Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 94: Rhinoceros photos (11)

Liang service after leaving. +++ Catino Novel Network

Yang Ye and Gu Liang continued to sit in the room and discuss.

It was almost 10 o'clock in the evening.

Gu Liang yawned, and his face was a little sleepy.

Yang Ye looked at him: "Would you like to go (sleep in Shui) first? You will be a little (sleep in Shui) for a while, I will call you then."

Gu Liang shook his head: "After the end, there is time to rest. I'm fine. Besides, I'm a detective, I'm going to sleep in (Shui) to see what it is. But you, you can rest."

Yang Ye looked at Gu Liang, his eyes slightly helpless, but more and more of his appreciation.

He has always known what Gu Liang thinks.

From Gu Liang's perspective, it is probably that if a man and a woman are in love, it is nothing for the man to take care of and protect the woman. The girl should be taken care of.

This is the difference established by the Creator when he created humans. Men (sexual xing) have inherent physical advantages. In ancient times, men were responsible for hunting for their wives and children in search of food.

Furthermore, although today's society is sufficiently developed, it has to be admitted that discrimination against women (sexual xing) already exists, and in some occupations, this discrimination is very serious.

Therefore, girls do have a lot of difficulties.

Gu Liang believes that they should be taken care of.

But Gu Liang felt that he was a man. Why should another man take care of himself?

Gu Liang has always adhered to this principle, such as when he insisted on helping Yang Ye open the bottle cap.

The theory that you should take care of Shou when you attack is completely inapplicable to Gu Liang, besides, he may not have the consciousness of being Shou until now.

Faced with such Gu Liangliang, Yang Ye sometimes feels a little helpless.

Because he wanted Gu Liang to accept his own good.

But this kind of helplessness will soon turn into distress for Gu Liang, and his desire to love Gu Liang even more.

So Yang Ye stretched out his hand and rubbed Gu Liang's head, turning the notebook in his hand to the latest page. "Okay, then we will continue to sort out the case. We will solve the case as soon as possible, and if you have time, you can (sleep in Shui) for a while."

"Well. We can rest together at that time."

Gu Liang pointed to the blank space in Yang Ye's notebook, "Then let's sort out the second combination. Tourist Jia and girlfriend Jia, do you think they are likely to have sex? Can they be ruled out directly?"

Yang Ye thought for a while and said, "I think it can be directly ruled out. First of all, the tourist Jia is the inn that only arrived yesterday afternoon, and his (killing sha) machine was actually set in the morning. Because it was 5:30 in the morning. , Jia’s girlfriend told him that it was confirmed that Boss Ling is a demon who can (kill sha). Therefore, the tourist Jia knows the plan of the tramp and the possibility of using it (sexual xing) is very small."

"His (killing sha) machine was born at the latest, and he hasn't had time to plan. According to Jia's girlfriend, the possibility that Jia tourists will spend money to ask an expert to eliminate ghosts (sexual xing) is greater."

"Secondly, tourist Jia and girlfriend Jia, both of them are human. But according to our current restoration of the case, it must be a ghost who used something like'scented incense talisman' to avoid appearing under the effect of rhino horn incense. In this way, he can go to the other side of the lake without knowing it, and walk directly through the wall with a ghost body, (killing sha) and stray money."

"So, this combination is ruled out."

After Yang Ye finished speaking, he struck a cross directly behind the combination.

Gu Liang thought for a moment, took Yang Ye's pen, opened a new page, and drew a vertical line in the middle of the whole sheet of paper, wrote "murderer a" on the left side of the line and "murderer b" on the right side of the line. ".

Gu Liangdao: "The murderer in column a was the one who led the bell boss to the window. It could be a human or a ghost."

"The murderer in column b went to the other side of the lake (to kill sha) through the ‘smoke talisman’. He crossed the bridge without being seen by anyone, and could form a perfect secret room at the murder scene. He must be a ghost."

"There are only three ghosts. Then, the three ghosts from the side of b are combined to a one by one. Sorting out like this, we can see more clearly."

Yang Ye nodded, took the pen back, and wrote three names in the "murderer b" column, namely "Liang Service", "Huang Chef" and "Wang Guxie".

"The suspicion of the pretty service (killing sha) money tramp has been ruled out, so not only the combination of Chef Huang and her has been ruled out, but the rest that can be combined with her are also ruled out."

When Yang Ye said this, he made a hit on the name of "beautiful service", which is considered to be a possibility.

"Yeah." Gu Liang said, "The situation where Chef Huang was the murderer b can actually be ruled out. I saw that the time when the service appeared on the stone bridge was 2:30 pm, she walked very slowly, and it took almost 15 to cross the bridge. Minutes, then she went to the thatched cottage where Qianlong was opposite. It was estimated that it was around 2:50pm. According to her, Qianlong was dead by this time."

"Chef Huang has a timeline to see girlfriend Jia go to Wang's lonely room and Zhao Meili to go out. It will be 2 pm."

"In fact, it took half an hour for Liang Service to walk from the inn to the stone bridge at the foot of the mountain. She also left the door at around 2 pm. Even if Chef Huang walked faster than her, she could arrive a dozen or twenty years earlier than her. Minutes, he is also unlikely to (kill sha) during this time."

"Chef Huang is very likely to bump into Liang's service on the road, let alone. Chef Huang's hands-on time is too hasty. Even if he is full of calculations, even if he arrives 20 minutes before Liang's service, he will use these 20 minutes to make Qian Lang get drunk to the fragments. Let him (kill sha) again and pretend to be him hanging himself. No matter how you look at it, time is not enough. Besides, Chef Huang has nothing to do with Qian Vagrant. How can I cheat Qian Vagrant to drink and drink?"

Yang Ye put another bar on the name of the "Yellow Chef" under "murderer b" in his notebook to rule out this possibility.

Yang Ye temporarily put the pen down and held his glasses and said, "Then there is only one possibility left now. It is Wang Guxie who goes to the opposite side (to kill sha) and the money strays. What we need to find now is the person who conspired with Wang Guxie. "

"Agree. In fact, this can also be pushed from the Guanguan department."

Gu Liangdao, "There are roles (colors) that overlap with Qian Liulang. Right now, there should be only three. The pretty service is the girl he met in Huangquan Inn. From the clues, she also knows clearly that he (kills sha) Bell boss The person who planned; Wang Guxie and his girlfriend Jia are his apprentices. Now the suspicion of Liang's service is temporarily eliminated, let's see the other two girls."

"Through the previous discussion, we have learned about the personalities of Wang Guxie and girlfriend Jia. Girlfriend Jia is relatively careless. She only feels scared about her childhood companions being killed by ghosts. , Wanting to escape. At the same time, she is obsessed with money and the world of flowers, (gou) caught up with a rich second-generation friend, and has been in this circle forever. By pretending to be a fool, she got a lot of money..."

"So, in fact, I basically think that she didn't lie. She did slowly alienate from her previous life, so that she lost contact with Master Qian Daochang, the current money wandering, and didn't have much contact with Wang Yi."

"If it weren't for Jia's 100 million tourists, she wouldn't be willing to come to this inn. She did not see Wang Guxie until she arrived at the inn, and she knew what she wanted to do."

"After talking about girlfriend Jia, let’s see Wang Guci. She is completely different from girlfriend Jia. She values ​​companionship very seriously, and the death of her companion has created a great psychological shadow on her, but her psychological shadow has turned into The obsession of revenge, she worked hard for revenge for the next eighteen years."

"In my opinion, Qian Liulang is actually the same. He also wants to avenge his apprentice. This can also be proved by the expression of Liang Service. For example, he can ambush around the inn for a few months, pretending to be crazy and selling stupid self-destructive image... …In the end it is to get rid of Boss Bell.

"Therefore, Qian Liulang has no connection with Wang Guxie at all? I don't think they are. They have the same goal. So, besides Liang Service knows Qian Lang's plan and can use it, there is one other person who can also-that is Wang is lonely."

Yang Ye (body shen) leaned back, leaned her head on the sofa, tapped her index finger on the table a few times, thinking.

For a moment, Yang Ye (body shen) sat up straight again and looked at Gu Liang: "In theory, it is feasible. Wang Guxie may have been connected with Qian Liulang, and knows his plan to (kill sha) people. So she took advantage of this. The plan not only (killed sha) boss Bell, but also (killed sha) money stray."

"But this will cause two problems."

"First, why does she want to (kill sha) to stray money?"

"Secondly, her personality is a person of love and justice. She can dedicate her life to avenge her childhood partner. Will she turn (kill sha) her master?"

Gu Liang took out the "Hundred Ghosts" and turned to one of the pages. Yang Ye looked at that page and found that there was a special introduction to the "ghosts" among the hundred ghosts.

"There are three kinds of ghosts that are the most difficult to deal with. One is the hard ghost, followed by the evil ghost, and the third is the resentful ghost."

"Resentful ghosts, people have a deep resentment towards someone or something before death, but they are not enough to turn into a resentful ghost. After death, a resentful ghost can be turned into a resentful ghost. A ghost will completely lose the mentality and goodness that he had when he was a human. It is a pleasure to kill a person to breathe anger; it is more powerful than a ghost, and a grieving ghost retains a part of the mind, and relatively speaking, can control oneself."

"But grievances will also have moments when they lose their minds. When hatred and resentment are spawned, they can also slaughter (sha) in the face of their former lovers, relatives and friends."

"Therefore, when facing these three kinds of ghosts, you must pay attention. Once they decide to do something, they will not take into account the past feelings. Alas, once the ghosts are transformed, after all, people and ghosts have different paths. Everyone must be careful not for a while. Confused by them, thinking that they won't hurt you..."

After Yang Ye read the introduction of the ghost, Gu Liang said: "At present, it seems that there is only this possibility. Wang Guxie remembers the events of his lifetime, and can usually retain his reason, but it is also a person who has deep obsessions before his death. Hua. Wang’s loneliness fits the description of the evil ghost. Therefore, she may suddenly lose her mind (to kill sha)."

"There are a lot of empty wine bottles around the body of the money stray. According to our guess, he should have drunk too much fragments before being (shamed). Then we can imagine that he can drink in front of a person unsuspectingly, this person It may be someone he likes, such as Liang Service; but it may also be his former apprentice-Wang Guxie."

Yang Ye wrote two names in the "murder a column" corresponding to "Wang Guxie".

"Chef Huang, girlfriend Jia, who is the murderer a is more likely?"

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