"Ahem, the small workshop game is in the EA stage again. Please understand, which game can have no bugs? Let's finish this three-hour battle and then talk about the quality of the game."

[Oh, I’m not here to watch the game, I just want to see how well you can wash it]

[Wori, I originally planned to play the game first, but luckily it didn’t start. I want a refund]

[Is this really a new game this year? ? 】

He ran all the way to the NPC to accept the task, and the moment he pressed the interaction button, he became part of the conjoined twins.

In the face of so many problems before, the NPC could only open and close its mouth, and the expressionless stick reading could be completely ignored.

There were originally some players who were interested in the game because of the Chinese dubbing, but they all disappeared at this time.

Then receive a free gun for newbies and modify and upgrade it.

It's just that players have been spoiled by the complete set of modification actions when upgrading guns in Biochemical 4.

I just can't get used to seeing the installation accessories being installed and dismantled every second.

I always feel like I'm cutting corners.

I thought that the so-called three-hour exciting plot battle could be more exciting.

Unexpectedly, it was just a simple running mission.

Go here and get something, go there and listen to the teaching.

It's even worse than many turn-based games!

After half an hour of such a sleepy process, I got the GPS tablet for guidance and the game finally started.

"Brothers, let us breathe the free and fresh air outside Raspberry Town."

Before I could finish a sentence, the slap in the face came again.

The character opened the door when leaving Raspberry Town. The character walked out, but his backpack and clothes remained motionless, floating in the air.

Just walked out naked!

Suzaku only felt a moment of weakness, forget it, no more explanation, let the barrage laugh.

The game officially begins.

Enter the area of ​​searching and fighting. According to the game, this is a borderless land where you can search for valuable goods and kill other players to steal goods.

It is also the most exciting area of ​​the demo.

But in the end, players need to go to the evacuation point to leave. Without evacuation, everything is possible.

You may be killed by some players at any time.

"Okay, brothers, no kidding. The exciting time has come! Look how great this city is! I ask you which game can compare to this city scenery?"

Looking at the nice street scene in front of him, Suzaku admired.

This is quite true.

Messy streets, towering skyscrapers, abandoned cars on the roadside, and garbage everywhere.

It looks quite doomsday.

There is indeed no such a large city that can be explored in the games currently available to players.

[The scenery is pretty good, but I won’t comment on it until I see the next bug]

[My face doesn’t hurt enough? 】

"Let's find a building to search first. The guns and bullets provided are too few."

Then, he walked towards the house on the roadside.

Press E, no response.

F, no response.

G, no response.

Space, no response.


The slap in the face came again.

"Ahem, well, it's normal that this house can't be entered. After all, how can there really be as many indoors as advertised?"

What he said was true, but in fact he was already holding back his anger.

If a small anchor wants to rise, one way is to tie his name to a game and bet that the game will become popular.

But why did you choose to bet on this garbage? !

What did you think at first?

No matter how bad Lin Mo's game is, it won't be this bad! Might as well bet on PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds!

I already felt a little regretful.

Even though the gaming experience was already so bad, I didn’t expect that the torture had just begun.

After just taking a few steps, the game started to experience serious framerate freezes.

The frame number in the upper left corner shows only 20 frames!

I thought about adjusting the picture quality, but I was dumbfounded when I opened the settings.

There is no one-button adjustment for high, medium and low, you can only adjust it manually one by one!

Okay, bear with it.

Try lowering the image quality one level.

It works, the frame rate skyrocketed by 20% to 24 frames.

Adjust the game from 4K to 2K, 26 frames.

1080P, all special effects, 30 frames.

720P, all low.

When I return to the game from settings, it has become a mosaic and looks like a game from thirty years ago.

However, the frame rate is still only 37 frames!

Suzaku felt that the blood vessels on his forehead were hopping, and he had the urge to smash the table, and his temper could no longer be suppressed.

This time, I really don’t know how to wash it.

There is a feeling of powerlessness all over my body.

[This TM is not optimized, it is not optimized at all, right? 】

[laughing to death. Doesn’t it mean that the possibility of 9% is worse? It’s really only 9%, right? 】

[Electronic pet, wash it quickly! It’s boring to look at it if you don’t wash it! 】

"I'm not washing, how can I wash?" Suzaku said weakly, while trying to control the character to jump up the steps to see if he could search the backpack placed there, "I'm just, I'm just... eh?"

I jumped a little but didn't go up.

Jump again, still not up.

There was an unknown premonition in my heart.

He hurriedly controlled the character to take a few steps back, and jumped before he could go up.

I tried going to the car again, but still couldn't get in.

"This damn thing doesn't have a climbing system, it can only jump?! Damn it, the protagonist has polio! Doesn't an action-adventure game have a climbing system?"

After being tortured for more than half an hour, Suzaku finally couldn't hold back the curse.

Then the camera went dark, and the sound of lighting and smoking could be heard.

Some people live in Bengbu.

[Originally I was a Mormon believer, but now I admit that this game is really good. Just watching others play it brings endless joy! 】

[Awesome, this thing can’t even be called a game, can it? No climbing system? 】

[Lin Mo does not represent the highest level, after all, there is no climbing system in his games (funny)]

Finished a cigarette.

When the game started again, Suzaku's face darkened visibly, and he continued to play while muttering "Don't be angry, don't be angry."

At this time, fans of "Doomsday Catastrophe" did not dare to say anything.

Not only is the screen stuck, the mission point is quite far from the spawn point, so you have to run across it on two legs.

Moreover, the game does not have a mini map! No compass!

If you want to see the map, you need to use the distributed GPS. You need to squat down and take out the GPS.

After confirming the position, you need to take back the GPS if you want to move.

This means that to take two steps, you have to squat down to look at the map, and then stand up and walk again.

Making the journey to your destination extremely difficult.

Not to mention there are other players here.

While looking at the map one by one, I happened to pass by a player and took this opportunity to shoot directly!

Finally, we almost reached our destination and died! Everything on me is gone!

"Don't be angry, don't be angry with your sister! Stupid settings, can't you make a more convenient mini-map?!"

After walking out of Raspberry Town again and running for another ten minutes, Suzaku suddenly remembered.

"Wait a minute, isn't this a post-apocalyptic survival MMO? Where are the monsters? Why is this city so empty? What about the monsters? A shopping simulator?"

[I beg you, please stop talking, I’m dying of laughter]

[Lin Mo lost completely. He didn’t expect that he would be robbed of popularity by this kind of game]

After finally encountering a monster, Suzaku immediately became excited, thinking that this time he could finally brag about the game's combat system.

As a result, aim and shoot.

He was shot in the head three times, but he didn't die!

Moreover, after each shot is fired, there is a delay of one full second before the monster receives feedback on being hit.

Every shot has it.

After the fifth shot to the head, the monster finally died.

I wanted to go up and touch the body, but it was empty!

There is nothing on the ground!

"Don't drop bullets?! I'm your brother! What kind of mentally retarded monster can't die after five shots?! You put the damn thing on your head to block the bullets!!"

Go back to resupply bullets?

The journey is too long.

I can only grit my teeth and continue.

Along the way, there were several more battles, and the number of bullets decreased rapidly.

Encountered another monster, the last bullet was empty, but the monster still did not fall to the ground.

"Hey, come on, fight with the bayonet!" Suzaku was about to rush forward and kill you to the death, but suddenly realized a problem, "Wait a minute, which button is the melee attack button in this game?"

In order to enter the house just now, all the keys were pressed once.

Not a single melee attack was fired!

In panic, I could only run.

I thought I would just run past this place, but I never expected it.

They were all lost. It had been three minutes since they ran out, and the monster was still chasing after them!

He just chased him to the end of the world.

Once you enter a battle, you can't get out of it!

In the end, there was no choice but to die once.

"Zhao! You idiot, which key is the melee combat key?!"

Suzaku suppressed his anger and opened the key settings to search.

However, among the few keys, there is no melee button setting.

Seeing this scene, his mouth opened wide and his eyes widened, looking incredible.

"Doomsday survival MMO, no melee system?!"

[Brother, please, don’t make me laugh. I can’t help it anymore]

[Young people should have their own electronic pets, right? Little Queque? 】

[It’s so bad, refreshing and refined. How could you make such a bad game? 】

[We agreed to play for a month, let me continue playing! 】

Out of Raspberry Town again.

This time, after all the hard work, I arrived at the mission point, only to find something disgusting.

There is actually no detailed mission guide in the game.

Want to do a quest to find something? You need to rummage one by one in a huge range.

By the time he endured nausea and bugs to find the mission items and returned to the extraction point, three hours had passed.

At this point, I really don’t want to say a word.


Wash the chicken.

There is no hope, just wait for death.

[666, this is what a three-hour plot battle means, right? gain knowledge】

[30% possibility is a masterpiece, 40% possibility is average, 20% possibility is barely satisfactory, 9% possibility is poor, now you have met the 1%, right? Have you encountered cyber fraud? 】

[Is this a game? Even semi-finished products don’t count! scam! 】

Amid the discussion on the barrage, Suzaku walked to the evacuation point in confusion and long pressed F to interact.

Finally able to escape the sea of ​​suffering.

But how can it be that simple?

The next second, the screen went black.

An error box full of English letters pops up.

Suzaku instantly slumped backwards on the chair, feeling a chill in his heart and having an ominous premonition in his heart.

Reminds me of the previous experience of losing gear.

Click to log in to the game with trembling hands.

Then the face pinching interface popped up again.


"Where do I save it?"

"I'm asking you where I'm saving the file!!! Zhou Wei, you big idiot, I'm saving the file!!!"

"Nah, even the entry and exit points are disconnected and blocked?!"

"Fuck you stupid game!"

"I said, why is it called Raspberry Town? There is no town, right?! Damn, it's gone!?"

"I heard that Fantasy Studio and Zhou Wei, no, no, no!"

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