Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 92: Rhinoceros photos (9)

It seems that someone deliberately attracted them to Huangquan Inn. +++Mobile phone reading visit

——But what is he for? In order to borrow the hand of the boss enemy (to kill sha) to kill her?

Gu Liang's (body shen) body leaned slightly in the direction of Jia Tourist and asked him: "You just said that Boss Ling played your sister and approached you. In fact, she also pretended to be my ex-girlfriend, And President Gao's ex-wife."

"But the difference is that President Gao and I didn't know about this. We were in the investigation session, and we knew that before we broke up, the boss who was with us was Boss Ling. But you actually knew about it. Up?"

"Yes, my sister and I grew up together. I know her too well. She doesn't like to use incense, but one day I discovered that there is incense in her room. With some other details, I think she may not be My sister."

Tourist Jia asked Gu Liang, "Why don't you notice it at all?"

Gu Liangdao: "I am in a relationship with her, both of them are college students. We don't live together. Moreover, after the boss of Ling replaced my ex-girlfriend, it was when I was busy with the internship, we could not meet several times a week. The only time I went to the hotel, I'm not happy yet. I didn't pay attention to what she used. Besides, the artificial rhino horn incense has no taste, which we confirmed with the rhino horn incense burned in the kitchen."

Yang Ye also said, "As the president of Gao Fushuai, I have always been very busy. I don't care what fragrance my ex-wife uses. Whether she wants to buy fragrance or cosmetics, I will leave it to her."

Yang Ye looked at Li Xiaoyu, "What about you? You and Senior Hua's ex-girlfriend are roommates. Have you noticed that she smells incense?"

Li Xiaoyu thought for a while, and said, "I have only seen it once. But she said it was a mosquito repellent. I said it was November, where the mosquitoes came. She said she was bitten anyway. The incense didn't smell, nor did I. tube."

"Furthermore, she didn't live in the dormitory much after she came back from the leave. I think about it now, I guess the real Ai Ni did not tell Boss Ling about all the hobbies of everyone in our dormitory. Boss Ling is afraid of (exposure), so She lived outside by herself during that time. She was just lying to seniors and she still stayed in a dormitory.

"Of all the tourists, I really know that she may be a ghost."

Tourist Jia shrugged, "But I have nothing to hide. I brought ‘Girlfriend Jia’ to investigate."

Gu Liang asked him, "What about your sister? Is she also dead? Come on, your sister is not your biological sister, what's the matter?"

"If this story is told, it will be another story of a wealthy dog."

Jia Tourist said, "In short, she is the adopted daughter of our family. Since I was young, I like to rely on her. But knowing that she is my sister, I didn't dare to do anything. Until one day, I accidentally discovered that she has no blood relationship with me ( Guanguan) department. I confessed to her, but she refused me. She said that she wanted to repay my parents for their kindness in raising her, and she had to enter into a business marriage with the XX family or something."

"I don't want to, haunt her life and death to prevent her from marrying. But she actually introduced her fiance to me."

"One day, her fiance came to our house for two days. He wanted to drink red wine at night, and he ordered our servant to pour him wine. I stopped the servant for questioning, and I heard that he wanted to drink, so I went down inside [ Poison will die in seven days]."

"When the servant was cleaning up the next day, I saw that the glass was empty. He should have drunk. But seven days later, he was not dead, he was alive and well."

"One month later, my sister married him. Damn. Not long after marrying, my sister passed away."

"I felt something was wrong. I went to my sister’s room to investigate and found that her room actually smelled like fragrance. I took a small piece to let people investigate what it was. Later, someone told me that this is rhino horn incense, and ghosts can use it. Disguised as (cheng) people."

"I understand. I don't know when my sister was replaced by a ghost. In retrospect, there were too many small details that were wrong. But at the time I thought my sister was premarital phobia, so I didn't think much."

"My sister married, indeed a very rich person, richer than our family. The diamond on the wedding ring that the man gave to my sister was ten carats."

"So, I think the ghost came for the diamond. She (killed sha) my sister, instead, she married the rich and cheated the diamond. I don't know how the ghost did it. In short, all I saw was The ashes of my sister."

"That was already three years ago. I have been investigating who killed my sister. But I haven't figured it out. Until a month ago, I heard that my sister had been to Huangquan Inn three years ago. She was here almost before she married. So I investigated the Huangquan Inn and found that the inn was somewhat implicated in ghosts. It happened that I knew a Taoist aunt here, so I asked her to pretend to be my girlfriend. I came here together."

Tourist Jia yawned after telling the story. "That's it, what else do you want to ask?"

Li Xiaoyu hurriedly reopened the story written by the boss of the bell, and turned forward to page 76. "This page has your information! But more of your parents' information!"

Upon hearing this, Gu Liang walked to Li Xiaoyu's side and looked at that page.

This page also has a note from the owner Bell: "I happened to pass by a coffee shop and met a rich lady with a sad face. I asked her what was going on, she said she was poisoned and would not survive for three days. But she still wanted to marry people."

"Her adoptive parents’ company has a problem, and a business marriage is needed, so that the man’s family can inject capital into the adoptive parents’ company and help them solve the problem of broken capital chain. If she does not marry, her adoptive parents’ company will be ruined. Her brother hasn’t graduated from university yet, and he plans to go abroad to study for a master’s degree. She doesn’t know what to do.

"I said I was a god, and came to fulfill people's wishes. After her death, I can pretend to appear as her and get married for her."

"After the money problem is resolved, I pretend to be her, and pretend to go out to relax with my girlfriend. When I come back, let my girlfriend take her ashes back, and her family will think that she died while traveling."

"Um... this best friend, let the service play the role. After delivering the ashes, she returned to the Huangquan Inn in the form of a ghost, and no one could find her. The clothes are perfect!"

After reading all this, Li Xiaoyu couldn't help saying to Jia Tourist: "I'll go! Your sister was poisoned to death by you! That poisoned wine was not drunk by her fiance, but by her! It is estimated that Boss Ling did not take away the diamond ring. Maybe it was the boss of Ling who sold the diamond ring and solved the funding problem for your family, and then'dead'. It's just that you were still in college at that time, you don't know."

Tourist Jia: "Then I...I don't know... In my eyes, boss Ling is the ghost who killed my sister."

"Furthermore... Actually, it seems that I am quite sad."

"I also probably understand your story. Ai Ni came to Boss Ling for help for Hua Senior. The ex-wife of President Gao didn't want him to be sad, so she made that choice."

"But my elder sister is not. She asked Ling boss for help, mainly to repay my parents' kindness in raising her. She didn't think about me much. In vain, I have a deep love for her..."

Gu Liang did not comment on Jia Tourist's remarks.

He found another key point. He raised his head to look at Yang Ye, and habitually talked to Yang Ye first. "Here I mentioned pretty service. When I talked to Chef Huang earlier, Chef Huang said that she didn't know where and what she did when Boss Ling was not in the inn. But now it seems that pretty service knows."

"It's possible. So the person who led us to the inn may be pretty service."

Yang Ye said, "She must have planned what to do. Think about it, your ex-girlfriend Jia Ni’s wish is the 101st wish that Boss Ling helped realize. Her task is completely completed, so this paragraph The time should have been in the inn without leaving. Liang Service discovered this and decided to take this opportunity to do something."

"Yeah. We will look for her evidence in a while and ask her more."

Gu Liang stared at Yang Ye and couldn't help but look at him for a moment.

Yang Ye was sitting on the solo sofa next to him, propping up his injured right leg. At this moment, his elbow was placed on his knee, and his chin was resting on the palm of his hand. His sitting posture was very chic and a little lazy.

The whole person forms a very smooth line from the toes to the waist to the arms.

He is wearing a short shirt, and the delicate muscles (flesh) on his arms are ready to come out under the white (color) nearly transparent shirt. In the hot climate, it seems a bit hormonal flooding.

When looking at Gu Liang, Yang Ye always smiled. At this moment, the peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly, and the arc was just right.

Under Yang Ye's gaze, Gu Liang didn't know when his nose was sweating thinly.

In Gu Liang's cognition, in fact, there has never been an idea of ​​how good a man can be.

Although he is a straight man, Gu Liang doesn't even look at pretty girls.

He has never been very interested in this kind of thing, and would not take the initiative to search for girls' pictures or anything. It's just that, when he used to go to university, the boys in the dormitory discussed which girl looks good, and when they asked Gu Liang, he could also answer a few words.

Of course, his aesthetic is no different from that of many straight men. It is nothing more than the net red face who likes the big-eyed Chuguazi face and the sharp chin. Although many times, when facing a bunch of photos of internet celebrities handed over by his roommate, he felt that they all looked similar.

"Gu Liang, I decided to change to a goddess. Which one do you think is the most beautiful and the cutest?"

"Uh... it's okay."

In short, Gu Liang doesn't have any aesthetic concepts for girls, but people know how to appreciate beauty after all. Sometimes when he sees a nice **** his roommate's phone, he will look at it more.

But Gu Liang did never pay attention to the looks of boys, let alone take an interest in the looks of boys.

Gu Liang actually didn't know exactly what the handsome guy in the little girl's eyes was like, and he didn't care.

But now he suddenly felt that Yang Ye did look quite good-the facial features were deep and three-dimensional, and his eyes were deep, which always made his eyes look affectionate and deep.

It is true that his appearance is a bit sharp and bluffing when he is not smiling, but it seems to be handsome in another sense, like a statue carved out of a knife. Although it looks a little cold and serious, but the lines in every place The light and shade of light and shadow are just right.

Before Gu Liang looked away, Yang Ye pulled a piece of paper over and helped Gu Liang wipe the sweat from his nose. "is it hot?"

Yang Ye's voice was heavy and hoarse.

Gu Liang took his tissue and looked away. After three seconds, he looked at Tourist Jia: "Tell me about what happened last night. According to our current view, the relatives and friends of these tourists are dead. Yes, but the biggest wish before death should have ended, so they did not stay in the world."

"From the clues we found, according to the setting of this script, they should have been reincarnated. Therefore, Boss Bell's so-called-being able to summon their undead with spiritism, and then illuminate each other with rhino horns is deceiving us. of."

"Boss Ling can't actually let any one of us see the person we want to see. Unless she pretends again. Then, why did she just see you last night? Is there a problem with her so-called lottery?"

This problem has actually troubled Gu Liang for a long time.

Since the draw last night, he was suspicious.

Everyone wrote their names on paper, and the boss of Bell would let anyone see their dead relatives and friends.

At that time, Gu Liang wondered how the system could guarantee that the boss of Bell would get it. It must be the one who could follow the follow-up plot.

At this time, Tourist Jia finally answered Gu Liang's doubts. "The person I saw last night was my sister at first, and then she became the face of Boss Ling. She said that she was here to answer my doubts. When she drew the lottery, she came out with a special Take this opportunity to see me."


According to Jia Tourist, the boss of Ling took him out of the restaurant last night, and took her back to his 303.

In fact, he was quite flustered, after all, he knew that boss Bell was mostly a ghost.

Fortunately, he knew that there was a peach wood sword in girlfriend Jia’s suitcase, and before he left, he glanced at his girlfriend Jia to remind her to protect the safety of her creditor, so he dared to talk to boss Ling for the time being. Get along alone.

Then again, at that time, Jia tourists also had faint expectations.

——What if, if he makes a mistake, can he actually see his sister?

After returning to the room, the boss of Ling didn't say anything. He only told the tourists to keep the door behind at night and make sure that there was no one else in the house.

"At 12 o'clock in the evening, the Yin Qi is at its strongest. There will be no problems, right?" Jia Tourist was not relieved.

The boss of Ling looked at him and said, "No. Don’t worry. I bluff other people, but in fact, no ghosts will come out to make trouble for everyone. I chose it at 12 o’clock in the evening and asked everyone not to come out. I mainly don’t want everyone to bump into it. Break my secret."

"What's your secret?" Jia Tourist asked.

The boss of Ling just laughed: "I'll tell you tonight."

After Boss Ling left, Tourist Jia was a little restless.

When Jia's girlfriend came back to take the luggage, and was about to go to Wang's lonely room to stay overnight, the tourist Jia expressed his anxiety.

Jia's girlfriend comforted him: "Don't worry. I will ensure your safety. Wang Yi and I will live next to you 304. If you have anything to do, I will shoot the wall and I will come to rescue you immediately."

In this way, it is worthwhile for Jia tourists to wait in the room alone.

At 12 o'clock in the evening, the concealed door was pushed open, and a girl came in wearing a white (color) wedding dress.

This wedding dress is familiar to tourists from Jia. It was worn by his sister when she married.

And he missed the face of the person in the wedding dress for too long—it was his sister's.

After the ecstasy and excitement, it was the fear and worry of Jia tourist. "You are not my sister! You are the boss of Ling!"

Boss Ling said: "So you guessed it a long time ago? I'm still thinking, how should I tell you."

After saying this, Jia Tourist turned into the face of Boss Ling.

The wedding dress disappeared, replaced by the dress that Bell boss usually wore.

Tourist Jia: "Sure enough, you pretended to be my sister and lied to me! What is your purpose for coming to me tonight!"

I don’t know why Tourist Jia is so angry. The boss of Ling said, “I just want to explain all this to you. You are the person I am waiting for. I stayed in the world for decades to find you. Three years ago, I helped people. When I realized my wish, I met you. However, at that time, my task had not been completed and I could not recognize you. But now, I finally found you."

Tourist Jia ignored her and only asked: "I only ask you, did you kill my sister?"

Boss Ling is anxious: "No. You listen to me explain--"

At that time, Jia tourist saw her sister who was thinking of her heart, and suddenly became the boss of Ling. He only felt that all the guesses had come true. Where could he care about listening to the boss of Ling to explain, he directly began to pat the wall near the side of 304, trying Let Jia's girlfriend come over (kill sha) ghost.

Boss Ling looked a little sad, and only said: "Don't get excited. I... Then I will leave first. Let's do this, after you calm down, I will explain this to you."


After listening to Jia Tourist's narration, Gu Liang asked again: "Then you just let her go like this?"

Tourist Jia: "Yes. I'm still scared after all. The scene last night confirmed what I was thinking. I wanted girlfriend Jia to help me get rid of Boss Bell."

Gu Liang took out the "Hundred Ghosts". "This kind of ghost mentioned above is called an idiot. It is a ghost who refuses to leave the world because he has missed his sweetheart. He is obsessed with love and refuses to leave. Are you the reincarnation of her lover?"

Jia Tourist shook his head: "Then I don't know. Anyway, in my story, I like my sister. I don't know anything about my previous life."

Gu Liang asked again: "Just now, girlfriend Jia said, I told you this morning that I'm sure Boss Ling (killed Sha) your sister. When was it? What did she say?"

Jia Tourist said: "Thinking about my sister, I didn't sleep (sleeping Shui) last night, and felt that I couldn't sleep (sleeping Shui) at 5 o'clock in the morning, so I planned to go to the courtyard to relax. If the restaurant is open, I will go Eat breakfast."

"After washing, I arrived at the courtyard at half past five. Girlfriend Jia happened to be alone with Wang at that time, and the two of them saw me on the promenade. So girlfriend Jia came down to find me and said that Wang Guci was her senior sister, and it was amazing. The Taoist aunt of, she also came to investigate a murder case. Now it is basically certain that Boss Ling is a villainous evil spirit. She killed her little friend and must have killed my sister."

"She said that at present, the boss of Bell still dare not harm people at will, so let me not say anything, let's work out a way (to kill sha)."

Gu Liang flipped through his notes, recorded these few times, and then said, "I know, thank you all. In this way, I know everyone's motives. Next, I can basically be sure that this time The murderer was at least two people."

"Of course, this analysis is based on-Boss Bell was shot (killed sha). If the direction of this reasoning is correct, then in the afternoon a murderer led Boss Bell to one of the four rooms 301-304 , And opened the window; another person finished shooting (sha) in the homeless room."

"As for the combination to complete this task, tourists Jia can be with his girlfriend Jia; girlfriend Jia can also be lonely with Wang; pretty service can be a group with tramps; next, is there anyone who can form a team with Chef Huang? group……"

"For the subsequent evidence search, everyone can consider this direction."

"In addition, if the free exploration session this time is limited to this courtyard, the area is not big, but the time for searching for evidence is very long. Therefore, it is not ruled out whether there is a secret road or whether there is something buried in the courtyard so much soil. Secret. You can start a carpet search."

Gu Liang finished his speech, and the players scattered around.

Gu Liang planned to go to the third floor with Yang Ye and discuss with him in detail.

Before leaving, he found that Li Xiaoyu was staring at Boss Ling's book in a daze, as if a little lost.

Li Xiaoyu is usually very active in the search for evidence. At this moment, people are a little lingering, probably still immersed in the story of boss Ling.

"What's wrong with you?" Gu Liang asked her.

Li Xiaoyu: "It's okay, it's just a bit sad. Boss Ling is actually helping everyone realize their wishes. I didn't expect... Especially Wang Guxie... Hey... Gu Erge, you and your eldest brother have no reaction."

Gu Liang thought for a moment, and said, "There is a saying, good intentions are not necessarily good. Have you seen "Butterfly Effect"?"

Li Xiaoyu looked at Gu Liang puzzled.

Gu Liang only said: "Take my role (color) as an example. The boss of Ling is helping Aini realize her wish. But she ruined my wish. I knew Aini would not survive for three months. I wish I could push Quit work and study, take her to play where she wants to go, take her to eat what she wants to eat, and live happily with her for three months. In this way, I think that every day we are together will be wonderful. But now that I think about the days before the breakup, it was simply miserable."

"The same goes for President Gao. The relationship between him and his wife was very good, but now he thinks that his wife is cheating, and is very angry. His anger has not been resolved, and his wife actually died. You see, President Gao has changed now. It's so dark, and I tried to murder (sha) tourist Jia in the morning. I guess there was this factor. He was disappointed with people (sexual xing) and turned dark."

"The same goes for the three Taoist aunts. Wang Gujie is a person who values ​​the friendship of friends very much and is reluctant to leave his friends. But I think, I saw my friend died in front of him by a ghost (kill sha), and watched his friend leave Baiyun after being adopted. Mountain, compared with the two, how does the latter have a smaller impact?"

"The adopted Xiaodou was still young and didn't think so much. But in fact, boss Ling shouldn't understand. She is blindly helping people realize their wishes, although it is estimated that... it was also caused by her too deep obsession and too anxious. "

After listening, Li Xiaoyu blinked several times. "Okay second brother, I understand."

"Okay. Go and search for evidence." Gu Liang turned around and went upstairs with Yang Ye.


After a while.

Before Gu Liang could get to the third floor, he made a "bang" and was pushed into the corridor by Yang Ye with one arm.

"Are you...(gan)?" Gu Liang looked at Yang Ye.

Yang Ye whispered: "You just looked at me."

Gu Liang: "I see what's wrong with you? I am also watching you now. I often see you when discussing cases..."

Yang Ye raised his other hand and pressed his index finger to Gu Liang's lips. "No, the way you looked at me just now was different from usual."

Gu Liang: "..."

Yang Ye attached to his ear: "Do you think I am handsome?"

Gu Liang: "..."

Yang Ye: "What do you have to praise your boyfriend for being handsome?"

Gu Liang said nothing, Yang Ye: "You are not allowed to answer. I will kiss you if I don't answer."

Gu Liang gritted his teeth: "So many people here—"

Yang Ye: "Then you answer honestly."

Gu Liang: "You will break it first for me...Uh-!"

Gu Liang really didn't expect that Yang Ye actually kissed himself. Although he just stumbled, his lips left, but after all, after all, people might come here at any time. Gu Liang grabbed Yang Ye's skirt with a warning in his eyes. "Don't act foolishly because you are injured."

Before Gu Liangliang continued to get angry, Yang Ye grabbed his pain point and said, "The person I suspect now is Wang Yixie."

Gu Liang asked: "Why?"

Yang Ye: "When do you take the initiative to kiss me, I will tell you."

Gu Liang: "..."

Yang Ye: "Or call my brother."

Gu Liang: "How old are you older than me?"

Yang Ye: "It's okay to praise me for being handsome. Is your brother handsome?"

Gu Liang was silent for a long while, pulling Yang Ye away from him, and the corners of his mouth rose. "I know what you think."

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