Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 87: Rhinoceros photos (4)

Why does Mingyue say that?

Is his approach compliant?

If the system designs such a complicated game to test the player’s IQ, or reasoning ability, his self-destructive behavior obviously violates the original intention of the system design game. +++Mobile phone reading visit

Or to say... this game is not a test of IQ.

After all, there are 10,000 ways to test IQ.

It really tests other things, so maybe Mingyue’s self-destructive practice at this moment is a test in itself?

Gu Liang couldn't figure it out, only frowned at Mingyue.

But before he could say anything, he heard Yang Ye's voice.

——"Gu Liang!"

Gu Liang turned and looked at the entrance of the lobby on the second floor, and saw Yang Ye hurriedly walking towards him.

Yang Ye looks very embarrassed at the moment.

----Half of his face was covered with blood. After his right leg was scratched by the previous yellow chef yesterday, he obviously suffered more injuries today, but he insisted on running out and jumping down the steps with one foot, just to hurry up See Gu Liang.

Gu Liang hurried up to the stone ladder to support him. "what happened?"

Yang Ye embraced him and hugged him, and let out a long sigh in his ear, "You are fine. Just listened to the system saying that the performance is over, let us go to the dead ourselves. And you are not in the inn. I was frightened. "

Gu Liang understood that Yang Ye was worried that the dead would be him.

Gu Liang looked behind Yang Ye, where other players appeared one after another.

First, the tourist Jia, who is also embarrassed with color on his face, and his girlfriend, who is supporting the tourist.

After that, there was Liang Service with the medicine box, and Wang Jiuqie standing quietly beside her.

Finally, Zhao Meili played by Li Xiaoyu came to Gu Liang.

And the chef Huang played by Mingyue is behind Gu Liang.

From this, Gu Liang knew who was really missing-Boss Ling.

Li Xiaoyu came to Gu Liang and said to him: "A pharmacist who likes to do research and development."

After reading this piece of paper, Yang Ye raised his head and glanced back at the inn where they lived.

——There are five guest rooms, including the boss and only three employees.

First of all, why do they need so much straw?

Next, coming to Huangquan Inn to see the dead is actually a very secret thing.

The character (color) of Yang Ye, President Gao, has been looking through the Internet for a long time before he accidentally saw this legend in a post, and he is still not sure that the legend is true, he just came with the idea of ​​giving it a try. .

So, according to reason, the service of Huangquan Inn is not extensive.

——Why do they need so many rhino horns?

Yang Ye squinted his eyes and looked at the restaurant next door, as well as the back kitchen, chef's room, and service room next to the restaurant. Finally, he put away the manual and returned to the inn. He almost jumped upstairs and went there. Bell boss’s room on the third floor.

After looking at the boss of Ling's door, Yang Ye suddenly felt a strange feeling in her heart when she pushed the door and entered.

Which details are wrong.

Which detail is it...


On the other side, Gu Liang ran to the foot of the mountain very fast, which took about 7 minutes; after another 4 minutes, he quickly ran across the stone bridge to the other side of the lake.

On the road just now, he asked a pretty service about where the homeless man lived. Now when he reached the top of the hill, he found it easily.

——He ran up the mountain along the rather steep stone ladder for about 5 minutes, and saw a thatched cottage on the mountainside.

After taking a breath, Gu Liang tried to open the door, but found that the door was closed tightly, which seemed to be locked from the inside.

Fortunately, the door of this thatched house was not strong, so Gu Liang tried to kick the door a few times before knocking it down.

The moment the door fell, Gu Liang saw the body of the tramp in the room.

——A looped rope hangs from the beam of the room, the homeless man’s neck is hung on it, and there is a kicked stool under his feet, which looks like he was hung from (to kill sha).

Gu Liang stepped forward and put down his body, his two eyes were almost staring out, his tongue was (exposed) outside, and his mouth and nose were all flowing out.

Gu Liang took off the corpse's clothes again (take off tuo) and checked the whole body, and found that there was no other trauma on his body.

Therefore, without accident, he was strangled to death.

It's just that I don't know if he really hanged himself (to kill sha), or he hanged himself after being strangled to death.

Apart from the corpse in the thatched cottage, the second eye-catching thing is a gun on the window.

The gun has a strange shape and a bit rustic, very much like a homemade one.

There was a scope on the gun, Gu Liang walked up to him, bowed slightly and looked out through the scope.

In this way, he discovered an extremely important thing.

——This sight can be aimed at the stilted building of the inn.

The magnification of the scope is very high, and Gu Liang can see not only the guest room he lives in, but also the furnishings inside the room through the window.

If there is no accident, this gun shot the bullet from Boss Ling's mouth.

Gu Liang continued to examine the corpse, then returned to the door of the house and lifted the door panel to take a look.

Gu Liang focused on the lock.

This lock is the simplest kind of (insert cha) lock, it is not strong, and an iron pillar (insert cha) locks the door even if it locks the door.

When Gu Liang kicked the door, he kicked it down the wall together with the door. At the moment, there was still a large wall hanging on the lock.

And one of the key points is-(inserting cha) is still on the door (inserting cha).

This means that when Gu Liang just kicked the door, the door was indeed locked from inside the house.

There was a hanged person in the house, and something similar to a sniper gun was aimed at the inn, and the boss (chest xiong) had a bullet wound...

All this looks like a homeless man who shot the boss's wife and then hanged herself.

But if the tramp was also murdered (sha), then this is a case of a secret room (sha).

At this moment, the four girls arrived.

Wang Guxie seems to have the best physical quality, and his face is quite calm.

Li Xiaoyu was the worst, leaning on the wall and breathing hard.

In fact, the mountain where the inn is located is not high, and the road is a detour, but it is not too far to go straight down through the woods.

Next, Gu Liang estimated (touching Mo) that the walking speed of the service was not fast this afternoon. Although it took nearly 15 minutes to walk the stone bridge, it is estimated that the stone bridge is about 1,000 meters per minute.

Li Xiaoyu hurriedly said before Gu Liang opened his mouth: "Don't laugh at me. I just can't do sports, and I can kill me at 800 meters. I...I'm out...this corpse is disgusting——!"

"Xiaoyu, look at whether there is anything hidden in the grass and bushes near the house. I will continue to check in the house. It will be time to check the crime scene immediately. I suspect it will be blocked by fog."

After Gu Liang said this, he quickly glanced at the inside of the thatched cottage.

There are many empty wine bottles scattered on the ground, smelling like plum wine in the inn.

Liang Service mentioned that homeless people would go to the inn to steal wine, and the wine was stolen from the inn if they wanted to come.

Furthermore, there are a lot of iron tools in this house, a lot of wood, and many sawdust scattered on the ground.

And there are several pieces of paper hidden in the wood chips.

There are several plastic bags in the house, which are probably used by homeless people to hold wine.

Looking at the time again, Gu Liang said, "Time is too late. Let's take away what we can take first."

Several people agreed with Gu Liang's suggestion. They took a few plastic bags and packed them away, and then turned back quickly.

Sure enough, when they went down the mountain and walked to the stone bridge, they heard the system's public broadcast.

"Part of the map will be gradually blocked. Please see the card map logo for details."

Li Xiaoyu took out his card and said to the red circle that was automatically marked on the map: "Fuck, it's a survivor, we have to run the circle now!"

Li Xiaoyu was afraid that Gu Liang didn’t understand mobile games, and explained: “When you play this game, you land in a random place at first. As the game progresses, a circle will be drawn around a certain place on the map, and the circle will keep shrinking. You must run into the circle within a certain period of time, otherwise you will be poisoned to death."

Gu Liang glanced back, and the white mist had already floated towards the stone bridge.

No longer looking back, Gu Liang ran forward with the plastic bag in one hand and the gun in the homeless house in the other.

Gu Liang had several questions in his heart.

First, how is the secret room formed, and is there any ghost influence in it?

Second, the stone bridge is about 1,000 meters long, but the stone bridge is not erected from the shortest distance between the two mountains. The tramp’s thatched cottage and the Huangquan Inn are both built on the mountainside, and the mountain itself is curved. Therefore, the shooting distance is It is much shorter than 1,000 meters. However, no matter how short this range is, it is estimated to be about 800 meters.

——So, can a gun that seems to be made by a homeless man have such a long range of bullets?

This is why Gu Liang took this gun.

If no other evidence is found, it can only rely on Yang Ye's professional judgment.

The third question Gu Liang considered was how the bullet hit Boss Ling.

The window of the tramp’s thatched cottage is facing the stilted building of the inn, but it can only be aimed at the four north-facing rooms in the middle, that is, rooms 301 to 304.

The room where Yang Ye lived and the room where Boss Ling lived were at both ends of the "concave" shape. The two rooms are located on both sides of the Diaojiao Building, and the windows face the west and east respectively.

When shooting a gun, whether it is from the point of aiming or from the point of view that the bullet can pass through the solid, it must be through the window. After all, it is unlikely that there will be blind snipers thousands of miles away, and the bullet can still hit people through the wall.

So, if the range of this gun is really enough, and someone really shot (killing sha) the boss from the thatched house...

This means that boss Ling must not be in his room when he was shot, but in one of the four rooms facing north.

——So, why would she go to other people's rooms?

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