Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 93: Rhinoceros photos (10)

When Gu Liang said this, Yang Ye pressed his palm and covered the mouth. +++ Catino Novel Network

Gu Liang:?

Yang Ye: "Always so smart (gan) what?"

Gu Liang looked at Yang Ye and didn't say a word. He wanted to wait for him to (gan).

Yang Ye: "Don't talk yet."

Gu Liang didn't know why, but he nodded in cooperation.

Yang Ye: "If you think I'm handsome, wink."

Gu Liang: "..."

——Why is this person so naive?

Yang Ye: "You are not a murderer, and you are not a'good person' with side missions. You don't have to lie, come on, cool, be honest."

Gu Liang was amused by him, and finally blinked his eyes cooperatively.

Yang Ye asked again: "Am I the most handsome of all the men you have met?"

Gu Liang blinked, seeing that he was still dissatisfied, so he blinked again affirmatively.

Yang Ye let go of the shackles on him with satisfaction, took the man's hand and walked upstairs.

The wooden stairs made a little "creaking" noise.

Gu Liang turned his head and stared at Yang Ye: "You want me to call your brother, so naive, I am embarrassed to be my brother."

Yang Ye said: "You are willing to call my brother, it's okay to be naive if you say a few words."

Gu Liang thought for a while: "Oh, you want to hear something like-‘Brother, mature, don’t be so naive?’, is that the case?"

Yang Ye went up again and pushed Gu Liang against the wall with a "bang". "Bell twice."

Someone is afraid that it is not "Bidong" addicted.

Gu Liang hugged (chest xiong), raised his chin to look at Yang Ye, and said blankly: "Look at the stairs today, did you not let me go up?"

Yang Ye squeezed Gu Liang's face. Seeing that he didn't stop, he rubbed it harder, and then took him upstairs again. "My brother wants you to relax. A nerve is always tense, and it is easy to ignore key clues. This time is a protracted battle."

Gu Liang continued to be expressionless: "Oh."

"All right, let's go back to the case--" Yang Ye looked around and asked in a low voice, "Are you also suspecting Wang's solitary?"

"It's just a preliminary suspicion, and it needs to be sorted out. Let's discuss it in detail."

Gu Liang took Yang Ye all the way back to his guest room, saying, "Although the deceased was a ghost this time, the clues we found indicate that after the ghost was photographed by a rhino horn, it must be killed by a special method. sha) is no different from humans except death."

"After the death of the deceased, under the influence of rhino horn incense, the body has not disappeared for a while. So we can still reason in the same way as ordinary people."

"That is, with the influence of Rhinoceros, we can reason with Boss Ling as a human being. In this way, all kinds of injuries on the body can be analyzed."

"For example, Zhao Meili, played by Li Xiaoyu, stabbed boss Ling in the back with a knife. There is blood."

"Zhao Meili panicked because she heard a sound in the courtyard, so she drew the knife and ran away. She threw the knife in the lobby."

Gu Liang paused and continued: "When she explained this point before, she was not specific enough. When we were going over the cobblestones together, I asked her again."

Yang Ye nodded: "Well, I remember her reply. When she went to the lobby for the second time, at about 2 pm, Chef Huang saw her exit the door on the third floor. Chef Huang quietly went downstairs and left the lobby. Zhao Meili went to the lobby again behind him."

"Boss Ling, who should have died, is not in the lobby. But the knife is still there, so Li Xiaoyu took it away and brought it back to the room for washing (dry gan). The free exploration began, and the other people searched for the guest room first. It's Li Xiaoyu's knife."

Gu Liang asked Yang Ye: "Yes, so this knife has blood. By the way, Yang Ye, have you seen the corpse?"

Yang Ye said: "You want to ask, did I see the bruises and falls on the body? I did."


Gu Liang pushed open the window of his room door, quietly in front of the window, and said after a while, "Boss Ling should be facing the window like this before she can be (killed). The bullet hit her (chest xiong) mouth. Even if she is a ghost, in the setting of this script, she will bleed."

"But there is no blood in the room."

Gu Liang frowned and thought deeply, and then said: "Actually, I thought about many possibilities. For example, her ability (strong qiang) was great, and she was not dead at the time, so she subconsciously chose to jump out of the window to avoid getting a second shot, and then went all the way. Escape to the woods."

"Because Chef Huang said that he tricked Boss Ling to come to my room. But he didn't care about the follow-up. If he didn't lie, and if he was really one of the murderers, then Boss Ling went to the woods by himself. possible."

"The marks of the fall can be explained. This is the third floor after all. Even if there is straw to reduce the impact, she can still have some bruises on her body."

"But if that's the case, who cleaned up the bloodstained bell in my room?"

"Come on, if Boss Ling escapes all the way to the woods, a lot of blood will be shed along the road. Even if the murderer cleans up afterwards, it is easy to miss. After all, he can't calculate the complete route of Boss Ling. Besides, there are many weeds along the road. It is very difficult to clean up (dry gan) the blood stains completely."

"Therefore, this possibility can actually be ruled out."

"Then there should be only one possibility left-Boss Bell died on the spot. The murderer wrapped her in a coat or put her in some kind of woven bag, threw her on the straw from the third floor, and cleaned the house. The blood stains in the middle, went to the back of the Diaojiaolou, and left with the corpse...No, to be precise, it was more likely to leave with a woven bag.

"Finally, the real murderer threw his body in the woods, then buried a **** woven bag or coat in the woods, or tied a stone to the lake, and returned to the inn.

"Because the rest of the scenes have been closed, the relevant exhibits can not be found, but judging from the absence of blood along the road, it should be so good. Only in this way can we explain why Boss Ling has so many bruises and injuries on his body."

After listening to Gu Liang's words, Yang Ye nodded: "My opinion is the same as yours. In fact, after restoring the incident, the murderer can be investigated."

Unfolding the notebook, turning to a blank page, Yang Ye picked up the pen and combed it.

"The first combination of murderers should have been pretty service and money wandering. This can be seen from the letters of two people. They have planned this for a long time. But now we have analyzed that it should be pretty service through the left hand. The letter I wrote transferred the task of'leading the boss to the room and opening the window' to Chef Huang. She herself went to the opposite side (kill sha) the tramp."

Yang Ye thought for a while and added: "We said before that she (killing sha) the tramp was actually to kill her mouth. Actually, looking at it this way, there is another greater possibility, to avoid future troubles."

Gu Liang sat down at the table and said, "Well, I agree. Qian Lang is a Taoist leader after all, but pretty service is a ghost, and he is on the opposite side. A Taoist priest actually cooperates with a ghost. This is for both parties. It’s a risky thing."

"In the face of pretty service, Qian Yuanlang's argument may be that he is not a Taoist priest who just killed him. Boss Ling is the murderer of (killing sha) his disciple, so he wants to (killing sha) Boss Bell, but he doesn't want to (Kill sha) other ghosts."

"But in the eyes of Liang Service, this matter is very risky. What if this Taoist priest (killing sha) finishes calling the boss, then (killing sha) her?"

"Next, through a conversation with Chef Huang, we know that he and Liang Service are both kiddies and are subject to the powerful (strong qiang) boss bell, but from another perspective, they are actually protected by the boss bell. Once you die, if a soldier wants to deal with the two of them, it's easy."

"Therefore, Liang Service pretends and Qian Lang has formulated a plan to (kill sha) the dead bell boss. This is a plan that requires two people to work together. But Liang Service has made a lot of attention and put one of the murderers into the task, It was passed to Chef Huang—"

"In this way, she went to the other side of the lake (killed sha) to kill the tramp, and then shot (killed sha) the bell boss... It was equivalent to killing two birds with one stone. It was able to use the money-stray plan, (kill sha) to kill the bell boss, but also In turn, get rid of money stray and avoid the trouble of being a Taoist priest (kill sha)."

"Yes." Yang Ye said, "The money is stray and gluttonous, and he thinks that the pretty service is really cooperating with him, so he took precautions. When the pretty service went to find him, he persuaded him to drink some plum wine and let him It’s possible for him to break the film, and the pretty service will take the opportunity to (kill sha) to kill him."

"In this way, the combination of the first group (killing sha) is actually pretty service and yellow chef."

"But in fact, this combination still has problems."

Yang Ye wrote "Question 1" and "Question 2" on the paper. After typing the colon, he looked at Gu Liangdao: "The first question is, what Chef Huang told you, if you just let Boss Ling go to your room to look through the box What, how can he guarantee that Boss Ling can just stand in front of the window, waiting for (chest xiong) to be shot in the mouth?"

Gu Liang recalled Mingyue’s rhetoric and said, “According to Chef Huang, he was not (强qiang) of boss Bell’s (killing sha) (强qiang). He received a letter asking him to take boss Bell to the air. In the guest room, don’t care about the rest, so he doesn’t care. He avoids the power of the boss, but he is actually very afraid of her. He is also very afraid that if she is not dead, he will find out that he will harm her."

"So, Chef Huang really can't make sure of this. He can't make sure of the timing and the specific actions of Boss Ling. He just tried it to see if he could kill Boss Ling. Thing."

Yang Ye: "Then, if this is the case, it can only be that the boss of Ling went to the window and took a look when he was looking for something in your room. Staring at the scope of the gun body, and then found this rare and possibly fleeting opportunity, one shot killed him, (killed) the boss bell."

"However, this is not only a coincidence, it also requires snipers to be very demanding. It's not that this time, the pretty service, when he was alive, was like a mercenary."

Yang Ye thought for a moment, frowned and said again: "In fact, this will actually cause another problem. There are three problems in total."

After Yang Ye completed the content of "Question One" on the paper, he put a question mark on the side, and then added the words "Question Three". For the third part of the question, Yang Ye went down first. After the colon of the second question, he wrote down the content of the combing and dictated it.

"The note that Chef Huang received asked him to lead Boss Ling over between 2:30 and 4 in the afternoon. But Chef Huang was afraid of causing suspicion, so he didn't dare to appear too deliberate. He only found a problem in your room. Let Boss Ling search for the reason."

Gu Liang nodded: "According to what he meant, at that time, the boss of Ling was at the counter to settle the bill, and the service might be cleaned everywhere from 1 to 2 in the afternoon, so the boss of Ling should not go to me until after 2 in the afternoon. Room. He has an error of half an hour."

Under the lens, Yang Ye's eyes narrowed: "As Chef Huang said, he cannot guarantee that Boss Ling will stay in your room after 2:30. Besides, the reason he told Boss Ling is not It constitutes a reason why Bell boss must go to your vacant room at a certain time."

Gu Liang looked at Yang Ye, his eyes lit up: "Well, I understand the'problem' you are talking about. At 1 pm, Chef Huang told boss Ling about the problem with my room. If nothing happens (fa) Unexpectedly, after 2 o'clock, boss Ling went to my room to search, it is possible."

"But now there is an accident-at 1:30 in the afternoon, Zhao Meili stabbed the boss of Ling. According to reason, the boss of Ling should first go to Zhao Meili to ask what's going on, or at least he should return first. I treat wounds and heal my wounds in my own room. It is written in "Ghost Hunting" that ghosts will be injured after being photographed by rhino horns, but the degree of recovery depends on the situation."

Yang Ye helped his glasses and said, "Yes, so, strictly speaking, I don’t think Boss Ling will be stabbed at 1:30 in the afternoon and then go to your room to search for things, and then after 2:30. Go to the window of your room and wait to be shot."

"Then the third question is—"

Yang Ye lowered her head, continued to write with a pen, and said, "The beautiful service is the one who recommended us to go out and play. You asked her for fishing gear, so she knows that you have been fishing. If she is going to (kill sha) to wander Han, should be able to hide her figure with something like incense sticks. But she didn’t. She let you see it. So, despite our analysis, she has enough reasons to kill the tramp. But in fact, she should This possibility can be ruled out."

Gu Liang walked up to Yang Ye and sat down, read the three questions he wrote down one by one, and finally concluded: "The first question, Liang Service happened to be able to shoot Boss Ling with one shot. It takes a lot of time. It's a big coincidence, but it's not enough to rule out her suspicion. As for the third question you mentioned, you can actually suspect that she is playing against logic, and it is not enough to completely rule it out."

"But when you look at the second question together, these three questions actually become the three huge doubts under the circumstances that she is the murderer. Taken together, it is true that she can basically be ruled out."

"Then, the possibility that Liang Service and Chef Huang are double murderers is ruled out."

"It's just that, the problem comes again—"

Gu Liang looked at Yang Ye, "If Liang Service did not have the intention of (killing sha) Qian Lang, it means that she is indeed cooperating with Qian Liu Lang (killing sha) to kill Ling's boss. Then, her plan with Qian Lang, It should be Qian Liulang who shot (killing sha), and the person who brought the bell boss to the window was serving himself."

"In that case, who sent the left handwritten letter that Chef Huang received?"


Yang Ye is also thinking about this question.

After thinking for a while, he raised his head, looked away from the notebook, turned his head, and just saw Gu Liang's face.

Gu Liang's eyes were serious and focused at the moment, thinking about the case.

Under the light, his tea (color) pupils were like water, Yang Ye looked at him, his apple slid up and down.

Yang Ye was about to say something, there was a knock on the door.

Yang Ye frowned secretly, and asked, "Who?"

"It's me." A beautiful service voice came from outside the door, "Senior Hua is a detective, right? I heard that you are here, I came to you. I just knew that when I searched for evidence in the restaurant, you guys It has already been discussed. Why didn't you just call me? Do you suspect that I can't make it?"

Yang Ye was about to get up and open the door, taking into account his legs, Gu Liang sat down under him, got up and opened the door, Ying Liang served into the room. "I didn't deliberately discuss it behind your back, it's just that the other few of us happened to get together at that time. Come in. I just have a question I want to ask you."


After a while, Liang Service sat opposite Yang Ye and Gu Liang.

Gu Liang asked in a straightforward way: "Did you find everyone? What happened between you and Qianlong, can you tell me more specifically?"

Liang Service was silent for a while, as if she didn't know where to start.

Gu Liang was as brief and precise as possible, and told Liang Service about his and Yang Ye's analysis just now.

"Therefore, before we find the remaining evidence, we can actually exclude you temporarily."

"I know, you are afraid that if you say something, you will be treated as a murderer, so you have always had reservations before."

"But I think, after listening to our detailed analysis, you should be able to believe me. I didn't deceive you. I can indeed exclude you temporarily. So, I hope you can tell the truth."

Liang Service thought for a long time, and then said: "I'll start from the beginning."

"I have spent more time with Boss Ling than Chef Huang. Chef Huang is a starving ghost. He used to be a tourist climbing here. He walked on undeveloped trails, fell down the cliff, and starved to death without waiting for rescue. He was resentful and starved to death. Ghost, he often eats people. After the boss decided to open an inn here, he accepted him as a chef, which is to make up for his regret that he didn't eat enough before his death. After all, as a chef, he can eat enough."

"Chef Huang doesn’t know much about Boss Ling, but I probably know some. What kind of merit does Boss Ling do. It seems that a master told her. As a ghost, she cannot be with the person she loves. , But according to the master, helping people fulfill their wishes and earning enough merit, seems to be able to eliminate their grievances and be with that person."

"After all, Boss Ling is a relatively (strong qiang) ghost, and she is also heavy. If she is directly related to that person (fafa), she will lose the life of others. So she must cultivate her merits. enough."

"She wants to do this, but I don't want to. I don't want to be bound by her. Besides, I am also very jealous of her. Anyway, I want to get rid of her and show off (tuo) her."

"Qian Liulang came about five months ago, pretending to be crazy and stupid, and often acting like molesting the boss of Bell, in fact, to eliminate her guard. In fact, he has been lurking near the inn to investigate the origin of the boss of Bell, and he is still waiting for him The day when the special bullet that can kill ghosts is made and delivered. He can only do it when the bullet gets in his hands."

"But it's true that Qianlong likes to drink. Once he stole the wine again, the boss of Ling asked me to deal with it. I went to find him on the other side of the lake and found that he was a Taoist priest. The situation at the time was actually quite tense. But he said, he is not a powerful Taoist priest. He was in the Taoist temple before. His cultivation level was limited and he couldn't recover Boss Ling with his magic power. It is true that he can't even deal with me."

"However, he said that through observations over the days, he knew that I also wanted to get rid of Boss Bell and let me cooperate with him. He said that he asked him to make a special bullet, and he could deliver it immediately. Can (kill sha) boss bell."

"He can't do this alone. I have to help him. That is, he asked me to lead Boss Bell to the window, open the window, and he shoots from a distance."

"The hidden thatched cottage on the other side of the lake, he chose a location and built it quietly, which happened to be aimed at the guest room of the inn."

"He can help me get rid of Boss Bell, and I am very grateful to him. Slowly we got acquainted with each other. So I helped him hide the wine and also helped him mend his clothes. We actually have a good affection for each other... anyway, I won't (kill sha) him. He is a very handsome Taoist leader. He just pretended to be crazy and smudged his face on purpose to look sloppy. In fact, he is not like that. I kind of like him."

Upon hearing this, Yang Ye and Gu Liang looked at each other.

——Indeed, I found the washed and patched man's clothes in the closet of Boss Ling.

Pretty service explained this way, so many things can be explained.

——How do Taoists and ghosts cooperate?

Just cooperating, why would the ghost help the Taoist wash clothes and secretly prepare so much wine that he loves to drink?

If the pretty service likes homeless people, it makes sense.

So the suspicion of pretty service (killing sha) tramp is indeed even smaller.

"In early March this year, Boss Ling broke up with Senior Hua. After returning to the inn, there has been no new action. I guess that she has almost cultivated her merits and is making other preparations. I don't know the details. I think this is a good time for me to start."

"Once I took advantage of her absence, I went to look through her wish book, and specifically selected the dead people in it, and then gave the information to the tramp and let him spread it through his friends, so that I could slowly get her Enemies of him are attracted."

"Of course, the so-called being able to see the dead relatives at the Huangquan Inn is also a rumor spread by homeless people."

"Boss Ling was also curious and said that she didn't know if a tourist had misunderstood something before taking a walk for such a rumor. She was still a bit distressed and didn't know how to deal with it."

"Behind, many people called to book rooms. They thought they could see their dead relatives when they came here. Then don’t forget, I’m the waiter here, and I’m communicating with you about booking information. The rooms are full. Dissatisfaction, when will I let you in, actually rely on my mouth."

"Therefore, your group of guests was actually selected by me and may have a huge hatred with the boss. I also booked the time you check in."

"I did this, of course, to take your hand to get rid of Boss Bell. Besides, I am actually a little afraid of Boss Bell. After all, she is better than me (strong qiang). Then, after you arrive, if I try again, in case I am The plan with the tramp failed and failed to (kill sha) to get rid of her. After the matter was defeated (exposed), I can still push everything on you, because many of you have enemies with her."

Speaking of Liang Service, I was a little thirsty, so I poured a glass of cold water on the table and took a sip.

Gu Liang looked at her: "Your plan has been laid out for so long, but it failed?"

The pretty service put down the water glass and frowned tightly and said, "Yes, I went to find the tramp in the afternoon, he was indeed dead. You were right. At that time, the fragrance on my body was gone, and I floated through the wall into his house. I saw that he had been hanged. I was just afraid that you would doubt me, so I said I had never entered the house.

Gu Liang asked her: "Why did you go to him in the afternoon?"

Pretty service said: "You have the key."

Gu Liang glanced at Yang Ye, then looked at Liang Service: "Yes, there is a problem that has bothered me for a long time. In the morning, everyone will definitely go out to play. At that time, all four rooms were empty. Yes. It stands to reason that you should take advantage of the best in the morning. Why did you delay it until the afternoon?"

"That's the problem. The first appointment I made with the homeless guy was to do it in the morning. Because you must have all gone out in the morning, then all the rooms are empty. When I do it, it seems even more unconscious. But I don’t know if you will continue to go out to play this afternoon."

Liang Service said, "But the boss Bell disappeared this morning. I didn't find anyone everywhere."

Liang Service further explained: "I originally wanted to ask the boss of Ling to go to Tourist Jia's room on the grounds of'I found that there is something wrong with Tourist Jia.' After all, she met Tourist Jia alone last night, I know she is interested in Tourist Jia ."

"I plan to ask her to enter the house, and then pretend to hear something outside the window, open the window wide, and drag her to watch together. The money wandering behind the scope can do it. But I can't find it. To the boss bell."

Gu Liang said now: "Excuse me, interrupt. It's just that her room and public areas are not hers? Is she in the other rooms?"

"I don't know. After you left your respective rooms in the morning, the doors were locked and I couldn't get in. But I knocked on the door, and no one responded to every room."

The beautiful service said: "The spare keys of each room are hidden by the owner of the bell in a place that only she knows. The entire inn is tainted with rhino horn incense, and I didn't know the existence of incense sticks before, so I couldn't wear them directly. The wall enters your room. In fact, I don’t have to go in, because the boss Bell is not there. I go in by myself and let the money stray to shoot (kill sha) who?"

Liang Service made a helpless move, saying: "At noon, I pretended to be a faint and took you to lunch. In the afternoon, I couldn’t go to the other side of the lake in front of everyone, so around 2 o’clock, I left after seeing no one around. I went to find the tramp just to confirm with him that the plan was unchanged."

"In the morning, the boss is not here. This is an emergency. I'm afraid he thinks that I broke the plan and I have other ideas. So I have to explain to him."

"I also want to tell him that I confirm that the rooms of Senior Hua and Tourist Jia are empty in the afternoon, because Senior Hua went fishing, and Tourist Jia has not returned. Not surprisingly, he should continue to aim at Tourist Jia's room.”

"But I didn't expect the tramp to die when I went."

After listening, Gu Liang asked Liang Service again: "I understand, I will ask you one last question. What did you do during your lifetime, and have you been a soldier?"

Liang Service shook his head: "No. I was an ordinary student before I was alive because of academic problems. I don't know how to use a gun. In fact, money stray is also a bit vain, so he asked me to find a reason to let Boss Bell grow. Time stays at the window so that he can aim and shoot."

——Assuming that no one here is the same as the beautiful sister in the previous case, who is a master of shooting, then in the remaining combination of possible crimes, who can think of what reasons to let Boss Ling stay at the window for a long time. So that another person can shoot (kill sha) him?

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