Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 89: Rhinoceros photos (6)

The doors of the rooms are wide open, and the straw under the stove in the kitchen next door will make a "pop" sound from time to time, which is transmitted through the wall to the chef's room. +++ Catino Novel Network

After the sound of "pop" fell, Gu Liang asked Yang Ye: "What is the complete story between you and your wife?"

Yang Ye said: "Accurately speaking, it was my ex-wife. We have been very affectionate since we were married for seven years. Although I am pretty unscrupulous in business, I am still good to my wife. Until a year and a half ago, our relationship began to have problems. What makes me most unbearable is that she actually cheated. We divorced a year ago, and two months after the divorce, I knew she was dead."

"One month ago, it was her death day. When I went to the cemetery to see it, I met a friend of her. But I have never met this friend. He chatted with me casually and mentioned Huangquan Inn. I know, my ex-wife visited Huangquan Inn a year and a half ago."

After listening to Yang Ye’s story, Gu Liang frowned, “My story is very similar to you. I broke up with my girlfriend three months ago, and I knew she was dead a month ago. I heard about it at her funeral. Huangquan Inn. Wait...what was your ex-wife's (sexual sex) style?"

Yang Ye thought for a while, and said, "She is very virtuous and loyal. She is the kind that is absolutely impossible to cheat. But a year and a half ago, around the time when she had a tattoo, she became very charming, and later Derailed."

Gu Liangdao: "My ex-girlfriend went to Huangquan Inn more than half a year ago. After returning, she got a tattoo on her waist, and her (sexual xing) style has also changed. We used to have a good relationship, but she changed more than half a year ago. It's very unreasonable and contrived."

Yang Ye thought of something and grabbed Gu Liang's wrist. "I think of a detail. In the past six months, have you two (fafa) born (guanguan) relationship?"

Gu Liang: "..."

Seeing Gu Liang's expression, Yang Ye smiled. "Don't be shy and cool. Everything is in the script."

"I'm not shy." Gu Liang defended, recalling the "chronology" in the script.

Gu Liang remembered that the script related to the "tattoo" section was like this: "On that day, you finally completed the task ahead of schedule and did not work overtime, so you asked Aini to the hotel. After kissing (kiss wen) and routine intimacy , You took off her clothes, and she turned around shyly. At this time, you noticed a beautiful tattoo on her back waist."

When the script came here, there was a picture on the card.

This is why Gu Liang can quickly recognize the tattoo on the boss's wife.

Immediately after the picture, it was written: "Your phone rang suddenly, which was sent by your boss. After you replied, you want to continue to get close to Ai Ni, but she didn't let you stop, so she told you— —'You like work so much, so let's go to work.'. You tell Aini to stop messing around, and Aini asks if you think she is doing it. This night, you all broke up."

After Gu Liang recalled, he probably told Yang Ye. "That's it. The timeline of the subsequent script... Basically it is about what we quarreled about some day. It was all trivial. One small quarrel for three days and a big quarrel for five days. The main reason may be that I am big. Fourth, the internship was too busy and ignored her. Indeed, we have not given birth (fa) after that... Well... what about you?"

Yang Ye shook her head and said, "Neither. After she became so charming, I felt quite fresh at first. But when she got to (bed chuang), she didn't cooperate. She said she was tired today, and she said she was not in the mood tomorrow. What. I also saw the tattoo on her waist on (bed chuang), but at the step of intimacy, I couldn't continue to give birth to something."

Speaking of this, Yang Ye paused and said, "From your perspective, she has become involved because you are busy with your internship, so her relationship with you has changed. From my perspective, I think, She changed her dressing style and became more coquettish, but she refused to do anything with me because she cheated and fell in love with others. But now it seems—"

"There must be some other unknown reason that caused their (sexual xing) relationship to change drastically, and they still refused to have a relationship with us (fafa)."

Yang Ye made such a conclusion and couldn't help asking, "Is there something wrong with the tattoo? What did Boss Ling do to them?"

Gu Liang shook his head: "I don't know. But your speculation is reasonable. You can only find clues slowly."

Gu Liang knelt down again to find evidence.

After a while, he found out a diary of Chef Huang.

Gu Liang roughly flipped through the diary. She wrote in her diary two years ago: "She thinks she is beautiful, so she can drink to us? She pretends to be gentle, but she often loses her temper, which is really upset."

"What's wrong with my drink? My salary is deducted again. Damn!"

"Why let a woman crush me?"

"Just because of her strength (强qiang), can she always control us like this? Really dissatisfied..."

Yang Ye followed over and watched it with Gu Liang. Gu Liang finally concluded: "There is no big hatred, no special (killing sha) opportunity, and no (killing sha) plan. Some are just complaints over time. In this case...If Chef Huang received the letter we saw just now, it would be possible to cooperate with the unknown murderer."

"Yes." Yang Ye stood up, "Let's go to the next room and have a look."

"Yeah." Gu Liang put away his diary and went to the nice service room next door with Yang Ye.

Now, Liang Service can be said to be the key suspect, and the two immediately searched carefully in her room.

There are indeed many suspicious things in the nice service room.

The first is her wardrobe. Under the cover of the clothes, there is a lot of wine hidden in the cabinet, which is the famous plum wine in the inn.

——Why does she hide so much wine here?

Next, it is also a diary showing her (killing sha) machine.

The (killing sha) machine of the pretty service was also remembered two years ago. It is about "why is she always attracted a man's attention" and "I don't think I am uglier than her". The strength of the sha) machine is actually the same as that of Chef Huang. There is no such great hatred that it is necessary to kill the boss.

But the content of the latest page is different.

The page was torn off, and Gu Liang got a pencil to paint it, and then restored the above content—"Great, she can die soon! She is going to die at last! This must be a perfect plan!"

"It seems that Liang Service has a clear plan to kill sha people."

Gu Liangdao, "In this respect, she is different from Chef Huang. The dissatisfaction between the two people towards the boss of Ling is slowly accumulated. From the previous diary, the hatred of the two people does not necessarily change in quantity (fafa ) Has undergone a qualitative change, so that she really wants to (kill sha) people. But from the latest diary of Liang Service, she already really wants to (kill sha) people."

Yang Ye continued to search the closet at this moment, and found some men's clothes.

These clothes looked rather shabby, with old styles and patches.

Yang Ye said: "From this glance, this kind of clothes doesn't seem to be worn by tourists who come here. Is it possible that it is the clothes of a tramp?"

"There are too many suspicious points about pretty service." Gu Liang walked to the window and took a look, his eyes shifted to the left. The wallpaper beside the window lattice seemed to be about to fall off.

Gu Liang thought of something and tore off the wallpaper directly.

There was a letter in it.

"If the evidence was hidden by the player, she would hide it so well that she would almost never be able to find it."

Gu Liang opened the letter and read out the contents above, "Don't worry, I am here to (kill sha) her. I have planned for a long time. You and I will work together, and you will definitely be able to (kill sha). Her! As for the reward, you can just give me plum wine."

Gu Liang received the letter and said to Yang Ye, "The signature is a word of'money', which should have been written by Qian Yuanlang."

"So, the wine in the closet was actually prepared by the pretty service for the vagrant Qian. She might even wash and make up these clothes for him. The vagrant conspiracy with the vagrant to kill the boss. Since They are conspiring..."

Yang Ye frowned, "Who wrote the letter from Chef Huang?"

Gu Liang thought for a long time, his eyes lit up, and he said, "Is it possible that this is the case-the tramp and the pretty service have agreed to (kill sha) the boss, the tramp is the one who shot in the thatched hut, according to the tramp Han’s plan, Liang Service is the person responsible for taking boss Ling to the empty guest room and opening the window."

"It's just that Liang Service didn't want to be an accomplice in person, so she wrote a letter to Chef Huang and asked Chef Huang to do this. Then she will have an alibi."

Yang Ye nodded: "Well, this may be a great possibility. It is pretty service that recommends tourists to go out to play; those who are afraid that the handwriting will be recognized by the chef should also be pretty service; from the diary, the (kill sha) machine is already Those who are mature and have negotiated a complete plan to kill people with the tramp are still pretty services."

"Then the question now is, first, if you calculate this, is Chef Huang a murderer? Second, who is the tramp (killing sha)?"

Gu Liang thought for a moment. "If Liang Service indeed conspired with the tramp, then she has the opportunity to (kill sha). She (killing sha) the tramp may be to kill her."

Gu Liang turned to open the bedside table again. "If you wait a while, other people's stories are completely irrelevant to the tramp (gan gan), then the suspicion of pretty service is still the biggest."


After searching the rooms that were served by the beautiful service, Gu Liang and Yang Ye split up to save time.

Yang Ye went to every guest room, including the owner of Bell’s room, to do a detailed search, and Gu Liang went into the restaurant to investigate carefully.

After reading the restaurant on the second floor, Gu Liang went to the first floor. When he planned to go to the storage room on the first floor, he first saw the bright moon in the courtyard.

When he was in the corridor on the second floor earlier, Gu Liang noticed that Mingyue just went to search the guest room with other players.

However, he was obviously very lazy, and at the moment he was sitting on a bench with his eyes closed and rested, and he remained motionless for a long time.

A street lamp was right next to him, and the light (hook gou) showed his almost perfect profile, which made him look extraordinarily beautiful.

Such a person with such a face, even as a player, he is so lazy, it seems that people cannot bear to blame.

Gu Liang happened to have a lot of questions to ask him, and immediately walked to Mingyue.

"Can you talk?" Gu Liang asked him.

"Of course." Mingyue moved to the bench and motioned to Gu Liang to sit next to him.

Gu Liang also stepped forward and sat down, and then asked Mingyue: "Are you a ghost?"

Mingyue's eyes curled slightly. "I found out so soon."

Gu Liang asked, "Why did you open this inn?"

Mingyue raised her index finger and shook it. "It's not ‘us’, it’s the boss of Bell, and she runs the inn. Liang Service and I are just the kid she caught to work for her. I don’t know her story."

Gu Liang frowned: "Little ghost? You mean, she is bigger than you (强qiang)?"

Mingyue nodded: "Yes. I am a wild ghost in this mountain. She was asked to be a cook by her (Qiangqiang) system. She lied to me at the time, saying that it was for my own good, and let me do meritorious services with her--"

Gu Liang interrupted him: "Sorry to interrupt, what does it mean to cultivate merit?"

Mingyue said: "I don't know. I asked her, and she didn't answer me. Maybe she was for you. Because as a wild ghost in the mountains, I would (kill sha) passers-by and **** their spirits from time to time. Annoyed. But after I came here as a chef, boss Ling would not let me (kill sha)."

"All in all, I think she lied to me. When she arrested me, she said it was for my own good. I thought she opened the inn to arrest the living for me. This way, I will have a lot of energy every day. As a result, I’m tired every day, and I’m called to drink by her, and I have to cook for you humans. I am very upset with her. So I have thought, “It’ll be fine if she disappears from now on.”

Gu Liang: "So boss Ling is actually a good ghost? She didn't open this inn to harm people?"

Mingyue: "I don't know. I don't know her story very well. She often goes out and is absent. I don't know what she's going to (gan) with Liang Service."

Gu Liang thought for a while. The story of Boss Ling could only be restored later by slowly finding clues.

So Gu Liang still had to focus on the (sha) technique first.

Gu Liang asked Mingyue: "Did you invite the boss to an empty room between 2:30 and 4 this afternoon? Which room is it?"

Mingyue narrowed her eyes halfway, as if she was recalling something.

After a long while, he looked at Gu Liang and said, “Although everyone will go out to play, I’m not sure who will come back halfway. The only thing I’m sure about is you. Because when you were eating at noon, I cooked all the dishes. While resting in the corridor, I heard you say that you will fish for an afternoon."

"So you asked Boss Ling in my room? For what reason?" Gu Liang asked.

Mingyue said: "I told her, I suspect that you are a bad person. I found you sneaky in the yard last night. I asked Boss Ling to go to your room to search carefully while you were away, maybe Good things found."

"It's almost 1 o'clock in the afternoon, I saw Boss Ling in the lobby of the inn, she is settling the accounts. I told her about it."

Gu Liang was a little surprised when he heard Mingyue's answer: "You told her at 1 o'clock in the afternoon? Then how can you guarantee that she will go to my room between 2:30 and 4 in the afternoon?"

"I can't guarantee. But I don't need a guarantee."

Mingyue said, "I don't have a special (强qiang) opportunity to (kill sha) for her. I won't make any plans to take the initiative to (kill sha) for her. I just can't understand her and have resentment towards her. Some people think (Kill sha) I am willing to cooperate with her. But I don't want to get into any trouble."

"With just such a letter, how do I know who wrote it? Could someone prank me prank me?"

"I saw that Boss Ling was indeed dead today, and I knew it was not a prank."

"Of course, I am not completely undesigned. The beautiful service is usually between 1 pm and 2 pm, cleaning the corridor on the 3rd floor, the lobby of the inn and so on. If the boss believes me, go to your room to check your luggage, She should avoid pretty service. So, boss Ling should go to your room after 2 o'clock. In fact, the time I designed is only half an hour away from the time requested in the letter."

"I think she searched your room from head to toe. Half an hour is almost guaranteed, maybe enough for the person who wrote me to do."

Gu Liang inevitably felt suspicious: "Did you leave it alone afterwards?"

Mingyue asked, "Since you asked me the specific time just now, does this mean you saw the evidence in my room?"

Gu Liang nodded, "I found the fragment, I put it together."

Mingyue continued: "That's right. Do you remember the original words of the letter? It says '2:30 to 4, look for an opportunity to arrange Mr. Bell to one of the empty rooms of 301-304. And open the window of the room. Leave the rest to me.'"

"The window in your room is originally open. I don’t need to design this. I just need to let Boss Bell go to your room. Anyway, the person who wrote this letter said, leave the rest to him, then I will Don't worry about it."

When Gu Liang heard this, he said to his heart that the window in his room was indeed open.

Because he was tortured enough by the mosquitoes here, the windows were closed at night except for a while when looking outside.

I closed the window (sleeping in Shui) all night, and the room smelled.

Therefore, before going out in the morning, Gu Liang opened the windows wide, so that when he came back at night, the air in the house would be fresher.

Mingyue said again: "That's the way it is. I heard that you will be away in the afternoon. I saw that the window in your room was open again, so I asked Boss Ling to go to your room. I really can't ensure that she will be in your room at 2:30. But as I said, I can only design this way without causing Bell boss to suspect me. If the time is not good, and she is not (killed), then I don’t care. I don’t have (强qiang) The heart is so strong that she must die."

Gu Liang was silent for a long time, and thought about it from the beginning, but didn't find any problems with Mingyue's words.

After a while, Gu Liang only asked again: "So, when did you receive this letter for you to cooperate with (killing sha)?"

Mingyue said: "At 5 o'clock in the morning, I got up and went to the kitchen to prepare early. After I got to the kitchen, I saw this letter on the cutting board for preparing vegetables. I don't know who brought it."

Gu Liang: "Then, this kind of clue that almost directly shows that you are one of the murderers, you simply tore it up and put it in the house?"

Mingyue looked at Gu Liang and smiled: "In the final analysis, this is a game of reasoning, not a treasure hunt. The system has regulations. The evidence given by it can only be hidden and cannot be destroyed. So in fact, I tried my best. Hiding this evidence does not have much effect, but it only affects the length of time it takes you to find it."

"If I'm a player and drag time, I might be able to do this. But as an NPC, I don't have to."

"Of course, it is also possible that I guessed wrong."

Mingyue said again, "The person who wrote this letter to me has set up a plan to kill sha. I also followed the requirements of the letter. But the writer’s plan may have failed. After all, I did. did nothing."

"The corpse and the situation of the homeless man. I just heard them say that a gun shot from the homeless man’s house and hit Boss Ling. But how did Boss Ling’s body get to the woods? I don’t know. Yes. I did not participate in the aftermath of this matter."

"Then, it's also possible that the death of Boss Ling is strange. Maybe I'm not the murderer, it's possible."

"In short, Brother Liang, I hope I won't mislead you. I really intend to help you. Although—"

Gu Liang frowned and asked, "Although what?"

Mingyue looked at his eyes: "Although I remember your birthday, you never sent me a birthday greeting email."

"..." Gu Liang thought for a while before saying, "Sorry, I don't pay much attention to this kind of thing. I even forget my birthday."

Mingyue said: "Actually, in the script of "The Fifth Man", you threw my ‘corpse’ off the mountain, I also watched it."

Gu Liang: "..."

Mingyue smiled: "But I don't care. I won't cheat you because of these things."

Gu Liang watched Mingyue's eyes, and couldn't really see what he was thinking.

Originally, he didn't know Mingyue. Then again, they hadn't seen it in ten years since they graduated from high school.

But Gu Liang didn't want to explore Mingyue's story at this moment. He just asked, "Where did you go after speaking with boss Ling at 1pm?"

Mingyue: "I went back to my room to rest."

Gu Liang: "Did you go out after that? Even if you didn't have to kill Boss Ling, you have already started to cooperate with the writer's plan. You have to check, did Boss Ling go to my room?"

Mingyue nodded: "Yes, I'm out. At about 1:50, I walked from the stilt building where I was to the one where you lived. At that time, Boss Ling was no longer in the lobby of the inn."

"I walked into the lobby to check it, and even went to the small wine cellar next to the lobby to take a look. There was no sign of her everywhere. I wondered, maybe she has already gone to your room. So I walked up the wooden stairs. On the third floor, but at this time, I saw girlfriend Jia go to Wang's lonely room in a hurry. Originally, after girlfriend Jia entered the room, I wanted to go to the door of your room again to confirm. However, Zhao Meigui I went out sneakily."

"If Boss Ling dies, I don't want her death to be related to me. So I can't let anyone see that I have been to your building this afternoon. So I turned around and left soon."

"After I left your building, I went back to my room. When I walked to the restaurant building, it was around 2:10. At that time, I heard some noises in the straw behind the stilt building, as if someone was there. Go over the wooden fence. But when I walked over, there was no one left. So I went back to the room."

Mingyue said: "Brother Liang, I know, I have already said everything."

Mingyue said a lot of critical time points.

Gu Liang took the pen and wrote it all down in the notebook.

Gu Liangxin said that since he saw Liang serve crossing the bridge at 2:30, the sound of turning over the wooden fence that he heard at 2:10 on the bright moon may have been from Liang serving. After all, according to what Mingyue said, the other girls were all on the third floor.

Gu Liang wondered, about the timeline of the girls, he had to ask more questions later to see if he could close with what Mingyue said.

Gu Liang only asked Mingyue one more sentence: "After 2:10, you went back to the room and never came out again?"

Mingyue shook his head: "No more. I didn't come out until 5 o'clock when there was a fight in the lobby."

"Okay. I see. Thank you." Gu Liang stood up, "I went to search for evidence elsewhere."

Mingyue nodded slightly: "You're welcome, Brother Liang."


As Mingyue, Gu Liang walked to the lobby of the inn.

Several girls were searching in the lobby, and Li Xiaoyu was among them.

Gu Liang stopped Li Xiaoyu. "Xiaoyu, come and talk something?"

Li Xiaoyu looked back and saw Gu Liang, but also walked over. "how?"

Gu Liang took Li Xiaoyu back to the courtyard and found that Mingyue was no longer on the bench.

Gu Liang (gan gan) took Li Xiaoyu to sit down and asked her: "The pretty service said you have knives and poison in your suitcase. What is that poison?"

Li Xiaoyu handed Gu Liang an empty medicine bottle: "Here, that's it."

Gu Liang took the medicine bottle and saw it read: "[Soundless (color) kills you], the drug description——□□, after taking it continuously for a month, the poisoned person will experience dizziness and fatigue, but no other obvious reactions. , But in fact the viscera of a poisoned person will suffer irreversible damage and die after three months (died). 30 capsules. It is soluble in water."

Li Xiaoyu voluntarily explained: "They insist that I used this medicine to harm Boss Ling. No. Even if I harm Boss Ling, how can I make her take the medicine for a month?"

Gu Liang asked, "So, you gave this medicine to Ai Ni?"

"Yes." Li Xiaoyu rubbed his face, "Then the previous stage of interpretation, based on personality, I can't say. In short, you see, this medicine bottle is empty. It contains 30 capsules, which happens to be one. A month’s worth. I put it in the water that Aini drank every day. And the reason why I brought an empty medicine bottle was mainly because I was afraid that during my travels, other roommates would find this medicine bottle when looking through my things.”

"A good roommate in China (Z)." Gu Liang shook his head and asked again soon, "When did you take the medicine?"

Li Xiaoyu clapped his hands fiercely. "Brother, you asked the point. This is a very strange thing."

"I got it on July 1st last year, and it lasted for 30 days. Ai Ni is used to getting up early and drinking a glass of water every day. I know her habit. She wakes up earlier than her every day and prepares two glasses of water. She takes one for me. That month Here, the water she drank was the poisoned water I gave her. She didn't know about it, and thought I cared for her."

"The reason why I chose to be poisoned during that time was because she and I were preparing for postgraduate entrance examinations and staying in school to review. And you have found an internship unit, and went home during the summer vacation to play. She usually goes to school, sometimes she will I’m not going to open a house with you outside for the next month in a row. So, July is just right for me to start."

Li Xiaoyu said, "I'm sure she has drunk chronic (sexual xing) poison for a month, so, logically, starting from August, she will die in November after 3 months. But she didn't. This is too strange. Up."

Gu Liang thought for a while, and said solemnly, "She is not dead, but she has changed. To count, she came to the Huangquan Inn more than half a year ago, almost in November, and then (性xing ) The situation has changed dramatically."

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