Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 71: Folding castle (9)

Gu Liang and Yang Ye were listening carefully to Meng Qiancheng's account, and there was a commotion in the corridor. +++ Catino Novel Network

"Fuck, bat!" This was Li Xiaoyu's voice in the corridor.

Gu Liang frowned and walked to the door, and quickly pulled Li Xiaoyu into the servant's room. At the same time, he looked into the hallway and saw a swarm of bats, crushed by black clouds, chasing Su Lan, sister Mei, The American boss comes.

The three people in a state of fleeing were extremely embarrassed, with disheveled heads, and their clothes were damaged to varying degrees. They were obviously bitten by bats. They should have almost been bitten by bats.

"You three come in, I will close the door immediately." Gu Liang said.

"The door can't deal with them."

The American boss ran and said in a roaring voice, "Blame me! I knocked on the ceiling just now, and it is probably noisy to the bats upstairs. They all seemed to converge slowly. After they captured a piece of the floor, they all came from Came on the sixth floor! This is simply—"

Yang Ye took a step forward when thinking of something.

Gu Liang subconsciously grabbed his hand. "What are you (gan)?"

Yang Ye raised his hand, and Gu Liang discovered that he unexpectedly formed a cross-locking hand in hand with Yang Ye.

Yang Ye smiled and said in his ear: "Right, just hold my hand if you have something to do, don't be shy."

"Yang Ye——"

"Relax. I'll be back when I go. It should be fine."

Yang Ye took Gu Liang's hand and led him into the room, then let go of his hand and strode into the corridor.

At this moment, the three of them, the beautiful boss, had already ran over and rushed to Servant A's room.

They ran very fast, one after another, squeezing Gu Liang inside.

Gu Liang was a little worried, and finally pushed them away before going into the corridor.

At this moment, he saw a rather magical scene.

Just like when Yang Ye played the piano without a teacher, he knew how to command a bat.

He put his index finger in front of his lips and blew a few whistles, and the bats that had been aggressively preparing to bite human blood (flesh) suddenly stopped.

Yang Ye moved his index finger away from the corner of his lips and waved his hand again, and the bats were completely dispersed.

It seems that they obeyed Yang Ye's instructions and returned to where they should be on the sixth floor.

In this way, when returning to Servant A's room, everyone's eyes looking at Yang Ye would be a bit meaningful.

Especially Sister Mei, she held up a notebook and said, "This was found in servant C's room. Before being chased by a bat, I was looking at this. servant C wrote on it--' Duke Dahl likes to raise blood bats. Like him, these bats can **** human blood, have (strong qiang) great power, and are even more powerful than many low-level vampires. These blood bats only listen to the Duke’s dispatch and are what he has (强qiang) Big weapons. He trains them and prepares to use them against werewolves.'"

After reading this, Sister Mei looked at Yang Ye: "So, you are indeed Duke Dahl."

"Don't forget, when you voted, your answer was wrong."

Yang Ye said, "Actually, it doesn't make much sense to hide my identity now. Anyway, you all know that I am a vampire. The side mission failed, I admit it. But I am not Dahl, I am Earl William. You still have someone searched about me. Clues?"

"Ah...this is true." Sister Mei frowned, turned to the previous page of this book, and read the text on it.

This is still written by servant C.

"Listen to the manager, Earl William will be here in two days. I saw him in the early years and he was really handsome. Although I have always heard that he likes Princess Rose. But I still have to dress up better. In case I can Get his favor?"

"Yes. This Earl William is me. On your top, what number did this servant C write?" Yang Ye asked.

"November 7." Sister Mei said.

Yang Ye said, "That's right. She said that I will be there in the next few days. According to the time three hundred years ago, I arrived at the old castle on the morning of November 8, and I crossed over immediately."

The American boss took a step forward and asked him, "Then why did you send bats? You have a good relationship with Duke Dahl (guanguan). He taught you such a spell?"

"I don't know. There is no such thing in my story." Yang Ye said.

Su Lan couldn't help but ask: "Is there nothing wrong with me? You don't like me?"

Does this mean something? Or does it mean something?

Yang Ye raised his eyebrows, and the answer was decisive. "No. My story is not (guanguan) related to you, neither in the script nor in the script."

Su Lan said nothing.

Yang Ye grabbed Gu Liang's hand and walked out.

Glancing at the empty but slightly messy corridor, Yang Ye turned around and said, "Let’s search for it separately. My story may be related to the ultimate mission of the third stage, so we don’t need to discuss it. Now let’s find out first. , Who is the murderer of (killing sha) Ai Meili."


5 o'clock.

Focus on the discussion room.

The system broadcast sounded on time.

"Welcome to the second stage of "Folding Castle"."

"The discussion time is one hour. After one hour, please vote for the murderer of Ai Meimei."

"One-to-one is still not allowed at this stage."

"At six o'clock, the voting is completed, and everyone will usher in a new and formal interpretation of the plot."


The American boss stood up first.

"Me, Mr. Rong and Sister Mei, we mainly look at the fifth floor. Let me summarize it."

"We checked the corpse first. The corpse (chest xiong) had a deep wound with a very small surface."

At this point, the American boss raised a silver cross. "I found this cross in the servant's room. I tried it, and the size of the cross basically matches the cut on the surface of Ai Meili's (chest xiong) mouth."

"I also pushed the cross in along the wound on Ai Meili's body, and found that it could go deep into the heart smoothly."

Gu Liang asked him: "What do you mean is that someone completely pierced the cross in, completely submerged in her (chest xiong) mouth?"

——It is possible. The cross is not big, and the length and thickness are similar to those of Shao's (female nu) fingers.

"Yes. You asked a very crucial question. When I finish, you will know why."

The American boss said, "Let's look at another evidence first."

The American boss raised the box with the silver cross, turned it over, and showed everyone the back of the box.

I saw on the back of the box it read: "Vampires themselves are immortal, and their heart is injured, and they will not die. Unless they use special equipment, such as a silver cross to touch their hearts."

"The silver cross is an artifact of (killing sha) vampires. Putting it into the vampire's heart will not kill you immediately. The vampire's heart will continue to contact with it for a certain period of time before it will die. Lethal time , Depending on the strength of the vampire itself. When the silver cross continues to contact its heart, it usually kills for 3-5 hours."

After showing the box, the American boss put it down and continued to summarize.

"After understanding this situation, let's talk about the timeline."

"The Duke is going to officially wedding with Ai Meili on November 8. Ai Meili died on November 7."

"So, on November 7th, everyone's timeline is very important."

"On this day, all the servants on the fifth floor are staring at Ai Meili's room, some are to see when it is convenient for her to find her to try on clothes. Others, such as servant A, are for hands-on (killing sha) she was."

"Therefore, through a careful search of each room, we found the few words that each servant recorded on this day, put them together, and perfectly restored the timeline of the suspects on November 7."

As the American boss told the story, Gu Liang wrote it down in his notebook.

Overall, the timeline is indeed very clear.

At 12 noon on November 7, the Duke went to Ai Meili's room at the earliest and left an hour later.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the princess went to her room in the name of finding Ai Meili for afternoon tea.

When the princess left, it was already 5 in the afternoon.

When the servant B saw the princess leaving, she immediately went to Ai Meili to try on her wedding dress, and then left with her wedding dress 20 minutes later.

At 6 o'clock in the afternoon, the princess came again, this time she only stayed for half an hour before leaving.

At 7 o'clock in the afternoon, the Oriental Sorcerer came, and he painted a new sunflower, and he came to give Ai Meili the painting.

He only stayed for almost 10 minutes before leaving quickly.

At 7:30 in the afternoon, servant A entered Ai Meili's room.

She went to dress up Ai Meili.

Because there was a dinner at 8:30 in the evening, the Duke specially asked the servants to dress up the lady more beautifully.

When talking about this, the beauty boss (Qiangqiang) said: "Maid A is very suspicious. Let me show you servant B's diary. From her perspective, she recorded various suspicious performances of servant A. ."

Gu Liang was the first to read the diary.

It reads: "Something special happened today. The Duke asked us to put makeup on the lady. But in the afternoon there were people looking for the lady. It was about 7:10, and the Oriental Warlock had left, so she was free. I prepared things. , Just thinking about the past, servant A said, let her do this today, she wants to help me."

"It's weird. I usually do the makeup for the lady. Maid A doesn't like her very much and is not willing to serve her. I think it's weird. I deliberately watched it outside the door for a while."

"Maid A went to the madam's room at half past seven. About half an hour later, she came out. Her expression was strange, she seemed very happy, she seemed a little sad. It was strange."

After everyone read the diary, the beauty boss continued: "For this reason, Maid A entered Ai Meili's room at about 7:30 and came out at 8 o'clock. Then I went on."

"At 8:30 in the evening, Ai Meili showed up for the dinner."

"This is what I just said, the main point of the actor's question."

"We suspect that at this time, Ai Meili had already (inserted cha) a silver cross in her mouth."

"Because the whole cross is pierced into her (chest xiong) mouth, it can be said to be wrapped in her heart. So when she is wearing a dress, she can't see her appearance."

Yang Ye asked at this moment: "From the evidence you found, who was the first to find her body?"

"10:30 in the evening."

The beauty boss said, "Maid C tried the wedding dress for Ai Meili at 5:20 in the afternoon and went to the tailor to modify it. After the amendment was made at night, Maid C went to Ai Meili again to try on the wedding dress again. Make sure that everything is perfect for tomorrow's wedding. As a result, she found that Ai Meili was lying in the coffin and completely dead."

Yang Ye asked him: "Does the dinner end at some point?"

The beauty boss said: "At half past nine, Ai Meili said she was going back to the room, and the Duke let her go. Originally there was a dance party at night. The servants were all regretful and wanted to take the dance party to relax, but because of a word from Ai Meili. , The Duke cancelled the ball."

Yang Ye said: "Then her death time is between 9:30 and 10:30."

"Yes." The beauty boss said, "The death time of the silver cross is 3-5 hours. From the current clues, Ai Meili can only die by the cross, there is no other possibility. Then, when she went to eat, There must be a cross in my heart."

When Gu Liang heard this, he couldn't help frowning: "But it's very strange. There is a cross in her heart, but she pretends that she doesn't know anything and continues to attend the dinner normally?"

The American boss said: "We discussed with a few people on the fifth floor that she might have wanted to die so that she could escape the Duke’s catch, but the Duke refused to let her die, and she didn’t know how she could die."

"Until a suspect put the cross (inserting cha) into her heart, she knew that the silver cross could make herself die. She (gan gan) let herself die, so she didn't ask for help and didn't take the cross out. "

Gu Liang frowned: "Then is it possible that she is self (killing sha)?"

"You can wait to see when you vote to see if there is an option for her to be the suspect."

Yang Ye thought for a moment, and then said, "But this possibility (sexual xing) is relatively small. It was mentioned in the princess' diary that she also wanted to use a silver cross (to kill sha) Ai Meili, but she did not dare to thump the cross for fear of herself Injured. Including clues in the servant room A also indicated that she had found a way to thrash the silver cross without being injured, so she dared to use this thing to (kill sha) Ai Meili."

Gu Liangdao: "Well, I agree with that. If the vampire's hand reaches the cross, it may be injured and lose strength, so that Ai Meili may not be able to hold it (kill sha) herself."

But Gu Liang still felt strange.

——What kind of situation would she be able to pretend to be okay with her heart pierced in the cross, and appear at the banquet normally and eat with everyone?

——Did the Duke completely fail to see her strangeness?

Yang Ye stood up right now and said, "I will tell you what I found on the other floors with the actor Ming."

In this way, Yang Ye briefly introduced the information he and Gu Liang found, during which Li Xiaoyu and others slightly added.

Yang Ye said again: "So this matter is still very clear. It seems that the system does not intend to make us too difficult in the second stage."

"The deceased Ai Meili, the time of (died) death, between 9:30 and 10:30."

"The time for the silver cross (to kill sha) to die a vampire is 3-5 hours."

"Then, according to the shortest time of 3 hours to push, the cross in her mouth is between 6:30 and 7:30."

"If you look at the longest five hours, she (chest xiong) has a cross between 4:30 and 5:30."

"Then, the suspect is locked in between 4:30 and 7:30, the person who has been to her room."

Yang Ye took another look at the timeline he had just recorded, and said, "If you look at it this way, you can only exclude the Duke. Everyone else is suspected."

"But if you add a restriction, it will be different."

"Since'the death time of the silver cross depends on the strength of the vampire itself,' and Ai Meili has not been a vampire for a long time, and has always refused to drink human blood, the power is not (strong qiang) great. The clues are limited. Under the circumstances, we assume that the silver cross is left in the heart for 3 hours, which is enough for her to die."

"So, between 6:30 and 7:30, the person who has been to her room is most suspected."

"These two people are the Eastern Warlock and the servant A."

"Not only from the timeline, these two men are the most suspect, as are the tools of the crime. Only they have a cross in their room."

Yang Ye said: “I think it’s time to vote. It’s the same as the first stage mission. In fact, the stage mission is the system that helps us break down the plot so that we can better complete the final mission. Therefore, even if we choose the wrong one, the rest The one is the real murderer of (killing sha) Ai Meimei."

Li Xiaoyu said, "That's the case, but if we make the right vote, can we get more rewards in the end? There is still time, let's discuss it again."

Li Xiaoyu looked at Gu Liang: "Who do you think it is?"

"Actually, I didn't say it was too good."

Gu Liang was flipping through servant A's diary, and between the lines were his love for the duke and jealousy for Ai Meili.

"On the timeline, two people have equal opportunities. As for the tools of crime, both people also have silver crosses. As for the motive... the motive of the servant A is very strong. As for the Eastern Warlock, I don't know his What is the story."

Gu Liang frowned, "There is a portrait of Ai Meili in the warlock's room, and the words missing her are written on it."

"He missed her so much. Will he come here to (kill sha) her?"

"Why would he help the Duke find her reincarnation?"

"Speaking of this, there is actually a very critical issue. But I don't know if it is related to the task at hand."

Gu Liang looked at Su Lan, "Your plot clearly stated that vampires have no souls, right?"

In fact, in this plot, Gu Liang himself clearly received a card reminder—when he and Yang Ye looked in the mirror at that time, the card clearly stated that vampires have no souls.

But he was still concealing the branch after all, so he didn't say it.

Su Lan nodded. "I am sure."

Gu Liang said, "Does the vampire have reincarnation? Or, when the Duke (killed sha) her for the first time and turned her into a vampire, the soul was reincarnated at the same time? I don't understand this."

No one can answer Gu Liang's question.

Gu Liang continued: "Finally. I think everyone can think about the sentence in the diary of Servant B. At 7:10, after the Oriental Warlock left, she was going to help Ai Meili with makeup, but she was helped by the servant. A grabbed it. When Servant A left, Servant B said—her expression was weird, she seemed to be very happy, and she seemed a little sad."

"According to this diary, if the servant A (killed sha) the woman she had always been jealous of, she should be very happy, or she was afraid, it is understandable, after all, she (killed sha) the Duke’s favorite woman , She was afraid of being discovered by the Duke."

"But why is she sad?"

Meng Qiancheng asked uncertainly: "Maybe...she still has a pure side in her heart. She (killed sha) a weak woman, and she felt a little sad."

Meng Qiancheng's gaze swept across Li Xiaoyu, Su Lan, and sister Mei. "You girls have the most say. After all, this servant A is a woman. If you (kill sha) your rival, would you feel sad for her?"

"I won't answer this question. First, I won't mess (kill sha) people, it's illegal. Second, I won't fight for it."

Li Xiaoyu said, “You can’t grab things like feelings. I fight for when I should fight, and when I want to (show) my heart, but if I can’t get it... If there is no one around him, I might You can continue fighting. But if he has someone he likes, I will definitely give up. I don't want to be a junior."

"My opinion is the same as Xiaoyu. I can't say this kind of psychology."

Sister Mei thought for a while and said, "In the Gongdou drama, two people used to be good sisters. Later, in order to grab the emperor and fight each other (to kill sha), one party killed the other. Maybe occasionally recalling the past, it would feel painful and sad. But this also does not apply to the situation of Maid A and Ai Meili. Not long after Ai Meili came to the castle, from the diary of Maid A, there is absolutely no possibility of them being a sister."

Finally Meng Qiancheng turned his attention to Su Lan.

Su Lan: "Are you staring at me (gan)?"

Meng Qiancheng: "I think you have a say."

"You have a right to speak, your sister." Su Lan spread the suffocating fire towards Meng Qiancheng. "Are you all watching my jokes?"

"Oh, look at what you said, there is no such thing, let you analyze the psychology of the murderer!" Meng Qiancheng said.

Su Lan: "I don't know. No analysis. The Duke is not crooked. (Killing Sha) Ai Meili, can he go straight back?"

As soon as Su Lan's voice fell, the discussion hall was suddenly silent.

The air was about to freeze in embarrassment.

Li Xiaoyu couldn't help but gave Meng Qiancheng a reproachful look.

After a long while, Meng Qiancheng gave a light cough. "Um... continue to discuss the case. If servant A can't discuss the results here, we can discuss the Eastern Warlock."

"If the Eastern Warlock can't discuss it, we can continue to discuss Princess Rose."

Meng Qiancheng grabbed Su Lan and asked, "Suppose, suppose that the duke bestows great power on Ai Meili (qiang). Then, it may take more than three hours to cross (kill sha) her, then you are also suspected. I went to see her twice that afternoon! Twice exactly!"

"You added up and spent two and a half hours in her room. What did you do?"

Su Lan frowned and shook her head: "I don't know."

Meng Qiancheng hurriedly said: "Don't be angry with me. Yes, blame me, I didn't pay attention to the occasion when I spoke, but this solved the case—"

Su Lan shook her head: "I have no time to be angry with you old man. I really don't know. I don't remember."


6 o'clock.

Time for discussion.

The voting begins.

The voting time is one minute.

The suspects appearing on the interface include: Duke Dahl, Eastern Warlock, Duke William, Princess Rose, and Maid First, and there is no Ai Meili herself.

Gu Liang stared at the interface saying "Please cast out the person who stabbed the murder weapon into Ai Meili's mouth" for a long time, and finally chose the Oriental Warlock.

One minute later, the system announces the voting results. "Thank you, Lord Duke. After all, you have worked so long to help him solve a problem that has troubled him for a long time."

"So, who killed Ai Meili three hundred years ago (killing sha)?"

"Wow, [Oriental Warlock] got 5 votes, [Servant A] got 1 vote, and [Princess Rose] got 1 vote."

"So, is the Eastern Warlock (killing sha) the real murderer of the Duchess?"

"Congratulations everyone, the answer is correct!"

"For the right players, the rewards will be settled in the final link."

Gu Liang looked at the card interface, and he, Yang Ye, Mei boss, Su Lan, and Li Xiaoyu chose the Eastern Warlock.

Sister Mei chose Maid A, and the most fascinated one is Meng Qiancheng, he chose Sulan.

Meng Qiancheng was very upset. "I'm going, I've been hesitating, I wanted to choose a warlock, but I changed it at the last second. It's mainly Sulan, you are so strange. You must be Princess Rose, why don't you know anything?"

Su Lan ignored him, Meng Qiancheng asked Gu Liang again: "Why did you choose Warlock?"

Gu Liang: "Assuming that we didn't miss the key evidence, the reason Meng Old Man said is not valid, that is, we did not find a clue that the Duke made Ai Meili (强qiang) bigger."

"So, from the timeline analysis, the suspects are mainly concentrated between the warlock and the servant A. The story of the servant A is not special. But the warlock painted murals for the entire castle and also taught the duke to cross."

"This warlock is not simple, there must be a story. He (killing sha) Ai Meili is more likely (sexual xing). His (killing sha) opportunity, and Ai Meili brought a (chest xiong) cross to the dinner party. The reason may be the key to our final puzzle."

The system rang again now. "The system takes care of the players very carefully. Go back to the main hall and you will find that the corpse is missing. Go to the back kitchen and you will find that the mouse is gone!"

"You can go to prepare and enjoy dinner!"

"Everyone will receive a new plot interpretation in the evening. After the plot interpretation, everyone will usher in the third round of exploration, which will also be the last stage of the case. I wish you all a happy game!"



In the tense and task-intensive crime-solving game, the players finally got a moment of breathing time, and each went back to the room to rest.

Of course, Yang Ye and Gu Liang are still staying together.

But it was not that Yang Ye stayed in Gu Liang's room, but the other way around.

——After all, there are bats in Gu Liang's room.

The two were sitting on two single sofas and drinking.

They talked a few words about the case and opened their brains for a while. During the period, Gu Liang also praised the delicious roast chicken made by Yang Ye.

Yang Ye poured him a small half glass of red wine, and tentatively asked: "Well, aren't you angry about the... Sulan matter? I will handle it."

Gu Liang looked at him, a little red wine reflected in his dark eyes. "Why am I angry? Her business has nothing to do with me, but it's actually not very much related to you."

Yang Ye smiled. "Well, it makes sense."

Gu Liang thought for a while, (body shen) leaned back, rested her head on the back of the sofa, and said, "I can actually imagine it. She looks like the eldest lady who has been living in thousands of favorites since she was a child. No one will not follow her, the one who loves the big one. Therefore, she has been unwilling to be reconciled when she stumbles on you."

"Her arrogance or arrogance is justified. In reality, people have the capital to do so."

"If you say that she has a bad temper, I actually think my temper (sexuality) is even worse."

"I'm still a little girl, I'm a man, and I'm not too young."

"Actually, if you are not bent--"

After a pause, Gu Liang's voice lowered, with a little bit of self-deprecation, "What compares me to others?"

As soon as Yang Ye heard this, he put down the wine glass, and became serious. He stared at Gu Liang's eyes and asked, "What do you mean?"

Yang Ye's eyes at this time were very oppressive.

Under his gaze, Gu Liang slowly swallowed the wine in his throat.

During this period, Yang Ye took away the wine glass in his hand and placed it on the cabinet nearby.

Gu Liang's hand suddenly had nothing to hold, so he put it on the armrest of the sofa again and grabbed it unconsciously.

As soon as Yang Ye lowered his eyelids, he could see the back of his hand with faint blue veins floating and the right wrist tied with the red rope.

Gu Liang didn't know why, he looked very uncomfortable, so he lowered his head. "Nothing. I just describe objective facts."

When he said this, Yang Ye noticed that the wrinkles on the armrests of the sofa were deeper, and it seemed that Gu Liang had exerted a little effort.

He showed a tight line from the jaw line, to the shoulder blades, to the whole arm, and finally to the back of the hand.

This is a subconscious response when people are upset, nervous, or even on guard.

The strength in Gu Liang's hand quickly loosened, and at first glance it seemed that he had returned to his usual leisurely calm and motionless appearance.

After a long while, Gu Liang continued: "Yang Ye, you don't know me enough after all. She has a temperament a little bit arrogant, but in essence she should be a good girl who is innocent and innocent. But I—"

"What do you want to say? Want to say you are not good enough?" Yang Ye asked him calmly.

Originally Yang Ye was a little angry when he heard him say this, but just now looking at the red on his hand, he lost all anger.

All he had left in his heart was full of heartache.

Gu Liang lowered his head and said nothing.

After all, Yang Ye didn't know enough about the past that he thought was dark.

Probably he felt that if Yang Ye is a double, between himself and Su Lan, he must choose himself, then he should be crazy.

Yang Ye looked at Gu Liang like that, stood up straight, held his wrist, and pulled him up.

"Yang Ye, you--"

Before Gu Liang had finished speaking, he was pulled hard by Yang Ye, and then he was embraced tightly.

Yang Ye held Gu Liang's waist with one hand, and leaned his head against his shoulder with the other.

In this posture, Yang Ye hugged him tightly, leaving him with no possibility of retreating.

"Yang Ye..."

"Well, I'm here."

Yang Ye attached to Gu Liang's ear and said in a hoarse voice, "You can never tell me about your past, what you don't want to say. But you can't deny that others like you."

"You don't like yourself, always deny yourself, yes, that is your own choice, you have the right to call the shots. But you have no right to deny my feelings for you. I just like you."

Gu Liang was shocked by his logic for a while, and could not speak.

Yang Ye said again: "Who said you are inferior to her? She has thousands of pets, and you can have them too. Let me pet you. I will pet you better than anyone in this world, and I will pet you forever."

"I know that your father doesn't care for his mother or love him, and he doesn't know how he grew up so big. But there is no (guan) line, I will love you in the future."

"Gu Liang, I will give you a lot of love and give you the best in the world."

"So, I won't say that I am inferior to others in the future."

"If you say that again, you can only blame me for not giving you enough."

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