Lin Mo was thinking about which game to use to complete the task on the way to the lecture venue.

If awards were awarded based on honors achieved, the highest honor in the world would undoubtedly be the WGA Game Awards.

There are many game types that have declined.

If in the previous life.

For example, there are fighting games like King of Fighters and Street Fighter, scrolling shooting action games like Contra and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, STG games like Raiden and Fury, and even platform jumping games, etc.

It may be difficult to win WGA in a single game type.

But what if the above classic elements are refined and appear in a game as new elements for each level for players to experience?

A name came to Lin Mo's mind - "Two People Go Together".

The level design is wonderful and clever, full of fun, and there are many mixed elements without feeling bloated at all.

It is a game that brings out the best in everyone.

It doesn't seem impossible.

It's just that in Naughty Cat now, Du Rui is almost too busy. Not only is he leading the development of the Ada DLC, but he also needs help with other projects.

Lin Mo himself wanted to have an overview of the overall situation, and there were not enough manpower.

Where can I hire a level designer who is accomplished and experienced in level design to be my assistant?

It’s difficult.

While thinking about it, when I walked to the new lecture venue, it was still crowded with people, and all the seats were occupied.

Lin Mo could only stand in the last row and listen.

The speech on stage has just begun.

The speaker is Wang Yi, 29 years old, a rare female game producer in the industry.

Lin Mo has also been familiar with her work, which is famous for its difficulty and often tortures players to the point of death.

The representative work is the game "Dark Cage" which was released around the same time as "Long 4 Dead" in December last year.

Player reviews are very good, and it is a strong contender for the Best and Best Action-Adventure Game of the Year awards.

So her speech was about the difficulty of the game.

".In the current gaming environment.

The industry has been moving towards lightweighting for some time and has indeed achieved some success. The industry seems to have forgotten, what is the most important emotional value that game designers provide to players?

Sense of accomplishment!

So let’s start today’s topic”

Lin Mo nodded subconsciously as he listened.

A sense of accomplishment.

This is similar to the design of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and it is also a "blind spot" that designers in this world know.

Everyone knows the importance, but no one uses the theory well.

However, Wang Yi's concept still needs to be improved, because judging from her works, some are difficult for the sake of difficulty, and some limit the subjective initiative of players.

The works have sold well and have many fans around the world.

It just so happened that the company she worked for was located in the Lighthouse Country, and it was also a professional company that made action games.

The two sides hit it off immediately.

Not long after, the speech ended and the communication session began.

Many gamers raised their own questions, and she responded calmly.

But anyone with a clear eye can tell that some aspects are far-fetched and the theory is just being established and has not been tested by the market.

When the audience was over, Lin Mo was still thinking about where to recruit soldiers for the naughty cat and walked to the bathroom.

When I came out, I saw two people arguing not far away.

One of them is Wang Yi who just gave a speech.

Lin Mo recognized the other one at a glance. One was Wang Zhicheng, a middle-aged designer who was dubbed an "artist" and entered the game industry at a young age.

His representative work is called "Chasing the Sun". As the name suggests, it is a game adapted from the Chinese classical myth Kuafu Zhuri. It is a side-scrolling game from ten years ago.

It uses an art form similar to that of shadow puppetry, paired with a soundtrack of traditional Chinese musical instruments. It is a game whose artistry is far greater than its commerciality and gameplay.

But it was also a poorly received game and was not commercially successful.

This is also a common problem in Wang Zhicheng’s works.

Even with its many shortcomings, it is an indispensable example of game design courses in this world.

When talking about the artistry of games, it is often used as an example.

He was even nominated for the best of the year award at the WGA, but unfortunately he failed to win the award in the end.

Looking in front of me again, are these two father and daughter?

At first the argument was about family matters, but somehow it turned to game design.

"Dad, your health is not good, and you are not young anymore. Don't think about making those old games and competing for honors in the gaming industry, okay? Can't you stay at home to take care of yourself? "Chasing the Sun" has failed. You have to face reality. ah."

""Chasing the Sun" did not fail, and why is it that the game I made is an old game? Just let me take care of myself. If you get married and give me a grandson, I will retire."

"Really, I already told you that I have to be busy with my career. Why do you keep urging me to get married?"

As a result of the chat, naturally no one convinced anyone.

Wang Zhicheng watched his daughter leave and wanted to persuade her to stay, but he could only smile bitterly and walked to the smoking area with a sigh.

I wanted to smoke a cigarette, but realized I didn't have a lighter.

"Young man, are you on fire? Wait, Lin Mo?" Wang Zhicheng put the cigarette back into the cigarette case and said hello with some surprise, "I listened to your lecture and it was very enlightening. With a gamer like you, It’s the luck of Chinese players.”

As he spoke, he also made a joke: "My daughter is your fan, I have to get her an autograph."

Lin Mo didn't answer immediately. He glanced at Wang Yi's back before he left and asked, "Mr. Wang, don't you need to go?"

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter. My daughter is older and it is normal for her to disagree with my old-fashioned thinking." Wang Zhicheng said he didn't care, but the expression on his face was still a little depressed.

Lin Mo shook his head and said seriously: "No, I think your game design ideas are not old-fashioned. Classic game forms still have huge potential."

"Oh? You think so too? Whether it's side-scrolling games or platform jumping games, they are not outdated. It's just that there is a lack of a new bottle to bring this classic old wine back into the public eye."

"My daughter-in-law's speech on the difficulty of the game was also very exciting. Some of her ideas were a bit off, but there is hope for the future."

"My daughter is much better than me. I think he will be very happy to be recognized by you as the winner of the best game of the year."

Although there was some quarrel just now, his words were still full of pride for his daughter.

The two of them chatted with each other.

From the conversation, Lin Mo unexpectedly discovered that Wang Zhicheng's game concept is not outdated.

It's just that he has always been obsessed with bringing advanced design concepts to those increasingly declining game types.

This resulted in poor performance of the work.

From talking about the level design of "Plants vs. Zombies" in "Chasing the Sun" back then, to the content in the "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds" lecture.

Lin Mo suddenly had an outrageous idea. Both father and daughter were of good quality. Wang Yi already had a job and was far away in Lighthouse Country, so he couldn't get here.

But from the chat just now, I learned that Wang Zhicheng has not yet formed a team, and is still soliciting investment everywhere.

Do you want to invite this old gentleman to join Naughty Cat?

We just happen to be short of manpower right now.

Finally, we talked about Fantasy Studio’s cyber scam.

"These two liars!" Wang Zhicheng said with a trace of anger on his face, "They have completely destroyed the already fragile trust between players and manufacturers! Now it's difficult to attract investment!"

Lin Mo also nodded, clearly feeling that after "Doomsday", players' enthusiasm for pre-ordering and early access games has dropped a lot.

"But I believe these two liars will be punished."

Wang Zhicheng smiled bitterly and said: "How can it be so easy? These two people don't know where they are yet. They will cause harm to us for thousands of years."

"Believe me, it will happen."

"They are not the Dawei you sent to step on the sewing machine. If you can punish these two liars, you will be impressed by your energy."

Dawei is because of his gambling behavior on the unboxing website, which has nothing to do with me.

Adding something in his mind, Lin Mo suddenly suggested: "Old sir, do you want to make a bet? I bet these two liars will be punished."

"Oh?" Wang Zhicheng raised his eyebrows, "Where's the bet?"

"If I win, how about you join Naughty Cat and collaborate on a game? The release date is at the end of November."

"Haha, that won't work. I have my own plan." Wang Zhicheng smiled and rejected the proposal.

Lin Mo didn't feel any regret. He took out a business card and handed it over, and said at the same time: "Don't you want to see how this old wine in a new bottle will shine on the WGA stage?"

Wang Zhicheng was obviously moved by these words for a moment.

Looking at the young designer in front of him who has written his name into game history in just one year, this may be the closest and best chance he has to the best of the year.

But with Naughty Cat, you can't make the game exactly how you want it.

It's a dilemma.

Can you let the young man in front of you help you with the game you plan to play?

"So Mr. Lin, what if those two liars didn't get retribution?" Wang Zhicheng asked, "You join?"

Before he could finish, Lin Mo interrupted with a smile: "You know. There is Naughty Cat behind me. I cannot and will not join other people's studios and make other people's games."

"Haha, I'm overthinking it, old man." Wang Zhicheng accepted the reality calmly, "In this case, I will accept this bet! If the two liars receive retribution within a week, it will be God who asked me to join. Your invitation , there are really not many people who can refuse it cruelly.”

Lin Mo also had a smile on his face, and the two held hands tightly.

"It's a deal!"

Lighthouse country.

Edward frowned and thought carefully.

The door opened and closed, and Aisen walked into the hotel room yawning.

"Why did you suddenly call me here? What's your plan?"

"I still think investing in the virtual assets of the Metaverse is a good project, what do you think?"

Eisen was stunned, picked up the mineral water on the table and took a big sip to clear his mind.

"Decided? I don't know anything about this. Is it reliable?"

"Reliable!" Edward said firmly, "Believe me, the day the Metaverse is truly realized, these virtual assets will skyrocket countless times. By then, we will really have no worries about food and clothing."

"But now the price of a painting and an apartment for virtual assets is simply ridiculously high! Are you sure this is the so-called outlet?" Eisen swallowed what he said after seeing his friend's firm eyes.

"Okay, I believe you. There are so many platforms in the metaverse, which one should you choose? Meta?"

"No, our goal is..."

Listening to my friends talk about several metaverse platforms that I have never heard of before.

Eisen was even more confused.

Is this really reliable?

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