The time has come for the release day of "Doomsday".

"Cigarettes, drinks, snacks." Suzaku gestured to the camera about his war supplies, "Today I will be obsessed with "Doomsday"!"

On the screen, there are still ten minutes left in the countdown to unlock the game.

The console game area of ​​Shark Platform has not been so tidy for a long time.

Except for a few specialized anchors, most of them are waiting in front of the computer, waiting for the game to be unlocked.

Because Liang Zi from Naughty Cat and Game Box, and Lin Mo posted a video to deceive the trailer of "Doomsday Catastrophe".

Today's live broadcast had an inexplicable smell of gunpowder.

[What does the anchor think of Lin Mo saying this is a liar game? 】

[Which anchor thinks is more fun, this game or "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds"? 】

[I’d better wait and see first. Refunds cannot be made once the game is launched on the game box. The risk is too high]

Faced with the obvious problem of digging holes in the live broadcast room, Suzaku did not shy away and said directly: "Brothers, listen to me and buy with confidence, this game is not bad! 30% possibility is a masterpiece, 40% possibility is average, 20% possibility Sex is barely satisfactory, 9% likely to be poor."

[Isn’t it 40% likely to be a liar game? 】

[There is something wrong with this game. Many practitioners, including Lin Mo, said that they don’t know how the graphics can be so good]

Seeing such doubts, Suzaku also spoke bluntly: "How is it that Lin Mo can represent the highest level in the gaming industry? You can be a fan of Lin Mo, but that's about it. Why do you really think that only Naughty Cat has good games?" "

Seeing that the game barrage was obviously unhappy and his tone started to change, he didn't feel a trace of panic in his heart.

Instead, he was secretly happy.

This is the effect you want!

I'm not afraid that Lin Mo's fans will scold me, but I'm afraid that you won't scold me.

As long as you scold me in the live broadcast room, you will get traffic, and you can attract fans of "Doomsday Catastrophe" to criticize me.

Isn’t the popularity coming?

As for game quality.

Although he is a die-hard fan of "Doomsday", he doesn't think it will be a masterpiece. After all, the propaganda is too fake.

However, as long as it is a game, there are fans.

There is no game in this world that everyone hates!

There are fans all over the place.

His arrogant speech really made some players dissatisfied.

[You know there is a problem with the game and still encourage people to buy it, you are irresponsible]

[Don’t play for a month and give up, then go to PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds to gain popularity]

Seeing these barrage, Suzaku curled his lips and said: "Let me put it this way, there is no problem with this game. If there is any problem, I will be responsible for those who hang my level 20 fan card or above, okay? Also, I said I am "Doomsday" "Havoc" fans, I won't play "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds" if I don't want to play it."

During the period of barrage and barrage, the game countdown returns to zero.

"I'm coming!"

Saying that, he started the game.

Instructions for playing, the game LOGO, Fantasy Studio and Game Box LOGOs appear in sequence.

Thrilling and tense music played, a thick concrete gate appeared on the screen, and a city could be seen in the distance.

"Okay, let's start the game and take a look at the CG first."

With that said, he clicked the left button of the mouse, then leaned back, planning to light a cigarette.

However, there was no black screen and no CG. It jumped directly to the face pinching page.

Suzaku was stunned, holding a cigarette in his mouth and smiled: "There is no CG, that's right. Good steel is used on the blade. Doing CG when you have nothing to do will not affect the quality of the game. The gameplay is the most important."

I just didn't express my doubts in my heart. Why is this face-squeezing interface different from the one in the trailer?

Ignoring the ridicule on the barrage about the lack of CG, I started to make fun of myself.

I pinched a girl I thought was pretty good, entered the name Suzaku, and entered the game.

Only the accident happened again.

The server groups in the Americas, Europe, and Asia-Pacific regions are empty.

No server accessible!


Suzaku was a little confused. In official terms, this is an MMO. You must be online to play. You cannot enter the game without a server.

"I was careless and didn't turn on the accelerator. Look at my memory."

Exit the game, speed up, and re-enter.

The accident happened again.

Need to reshape my face.

The corner of Suzaku's mouth twitched and he said quickly: "It seems that the first save point is in the game. This is normal."

But many players are not happy to hear this.

[Which MMO do you play that will lose character information when you create a character and exit? 】

[This UI is so cheap. Aren’t these all free materials? 】

[Mo Xiaozi is not done yet, is he? If you don’t want to watch, you can leave]

Finish pinching your face again and enter the game again.

However, there is still no server!

What's going on? !

Suzaku was already a little angry. He started and closed the game over and over again, but to no avail.

As a last resort, I had to change the accelerator.

But, it still didn't work.

If this one doesn't work, just try another one. It doesn't take much trouble to download anyway.

Three, four, five, six.

I have tried all the accelerators that can be seen on the homepage of the search engine, but I still can't get into the game.

On the contrary, several web game advertisements popped out of the window, and a bird wallpaper and the 2345 browser popped up inexplicably on the desktop.

At this time, the barrage environment is actually getting better.

Because the fans were silent and everyone was busy laughing and had no time to post comments.

A full hour passed, and when I switched back to the original server, I finally saw the server.

"Damn it! I can finally play the game, sir. Is it so difficult?"

【ohhhhhhhh! 】

【we are the champion! 】

Suzaku resisted the urge to curse and stared at the game screen.

At the beginning of the scene, it was all white, and someone was calling the protagonist's name.

Then the light faded, and a person appeared in front of him. It turned out to be a doctor examining the fainted protagonist.

"Hey, can you hear me? My pupils are reactive and my hearing is normal. How do you feel?"

Before the live broadcast, he had already made a lot of preparations.

For example, how to blow up the characters, how to blow up the picture, and how to make it round if it is not satisfactory.

But when I actually entered the game and saw the NPC in front of me, I was still silent and couldn't say a word.

Is this really an old game from ten years ago?

you sure?

The beard and hair are like a stone, the eyes are completely dull, and the head is like an egg.

Faced with the barrage's doubts, he could only explain in a far-fetched way: "The picture is almost the same. The gameplay is the most important thing about the game. Moreover, it is dubbed in Chinese, which is a bonus!"

Open the door and walk out of the infirmary.

Music started, a female voice sang, and the slow guitar sound was accompanied by a gentle voice.

Warm reminder in the upper left corner: Welcome to Raspberry Town.

A real-time calculation animation is played.

The tree in the center of the hall leads directly to the ceiling, and NPCs stand in a conspicuous place waiting for players.

Weapons store, string lights surround what looks like a gun.

After finally finding a place where he could blow, Suzaku said quickly: "Look, the atmosphere is so good! Raspberry Town, my hometown!"

But the next second, something went wrong again.

There is nothing to say if the real-time calculation can include players.

But in front of the NPC in the weapons store, countless players walked past, and the moment they interacted, they all overlapped.

【? ? ? ? ? ? ? 】

【Ha ha ha ha! Are there all conjoined twins in your hometown? 】

[Holy shit, I’ve played so many games, this is the first time I’ve seen such a shocking scene]

Suzaku also opened his mouth wide and didn't know how to wash it for a moment, because in the next scene, the player can also be seen in front of the leader who accepts the mission.

They are also conjoined twins.

"Ahem, although there are some minor bugs. However, the atmosphere is still well managed." Suzaku said far-fetched, "Don't you already know the functions of Raspberry Town at a glance?"

I finally regained control of my character and was about to go do the task, but just after I took a few steps, I couldn't move for some reason.

Another BUG? ?

After taking a few steps back and taking a closer look, I saw an apple floating in the air!


Suzaku almost couldn't hold back the curse. There were too many bugs, right?

Looking at the barrage again, I haven’t stopped laughing from just now until now.

Although the popularity has increased, the method seems to be different from what was expected.

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