Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 80: Folding castle (18)

Hearing Gu Liang's words, Yang Ye turned to a blank page in his notebook, took a pen and wrote a name, and showed Gu Liang: "That's right?"

Gu Liang nodded. +++Cartino novel website "Yes."

Li Xiaoyu was taken aback for a moment and took the notebook. "Why? Why is Sister Mei?"

Gu Liang looked at Li Xiaoyu and explained: "From the logic of the character's action line."

"Big Brother Rong was misled by the real murderer, thinking that Yang Ye would replace him, so he thought (killed sha) Yang Ye, and then mistakenly (killed sha) the mysterious person. You have no doubt about this?"

"No." Li Xiaoyu shook his head, "You have all analyzed clearly."

Gu Liang said again: "Then let's just keep thinking about it. Dao Rong thought (killing sha) was Yang Ye. He (killing sha) the mysterious man and decided to bury the mysterious man's body. It was actually an accident, right?"

"The real murderer guided Rong Dao (to kill sha) to give him a (kill sha) motive to prompt him (to kill sha)."

"But I don't think that the real murderer helped him devise a (killing sha) technique."

Pause, Gu Liangdao: "Besides, before further analysis, I want to revise one of our statements."

"Lord Rong thought that Yang Ye was (sleeping in Shui) and wanted to go into the house to pierce his heart. He accidentally pierced the mysterious person. There is no problem here. But we just made a mistake. Mr. Rong doesn't think he is. The technique can be killed by one blow."

Li Xiaoyu thought for a while, her eyes lit up, and she said, "Well, I understand. The reason why Mr. Rong took the cross (to kill sha) is because in his eyes, Yang Ye is a vampire, and the vampire is afraid of the cross. Mr. Rong doesn't know this. It’s a dream, I don’t know that pricking the heart will make the person in the dream die immediately. Therefore... from the perspective of Mr. Rong, it will take 3 to 5 hours for Yang Ye to die after being stabbed."

Gu Liang nodded: "Yes, that's it. If a vampire has a cross in his mouth, he won't die immediately. He will just be very weak and lose his mana. He may not have the strength to pull out the cross again, but he can still walk. , You can also call for help."

"Therefore, I don't know I'm dreaming, and I am convinced that he and Yang Ye are both vampires. His complete plan should be to pierce the cross into his heart while Yang Ye (sleeping Shui) is sleeping. In this way, as a vampire, Yang Ye, although it would take 3 to 5 hours to die, his heart was wounded by the cross. After most of his strength had been lost, he was very weak, and Mr. Rong could tie him up and block his mouth. Kind of, hide him where no one can find him for a few hours."

Speaking of this, Gu Liang asked Li Xiaoyu, "If you were a big brother Rong, where would you hide Yang Ye?"

Li Xiaoyu thought for a while, and said, "If it were me... plug his mouth and hide him in the closet. It is a better choice. The wedding is at 8 pm. Before the wedding, the bride and groom cannot meet each other, so you are I won't come to him, and the rest of us have no plans to find him. Everyone has their own responsibility in the afternoon and we discussed it together at noon, so Mr. Rong also knows."

"Master Rong started at about 3:30. When everyone found out that the bridegroom was not there and went to his room to look for him, they would not think of opening the closet. Even if the closet was opened, Yang Ye should already dead."

"Yes. Exactly."

Gu Liang said, "Master Rong stared in the corridor for a long time and decided to start at 3:30, but at this time, the sixth floor is not completely unoccupied. You and I are still on the sixth floor. If he brings Yang Ye out, I might run into you."

"If he took Yang Ye to jump down the sixth floor and find a place to hide in the back garden, he might be hit by others. At noon he heard that everyone would go to the back garden in the afternoon to pick flowers and decorate the main hall. He doesn't know for sure that everyone is going to the back garden. time."

"Finally, as a vampire, Yang Ye was only blocked by the cross with his mana, not completely immobile. Back then, Ai Meili was able to attend the banquet normally with the cross. Then, if Mr. Rong rashly took Yang Ye out, he would make a profit ( It's easy to be accidental after all."

"From a comprehensive point of view, whether Mr. Rong takes Yang Ye through the corridor and hides to other places in the castle, or takes him to jump to the back garden, it is not safe."

"The easiest way is to tie Yang Ye up, cover his mouth, or (violently) stun him a little bit, hide him in the closet, and wait three or five hours before he will die. "

"But Mr. Rong didn't expect (fa) to have an accident. He accidentally (killed sha) the mysterious person. At this time, he realized that the real Yang Ye was taking a (xi) bath and might come out at any time. He just called Your voice will draw the rest of the people on the sixth floor."

"Big Brother Rong couldn't care about so much, so he could only jump off the building with the mysterious person first, and then go to the sunflower field."

"After jumping off the building, I think he should first wait and see to see if there are temporary people around. He found that there is no one temporarily, so he took the mysterious man to the furthest sunflower field. After all, even if someone came to the back garden to pick flowers halfway The chance of going to the rose garden and the sunflower garden is relatively small."

"The chances of everyone coming to the sunflower garden are small, and the chances of him being found are small. Therefore, despite the risks, he has no choice but to go to the sunflower to bury the body first, or just throw the body there."

Li Xiaoyu thought for a while and nodded. "Well, let me add that in Yang Ye's room, when he (killing sha) is finished, he should close the door immediately, otherwise he might be bumped into. Then he found that he (killing sha) was the wrong person. At this time, when he was relatively nervous, first of all he dared not open the door rashly to go to the corridor, because he was afraid of bumping into you and me."

"He can't confirm the status on the corridor. But he can confirm the situation outside the balcony. He looked at the balcony and jumped down with the corpse."

"Come on again, in fact, this is a bit of the lesser of the two evils. The back garden is large and there are many places to go after jumping off the building. Even if someone hits his back, he still has room to turn around. After all, he and Yang Ye's clothes almost."

Gu Liang nodded: "That's exactly what I meant. Mr. Rong mistakenly (killed sha) the mysterious man caused an'accident'. This'accident' caused Mr. Rong to jump off the building with his corpse. After jumping from the building, Mr. Rong waited and watched. Choose to go to the sunflower garden..."

"And this'accident', and the follow-up it caused, must not have been predicted by the murderer, right?"

Gu Liang looked at Li Xiaoyu and continued: "I said just now that the real murderer must have just led Dao Rong to (kill sha), but didn't help him design (kill sha). Now what I can say is, Even if he helped Mr. Rong decide how to (kill sha), or he guessed what Mr. Rong would do, he would definitely not be able to predict the accident."

Li Xiaoyu reacted for a while, patted the table, and said with some excitement: "I understand!"

"Whether it is the boss of the United States or the sister of the United States, in the afternoon, they agreed with each other about things to do together, and they also made an appointment with Sulan to set up the venue together. They found it difficult to have the opportunity to (kill sha), so I didn't expect to do it at first. The real murderer (killing sha) Rong Dao... is actually an accident!"


Gu Liang said, "When the American boss went to the lobby to look for things, he was really looking for things. First, he didn't know when Mr. Rong would do it. He was unlikely to help Mr. Rong make a plan to kill Sha. ; Second, even if he managed to help Mr. Rong make a detailed plan, he would not be able to predict that Mr. Rong was the wrong person."

"Therefore, when he was looking for antiques in the lobby, he could not have imagined that Mr. Rong would go to the sunflower field at this time, so it made no sense to rush over (kill sha) him, and then rush back to the lobby, pretending to be fine (fa) Birth."

"Then, only Sister Mei may be left. I think that when she went to the back garden, she really went to pick flowers. She went to the rose garden at the beginning, until she heard something, she said nothing. Walk with your feet where there is movement."

"Then she walked to the sunflower field and saw Mr. Rong, thinking it was a good time, so she killed him with a cross."

"She was born as a mercenary. Even in her dreams, she would not forget her fighting skills, plus she might be a sneak attacker Rong... She can easily put the cross into Rong's (chest xiong) mouth, It shouldn't be difficult."

"As for when did she prepare the cross..."

Gu Liang thought for a while and said, "I think between November 9th and November 11th, after she realized that she was dreaming, she knew how to create dreams by illusion, and knew that she could kill the person in her dream. , She thought that something like the cross was just in hand, so she went to get one and put it on her body in case she needed it."

"If I guessed this wrong, it doesn't matter. The point is that the'accidents' caused by the wrong person by Rong Dao (killing sha) is unpredictable. Therefore, the real murderer goes to the sunflower (killing sha) person. Going up is also'accidental'."

"In this way, it is only possible to be beautiful sister."

"Nothing wrong." Li Xiaoyu said, "The real culprit is Sister Mei!"

"But—" Gu Liang looked sideways and looked at Yang Ye beside his upper body, "From what angle did you lock her in?"

Yang Ye smiled: "My idea is quite simple."

"Every time you are very simple and straightforward, you can think of it without restoring the case--"

Gu Liang looked at him, "I would like to hear the details."

Yang Ye first asked him: "What do you think of the American boss as a player?"

"The logic is clear, very smart and organized." Gu Liang said, "So, he can be regarded as a player who can play, and he is more active...offensive."

"Yes, if he gets the murderer, he would not choose such a passive gameplay."

Yang Ye said, "Assuming that I am the role (color) of the American boss, and I am the murderer... With such a big suspicion as a player like Yang Ye, I will definitely lie on the timeline and try to trample him to death."

Gu Liang thought for a while and understood.

But Li Xiaoyu did not understand.

Yang Ye faced her and explained it. "Think about it, how did I push (off tuo) when you doubted me just now?"

Li Xiaoyu recalled and said: "We suspect you are the murderer. First (kill sha) the mysterious man, then (kill sha) the big man Rong, throw them downstairs, you jump off the building again, and then carry them to the sunflower field. ."

"You asked me back, if you know that you will not die by jumping off the building, then you must know that you are dreaming. But Yu Zha Nan is dead, he will not be conscious. This is contradictory."

Yang Ye nodded: "That's right."

"Then, now suppose you are the character (color) of my earl. I am the beauty boss. Suppose I am the murderer."

Yang Ye continued to say to Li Xiaoyu, "If I analyze you when the case is restored, you followed the two corpses and jumped directly from the sixth floor, this will cause other players to produce-is there any The possibility of awakening self-awareness. You can easily refute it with the reason that the scumboy is dead."

"If I were a smart enough murderer, I should have expected this. After all, I realized this was a dream very early on, and I was the one who awakened himself first."

"Therefore, when I talk about the timeline, just kill one thing-that is when I was looking for antiques in the lobby for decoration, I saw you go downstairs and go outside the castle."

"So everyone can speculate that you moved around from the outside to the corresponding place under the balcony to move the body."

"As for whether you admit it or not, it doesn't matter, because from everyone's perspective, you can lie."

Yang Ye lifted his glasses and said, "Tell me about the back garden. In the sunflower garden, you may be able to see the balcony of Yu Zhan's room on the sixth floor. But the rose garden is definitely invisible, not in one direction."

"Sister Mei went to the back garden. If she said that she had been to the sunflower garden and saw me jumping off the building to carry the corpse, it would actually increase her suspicion. She didn't dare to mention that she had been to the sunflower garden. She was very risky."

"She can only say that she is in the rose garden. And in the rose garden, I can't see my balcony. So she has no room for lying."

"So, on the whole, if the American boss is the murderer, he can lie on the timeline. Everyone will lie about life and death matters, and everyone will fight for reasons. I don't think he dare not pk with me in public."

"As long as he didn't lie, the chances of him being a murderer are very small."

Li Xiaoyu clapped his hands and gave both Yang Ye and Gu Liang a thumbs up. "understood!"

Yang Ye picked up the mineral water and drank the remaining half bottle of water. "My point of view is relatively simple and straightforward, but there are also loopholes. In fact, no matter whether Earl William (killing sha) is done, he is jumping off the building or taking the elevator when handling the corpse. As long as he (killing sha), it means his The behavior has violated the idea of ​​the Duke, the dream maker. This means that another person gave the earl the consciousness of (killing sha) people, which is the same as the principle of Dao Rong trying to (kill sha) the earl."

"So, if the American boss is the murderer, he forges the timeline, kills me and goes downstairs, and may go outside to deal with the corpse. I have a way to refute him, that is, even if I (kill sha) people, I am not real. Fierce. The real culprit is the one who really wakes up, consciously, (stabbed ci) me and told me to (kill sha) against the Duke’s will."

"In this case, even if the American boss fabricates a timeline that is extremely unfavorable to me, I can use this reason to separate myself."

"This is the loophole I'm talking about."

"In the case that the American boss is the real murderer, if he is smart enough, he can fake the timeline. But if he is too smart, smart enough to think of the reason I can refute him when we first focus on the discussion, Then he would actually not lie on the timeline. Because he knew that even if he lied on the timeline, he couldn’t kill me, the earl, and his lying would have little meaning and the risk would be relatively increased.”

"Therefore, the American boss did not lie on the timeline. There are two possibilities. First, he is not a murderer; second, he is a murderer, but he is too smart. He thought very far from the beginning and thought he didn’t need to risk lying. ."

Yang Ye concluded: "I think the second possibility is relatively small. Because it means that in a very short period of time, he can extract all the logic of Gu Liangpan and me, and predict all the possibilities. ."

"He is very smart, but not too smart, so I tend to think he is not a murderer."

"The method I'm talking about is very simple, but it's not 100% sure."

"It's just that if you add the logic that Gu Liang just said. The murderer is Sister Mei, who didn't run away."


After discussing the case, the three people in the lounge fell into a moment of silence.

Li Xiaoyu looked at them and slowly said: "The three of us voted for sister Mei. Among Su Lan and her boss, as long as we persuade one more person, we will be stable."

Yang Ye and Gu Liang were silent for the time being.

Li Xiaoyu actually more or less guessed the reason for their silence.

If they are facing a wicked person, they can directly expose his lies or deal with him together, just like Principal Cha in "The Undead City".

But the experience of the previous script tells them that at this stage, the murderer and accomplice are not necessarily the treacherous people. Next, Sister Mei has no grievances with everyone, and she is again a girl...

In this case, it is undoubtedly not a pleasant thing to expose her directly during a concentrated discussion, or to persuade someone to vote for her.

"Anyway... If Sister Mei hasn't done anything evil, she might actually... be all right? She might be transformed into an npc?"

Li Xiaoyu lifted his cheek, sighed softly, and stood up. "I'll go to probe Su Lan and the American boss separately, and talk to them."


In the next period of time, Li Xiaoyu talked with Su Lan and the boss of Mei, and several people quietly followed the logic together, and everyone basically locked the murderer on sister Mei.

A few of them sorted out the two-day timeline in detail. In fact, there is also the possibility that Sister Mei chats with Dao Rong alone and fools him to (sha) people.

During this period, Gu Liang thoroughly turned through the book of the warlock and confirmed a little more.

——"Dreammakers with great power (strong qiang) create dreams, which can affect people within a certain range and bring their consciousness into the dream. They have their own memories, but they are influenced by the dreamer and act Will be led by the dreamer."

"But when a living person enters a dream, there is a possibility of self-consciousness awakening. Therefore, dream makers are particularly reminded that it is best not to dream in a place where there is a living person, otherwise it may cause the dream to collapse and produce unpredictable consequences."

This can explain why Ming actor, Rong Dao, Mei boss, and Mei sister can also dream of these four living people. They have their own memories of reality, but the subsequent behavior and the story unfolding with the other characters are According to the Duke's idea.

This also means that their reasoning is not wrong.

After excluding the people who are alive in reality, among Mei Sister and her boss, she can only choose Mei Sister.

The 5 hours of discussion time is over.

The system announcement rang: "Ding Dong. It is 10 o'clock in the evening. We are about to usher in the "Folding Castle" case, the final voting, and the reward settlement. Are you ready?"

"For the rewards of the first two stages, we will settle the final. After all... if everyone voted wrong and all five good people accept the penalty, the previous rewards don’t have to be settled, hehe. "

"Then, let's start the final stage of voting!"

"Starting in the afternoon of November 11th, everyone has seen someone who has never met before. Let's call him [Question Mark Figure 2]."

"At 5 o'clock this evening, [Question Mark Person No. 2], Dao Rong was found dead in the Sunflower Garden (died si)."

"Who is the only real culprit who caused them to die? Please complete the vote in one minute!"

Gu Liangxin said that systematic questions are still very particular.

After all, after their analysis, the question mark character No. 2 is the mysterious person they called before, and he was killed by the big brother Rong (sha).

If the system only talks about the murderer, does the murderer mean directly (killing sha) or indirectly (killing sha)? There is room for debate.

If the suspect has the name of Mr. Rong, then they may need to choose two people-Sister Mei and Mr. Rong.

The “only” mentioned in the system undoubtedly ruled out the possibility of a joint cooperation case.

Seeing these two words, Gu Liang didn't hesitate anymore and clicked the name of [Sister Mei].

This case is difficult to restore in the case of brain hole and double (kill sha).

This is difficult for a good person, because it requires a good person to clarify all the details and logic; it is also difficult for the murderer, and there is not much room for the murderer to play before he has thoroughly thought out all the possibilities.

One minute later, the system announced: "Voting is complete. Wow-one person got 5 votes, then correspondingly, another player got 1 vote."

"The one who got 1 vote is—the American boss."

"The one who got 5 votes... Unfortunately, it is Sister Mei."

"Is Sister Mei the real culprit in the "Folding Castle" case? Congratulations, everyone, you voted correctly!"

"First enter the reward settlement."

"Except for the real murderer, each player can get 5 gold coins and 3 chances to draw reward cards. Congratulations!"

"In addition, there have been 5 rounds of voting in the first two stages of this script, and the voting rewards will be determined according to the players' personal voting. In each round of voting, players who voted correctly will receive a reward card."

Gu Liang calculated it. There were 4 rounds of voting in the first stage, that is, there were 4 questions, and he got two right; in the second stage, there was only one question, and he was right.

Then, counting the final stage, he can get 5 gold coins and 6 bonus cards this time.

Furthermore, Gu Liang found that his side mission was really just a system trick from start to finish.

At first he thought that the system would at least ask the side question of "who was bitten by a vampire", but in fact, no one is really a vampire, and this question itself does not hold true.

Even the last question of the first stage, please vote who is a vampire. Even if Gu Liang voted for the three people of Rong, Yang Ye, and Su Lan, the answer is probably wrong. Because in fact, there is no vampire, everyone is the duke’s dream.

The man in black draws the reward card for everyone, and after the gold coins are distributed, the system broadcast once again sounded.

This time, everyone knew that it was the death penalty that declared the murderer.

After the broadcast, as usual, a screen in the centralized discussion room lit up, showing the life of Mei's sister.

"Sister Mei, whose real name is Wang Li, is 29 years old and is a researcher of **** pharmaceutical industry. The guilt value judgment: 320, the standard for not reaching the punishment of touching (si) death; corresponding service life: 200 years."

The screen was dark and separated, and there were no horrible punishments displayed in it as before.

The man in black took Mei sister into it, and no one knew the follow-up.

But 200 years of service, what does this mean?

Can people live so long?

Gu Liang frowned and looked at Yang Ye subconsciously.

Yang Ye stretched out a hand towards him, Gu Liang hadn't reacted yet, he had lost consciousness.

Before losing consciousness, Gu Liang only heard a broadcast-"The sun will rise eventually, and what should pass will eventually pass. Your dreams should wake up. After you wake up, you will have a one-month rest period. See you next time!"


wake up.

Gu Liang woke up abruptly and sat up on the (bed chuang).

Then he found himself back in Ming actor's room.

He got up and opened the curtains, the sunlight outside the window was dazzling.

Thinking of something, Gu Liang went to the bathroom and took a look-there were no bats.

When he opened the door again, there were no **** mice in the hallway that were killed by bats.

Gu Liang frowned and walked quickly to Yu Zhannan's room.

Just like when he left in a commercial car that night, the door was unlocked and Gu Liang easily pushed it open.

Opening the door and entering, there was no one inside.

A chill suddenly rose from Gu Liang's back.

He pressed the elevator and began to look down from floor to floor-but the 5th and 2nd floors were all blocked.

Gu Liang could only go to the lobby on the first floor.

There is no key to open the iron door, no bones, no antiquities...

There is no trace of crossing.

——The castle is restored as before, just as he was here on the first day.

Gu Liang stood in the panicking empty hall for a full minute, and then quickly passed through the lobby and the main hall. He ran all the way to the back kitchen and found oil and a lot of alcohol.

Back on the sixth floor, along the corridors, various wooden shelves, and every room he could open was drizzled with oil and alcohol.

After doing all this, Gu Liang went to (exposed) the position of the water valve on the stage, destroyed the water valve, and completely destroyed the fire sprinkler system of the entire castle.

Finally, Gu Liang decided to go out and have a look.

When he walked to the castle lobby and tried to open the main entrance, he tried twice but failed to open the door.

After reacting, he realized that it was because his hands were shaking badly.

After finally opening the door, Gu Liang saw the cool red sports car in the glare of sunlight.

Around the sports car, all the way through the courtyard, to the location of the big iron gate.

As he passed through the iron gate, Gu Liang took a breath and continued to move forward, all the way south, to the south side of the street, and saw a commercial vehicle turned over and three dead bodies lying in a pool of blood.

The red (colored) blood was too dazzling in the sun, making Gu Liang's eyes astringent and sour.

Gu Liang paused, but did not move forward for a while.

The scum man died in reality.

And the story of the encounter and love between the actor and Earl William has never been a big dream made up by others.

Now that the dream woke up, the earl disappeared.

So... What about Yang Ye?

He... will he disappear from now on, just like the scumbag in reality?

When Gu Liang continued to move forward, a thick fog suddenly appeared in front of him, preventing him from coming closer.

Immediately appearing in the dense fog were a sedan chair and two men in black.

Gu Liang stared at them, his eyes as cold as ice.

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