Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 70: Folding castle (8)

Gu Liang's earliest plan was to go directly to the fifth floor to see the situation. +++ Catino Novel Network

But now that so many players have gone to the fifth floor, he decided to continue searching the fourth floor.

After all, this time is just a stage task, not to find the last murderer.

Except for the Princess Rose played by Sulan, the others should have nothing to do with the thing that killed Ai Meili in the past; plus they are together again, there should be no possibility of hiding evidence.

So, after walking out of the master bedroom of the Duke's room, Gu Liang came to the next room.

This room was opened when they were investigating, but at that time everyone just glanced at it roughly and didn't go in for further investigation.

At this moment, Gu Liang was able to walk inside to investigate the details.

This is a piano room.

At first glance, the piano looks like a piano, but when you look up close, it is very different from the piano.

There is a carpet under the piano body, the pattern on the carpet is sunflower, and the mural on the wall is also sunflower.

Gu Liang initially thought that this piano room was for Ai Meili.

But when he approached the piano body, when he saw the piano score on the piano stand and found that the names on it were all in English, Gu Liang realized that this was the Duke's piano.

Gu Liang leaned close to the piano sheet and looked at the opened page, which read in English: "This is beautiful and favorite piece of music. She is often depressed. Sitting in a room surrounded by sunflowers, listening to me playing this piece. , Her mood will be better."

Yang Ye walked in at this moment.

When he came to the piano, he stretched out his hand and tapped the keys of the piano. The sound was decidedly different from that of the piano, it was crisper, heavier, and had a strong metallic feel.

Yang Ye said: "This is called the harpsichord. Later, the piano became popular, and it was gradually replaced. From a certain perspective, it can be regarded as the predecessor of the piano."

Gu Yongqi glanced at him. "Do you know the piano?"

Yang Ye smiled: "I learned a little piano when I was young, so I don't understand it. It's just that the old man in my family bought an old antique like this before and put it at home to use it."

After Yang Ye said this, he sat down in front of the piano. After seeing the score, he pressed his fingers on the keys and started playing.

At first, it didn't go well, but after a few tries, Yang Ye could actually play the music according to the piano score.

He seems to have a sense of self-understanding, the more he plays, the more skilled he plays, and the more he plays, the smoother he plays.

Gu Liang seemed to feel a little bit interesting, and immediately sat on the sofa next to him and listened.

Gu Liang is indeed a pure science talent.

If it weren't for the fact that he had to antagonize his father during the first year of high school, he must have been selective. Afterwards, learning literature and then law was not his real interest.

He doesn't understand the liberal arts. For painting and music, he has no artistic cells.

For example, like Yang Ye, he doesn't understand the difference between harpsichord and piano.

But at this moment he listened for a while, as if listening.

On the wall behind him are brilliant sunflowers, and in front of him is the harpsichord invented in the 15th century. The piano player Yang Ye seems very attractive.

He has a focused look, slender and powerful fingers, and the action of striking the keys is very charming.

His pupils (color) looked extremely deep on his fair skin without any blood (color).

The deadliest thing is that he raised his head and smiled at himself.

That smile has a kind of strange magic, which makes people want to indulge in it completely.

Gu Liang noticed something was wrong at this moment.

——Yang Ye's eyes became dark blue (color), just like a Westerner.

His skin is also whiter, just like Shen (Shui) has just woke up for hundreds of centuries.

At the same time, his lips were very red, bloody, as if he had just sucked a lot of blood.

The smile on his face is also completely different from his usual teasing or affectionate smile. At this moment, his smile seems to be full of evil.

The feeling of being bewitched and fascinated by him disappeared instantly.

Gu Liang's heart was filled with fear that he couldn't even speak of, and a hatred from his bones.

It seemed that everything just before was just because the person in front of him was too good-looking and too gentle and charming when he played the piano, so he had a moment of infatuation with the person in front of him.

But after Duan temporarily's infatuation disappeared, his heart was filled with endless hatred.

——Hate that even if he kills himself, he will destroy it.

No, this is not me.

I don't hate Yang Ye.

I shouldn't understand this song either.

I shouldn’t know how to enjoy music...

what's the problem?

Gu Liang raised his hand subconsciously, lowered his head and saw that there were long nails growing on his ten fingers.

Ten fingers Dankou, bright red (yan yan) Li-that is a pair of women's hands.

No, something is wrong.

Yang Ye became a duke?

I became Ai Meili?


All this must stop!

With a sound of "Peng", the door was pushed open, and the door panel hit the wall with a loud noise.

Then came Li Xiaoyu's voice: "Wow, we are carefully searching for evidence. You are playing the piano and falling in love here! Hey? Is this the piano? It doesn't seem to be the same."

The sound of the piano stopped abruptly.

The nightmare faded suddenly.

Gu Liang lowered his head and looked at his hand--returning to its original shape.

He raised his head and looked at Yang Ye. His pupils (color), skin (color) and lips have also been restored.

Yang Ye frowned, his expression was obviously also a little tranced, and he didn't seem to know what happened just now.

Gu Liang stood up, feeling his back soaked.

Yang Ye immediately stepped forward to support him: "What happened just now?"

Gu Liang exhaled. "It's not clear, it seems that we are both possessed, or our souls are out of our body."

"Xiaoyu, thank you so much."

Gu Liang immediately glanced at the piano in front of him, his expression calmed down, and teased Yang Ye, "This tells us not to play the piano."

Yang Ye asked him, "Did I play well just now?"

Gu Liang: "I don't understand music. But after I felt possessed, I suddenly understood it, and I felt pretty good."

There is one more sentence, Gu Liang did not say.

——After suspected of being possessed, he even thought Yang Ye was quite charming.

At this moment, Li Xiaoyu spoke to Yang Ye: "You play very well. I just searched for evidence in the next room next door. It was attracted by the sound of the piano."

Yang Ye frowned: "That's weird. I know stave, but playing the piano is really at the kindergarten level. Besides, it is different from the piano."

While speaking, Yang Ye picked up the score from the piano stand and turned it over. The next page of the score reads a sentence: "If you leave, I will wait for you in your favorite place."

"Favorite place?" Yang Ye put back the score, "Where do you think it is?"

Gu Liang said, "It should be the place where sunflowers were planted in the garden. But three hundred years later, where sunflowers are planted, it's not easy to say. We will look for it later, maybe we can find the map of the old castle."

Li Xiaoyu said, "By the way, do you want to follow me to the room I just stayed in? It's next door. There seems to be a bit special there, with lots of paint."

When Li Xiaoyu said this, Gu Liang and Yang Ye came to the room with her.

The room was very small. When they first inspected it, they probably saw that it was a room for people and left.

At this time, Li Xiaoyu opened the box inside, and Gu Liang saw that there were indeed oil paints inside.

In addition, there is a row of wooden shelves with clutter next to the bed. Gu Liang searched for a while and found a lot of paintbrushes. Many paintbrushes have not been washed (gan), and they are covered with paint.

This man has paint and paintbrushes in his room.

Is he the one who painted murals for the entire castle?

Gu Liang frowned before walking to the bed.

Gu Liangben hadn't noticed just now. Because the bed is normal.

But he suddenly realized that he was in the vampire script.

Su Lan just mentioned that the vampire is (sleeping in Shui) coffin.

Therefore, the originally normal wooden bed seems abnormal now.

"Is it an individual who lives in this house, not a vampire?"

Gu Liang stepped forward and picked up the pillow on the (bed chuang), and found a piece of paper pressed underneath. The paper was written in Chinese.

Gu Liang picked up the paper and saw it read: "If you don't see it in a day, you will think like crazy."

Turn the paper over and there is a portrait on it.

The face on the portrait is familiar—Li Xiaoyu's.

At the end of the portrait, there is a signature by the painter, and it simply and bluntly read: "Oriental Sorcerer".

Li Xiaoyu walked over and saw this painting. "So this person, like Ai Meili?"

At this moment, Yang Ye went to another box and found many spell books.

Yang Ye opened one of the books and slowly turned to a magic circle, exactly the same as the one painted on the book in the duke's room.

"It seems that he not only painted the murals of the castle, but also taught the duke how to travel 300 years later."

Yang Ye said, "He is an Eastern Sorcerer with a high level of metaphysics."

Gu Liang couldn't help frowning: "That's weird. Look at Yang Ye, he clearly likes Ai Meili. Since he likes her, why should he help the Duke find her reincarnation?"

"Really strange." It was Li Xiaoyu who said this.

She found a box under the wooden bed and opened it at the moment. The box was full of silver crosses. "This kind of thing should be used to (kill sha) vampires. Does he want (kill sha) Ai Meili?"

Gu Liangdao: "Take (kill Sha) the Duke. He really likes Ai Meili, and it is very possible that he approached this castle regardless of danger because of Ai Meili."

Li Xiaoyu frowned: "Then I don't know."

All three of them are a little unclear at the moment.

After leaving this room, they went to the servant room next to them.

When Gu Liang remembered something, he also asked Li Xiaoyu: "By the way, where did Su Lan go?"

——The castle is so weird, she wouldn't be investigating this level alone, right?

Li Xiaoyu coughed and said in a low voice: "She, after hearing you playing the piano, she went upstairs."

Gu Liang understood what was coming, and looked sideways at Yang Ye.

Yang Ye was actually a little helpless. "I don't know what's going on with her, she is very strange."

"Yang Ye, does she know you in reality?" Li Xiaoyu asked him when he thought of a possibility.

Yang Ye shook his head: "No impression. I shouldn't."

Li Xiaoyu: "I told you that I liked the person before, do you remember? I had a crush for more than half a year before I dared to chase him. People couldn't believe that I liked him for half a year and said they didn't know who I was. "

"Perhaps she is in a similar situation to me. She used to be your little girl, but you don't know. But don't worry, she thinks she has almost given up her mind. After my observation, she is not bad and didn't want to separate you. She is just unhappy, and sometimes needs to (fa) vent. It will be fine after a while. This kind of person who puts everything on her face is much better than the secretly scheming person."

When Yang Ye heard this, she only stared at Gu Liang.

Gu Liang was quite calm, pushed aside the other lower room next to him, and walked in.

"Gu Liang, rest assured, I will take care of it. This matter has nothing to do with you. Don't think too much about it." Yang Ye followed.

"I don't think much about it."

Gu Liang glanced at him, he couldn't tell why, he smiled faintly, and held up a brochure in front of him, "solve the case first."

This room is located between the piano room and the oriental magician room.

There is a coffin in the center of the room, not a bed.

This is normal in this old castle.

On the booklet that Gu Liang held up, the title page read in English: "Management Records-From [Management of Soy Sauce]"

It seems that the one who lives here is in charge.

And this record is what he wrote down.

Gu Liang read the record carefully and found many clues related to the Eastern Warlock.

Gu Liang folded the pages he thought were more important and showed them to Yang Ye and Li Xiaoyu.

"On October 4th, 7 people were captured. It's been a long time since I caught so many people, great."

"However, all this should be about to end. Our great Duke, his power is already very (strong) great."

"He is not afraid of light, or even silverware, or crosses. All the methods that can (kill sha) die a vampire, (kill sha) don't die him."

"This, to a certain extent, also reduces our work. There is no need to search everyone. Anyway, everyone will (kill sha) the undead lord."

"On October 5th, I caught a man to donate blood to the Duke. I don’t know what he said to the Duke. The Duke actually treated him as a guest of honor, and even let him live next door to me? Really, how many years have I been with the Duke? How old is he?"


"He said he was called the Oriental Warlock, but he did have some abilities. I've never seen the Duchess smile. After she saw the sunflower painted by the Oriental Warlock, she actually laughed."

"I also looked at the sunflowers. They really seem to have souls and are alive."

"I haven't seen sunshine for many years. The moment I saw the painting, I felt cured by the sunshine. Hmm...well, my opinion of him has changed."

"On October 8, the Oriental Warlock spent three days painting his wife's room full of sunflowers. Today he was called by the princess to paint roses again."

"Princess Rose liked roses the most before becoming a vampire. Unfortunately, after becoming a vampire, she hasn't been in the rose garden in the sun for a long time."

"The princess is very happy to see the roses growing in the sun over the wall."

"The princess is happy and loses her temper. When we are the servants, we are also happy."

"Well, I really have to thank the Eastern Warlock. He kindly sent me the painting, and I hung it on the wall."

"Since he drew me handsome, I don't care about him for the time being."

"On October 11th, the Eastern Warlock won a lot of rewards. It's enviable. I'm starting to be jealous of him again. I really want to bite his neck and turn him into a vampire!"

"On October 13, the oriental magician painted in the order of the lobby, the third floor, the fourth floor, the fifth floor, and the sixth floor."

"Speaking of which, I don't know what it can be used for on the sixth floor. It's so empty and unoccupied. Who can I show the murals?"

"I heard that the reason why Lord Duke did not turn his wife into a vampire at first was because she wanted her to give him a child as a human. He probably left him on the sixth floor for the children. But ah...tsk, madam. Not willing."


"November 7th, my God, the lady actually died. Who would (kill sha) die such a kind and beautiful girl?"

"The Duke is sad..."

"I have an ominous hunch, as if I will live soon too..."

Recorded here, it stopped abruptly.

When Yang Ye and Li Xiaoyu looked at the record, Gu Liang saw a portrait of a character on the wall behind the coffin.

It was a pale face, wearing a black (colored) steward, with a red (colored) bow tie on the neckline, and his smile was a little stiff.

It seems that this is the portrait given to him by the Eastern Warlock.

In this way, Gu Liang got a very crucial message.

——The murals of this old castle were originally painted by oriental sorcerers.

Oriental warlocks like Ai Meili, and may even come to this castle to save Ai Meili.

But why, after Amy's death, he would help the Duke to cross?

Yang Ye finished reading the record at this time and said, "This is a very crucial piece of information. Conventional things that can kill vampires, such as silverware and crosses, don't work for the duke."

"It stands to reason that the warlock himself knows this very well, and he should know it. Next, he seems to have a good relationship with the steward, and he should also be able to hear about it from the steward."

"Then, the silver cross in the oriental magician's room was not used (to kill sha) the Duke, but used (to kill sha) Ai Meili."

Gu Liang did find it strange. "But why? Doesn't he like Ai Meili?"

Li Xiaoyu had an idea, and said: "Couldn't... he knows that Ai Meili has become a vampire, so he has to (kill sha) her? Or, Ai Meili wants to die, so I beg him (kill sha) himself. He also Helpless. Ai Meili didn't want to live in this way, so he had to (kill sha) her. Ouuuu, so abused!

Gu Liang was silent for a while, and said, "Xiaoyu's words are reasonable. It's a possibility. But this still can't explain why he helped the Duke cross."

Yang Ye said: "Let's check here again, let's go upstairs. Let's see how the corpse died, for example, if there is a cross stabbed at the mouth of the (chest xiong)."

"No, no!"

Li Xiaoyu's play spirit possessed her body and covered her (chest xiong) mouth, "That corpse is another me! You can't look at it! It's not gay!"

Gu Liang thought for a while and reminded her: "Lao Meng, they may have seen it..."

Li Xiaoyu ran out angrily and pressed the elevator. "I want to go up and fight him desperately!"

After Li Xiaoyu went to the fifth floor, Yang Ye and Gu Liang continued to search in the steward's room, but there were still gains-clues about Earl William.

It was a note written to the steward in the voice of the duke (kiss wen).

"I received a letter from Earl William today, saying that he wants to come and see us. Oh, this kid has been thinking about Princess Rose, and he probably wants to come and get her married. Then let's see what Rose means. He estimated that he will arrive in a month. He casually finds a room on the sixth floor to live in.—Dahl, October 7."

After reading this note, Yang Ye looked sideways abruptly, and found that Gu Liang was staring at him quite deliberately.

Yang Ye threw the note away. "This note is nonsense. I have no relationship with her! I bit you and turned you into my person, you are in my relationship!"

"What do you think?"

Gu Liang looked at him, feeling a little funny. "I was thinking that the reason for Earl William's coming here on this note is different from what you said."

Yang Ye held his glasses and seemed to recall for a while, and then said, "In my story, I did fight with a werewolf and escaped after losing. I really have no relationship with the princess. On the contrary, when I was playing the piano just now... "

"Huh? What happened while playing the piano?" Gu Liang asked.

"I can't tell the feeling." Yang Ye's expression became a little serious, "I see you, and I feel like you are Ai Meili. And I seem to like Ai Meili. It's too strange."

"It's really weird."

Recalling the situation in the piano room just now, Gu Liang still had some lingering fears.

But at the moment he didn't have any brain holes, so he could only continue to explore with Yang Ye.


After a careful turn around on the fourth floor, it is estimated that everyone should have searched the fifth floor and discuss together for a while, so Yang Ye and Gu Liang did not go to the fifth floor, but took the elevator down to the third floor—— The place where Princess Rose and her servant live.

Three hundred years ago, everyone in the old castle developed a good habit of keeping diaries.

Not surprisingly, there is also a diary in Princess Rose's dressing table.

The diary is very messy, but the general content is actually similar to what Su Lan said, that is, she does have (killing sha) intentions for Ai Meili.

"The only mother I know is my biological mother. She was torn apart by a werewolf. Father, what you have to do is increase your strength to avenge your mother! Instead of having a love affair with another woman here!"

"Father, you really forgot the purpose of your escape here. You are to recharge your energy, (kill sha) go back and take back our land!"

"You are disappointing now, you are an idiot in love!"

"I have to (kill sha) her. In addition to preventing her from snatching my things, (killing sha) her can restore my father's fighting spirit. He has to remember what his real mission is."

"I really want to use a silver cross to pierce that woman's (chest xiong) mouth, so that she will be completely wiped out. But I don't dare to stumble on the cross... If you don't pay attention, it might be me who died."

"I'm a cowardly person. I used to be a human, so I don't want to drink human blood. If my strength (强qiang) increases, will I be able to (kill sha) without fear of the cross?"

"But my mother will be disappointed. She said, don't forget that you were born..."

The princess has no other special information on this floor.

Yang Ye and Gu Liang went to the fifth floor.

I checked the fourth and third floors carefully, and it took a lot of time.

When I reached the fifth floor, there were only 40 minutes left, and it was time for the second stage of concentrated discussion.

As Gu Liang had expected, the players who had been searching on the fifth floor also made very important discoveries.

Seeing Yang Ye and Gu Liang appear, Meng Qiancheng took them to a servant's room with great interest and said, "This servant is very suspicious! She is called Maid A! She has too many things!"

"Don't get excited, speak slowly." Gu Liang reminded.

"Okay, I have already told Su Lan and Li Xiaoyu excitedly just now, and I will tell you again."

Meng Qiancheng pointed to a box, which was another box full of silver crosses.

Meng Qiancheng said: "The first servant, she has a crush on the Duke! She loves the Duke very much, and she loves it crazy. You will know it after reading her diary. She also thought of a way that she can use the silver cross. Therefore, she can (kill sha) Ai Meili without hurting herself!"

Gu Liang (inserting cha) said something. "Sorry to interrupt, how did Amily die?"

Chest xiong) has a wound on his mouth, it should have been injured by the cross." Meng Qiancheng said.

From behind, Li Xiaoyu's voice came sternly. "Lao Meng, you are not respectful!"

Meng Qiancheng hurriedly said: "Don't blame me! Sister Mei looked at it! I didn't look at Mei boss! Don't be silly! I'm very serious!"

"Oh, let's get back to the business——" Meng Qiancheng looked at Yang Ye and Gu Liang, "This Duke Dahl, after arresting Ai Meili, has been telling people that it is his wife. But he hasn't actually married her yet. He His wedding plan is to be held on November 8. Therefore, Maid A decided to kill Ai Meili on the eve of the wedding."

"On November 7th, servant A has been observing the situation in Ai Meili's room."

"While everyone is away, when Ai Meili is alone in the room, she can go in and do something."

"As for who entered Ai Meili's room at what time, other servants also have a few words to record."

"We have summarized everyone's timeline!"

"From a comprehensive point of view, tusk, servant A is very suspicious!"

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