qiancheng, "Old Meng head."


Meng Qiancheng glanced back at the main entrance of the ancient castle, then turned his head to look at Yang Ye and Gu Liang, "How come you come out of here?"

Yang Ye said, "There is another way here. You can walk me again. Remember to take the detective camera and I will take you to take some evidence."

"You still take me to take evidence?"

Meng Qiancheng talked a few words, "You are very suspicious now, do you know what's in your car?"

"Yes. But I am not alone in knowing the Pentagram. Come on."

Yang Ye held Meng Qiancheng's shoulder in a good posture, and led him to the vegetable garden.

Gu Liang didn't keep up with them. He just said, "You go to the vegetable garden, I will go to the back kitchen and check again. Save time."

"Okay. At that moment, the main hall meets." Yang Ye said.

"Good." Gu Liang nodded and walked to the main entrance of the castle.

This is the second time that Gu Liang entered the castle through the main entrance.

The two were only one day apart, but his mood was still very different.

By passing through the main entrance, lobby, and then to the main hall, he carefully looked at the structure of the castle again.

The lobby and main hall are as high as two floors, which means that the first and second floors of the entire castle are hollowed out in the middle.

From the third floor to the sixth floor, they are all accommodation areas for the first time. They are the same as the buildings you usually see, one after another.

As for the lobby and the main hall, they are different.

The three sides of the main hall are the garden, the back kitchen area and the (exposed) platform. The main hall has a large area and no other space.

But the area of ​​the lobby is very small, and there should be a circle of space around it, both on the first and second floors.

But this part of the area, according to the system, was blocked.

Gu Liang could only see the heavy walls and closed doors on both sides of the lobby, but could not see what was behind the walls.

This part of the first floor, plus the second to fifth floors, were sealed off. But since the system said it had nothing to do with this script, Gu Liang could only guess that it might be related to other scripts later, but in short, he doesn't need to bother about it now.

After a while, passing through the main hall, Gu Liang went back to the chef's lounge and found the booklet recording the tastes of important guests. After turning over a hundred pages, he finally turned to a page mentioning wizards.

"In 2x04, the visitors from the castle: strange, annoying, but also very important wizard. The wizard's taste habits: don't like coriander, don't eat soy products, like carrots very much. Note: He only lives for two days. "

"The chef’s nagging: That’s great. Mingyuan Rong said that he traveled all over the world. After leaving this time, he might not come again. He was too troublesome. Today I was a bit older when I was cooking steak. He scolded for a long time. I wanted to scold him back, but was persuaded by the gardener. The gardener said that this wizard is very powerful. Mingyuan Rong likes dolls, but this kind of doll is easy to provoke bad things. The wizard is here to remind her."

"Gu Liang? Are there any new discoveries on your side?" Yang Ye's voice came from the direction of the main hall.

"Well, yes. Very important clue."

Gu Liang held this very heavy booklet and walked to the main hall, and saw that Yang Ye and Meng Qiancheng had found a table and sat down.

Gu Liang stepped forward, put the diary on the table, sat next to Yang Ye, and said to Meng Qiancheng: "Lao Meng, take this page."

Meng Qiancheng looked at him: "Why do you call me that?"

"Follow everyone." Gu Liang said.

Meng Qiancheng glanced at him up and down. "Sometimes I don't know if you are a really honest child, or teasing people with black humor."

Gu Liang smiled faintly, pointed his finger at the word wizard, and asked, "So, do you know that your house has been to a wizard?"

Meng Qiancheng said, "I don't know."

Gu Liang: "Why don't you know?"

Meng Qiancheng: "My role (color), Dao Rong, he didn't just enjoy his achievements to become a big guy. He has worked hard. He has been busy. When Mingyuan Rong grew up, he was not accompanied by his side. Speaking of which, Mingyuan Rong is also very pitiful. Her mother remarried because I was too busy and hadn't taken her away... Hey, although there is no such person in the script, but you said, if my ex-wife knew that I have this right now Money, I must regret it to death."

Gu Liang interrupted Meng Qiancheng: "Back to the point. So, Mingyuan Rong was brought up by a servant. You don't know about the visit of the wizard."

Meng Qiancheng: "I really don't know."

"But Mingyuan Rong knows it, and Steward Hao who takes care of her must know it too. So—"

Yang Ye looked at Meng Qiancheng and said, "Not only I know about the wizard and the Pentagram, but also the housekeeper Hao and Mingyuan Rong. Li Xiaoyu, I don’t think she knows, but she can find relevant clues. Finally, It depends on whether Su Lan knows this. I suggest that the next step is to find clues about Su Lan. When discussing later, you can also focus on asking her related matters."


After half an hour. 6th floor.

Yang Ye and Gu Liang spent half an hour looking at each room.

There were no special clues in Su Lan's room, not even clues to witchcraft and the Pentagram.

She only has her business card designed as a beauty.

The card read-"Every doll is worthy of being cherished by humans. Treat the doll well, and she will treat you well."

After checking each room, the two went to Meng Qiancheng's room.

When Gu Liang and Yang Ye went to the first floor before, the others searched for evidence on this floor.

They temporarily put all the dolls in the detective's room.

Right now, Gu Liang picked up a doll and tried to see the condition of their throats.

But the doll's mouth could not be opened, Gu Liang had to give up.

"What do you think now?" Yang Ye asked him.

Gu Liang looked at the dolls in a room and said to Yang Ye, "Let's go to my room and chat."

After going to Gu Liang's room, Yang Ye first brought him a glass of water. "are you hungry?"

Gu Liang shook his head: "There will be food in the centralized discussion room. It doesn't matter. Let's discuss ideas together. In this way, you can search for (sexual xing) while you still have time."

Gu Liang yawned and sat down by the bed. Yang Ye dragged the sofa over and sat down opposite him. "Are you looking at the doll's hose?"

"Yeah." Gu Liang got up and went to the cabinet where the doll was first placed, picked up a card, and then went back to sit down in front of Yang Ye, "Can't you remember this card?"

This is the card placed next to the doll in the first place.

There are three sentences written on it. The first sentence is that the doll is a gift prepared by the lady Rong.

The second sentence reads: "Everything has an aura. If you treat a doll with your heart, it will also bring you happiness."

The third sentence is: "Lady Rong treats her dolls very well, and I hope that every guest will love these cute dolls like her."

After reading this sentence, Yang Ye said, "Actually, the last two sentences of this card have the same meaning as the business card designed by Mei. That is the point-if you treat the doll well, the doll will protect you."

"Yes, so I thought that the doll is a stand-in type at first. Mingyuan Rong treats the dolls very well, so the doll gives birth to a spiritual (sexual xing) and will protect her."

"Mei Design stabbed her. The symptom manifested in the doll is that all the dolls have a knife in their (chest xiong) mouth."

"Come on again, you burned Lady Rong's respiratory tract, the baby's respiratory tract should be injured. But this is not obvious for the time being."

"Finally, people who died of Ai's girlfriend's poison will have a heart in their arms. Then all the dolls should have a heart in their right arms. But now I don't know why, someone cut the arm of the doll, and it may be put in the five awns. Burned together in the star spell."

When Gu Liang said this, he pressed his brow. "Now we have discovered that except for me and the detective Lao Mengtou, everyone has the possibility to go to the vegetable garden, and those of you who go to the vegetable garden are more or less related to the pentagram and witchcraft. You may be the ones who burned dolls. people."

"But why, burning the baby will cause Feng's boyfriend to die? What is the connection between the two? This question is very important."

Gu Liang took the card and looked at it for a long time, keeping his eyes on the word "protect".

Between the flashing lights, he suddenly thought of something. He sat up and looked at Yang Ye with a look of excitement: "By the way, since you protect the doll, the doll will protect you. Then if the doll is abused, will the doll avenge him? This The (strong qiang) on ​​the card is tuned, and the guests need to be kind to the doll. Does it hide the meaning?"

"If you follow this line of thought..."

Yang Ye thought for a while, and said, "The one who abuses the doll should be only her boyfriend Feng. Mr. Rong and Steward Hao have lived here for a long time. It is impossible for them to have no objection for so many years. I’ve heard my opinions and started to abuse them. Only Feng Nanyou, who is about to become the host here, may not understand the doll and beat them."

"Then, there may be two stories about the doll."

Gu Liang said, "The first story is that someone (kills sha) Rong celebrity, and the doll will protect her. The second story is that the person who abuses the doll will be retaliated by the doll. Boyfriend Feng is the one who was retaliated."

Yang Ye said: "But the doll can't be the murderer. According to your opinion, some of us were influenced by the doll and (killed sha) Feng's boyfriend."

Gu Liang nodded: "In this way, the story is relatively reasonable. First, Feng's boyfriend abused the doll; then, the doll affected someone's mentality, or possessed something, and let him (kill sha) Feng's boyfriend; finally, Someone noticed this, it might be the person who was affected by the doll. After this person noticed it, in order to let himself off the influence of the doll, he burned the doll with a pentagram and destroyed this'evil spirit'. '."

"When voting, if there is no option for a ‘doll’, then it’s the person who has been affected."

Yang Ye listened for a long time and said, "This brainstorm is very exciting. We have been looking for the connection between boyfriend Feng and the baby burning incident. In this way, everything has a perfect explanation. But we still need to solve two problems."

Gu Liang asked him: "The first question I know is that the baby's arm is missing. There is really no way to explain it. I'm just guessing that it may be related to the magic circle requirements for sealing the baby's evil spirits. This specific issue should be discussed for a while. , And ask the people involved in witchcraft. What's the second question?"

Yang Ye looked at him and slowly said, "You forgot one thing. After our speculation, boyfriend Feng was instantly burned to death by fire. This matter is very important—"

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