Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 88: Rhinoceros photos (5)

The sky (color) is getting dusk. +++Mobile phone reading visit

All three street lights in the courtyard were on.

After Gu Liang returned to the inn with the four eldest girls, the girls were chatting, especially Li Xiaoyu, who had a very loud voice.

Yang Ye heard it, and immediately went downstairs to the courtyard.

Afterwards, a few people gathered in the courtyard and first looked at the evidence brought from the homeless.

Yang Ye knelt down and picked up the gun that Gu Liang had brought.

Gu Liang stopped him: "Are your legs okay?"

"It's okay, skin trauma." Yang Ye picked up the gun, removed the magazine, and said, "This is a single-shot sniper rifle. It can only shoot one bullet at a time."

"But this doesn't look very professional. What is the shooting range?" Gu Liang said.

"Just try and you will find out."

Yang Ye loaded the magazine back, loaded it up, aimed the gun at the entrance of the inn, took a look with the scope, and fired immediately.

The bullet "swish" out of the air, hit a wreath hanging on the front gate of the courtyard, and then flew away with the wreath.

Yang Ye said: "It is indeed not a professional sniper rifle, but the range is estimated to be over 800 meters."

Having said that, Yang Ye removed the magazine again, only one bullet remained in it.

He took out the bullet and looked at it. The bullet was engraved with strange lines, some of which looked like a spell.

Next, this bullet is slightly lighter than normal bullets.

Yang Ye thought of something, jumping on one foot and heading towards the bathroom.

Gu Liang stopped him: "What do you want? I'll get it."

Yang Ye said: "Bring some water here."

So Gu Liang found a basin and filled it with water.

Yang Ye threw the bullet into the water, squatted down and rubbed the position of the bullet with his nails.

The paint on the surface of the bullet slowly faded, revealing the original color (color)-actually the color (color) of wood.

Most of the bullet heads are made of wood, and only part of the tail end has metal.

And these pieces of wood looked almost the same as the ones that Gu Liang had searched from the homeless thatched house.

Gu Liang couldn't help asking, "Are these bullets made by himself? Can wood be used as bullets?"

Yang Ye looked at Gu Liang and asked, "What did you see specifically over there?"

Gu Liang told Yang Ye about the death of the tramp and where the gun was placed.

Yang Ye thought for a moment, and said, "Generally, the main materials of bullets are lead and copper. They have some penetrating power (strong qiang), and steel-core bullets are used. This kind of wood has basically no penetrating power. According to my estimate If it penetrates the glass and hits a person, it will not necessarily be fatal."

"Then what if you hit someone directly?" Gu Liang asked.

Yang Ye said: "With this rifle, there is no problem in hitting people."

Yang Ye picked up the bullet and explained to the people one step closer: "A bullet is generally composed of four parts: a warhead, a cartridge case, a charge, and a thunder tube. When the bullet is fired, the detonator tube triggers the gun and produces high pressure. , Forcing the projectile to be shot out of the barrel. So you can see that the bullet is not entirely wood, and the metal at the bottom should be insulated."

"Then the problem is, the bullet of this bullet, which can combine wood and metal, requires very high-end technology. His gun has a range of 800 meters and is professional enough. Therefore, this person is perfectly fine. Make real bullets. Why does he have to use wood for bullets?"

Li Xiaoyu put together a piece of torn paper and said, "Here is a letter!"

In a very excited tone, Li Xiaoyu read the letter: "Old money, I finally made the bullet you want. It is made of wood you sent me. How about it, amazing? ?"

"However, although I have already figured out a way to increase the density and (strong qiang) degree of this wood, it can't compare with steel after all, so the penetration power of this kind of bullet is limited, and it is no problem to hit people. But if it is hindered by other solids, it is not so powerful—from researchers who like to engage in military research and development."

As mentioned by Liang Service before, this tramp is called Money Vagrancy.

Therefore, the "old money" mentioned in this letter should refer to the tramp.

After listening to Li Xiaoyu’s words, Yang Ye looked at Gu Liang: “I didn’t have time to search everybody’s room just now, but after a glance, none of the rooms had bullet holes in the windows. The homeless man’s thatched house shooting bell owner must be in room 301-304, and the window of that room is wide open."

Gu Liang thought for a while, turned a few plastic bags, and asked Li Xiaoyu: "Did you find anything outside the thatched house?"

"Oh yes yes, yes, it is very important." Li Xiaoyu took out a somewhat tattered Taoist robe, "I don't know if this is a tramp. Is he a Taoist priest?"

No one answered for a while.

After a while, Wang Guxie, Liang Service, and Girlfriend Jia all stood up and discussed going to each guest room together.

Li Xiaoyu blinked at Gu Liang and Yang Ye and followed. "Hey take me."

Wait for several girls to walk away one after another.

Gu Liang asked Yang Ye: "Okay, you can just say what you think."

Yang Ye said, "Isn't there a ghost in this story? According to common sense, the wood for (killing sha) ghosts is peach wood. In addition to the clue of the Taoist robe, the tramp may really be a Taoist. Then, this can explain it. The reason why he used peach wood for bullets."

Gu Liang frowned and thought for a while, and said, "The tramp asked the military researcher to make this bullet for (killing sha) ghosts. But in fact, (killing sha) people with this bullet is also possible. So the boss of Bell is In the case of people, it can also be (killed)."

"At present, the case seems to be a tramp who killed the bell boss and then committed suicide. But this is definitely not the truth. Otherwise, we don't have to solve the case and just just stray money."

"I tend to think that someone (killed sha) the tramp, then shot (killed sha) the boss bell."

Gu Liang paused and continued: "But the bullet is made of wood and has no penetration (strong qiang). You said there are no bullet holes in the windows, and the thatched cottage can only be aimed at rooms 301-304..."

"But I can't think of anything. Boss Ling went to these rooms, opened the window, and waited for the possibility of being shot (sha). Unless—"

Yang Ye took Gu Liang's words. "Unless there are two murderers. For example, if I stand on the first floor and let you open the window, I will show you something. When you open the window, someone on the other side of the lake will shoot you (kill sha). Or, I I asked you to go to a room to discuss things, and then I found a reason to open the window. In short, there should be two murderers, one is the one who induced the bell boss to open the window, and the other is the one who performed the shooting action. They must be in advance Made an appointment."

Yang Ye said again: "I know I am not a murderer myself. You are fishing, so I ruled it out. Tourist Jia, the mountain we went to in the morning is quite far away. I pushed him down the cliff, and it stands to reason that he should die. He won’t die, and at least he will faint for a long time. He was seriously injured and only crawled back at 5 pm, so he was also ruled out."

"Then the murderer is among the rest. Li Xiaoyu, Wang Guxie, Liang Service, Huang Chef, Jia Girlfriend, all possible."

What Gu Liang thought in his heart was - didn't Mingyue lie to herself?

He said he was one of the murderers, but he just didn't know who the other murderer was.

So, the truth may be this-the other real murderer (killed sha) the tramp, and prepared to (kill sha) Boss Ling. In some way, he asked Mingyue to let Boss Ling into a certain room at a certain point in time. Room, and asked her to open the window, causing her to be (killed).

At present, the only people who have been to thatched cottages are pretty services.

Could it be that the case is solved, the murderer is Mingyue and Liang Service?

"Anyway, the girls just now are quite suspicious. So I didn't continue talking in front of them just now. Besides, there is one more thing, I will tell you first."

Yang Ye looked at Gu Liang, "Have you noticed that there are no mosquito coils in boss Ling's room?"

The mountains are hot and humid, with a lot of ants.

Gu Liang still remembers the day when he first came here, he was bitten a lot of bags on his neck without taking two steps. Fortunately, there were flower (dew) water and mosquito repellent in the suitcase. After applying it on his body, Gu Liang's condition of being bitten by mosquitoes improved a lot in the past two days.

Next, returning to the house at night these past few days, if the lights were on, Gu Liang would definitely have closed the doors and windows tightly, and would open the windows again in the morning at most.

Gu Liang asked Yang Ye: "You have seen Boss Ling's room. Is there any mosquito repellent?"

"No." Yang Ye said.

"Yes, I also remembered a detail. When I went to her the night before, she was taking a (xi) bath..."

Before Gu Liang finished speaking, Yang Ye held his wrist.


"Seriously." Gu Liang patted him on the shoulder. "When she took a bath, the door was concealed. Although it is reasonable, people who understand the rules have to knock on the door to enter her. House. But how can she guarantee that the tourists who come in are polite? What if you encounter a hooligan like a tramp?"

"She was hiding the door very strangely. Come again, when I think about it now, the windows in her house are also hidden."

"With the door and window open, it can't dissipate much heat, so when she took a bath, the room was very humid and sultry. I stayed for a while and it was so stuffy. But she didn't react at all. "

Yang Ye thought for a while: "I'm not afraid of heat, or mosquito bites...Could she actually not be a human, but a ghost?"

Gu Liang thought of something, and held Yang Ye's arm: "Come, come with me."

Yang Ye smiled, put his arm on Gu Liang's shoulder, jumped on one foot, and followed him all the way to the stilt building where the restaurant was.

Gu Liang took Yang Ye to the kitchen.

"What are you doing here?" Yang Ye asked.

"If Boss Ling is really a ghost, then I have a brain hole."

Gu Liang said, "Burning rhino horns can illuminate the Netherworld Pavilion and show ghosts...I think I know why she has been hiding the doors and windows. Because she needs rhino horn incense to penetrate the house and maintain her human form all the time."

"I saw a fire burning in the stove in the kitchen last night, but logically no one would eat at that time. Boss Ling also said that the chef would not cook after dinner."

"Now think about it, is it not fire but rhino horn incense burning under the stove?"

While saying this, Gu Liang and Yang Ye walked into the kitchen.

Even at this moment, the fire under the stove is still burning.

The two came to the back of the stove and found that not only was there a lot of straw piled up for fuel, there were also a lot of square-like bricks beside it.

"What could these be?" Gu Liang picked up a piece and squeezed it, feeling a bit like soap.

Upon seeing this, Yang Ye immediately took out the manual of the "artificial rhino horn incense" he had found before and handed it to Gu Liang.

After reading it, Gu Liang picked up the soap-like thing and smelled it: "When we were in the restaurant last night, the owner Ling showed us rhino horn incense. When she was sitting at the table, I smelled the fragrance. It should be made by grinding rhino horn into powder and adding spices. But now this artificial rhino horn has no smell."

Yang Ye said: "So this may be the blinding method of the boss. The rhino horn incense that she really burns is this artificial rhino horn incense, which is not (color) and tasteless. And what she showed us is in the incense burner. Scented natural rhino horn incense."

"In this way, no one would think that she was actually the ghost who was actually photographed by the rhino horn."

"If this is the case, I can understand the reason why she burned rhino horn incense under the stove. Everyone thought it was cooking, and would not think that she was actually burning rhino horn. This is actually a blinding method."

Gu Liang frowned, "But since this has happened, there have been two problems."

"First, she can light incense in her own room by looking for an individual name, even if she carries the incense with her, saying that it is a mosquito repellent. The kitchen is still far away from her room. She did it too wastefully. Is it necessary?"

"Secondly, Chef Huang should know about this, because he is helping her burn rhino horn incense. Then do you know if the service is so beautiful--"

After Gu Liang raised these two questions, he already thought of the answer: "Chef Huang and Liang service are also ghosts."

After carefully recalling the details of last night, Gu Liang's tone was a little more sure. "It is very likely that this is the case. I opened the window at 11 o'clock last night and just watched Chef Huang return to the room. Now recalling his actions, he also gently pulled the door closed. It seemed that it was not closed. He, the service, the boss, The doors and windows of the three people’s houses are always concealed in order to allow enough fragrance to penetrate. They have developed a habit. Therefore, when the boss (xi) took a bath, he also habitually did not keep the door completely. Shut down."

Yang Ye said: "It's very possible. There are many trees around the inn, plus it is built on the hillside, it can actually form a relatively airtight environment. Under the large stove in the kitchen, a sufficient amount of rhino horn incense is continuously burned. , Can cover the entire inn, make all the ghosts here appear and maintain the human form."

"If you want to keep the incense burning, you need enough fuel. That's why they have so much straw here. Well, it can be explained."

Gu Liang thought of something, and walked out of the kitchen, "Now, I have to find a pretty service to have a good chat."

When I went out and walked to the corridor, I happened to see Liang Service rummaging through the courtyard.

Gu Liang stopped her: "Can you come over and chat?"

Liang Service looked around, but came over: "We just found a lot of things. Every customer is not as simple as it seems. Would you like to go over and take a look?"

Gu Liang guessed that what Liang Service found was related to motivation.

He decided to check it out later, he first wanted to verify his and Yang Ye's brains.

Gu Liang asked Liang Service: "At 2:30 this afternoon, I saw you go across the stone bridge to the other side of the lake. But I didn't see you coming back. How did you come back?"

Pretty Service said: "I know there is another way, which is farther away."

"Did you detour a long way, or because... Are you a ghost?" Gu Liang asked.

The face (color) of the pretty service has obviously changed.

Gu Liang said, "You were in the inn before, and you got enough incense, so it became visible. Is it possible? You actually returned along the same way. It's just that you spent some time on the opposite mountain and lost the rhino horn incense. It’s tainted, so it didn’t show up, and returned to the inn in the form of a ghost. That’s why I didn’t see you.”

The service looks very frustrated.

Gu Liang asked again: "The side mission failed?"

Pretty Service frowned: "Okay, I admit. I am a ghost. Chef Huang and I are both ghosts. Our Huangquan Inn was run by ghosts. But let me tell you, I am definitely not the only one who has a problem. Girlfriend Jia and Wang Yixie It's also weird, they are not necessarily human."

"And Zhao Meili who came with you, she has a pile of poison and knives in her suitcase. Now we can't see the corpse, and we are not sure whether Boss Ling was poisoned. Everyone is suspicious."

After saying this, Liang Service turned and went downstairs. "I continued to search for evidence in the yard."

Gu Liang and Yang Ye looked at each other, and they immediately walked to the room next to the back kitchen—the room where Chef Huang lived.

The two of them rummaged through the closet, under the bed, and found a lot of scraps of paper in the trash can.

Put these pieces of paper together to form a letter.

Gu Liang's first feeling when he saw this letter was that the characters were so ugly and crooked, even worse than a child.

But he didn't care how ugly the word was for the time being, so he focused on checking the content first.

"I know you have always wanted (gan gan) the boss to drop the bell. Just follow my plan and I will help you."

"Today these tourists will go to various scenic spots. Hua Xuechang and Zhao Meili go fishing, Jia tourists go to climb mountains, Wang Guxie and Jia's girlfriend go to the Forest of Stone Tablets. Therefore, they rarely stay in the room during the day."

"Between 2:30 and 4 in the afternoon, please confirm in advance whether these rooms are really vacant. If so, find a chance to arrange the boss of Bell to one of the vacant rooms of 301-304 and open the room. Windows. Leave the rest to me."

This letter indeed echoes the reasoning of him and Yang Ye just now.

After reading it, Gu Liang inevitably remembered Mingyue's words again.

"Brother Liang, this time, I am one of the murderers."

"This time the case is special. I am not the only murderer. I don't know who the other murderer is."

If Mingyue hadn't lied, then what he said and this evidence would also correspond to each other.

He received such a letter, and he did ask Bell boss to a certain room at that point in time.

But as for who finally shot (killed sha) Boss Bell, he didn't know.

Gu Liang couldn't help thinking--then, maybe it was because the evidence against Chef Huang was so obvious that Mingyue felt that there was no need to conceal it, so she confessed to herself directly?

Yang Ye put away the pieces of paper and said to Gu Liang, "So the one who opened the window and tricked boss Ling to go to the guest room was probably Chef Huang. Then, who took her to the woods after boss Ling was shot? If not three If you commit a crime, you should still be Chef Huang."

Gu Liang frowned, took a piece of paper from Yang Ye's hand and looked at it, unavoidably lamenting that the word is really ugly.

Gu Liang asked Yang Ye: "What do you think of these words?"

Yang Yedao: "It may be left handwritten, so I am afraid of exposing the handwriting."

Gu Liang thought about the whole process and couldn't help but said: "So now it is speculated that there are two murderers. Chef Huang is one of them. Between 2:30 and 4 in the afternoon, he asked Boss Ling to a certain place. Guest room, at this time, another murderer shot (killed sha) Boss Bell in the thatched cottage on the other side of the lake, and he should have also (killed sha) the tramp beforehand. After Boss Bell died, he wiped off the blood stains that might be in the house and killed her It should be Chef Huang who brought it to the woods."

Gu Liang continued: "From 2:30 to 4, I have been to the other side of the lake. All I know is pretty service."

"Come on, look at the content of this letter. The person who wrote the letter clearly knows where we tourists are going. Since last night, the one who has been recommending us to travel... is still pretty service. "

Yang Ye recalled the performance of Liang Service last night, and indeed felt that her reaction was unusual.

"Liang Service also said yesterday that she would like to introduce the surrounding attractions to everyone. You can listen to her introduction."

This sentence was said by the boss of Ling before leaving with Jia Tourist.

"If you don't go out to play, I really can't make a trip here. It's a pity not to see your dead relatives, and it's even more pity to miss the beautiful scenery."

This sentence was said when the service recommended the scenic spots enthusiastically.

In fact, Yang Ye thought about it at that time, these attractions are not charged, and what she promotes so enthusiastically, she can't get a commission.

Now combined with this letter, what she did is indeed deliberate.

——She specifically asked the tourists to visit the scenic spots, so that she could ask Chef Huang to ask the boss Ling to an empty guest room, and then go to the other side of the lake to finish shooting (sha).

Gu Liang's voice sank slightly, and said, "Finally, if you want to write this letter in the left hand side because you are afraid of exposure (exposure), that person must be a skilled person of Chef Huang. Chef Huang is unlikely to be familiar with the handwriting of these tourists. Only the pretty service who spends time with him will be afraid of being recognized."

Yang Ye frowned: "Is the shooting person really good service? From all aspects, she is very suspicious."

Gu Liang said: "I don't know. She didn't admit that she had been in a homeless man's house today. Next, how did the homeless man's secret room (slaying sha) form? I don't know yet."

Yang Ye: "Can ghosts go through walls? It doesn't matter if the door is locked."

Gu Liang: "You have to read the script setting to know. We have to continue to find evidence."

At this time, Yang Ye took out his card and glanced at the time. "It won't be possible to solve the case so quickly."

"I also find it very strange." Gu Liang thought for a while, after all he told Yang Ye what Mingyue had said to him.

Yang Ye frowned even more after hearing this. "How was he with you (guanguan) before?"

Gu Liangdao: "As for ordinary classmates, sometimes I go to the reading hall to meet, or in various competitions. When I was in the first year of high school, I often discussed various solutions to some difficult problems. But after I went to the liberal arts in high school, I had less contact. Now. When I go to university, it's the department that sends emails occasionally."

Yang Ye asked him: "How often do you send emails?"

Gu Liang thought for a while: "I have my birthday, or other major holidays, I will receive his email. Then I will reply."

Yang Ye felt that something was wrong, and looked at Gu Liang seriously: "He even remembers your birthday? Normally boys are not so careful. I think he will treat you--"

Gu Liang understood what Yang Ye meant, and immediately shook his head: "Impossible. You think everyone is **** like you."

"There is no (guanguan) relationship with **** or gay. You don't know how attractive you are."

Yang Ye unconsciously praised Gu Liang's words, and he was a little embarrassed to say what Gu Liang said.

Gu Liang raised his eyelids, stared at Yang Ye for a moment, and then affirmed: "It's really impossible."

Yang Ye said: "How are you sure? You are not very sensitive to this kind of thing."

"Because..." Gu Liang looked at Yang Ye, raised the corners of his mouth, and said, "Because you were right before. For example, the script I went to myself, I...I do feel that I miss you a little."

"Next comes the script of the last castle. When I thought something was wrong with you, I—"

"In short, he must not be what you think. After the first year of high school, we rarely saw each other. After graduating from high school, I have not seen him once for nearly ten years. The last time I saw him was his funeral. "

"If I remember correctly, Mingyue has always been very popular because he is very thorough. Then he can remember the birthdays of his classmates, and it is not surprising that he can send greetings politely. At his funeral, many classmates went there It’s clear that fate is good."

Gu Liang's meaning is actually very vague.

But Yang Ye understood.

Yang Yemei opened Gu Liang's waist with a smile. "I see. You mean, if he likes you, he can't not see you for nearly ten years. And you, you like me, want to stay by my side all the time, and don't want to leave me half a step."

Gu Liang slapped his hand away. "Talking about business. We will continue to search in this room. I still want to see what Chef Huang's motivation is. After leaving his house, I happened to go to the next nice service room to take a closer look."

After speaking, Gu Liang continued to search for evidence in the house.

While rummaging, he asked Yang Ye: "By the way, there is one more thing I forgot to ask, so in this script, your (killing sha) machine is aimed at tourists Jia?"

"Yes. My target is Tourist Jia, and I don’t have a relationship with Boss Ling.” Yang Ye said, “Actually, I went to Boss Ling in the early morning of last night. In my role (color), I have seen him from this inn. From the first time, she felt that she was very familiar, and she didn't know if it was love at first sight...I fell in love with her quickly anyway."

"When I looked for her last night, I offered to be with her. She refused me, saying that she likes Jia Tourist."

"So I climbed the mountain this morning and pushed him down the cliff, just to get rid of him."

"My role (color) is the kind of person who is unscrupulous to achieve the goal. When you go to my room, you can see some clues, such as how I used to deal with opponents in the mall."

After listening to Yang Ye's words, Gu Liang frowned: "It's a bit strange."

"Why is it strange?" Yang Ye asked him.

Gu Liangdao: "My character (color) also fell in love with boss Ling at first sight. Especially since she has a tattoo on her waist, it looks exactly like my ex-girlfriend."

Yang Ye couldn't help asking, "What kind of tattoo? My wife also has a tattoo on her back."

Gu Liang was originally squatting and flipping through the yellow chef's bedside table. Hearing this, he couldn't help standing up and looking at Yang Ye: "Does your wife always have tattoos on her body, or did they only have them later?"

Yang Ye said: "We got married seven years ago. About a year and a half ago, she suddenly got a tattoo on her waist."

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