Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 81: Folding castle (19)

Three hundred years ago. +++ Catino Novel Network November 7th.

The wife that Duke Dahl wanted to marry died.

That night, the oriental warlock made adjustments to the mural overnight.

The next day, the warlock said to the duke that the murals were adjusted and he could use his blood to implement the spell.

In fact, the Duke had a foreboding, but he was not particularly willing to believe his instincts.

——He could feel that Ai Meili had already been moved by him, how could he make a choice that would kill two people?

Before performing the spell, the Duke went to the place where he raised bats on the sixth floor.

There are no people on this floor and there are few murals. There are no murals in the dark room where the bats are kept.

He wrote a few letters, tied them to the feet of different bats, and said to them: "If something happens to me, take these news out. That way, stupid and greedy humans will be tricked into unlocking the seal. There is a chance to survive."

Then the Duke really had an accident.

The moment he pierced his finger and injected blood into a certain mural, the murals of the entire ancient castle were connected to form a magic circle-it was a net condensed by the power of all the resentful spirits, enough to kill sha Every vampire in it.

All vampires were wiped out in an instant, except for the Duke.

He is too powerful (强qiang) to really die.

He stood in the empty castle hall and saw the warlock appear in front of him, even though he knew that he was like a lamb to be slaughtered, he still seemed calm.

The Duke asked him, "You love her, don't you?"

Warlock: "You are not qualified to say this to her."

"Then are you qualified?"

The Duke sneered, "I have heard from her and said that there is someone in her heart. She has never married because she likes a ranger. That person is you? You abandoned her. But I can hardly imagine—she likes it. You’re the one who’s right. Otherwise I won’t fall for it."

In front of Duke Dahl was an ugly and old person. He really did not expect that Ai Meili's first love would be this person.

So when the warlock went to see Ai Meili and the two talked alone, the Duke never took it seriously.

The oriental warlock drew a talisman out of thin air, and the next moment the old man had turned into a handsome young man.

"Illusory art only. It's the same as I turned into a butterfly to deceive Princess Rose and deceive you. What she saw back then was not what I really looked like. I lied to her and felt ashamed of her sincerity, so I ran away.

"Coward." The Duke scolded.

Warlock: "I'm not here to talk to you about this. You have killed too many people. I must walk for the sky."

Duke: "You can't kill me."

Warlock: "It is more than enough to seal you. Your immortal body has been broken by my magic circle. If you seal you for three hundred years, you will completely disappear and disappear in this world forever."

Duke: "I lost. I admit it. I only have two conditions."

"First, give me two hours. I want to look at this castle thoroughly."

When he heard this, the warlock knew he hadn't given up yet. He does not believe that Amy will participate in this design.

The warlock said: "Yes. What you don't understand, it will take a long 300 years to figure it out."

——In that way, you can suffer for three hundred years.

Duke: "Secondly, the location of the seal is the sunflower field."

Warlock: "I can agree to this. You just lie there and confess your crime."

That night, the duke was buried alive in the sunflower garden and sealed by oriental magicians.

The vampires in the evil castle also completely disappeared this night.

The oriental warlock triumphed, became a hero to the praise of thousands, and founded his own school.

What's less known is that the **** bats on the sixth floor took the Duke's letter and became a fish that slipped through the net and left the castle.

It's just that the heavens may also let the duke die.

Those letters did not immediately lead people to crack his seal.

It is not until today, three hundred years later, that the content of the letter has evolved into a secret rumors-the ancient castle hides the power of crossing and allows people to get the treasures of the past.

Rumors spread to Mr. Rong's ears, making him spend a lot of money to buy the castle and decide to slowly explore the mystery of the castle.

He was able to beat his competitors by an absolute advantage, and he also earned enough face when he bought this place, allowing his daughter to become a princess in the castle.

The rumors also spread to the American boss, coupled with his own intent to explore, the information he got is different from the big man Rong, but closer to the original content of the Duke’s letter-unlocking the seal can revive the Duke and let him open it. The gate of time and space.

So, on the night of November 8th, 300 years later, the boss of the United States and the sister of Mei (killing sha) Rong celebrity, used secret methods to unlock the seal of the Duke. But their arrival was too late than the Duke expected.

The duke had been buried alive for three hundred years, and he was almost wiped out. With the blood of Rong Mingyuan, he had three more days to live.

After waking up, the Duke walked into the old castle and saw Mr. Rong who had returned from late at night (sleeping Shui), and the actor who had been sleeping (sleeping Shui).

Leaving the old castle, he also went to the southern streets of the old castle and saw the three bodies.

Suddenly, the Duke knew--things are not, and what he wanted, he could never return.

He could only use his last power to compile a dream and deceive himself with the dream.

It was also at this time that he sadly discovered that after three hundred years, he could not even remember the appearance of his beloved. Even the five senses of the person who had been in love with him became blurred. He couldn't reshape her face in his dream, so he had to borrow others.

The face of a corpse at the scene of the car accident was somewhat similar to Ai Meili, so she became Ai Meili in the Duke’s dream.

This dream will be very perfect and very real, so many details will be exactly the same as three hundred years ago, such as-by the way, isn't the earl coming?

What does he look like?

Then use the appearance of the male corpse at the scene of the accident.

In the end, even in order to create a perfect one-he really successfully passed through three hundred years, he put down many antiquities in the castle lobby in his dream.

Well, as long as I see them, I will know that I have crossed.

Where there are murals, there must be antiquities that have passed through, everything is just as the warlock lied to him...

The duke can only live for three more days, so he can (fuck cao) control this dream for only three days.

In these three days, the two protagonists of the story met and fell in love according to the plot he designed and were about to get married.

But he did not expect that there was an accident.

And this accident came from the person who broke the seal for him-the beauty boss, the beauty sister.

After the boss and sister Mei carried the two bodies to the trunk, they suddenly lost consciousness, not because he was in a coma at that time or was affected by the duke's mana.

He was knocked out on the head by his sister Mei.

When the boss of the United States was carrying the corpse, sister Mei was holding her sniper gun and looking in the direction of the vegetable garden.

After all, they have unlocked the seal of a vampire, which is very dangerous. They have to observe whether they succeed at all times and decide whether they want to escape.

At this moment, through the night vision scope on the sniper gun, Sister Mei saw the Duke crawling out of the ground.

Sister Mei didn't know that the Duke had been sealed for three hundred years. At this moment, she was almost completely dead and could no longer **** human blood.

She stunned the American boss with a gun backhand, just thinking that if the Duke came over, she needed to **** human blood, she threw the American boss over so that she could escape.

Because of this, the American boss did not know if the Duke was resurrected.

The only person who saw the Duke wake up was Sister Mei.

Later, it is possible to know in the dream that this is the Duke’s dream, and the person who thinks (killing sha) the incarnation of the dead duke can leave the dream is only the beautiful sister.

After knocking on Mei's boss, Mei's sister did not drive away.

Because the driving is too loud, it may attract the Duke’s attention.

She threw the fainted body of the beauty boss on the road, and then turned and ran.

In that way, even if the Duke came here, it would take a long time to **** (dry gan) the blood of the beauty boss, so that she had enough time (off tuo).

Sister Mei didn't expect that after running for a while, she still didn't show the scope of dream coverage. Affected by the dream, she fell to the ground and fell into a dream (sleeping Shui).

At this time, everyone also fell into a dream.

They woke up in their dreams at 8 o'clock in the morning on November 9.

But in reality, it was the early morning of November 9th.

Because I read about the dreaming of illusion with my boss, because I witnessed the resurrection of the Duke with my own eyes, and slowly understood the whole story in the process of plot interpretation, my sister realized that this is a dream-all this must be a resurrection Some kind of conspiracy by the post-duke.

She knew that she had to wake up, she had to (kill sha) the duke in her dream.

But she doesn't know which is the duke, she can only target the earl and the big man Rong.

Sister Mei initially thought that Earl William was a real duke.

After all, he will send bats.

As for Mr. Rong, he may be the same as Ai's mother. In the story, he is just the Duke's hope for reincarnation.

So Sister Mei deceived the boss, saying that she had seen the earl go to Ai Meili at night, and the earl was the real Duke Dahl, just as Ai's mother was the reincarnation of Ai Meili, and his big brother Rong was just the reincarnation of Duke Dahl. Now, the real Duke Dahl, who was three hundred years ago, will take his mother Ai to replace him.

Therefore, Mr. Rong decided to kill the earl.

When everyone was investigating, they saw how servant A was able to hold the cross without hurting himself, so Big Rong adopted the method of servant A and was able to hold the cross in his hand.

In fact, Mr. Rong didn't know that the reason why he was not injured was not because servant A's method worked, but because he was in a dream.

On the day of the wedding, after careful calculations, Sister Mei found that there was no time to do it, so she decided to wait for the elder Rong (killing sha) to see if she would wake up from the dream, and then plan the next step.

After dreaming, Sister Mei took the cross and hid it in her body just in case.

It is small in size and easy to carry. Besides, in case of being discovered by others, she can also use an excuse to say-there is a vampire in this story, and she carried a cross just to defend herself.

Time came to 2 pm on November 11.

Sister Mei went to the rose garden to pick flowers and saw a mysterious person.

At this time, she felt that maybe she was wrong before, and this mysterious person might be the incarnation of the real duke.

So, when she came out to pick flowers at 3:50 in the afternoon and heard the faint movement on the sunflower garden, she thought that she would show up in the sunflower garden, the mysterious person she had met in the rose garden this afternoon.

Putting down the flower in her hand, Sister Mei took out the cross with her right hand and held it, and went to the sunflower garden.

Looking at a man in a black (color) dress standing there, ignoring too much, Sister Mei stepped forward, taking advantage of the situation, covering his mouth with one hand, and wrapping the other hand in front of him (chest xiong), holding the cross Into his heart...

The murderer's motive is to wake up from his dream.

Yu Zhannan, Ai's girlfriend, and Mei Design are dead. They have no self-consciousness, but their images are borrowed into dreams.

As for Mr. Rong and the actor, they were seen by the duke when he was walking around in the castle. The duke deliberately brought both of them into a dream, which affected their consciousness and fabricated their plot. Let them dream with themselves.

As for the boss and sister Mei, the Duke had never seen him before, and he did not go in the direction of West Street.

His two dreams were a complete accident.

Therefore, in the dream, Mother Ai just had the idea of ​​"I have a fiance." Influenced by Ai Meili's admiration for oriental magicians, the Duke added a little magical temperament to this "fiance" image.

Therefore, Ai's mother regarded the American boss as her fiancé, but the American boss herself did not know that the Duke had not seen him and did not arrange his story.

As for Sister Mei, it has nothing to do with the story in the dream.

The Duke has not seen her, and her consciousness has not been affected by the Duke, which is also one of the reasons for being able to wake up quickly.

Sister Mei is the real culprit in this case.


Three days passed.

After being buried alive for three hundred years, Duke Dahl, who had completely lost his power, finally died completely in the sunflower garden.

The duke's dream woke up.

But what about the others?

Three people died in reality.

Will the players who play them really die? !

Standing under the scorching sun, Gu Liang saw the sedan chair getting closer, and asked in a sharp voice, "Where is Yang Yeren?"

"Li Xiaoyu, Su Lan, where are they?"

The man in black did not answer Gu Liang's words.

So Gu Liang turned around at a very fast speed before they approached and ran back to the room on the sixth floor of the castle.

When the man in black appeared before him out of thin air, he was already holding a match in his hand.

The match he took from the storage room was the same box Yu Zannan had used when he tried to set fire to the celebrity.

Facing the man in black, Gu Liang said neither overbearing nor overbearing: "I destroyed the fire sprinkler device. It will take a lot of effort to rebuild so many places. Tell me, are other people dead or alive? Let me see them."

"You are threatening the system again, do you know that what you did is nothing—"

"I know I can't threaten the system. This system is very (strong qiang), and you are very (strong qiang). But the system must respect rules and respect certain rules."

Gu Liang stared at the invisible face of the man in black, and said lightly, "If it doesn't follow the rules, how to deal with us is not easy? At least it seems that it needs our players to continue playing games."

"Tell me the whereabouts of Yang Ye, is he still alive?"

"He has not committed a crime and should not be punished by (death si) death. Even if he loses his identity as a player in the way of'(death si) death', where does he go to become an NPC? Does he need to serve?" "

"Tell me all, otherwise I won't cooperate in playing games."

"I actually wanted to see it a long time ago. If a player is completely disobedient, what is the biggest punishment he can receive."

"Maybe I'm not a player anymore, I can jump out and see what is going on, right?"

Seeing the man in black did not speak, Gu Liang took out a match and was about to draw it.

In the next instant, a man in black appeared out of thin air behind him, knocking his neck faint.

When Gu Liang resisted the unconsciousness to the sedan chair, the man in black in front said: "The system prohibits violence against the player. The salary will be deducted. I was just about to explain to him... This is not to take him to the rest area. Is it?"

The man in black said: "But he is emotionally unstable. I'm afraid you won't have time to explain, and he will start the fire. Let him burn here, and the salary deduction will be more. The two evils are the lesser of them."

"You also make sense. Responsible for following him... I've also suffered blood mold for eight lifetimes."

The person in black in front thought deeply about it: "In the non-dramatic stage, the system does not count as a player violation. Well, I will report on this situation and see if the system can be adjusted later. Gu Liang’s behavior is typical. The barefoot ones are not afraid to wear shoes. What trouble will he cause after the unevenness of protection—"

"Ah, let's let someone clean this place. When the next round of players come, don't put so much alcohol and oil in the kitchen. They don't need so much to cook. Look, it's both extravagant and dangerous!"



When Gu Liang woke up, he was already in a place similar to a big bed room in a hotel, very similar to the room in the rest area before. It seems that he was sent to the rest area by the man in black.

After sitting up, Gu Liang actually felt a little weak.

His reaction is the same as that of the Ming actor-in the dream, he eats and drinks, but in fact he did not eat or drink (sleeping in Shui) for three days in the room on the sixth floor of the castle.

The physical discomfort, the worry about Yang Ye and others, and the pain in the back of the neck made Gu Liang feel extremely depressed.

After walking to the bathroom and washing his face, Gu Liang walked to the toilet, removed the toilet lid, returned to the washstand, and smashed the mirror with ease.

After returning to the bedroom, he opened the mattress and found that the bed underneath was built up with flat pieces of wood.

Gu Liang dismantled the bed and unloaded the wooden boards. Starting from the head of the bed, he decided to tear down the entire room.

He was not just irritated by the fact that Yang Ye may have died, or may have lost his whereabouts so far.

He did this because his long-standing grievances and dissatisfaction with the system and this inexplicable game were extremely magnified at this time.

Those unpleasant emotions are usually concealed by him with a gentleness, and they are deeply pressed in my heart.

Yang Ye's disappearance has become a pity. At this moment, he has ignited the anger in his heart to the extreme, and he must vent it out.

Why should he be led by the system?

Why can the system decide the life and death of others casually?

Rarely, the public broadcaster sounded in the rest area.

"Warning! Warning! Player Gu Liang in Room 7701 destroys public property, and the system will punish you based on the loss of the property!"

"up to you."

Gu Liang looked indifferent, " 啷 啷" smashed the coffee table, then found a pair of scissors and began to destroy the sofa.

But not long after the broadcast stopped, a knock on the door rang.

Gu Liang paused, ignored it, and continued to smash things " 啷 啷".

The noise he made was so loud that it drowned out the knock on the door later.

Gu Liang couldn't hear the knock on the door, let alone the shouts of outsiders.

In the end, the people outside got anxious, hit a few times, smashed the door lock with their backs, and knocked the door down completely with a few more feet.

A new broadcast rang soon after. "Warning! Warning! Outside the door of Room 7701, the player Yang Ye destroys the property. The system will punish you based on the loss of the property!"

Gu Liang was stunned, stopped, and turned around.

The next moment, he was embraced by Yang Ye.

Gu Liang raised his hand subconsciously, and at the beginning he just gently placed it on Yang Ye's arm.

Then he exhaled deeply, and finally held Yang Ye's arm tightly.

"Gu Liang, what's the matter? Did the man in black bully you?"

Feeling that Gu Liang's mood is still a bit unstable, Yang Ye attached his palm to his head and patted it lightly, saying, "Me, Li Xiaoyu and Su Lan, we were picked up by the sedan chair together first. Black Yi Ren said that you and the American boss have one last point of plot interpretation, and they will be there later. So I will wait for you in the rest area. What terrible thing has you encountered over there?"

"I just thought--"

I just thought I would never see you again.

It was only at this moment that Gu Liang realized that he cared about Yang Ye, more than he thought.

Like this kind of thing, it really doesn't make sense.

He himself hadn't figured it out before.

"It's okay. I... I just vent (fa)."

Gu Liang exhaled again and held the corner of his mouth. "As you can see, I have a really bad temper. And I am not stable enough, and may relapse at any time. I am mentally--"

"Nonsense. The system sends us (gan gan) here (gan gan) there every day, what happened to it? Punishment will be punished, and I will accompany you. Have you enjoyed it? If you have not enjoyed it, let's continue to smash it?"

Yang Ye rubbed Gu Liang's hair a few times, picked him up, and brought him directly into his room. "It's just that you look weak. You go to (sleep in Shui) for a while, and when you are full, shall we come and smash it?"

Gu Liang was amused by him. "no need."

Yang Ye: "Really no need? You can smash your room, and my room can be smashed. Just leave a bed and we can sleep (sleep in Shui), and everything else can be smashed."

Gu Liang put his head on Yang Ye's shoulder, and the sense of exhaustion and peace of mind rose from the bottom of his heart.

He closed his eyes and lazily said: "No, (fa) is over."

Gu Liang couldn't tell why this was, but when Yang Ye appeared, he seemed to be cured.

People like Yang Ye are too enthusiastic and too familiar.

Gu Liang, a defensive person who strictly divides the safety zone between people, naturally didn't like people like Yang Ye very much at the beginning, and didn't quite adapt to it.

But after getting along for a long time, he discovered that people like Yang Ye are really like little sun, and can bring a lot of energy to everyone around him. People like him should be the kind that Gu Liang admires most.

He must live in a very generous family, and he has been well-educated by his parents since he was a child to grow up like this.

That kind of light was cultivated in his heart since he was young, and gradually formed a huge energy with the growth of age and experience, which could infect everyone around him.

He has gained enough kindness and happiness to be optimistic and enthusiastic enough, not afraid of hardships and dangers, and then pass this happiness to other people, such as Gu Liang.


Gu Liang was comforted by Yang Ye and lay on (bed chuang) (sleeping Shui).

Yang Ye stayed with him for a while, then went out lightly and went downstairs to pack some food for him.

As soon as he arrived in the corridor, Yang Ye met Su Lan.

Su Lan frowned when she saw Yang Ye: "Can you go to my place and chat?"

Yang Ye chin pointed to his door: "I have a family, how can I go to someone else's room to chat with someone alone?"

Su Lan slipped a bit of embarrassment on her face, and then said: "I know that before, I was jealous and jealous, and in your eyes it is probably the same as a little girl fooling around. Considering that I am a female and young, you two Don't bother to care about me, don't even put me in the eyes."

Yang Ye pretended to be surprised: "Oh, so you know."

Su Lan: "..."

After a three-second pause, Su Lan frowned: "I really have something to tell you. I did this for a reason."

Yang Ye walked towards the elevator. "I'll pack food for him, and when it's time to pack, I can talk to you for a few minutes."

Su Lan exhaled and followed Yang Ye to the restaurant downstairs. After hearing him order a few dishes, he followed him to the window and sat down.

Yang Ye asked: "What do you want to say?"

Su Lan: "I didn't want to dismantle you. I'm not so self-reliant. I'm just... I'm not happy. I want to (fa) vent it. Because I think no matter what I am, no matter what I do. It doesn't matter how naive it appears."

"When I was alive, I dared not tell you anything. I didn’t even have the courage to appear in front of you. But I’m dead, why should I suppress myself? I’m upset, I just want to show it, I ..."

"I'll tell you everything this time, even if I have finished (fa). I will stay away from you in the future and I won't bother you again. I won't find you any trouble. Sorry."

"Wait a minute--"

Yang Ye frowned and looked at her, her eyelids jumped fiercely, "What do you mean if you are alive and dead?"

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