Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 90: Rhinoceros photos (7)

After Gu Liang said this, he glanced at the instructions on the medicine bottle and looked at Li Xiaoyu: "According to the meaning of the instructions, after 30 days of continuous use, the organs will have a poisoning reaction and cause irreversible damage. After another 3 After a month (died si) died. +++ mobile phone reading visit Are you sure you were poisoned in July last year, and she drank the medicine every day?"

Li Xiaoyu nodded affirmatively: "Yes. Every morning I finished the poison, I watched her drink the water for 30 consecutive days, every day. Didn’t I just say it, during that time you would spend summer vacation and accompany you every day. I was the only one behind her. There were four people in our dormitory, and the other two were not there. Every day I watched her drink the poisonous water, went to the cafeteria for breakfast, and then went to the library to review."

Li Xiaoyu added: "And I'm sure, she was indeed poisoned."

"In your script, she died of illness. In fact, at the beginning of August last year, she felt uncomfortable. I accompanied her to the hospital. The doctor gave a diagnosis and said that she could only live up to 3 months. I didn't bring it in my suitcase upstairs."

"On the first day I got here, I opened the suitcase and saw the medicine bottle and the medical certificate, but I thought, this is to show my story. It is not directly related to the deceased in this case. I No such evidence was hidden."

Gu Liang asked: "How exactly is the diagnosis written?"

Li Xiaoyu thought for a while and said, "It probably means that her internal organs have symptoms of premature exhaustion, which are supposed to be symptoms only for an 80-90-year-old man, but it appears in her and can live up to 3 months. But. The doctor didn't know the reason and couldn't treat it. She advised her to prepare for the funeral in advance."

Gu Liang couldn't help frowning: "But why don't I know about this? I have no idea that she went to the hospital in August last year."

Li Xiaoyu said, "It was summer vacation. Aren't you still at home? You only came to school in September, and then you went for an internship. Then, she told me at the time that you love her very much and she is not willing to know you. This matter, so she never told you."

Ai Ni didn't know that her roommate had poisoned herself, but thought she had a strange disease.

But she was reluctant to be sad for senior Hua, and never told senior Hua about this.

Gu Liang's expression became more serious when he thought of this: "If you are sure that her poisoning is true, she must have died around November last year. So... from November to May last year, how did Aini appear in front of us? What's going on?"

Li Xiaoyu said: "This is the reason you asked me when I was poisoned. I said you asked me the key reason. When I read the script, I thought this was very strange. But I couldn't say before. According to my personal settings. , I can’t talk about my poisoning.”

Gu Liangxin said, it's no wonder that after the script was first obtained, there was something similar to the "chronology" in detail. The details went to a certain month or even a certain day, what he did with his ex-girlfriend.

These details are of great help to guessing the characters and restoring the plot.

Gu Liangdao: "I heard the news at the funeral a month ago. At the funeral, someone casually said that Ai Ni had been to Huangquan Inn'most half a year ago'. It is June and the funeral is May. The scope of most of the year is very wide, but at least the time covered by'one year ago' can be excluded, so let’s start from June last year."

"In June last year, Ai Ni and I have been together in the library to prepare for the final exam; July-August summer vacation, I went home, she stayed with you to prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination, did she not leave halfway?"

Li Xiaoyu shook his head.

Gu Liang continued: "Then, I went back to school in September and started an internship, but I didn't notice her abnormality, so I thought she seemed to be thinner and more haggard. I thought she was tired from studying for the postgraduate entrance examination."

"October...I was on a business trip with the project, especially in mid-October. That time was the busiest. I haven't seen her a few times, and I didn't send much information. When I came back from a business trip in November, we started quarreling. The problem should be in mid-October, during my business trip."

Li Xiaoyu added: "In mid-October, she took a leave of absence for a while. I thought she went home and waited to die. I didn't expect she would come back later. I was very guilty, afraid that she would know that I poisoned her."

Gu Liang felt that he could come to a conclusion and said, "Then, it is estimated that it was the Huangquan Inn she came to in mid-October last year."

Gu Liang opened his notebook, turned to a blank page, and combed the timeline of his ex-girlfriend Aini.

Beginning in early July last year, she took poison for a month, causing her internal organs to begin to fail.

She went to see a doctor in August last year and knew that she would not survive for 3 months.

In mid-October last year, she went to the Huangquan Inn and got an extra tattoo on her body after returning; besides, she who was supposed to die during this period was alive, but her (sexual xing) relationship changed a lot, and she came back from a business trip in November. After the senior saw her, she became fond of acting, quarreling, and unwilling to sleep with senior Hua.

In March of this year, Ai Ni and Hua Senpai broke up.

In May of this year, Senior Hua heard that Ai Ni had died of illness and attended her funeral.

After reading Gu Liang's record, Li Xiaoyu asked, "Second brother, what is your brain hole?"

Gu Liang was a little puzzled: "Second Brother?"

Li Xiaoyu laughed: "I just met Yang Ye upstairs and joked that I would call him the eldest brother and your second brother. Or should I call your sister-in-law?"

"Don't scream. If you want to, call him second brother."

This is Yang Ye's voice.

Gu Liang turned around and waved to Yang Ye.

When Yang Ye came over, Gu Liang told him about Li Xiaoyu's poisoning.

Then Gu Liang said, "Speaking seriously. In this way, I think there are three possibilities."

"First, after Ai Ni arrived at the Huangquan Inn, she might have made some kind of transaction with the boss Ling, so she continued her life for a few more months. The medium of her life may be the tattoo on her waist."

"Second, Aini died and turned into a ghost from mid-October to early November. Later, maybe she was also smoked with rhino horn incense, so she appeared next to me from November last year to May this year, and Ai Ni next to the classmates is a ghost. This can also explain why she didn't do anything with me, she was afraid of sucking my yang energy."

"The third possibility is that Ai Ni was still dead from mid-October to early November, and the one who appeared next to me was her boss Ling played. I just stopped by Chef Huang and chatted with him again. He mentioned However, Boss Ling is often not at the inn, and I don’t know where he has been. It is possible that she is going to play the people around us."

Yang Ye thought for a while, and said, "The things that happened to Ai Ni should be similar to my ex-wife. But I am a little inclined to the third possibility. Because your ex-girlfriend and my ex-wife are both (sexual) xing) The sentiment has changed drastically. If it is the first two possibilities, life extension, or their own souls appear, logically, they will treat us as they did. But the reality is not like this, then it is very likely to change."

Li Xiaoyu added: "I'll talk about something, you can refer to it. Ai Ni is studying very well. When we reviewed together, she got up early and was very serious. She said that senior Hua found a good internship company, and she could stay after graduation. Come down and get a high salary. She has to work hard academically, not wanting to look unworthy of Hua Senior."

"At the beginning of August, even though she knew she would not live for 3 months, she was still studying hard. But in mid-October, after she returned from leave, she changed. Her grammar is very good, but later when I asked her questions, she always Can't answer."

Yang Ye heard this and asked Gu Liang: "You attended Ai Ni's funeral in May. Did you see the body?"

"No, the ashes were buried." Gu Liang said.

Yang Ye said: "When I was told to attend the funeral of my ex-wife, I only saw the ashes. It is possible that they died long ago, and their bodies have been cremated. It is difficult to keep the body for a few months. But if it is the ashes, a few months. After taking it out, it's not that suspicious."

Gu Liang held the pen and checked the "third possibility" on the paper. "So, combining (sexual xing) love change, ashes, and Huang Chef said that boss Ling is often not in the inn to see, we are currently more inclined to the third possibility."

"This means-boss Ling might change his face?"

"Her body may not have changed much, at least it is tattooed. The tattoo we saw was not the one she got on her ex-girlfriend or ex-wife. What we saw was her and her own tattoo. "

Yang Ye: "Yes, I think so. Although she played your ex-girlfriend, or my ex-wife, she had a lot of conflicts with us (fa fa), and she didn't even want to be in bed or something, but she played It’s been a couple of months since our lovers, kissing (kissing) and hugging are indispensable. Therefore, when we meet her here, we have a sense of familiarity and a feeling similar to love at first sight."

Gu Liang raised his eyebrows, thinking of something interesting, and said to Yang Ye: "Then we are actually rivals this time."

Yang Ye smiled: "What is the enemy of love, you are obviously my lover."

Gu Liang turned his head and looked at Li Xiaoyu who was smiling at his aunt next to him.

Gu Liang: "Xiaoyu——"

Li Xiaoyu: 〃’’〃

Gu Liang is serious: "Li Xiaoyu, I have another question for you."

"Cough—" Li Xiaoyuzheng (color), "what's the matter."

Gu Liang said: "Chef Huang said that he set off from the restaurant at 1:50 pm and came to the Diaojiaolou where we are. He looked for the owner of Bell in the lobby and wine cellar and found that she was not there, so he went to the third floor to find her. I It is estimated that when he arrives on the third floor, it is almost 2 o'clock in the afternoon."

"He first saw girlfriend Jia go to Wang's lonely room, and then he saw you come out of the door."

"He didn't want to go head-on with you, so he went downstairs to the room."

"On the way back to the house, he went to the back of the Diaojiao Building and took a look, and then returned to his room. During this time, according to his wishes, he should have not seen anyone in the courtyard or the fence behind the building. This means ——"

Gu Liang looked at Li Xiaoyu, "You didn't leave this stilted building after you came out of 301 where you lived, right? Whose room did you go to and what did you do?"

"I...cough...then let me tell you the truth."

Li Xiaoyu said, "At 1:30 noon, I asked the lady boss to help me find the change. She knew that her change was hidden on the floor below the counter. When she took the money, she had to bend over. She stabbed a knife in the back. Therefore, I stabbed the wound on the back of the body you saw. After stabbing, I heard movement in the courtyard outside the lobby, so I drew the knife, threw it in the lobby, and ran away . They have found the knife just now."

"Anyway, this thing (fafa) was born in a public area, I thought that anyone could (kill sha) her in the lobby, so I did that."

"Vagrants often harass her, I really want to blame the homeless. It was the movement from the yard that disrupted my plan."

"I went back to my 301 room and stayed for about half an hour, which is the 2 o'clock you just mentioned. When Chef Huang came out of the room, I wanted to go to the lobby on the second floor to see if the boss died. Not dead or something. As a result she disappeared."

"Then I went back to the third floor and went to Boss Bell's room. Her door was always concealed, as was this afternoon. So I went straight in. But there was no one in her room. I stabbed after all. I got a knife, and I was panicked, so I went back to my house."

After listening to Li Xiaoyu's words, Gu Liang summarized the timeline of this afternoon on the paper.

At 12 noon, everyone had a meal together, during which time Boss Ling and Tourist Jia were not there.

Tourist Jia should still be under the cliff at the time. As for Boss Ling, although Gu Liang did not see anyone, he heard her voice.

At 12:30, everyone left the restaurant after dinner and spent seniors to go fishing.

At 1 p.m., Chef Huang found boss Bell in the lobby on the second floor of the inn and told her that he suspected that there was a problem with Mr. Hua. He asked her to search around in Mr. Hua's room, and then Chef Huang went back to the chef's room on the stilt building next door to rest.

At 1:30 in the afternoon, Zhao Meili came to the lobby and stabbed Boss Ling. She heard movement in the yard and was afraid that someone would enter the lobby. So before she could confirm that Boss Ling was dead, she quickly returned to 301.

From 1:50 to 2:00 in the afternoon, Chef Huang came to the lobby again to confirm if Boss Ling had gone to the senior's room. He found that Boss Ling was not in the lobby, then went to the third floor and saw his girlfriend Jia go to Wang's lonely room; then Zhao Meili went out.

Chef Huang didn't want to see Zhao Meili head-on, so he went downstairs and left. When he returned to the next building, he heard a sound from the fence.

At this time, it was Zhao Meili who came to the lobby on the second floor after Chef Huang.

She was here to see if Boss Ling was stabbed to death by her. After finding that Boss Ling was absent, she went back to the third floor and went to Boss Ling's room first. After finding that there was no one inside, she returned to her 301 again.

Yang Ye followed through the timeline and said, "It's a bit strange. When Zhao Meili (killed sha) at 1:30 in the afternoon, who was the cause of the movement in the yard?"

"There are two possibilities."

Gu Liang said, "First, the pretty service was still cleaning in the courtyard from 1:30 to 2:00. She went out from the fence afterwards. Second, there were other people in the courtyard at that time."

Gu Liang wrote a name on the blank space of the paper-"Wang Guxie".

"Chef Huang said before that he heard movement in the fence. I automatically excluded the three girls Wang Guxie, Girlfriend Jia, and Zhao Meili, because in Chef Huang’s timeline, the three of them did not come out in the Diaojiaolou. But I found out I have a misunderstanding."

"In fact, Chef Huang has only seen girlfriend Jia and Meili Zhao. He only saw girlfriend Jia go to Wang Guxie's room. But he didn't see Wang Guxie himself. Therefore, where Wang Guxie was at that time is doubtful. "

Gu Liang closed his notebook, stood up and looked at Yang Ye and Li Xiaoyu. "Anyway, it's still very rewarding. At that time, let's focus on everyone's timeline. When asking other people's timeline for a while, let's not say anything about what we already know, let them describe by themselves."

Yang Ye said: "The timeline is simply finished. Let's go back to the story. I want to remind you one thing. Actually, I thought about whether Boss Ling killed Hua Senior’s ex-girlfriend, killed my ex-wife, and was out For a certain purpose, we approached you and me separately. But now we have sorted out and found that this is not the case."

"Aini was poisoned first. After seeing the disease, the doctor gave a diagnosis, saying that she didn't live for three months before she went to the Huangquan Inn. After returning, she changed a person."

Speaking of this, Yang Ye looked at Gu Liang: "This is the story of Zhao Meili. Together with your story, the story of Ai Ni is restored. There is no character like Zhao Meili on my side with President Gao. It does the complement function, so I can’t know exactly when my ex-wife was sick. I didn’t know that she died after she died. I heard from her relatives and friends that it was cancer.”

Gu Liang understood what Yang Ye meant: "In other words, your ex-wife's situation may be similar to Ai Ni. She found out that she was terminally ill, but she didn't tell you. Instead, she secretly went to the Huangquan Inn and changed herself. ."

Yang Ye nodded: "Yes. We are very affectionate. So she fell ill. It is reasonable not to tell me."

"Let’s come again, speaking of boss Ling approaching us. She broke up with you as Aini, and divorced me as my wife. Other than that, our lives and career have no other impact. , Haven't got any sickness?"

Yang Ye looked at Gu Liang, and said: "You and'Aini' only broke up in March, maybe you can't tell. But it's been a year since I got divorced. I can't see how Boss Ling has hurt me."

Gu Liang stretched out his hand and pressed the back of his neck, then looked up at the sky.

At this time, the sky (color) was completely dark.

There was a full moon in the sky, shining all over the place.

Moonlight enveloped the inn, making it look more mysterious (color).

Gu Liang looked up at the moon (color), and Yang Ye next to him was watching him.

After a while, Gu Liang turned his head to meet Yang Ye’s gaze, and said, “So, they got sick first, came to Huangquan Inn later, and then they all died, but before they died, they found a girl to act as them. Break up and divorce us."


"Yes. So I have some kind of guesses."

Yang Ye took Gu Liang's hand and nodded to Li Xiaoyu by the way. "I found a very interesting thing in the lobby, you will know when you come to see it."

Seeing the two people walking hand in hand to the lobby, although Gu Liang's expression was a bit awkward at first, he finally accepted it. Li Xiaoyu was very pleased to see it.

In this game, she has had many dark experiences, and she has also seen the horror of sex.

But she thinks she got real CP.

If she is in hell, her CP is like giving her a fairy tale. She looked at them, and she felt very beautiful, as if she had also seen hope.

However, the consequence of staring at CP is that she didn't see the way, so she tripped.

There is a cobblestone path in the courtyard, all the way from the courtyard gate to the bottom of the stilted building where the guests live.

At this moment, Li Xiaoyu tripped over a stone on this road.

Gu Liang and Yang Ye hurriedly turned around to support her, and helped her back to sit on the bench.

Turning back to the lobby to get the medical kit, Gu Liang looked at the blood on her leg and shook his head. "Tsk, one and two are all lame."

Li Xiaoyu smiled and pointed to Yang Ye: "Big brother led the head."

With Gu Liang disinfecting Li Xiaoyu's wound, Yang Ye jumped on one leg to the place where Li Xiaoyu had just fallen, squatted down and turned over. As if the street lights were not bright enough, Yang Ye took out a flashlight. "The soil under this stone shows signs of refurbishment. Xiaoyu didn't fall in vain. It is estimated that someone opened these stones and hidden evidence."

After hearing this, Gu Liang quickly helped Li Xiaoyu deal with it, and went forward with Yang Ye to move the pebbles away one by one.

It didn't take long for them to find a piece of brown paper.

A spell was drawn on the paper, with the words "Scented Incense Charm" written on it.

There is also a text explanation below the spell: "Burning rhino horns can be used to shine ghosts and show ghosts; but if ghosts use incense charms, they can avoid the power of rhino horns and do not need to appear in front of the world."

Gu Liang and Yang Ye looked at each other. "So, it's not just the pretty service that went to the other side of the lake."


Li Xiaoyu didn't fall too badly, so after a short rest, he went to the lobby with Gu Liang and Yang Ye, ready to check the "interesting" things Yang Ye found.

During this period, Li Xiaoyu finally learned from Gu Liang that boss Bell, Liang Service, and Chef Huang were all ghosts.

"No wonder I didn't kill her with the knife."

Li Xiaoyu said, "Ordinary knives, (kill sha) undead ghosts. You need peach wood, dog blood and so on. They found clues upstairs before, saying that peach wood can (kill sha) ghosts. Peach wood is not casual. Just a piece of peach wood, (kill sha) for a powerful ghost, preferably peach wood over a thousand years old."

Gu Liang thought about it for a moment. "The wood we brought back from the other side of the lake, judging by annual rings, is indeed an old tree. So peach wood is a bullet for (killing sha) ghosts. Under the setting of this script, it should be reasonable. Yang Ye, big brother—— What is that thing you are talking about?"

Gu Liang also found it funny, and shouted "Big Brother" after Li Xiaoyu.

But Yang Ye came up, clasped his fingers, and said in his ear: "Listen to the shout ‘Brother’."

"Solve the case. Hurry up." Gu Liang's ears were a little hot, but his expression was very serious.

"Yes, solve the case." Yang Ye bowed and opened a cabinet.

Li Xiaoyu said: "Ah, this is the cabinet where she hides the change. Today I stabbed her while she was bending over to get the change."

Yang Ye took out the change and knocked on the cabinet. "You hear it, hollow."

After speaking, Yang Ye pulled out the wooden board on the surface and took out a thick notebook placed in the interlayer.

Open the title page and it says: "He said, as long as I help people realize one hundred and one wishes, I can realize my wish. I have been waiting... until the day when my wish comes true."

Yang Ye turned the book directly to the last page, with a photo of Senior Hua.

Next to the photo, there is a detailed file of Senior Hua, not to mention his height and age. What makes Gu Liang most puzzled is the record of some details.

"He doesn't like to eat coriander and carrots. For cooking, pork belly (meat rou) is okay, fat (meat rou) is absolutely essential."

"He doesn't really like foreplay, but if you tell him well, he will patiently please you."

"The posture he likes is the back-"

Gu Liang didn't look any more, only raised his eyes and met Yang Yeliang's bright eyes.

Gu Liang was uncomfortable with him and turned aside his head. "Boss Ling shouldn't know such details."

"Yes, this kind of detail can only be told by Aini."

"It is precisely because Aini has nothing to do with her, and she tells her everything so that she can act like it."

Yang Ye's voice sank, "Based on our previous speculation, I think that after Aini knew that she was ill, she asked Boss Ling to come to you and pretend to be her. The situation on my side is almost similar."

Gu Liang: "But why? Why should Ai Ni find someone to come over to quarrel with me every day? If she is going to pass away, she is afraid of my sadness and wants to find someone to stay with me for a period of time, I understand. But why did she let Boss Ling It's so unpleasant to make trouble with me? In this way, I don't seem to be so uncomfortable with her death. Because every time I think about the time before we broke up, it was very unpleasant."

Li Xiaoyu (inserted in cha) mouth. "Second brother, the reason is what you said last."

Gu Liang didn't understand the girl's mind. "Ok?"

Li Xiaoyu explained: "I understand. Ai Ni knew that she was going to die from a terminal illness. She was afraid that you would be sad and sad. Not only did she not tell you her condition, she also found someone to pretend to be her, quarreling with you every day, and finally with you Break up. When you break up and you two have no feelings, she will let you know that she is dead, so that you will not be so sad. This kind of bridge is common in dog blood dramas."

Li Xiaoyu turned to the title page of this thick book. "Isn't Boss Ling written in this book, she wants to help people realize their wishes? It's possible that this is what Aini has made to Boss Ling. The story of President Gao is similar. But the thick paper... …There must be many different wishes, and boss Ling is helping people realize them."

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