The next ten days were uneventful.

It's almost October.

"Hey, damn liar."

When Wang Zhicheng returned home, there was no one except his wife.

Daughter Wang Yi returned to China on this trip to be invited to participate in a game exchange meeting and to visit her parents.

At this time, I have returned to the Lighthouse Country and am very busy with the new game.

Sighing, he slumped down on the sofa.

Since the "Doomsday" incident, other companies except Naughty Cat have been more or less affected by a crisis of trust.

Early beta versions of many promising games have been met with lukewarm reception.

It has also indirectly affected many investors’ confidence in the gaming industry.

No, the investors involved with Fantasy Studio and the game box are all miserable.

He has been desperately trying to attract investment in the past month, but unfortunately he has achieved little success.

His works have always had the problem of being well-received but not popular. The quality is obviously not bad, but few of them can recover the cost.

It was even called "sales poison" by netizens who joked about it.

There has been a crisis of trust since "Doomsday", and players have expressed that they want to wait until the game is released to see the quality before buying it.

The games released throughout September and October were filled with complaints, and these two black sheep were hated with itch.

It seems that Lin Mo said that these two liars will be punished, and there is no chance.

After carefully thinking about his career experience, Wang Zhicheng felt a little confused and even unsure of himself.

Is it really like what my daughter said, that all the things I make are unpopular antiques?

Do you want to collaborate with Lin Mo once?

The pioneers are the teachers. If you follow Lin Mo and you can really make a comeback, as long as you are liked by the players, you will have a sales volume of 500,000 copies.

Even if he doesn't win the best of the year, he can prove to his daughter that his ideas are not outdated, and he can retire with peace of mind.

He rubbed his temples and took out his cell phone.

The first piece of news that pops up above is the reform measures of the game box.

Reduce the commission to 30%, cancel the bidding recommendation position, and change the game refund policy to refund within 2 hours within 15 days.

The most important thing is to open a special refund channel for "Doomsday".

As long as the game duration is within 4 hours, you will be refunded unconditionally.

The players who were deceived were naturally happy and overjoyed.

No one can play this kind of mentally retarded game for more than 4 hours, and most people can receive refunds.

But oddly enough, they didn't thank the game box for its generosity.

[Thanks to the origin platform! Force these profiteers to give in! 】

[The value of Mogo’s slogan to rectify the gaming industry is still rising]

[If everyone is like Naughty Cat, can the gaming industry be so bad? It’s not that CSGO’s anti-cheating system is so good, and now I have to play with the motherless cheating dog]

The vitality of Game Box has been greatly damaged in this wave. It has lost its reputation and money. It is extremely miserable.

The interests of the infringed players have been restored to a certain extent.

These players posted screenshots of their refunds to show their gratitude to Lin Mo.

Wang Zhicheng was a little envious for a moment. Lin Mo's reputation among players was really ridiculously high.

What I just thought is still biased. It’s not that players don’t trust game companies, but that they don’t trust game companies other than Naughty Cat.

This kind of trust has been accumulated bit by bit through multiple high-quality games and full sincerity.

Then, another piece of news came into view.

[Scam or trap? Yuanverse virtual assets plummeted! Scammers are in power and there are countless victims! 】

As a gamer, he always feels that the Metaverse is just a castle in the air.

The Metaverse may be the future, but it is definitely not the present.

He has also been trying to persuade those around him who have thoughts about this "wind outlet" to calm down, but many people still can't hold it back.

One invests the wedding money, the other invests the retirement money.

Click in and take a closer look. The blogger first elaborated on his point of view, and then posted some scenes of people in the Lighthouse Country being tricked by the Metaverse scam gathering and marching.

These people were all investors in a small Metaverse platform, but their investments were obviously defrauded.

How many people lost their money?

Shaking his head, he was about to close the video when he saw two familiar faces in the video.

The two cried to reporters about their experiences of being deceived.

Everyone was reduced to tears, their faces were covered with runny noses and tears. They were no longer angry, but looked a little desperate looking at their expressions.

Wait, these two people?

Take screenshots and compare them with other information you can find online.

"Aren't these two swindlers Edward and Aisen?! They invested the money they defrauded, only to be deceived instead?"

Looking at the subtitles of the interview, the two are accusing the Yuanverse platform of trying to make a big deal out of it, gradually increasing investment with various small profit inducements, and then running away with the money.

And to make it clear, those who were deceived were left bankrupt and almost penniless.

I once stayed in a luxury hotel, but when I couldn't get my money back, I had to sleep on the streets.

These two people are from Mao.

as a result of

Wang Zhicheng was stunned for a while. What kind of weird plot is this?

Heaven's way is easy to reincarnate, no one will be spared by heaven.


Deserve it!

You damn liar, just losing your entire family and being penniless will give you an advantage.

Many people also recognized the identities of these two people.

[Holy shit, those two from Fantasy Studio? ! Is he also a good person? Scammed? Deserve it! ! 】

[The game box has finally opened a special refund channel. Because my game has been idle for too long, MD, I’m so angry. You two deserve to die! 】

【Everyone is celebrating! ! Go buy firecrackers now! 】

[Wori, Lin Mo is the Cyber ​​Death God? Who will be beaten? Dawei stepped on the sewing machine, the game box went cold, and the liar went bankrupt! 】

This thing fermented quickly.

It didn’t take long for everyone in the gaming circle to know about it.

on Weibo.

@Xingyou Interactive Entertainment: Xingyou Interactive Entertainment has always been focused on player experience. We have always believed that game companies should be down-to-earth and avoid fraud. Our company is determined not to kidnap players and compete in unfair ways, and encourages and promotes healthy competition and common progress.

This statement made many players happy.

[[Afraid.jpg] Statement to ensure safety, right? As long as I behave, Lin Mo will not use the law of cause and effect weapon]

[Laughing so hard, is your butt so upright now? I still like your unruly look before]

[I watched the sky at night and found that there is a lot of news about the release date of the Naughty Cat game! In fact, he is using metaphysical methods to reverse the destiny, seize Zhonghai City's dragon vein luck, and then curse his competitors to achieve his own sinister intentions]

[It must have been done by the naughty cat! 】

Wang Zhicheng shook his head helplessly.

At present, it seems that Naughty Cat is the only company in China with large-scale revenue that can stabilize Naughty Cat, but its reputation is really unmatched by anyone.

Is this God's will?

God thinks it's time to hug Lin Mo's thigh?

In this case, let's do what God wants.

Just in time to see what kind of genius this popular game designer is.

It should be impossible to win the best film of the year, but at least it can be much better than the original "Chasing the Sun", right?

Xiang walked into the study and took out a well-kept business card from the drawer.

Called the number above.

More than an hour later.

Wang Zhicheng received Lin Mo's welcome and affirmative reply. He drove directly to Naughty Cat's office building.

In the elevator, I deliberately looked in the mirror on the reflective surface to make sure there was nothing disrespectful about my image.

This industry is for hugging people, not for communication between peers.

The most basic image issues cannot be ignored.

At this time, Lin Mo was still attending the game exchange meeting on the last day. He had just finished his speech and was on his way back, which was about half an hour away.

So it was Zuo Xuming who entertained him.

"Thank you, Teacher Wang. I have admired your name for a long time. You are the idol of many Chinese gamers."

"I'm serious. If Mr. Lin doesn't mind that this old man is getting in the way, I will be your deputy from now on."

"No matter what, I still want to learn more from Teacher Wang."

The two exchanged pleasantries and business talk for a while, and then began to visit the interior of Naughty Cat.

Zuo Xuming was in front, introducing and leading the way.

Wang Zhicheng is behind, carefully observing the work place in the next year or even years.

I heard that when Naughty Cat was founded, there were only about 20 people. After expansion, it has grown to a large scale.

"This is the tea room. If you want to drink coffee, you can make it yourself. If you want to drink tea, you have to bring your own. There are also tables. Card playing is allowed but no gambling."

"This is the entertainment room. Most of the popular games and consoles on the market are available. You can play casually without affecting your work."

"This is the honor room, which contains the trophies the company has received."

So big?

Wang Zhicheng was a little surprised. Do you need such a big honor room in a place where every inch of land is at a premium?

At this point, he couldn't help but want to go in and take a look, and Zuo Xuming readily agreed.

Just this look makes it even more sour.

I found out in the news or short videos what awards Naughty Cat had won, but I didn’t have a real sense of it because I didn’t see the trophy.

Now that I see it with my own eyes, I am shocked.

As of now, the company is just over a year old.

But there are a lot of trophies.

It fills a whole wall!

Although the gap between the trophies is a bit big, it is still a wall!

Wang Zhicheng can't help but feel a little envious and jealous. He has been making games all his life, from the pixel era to now.

All the trophies I got were less than half of this wall.

Comparing nearly thirty years to one year, there is no comparison!

I can't help but feel a little uncomfortable in my heart.

But considering that person is Lin Mo, okay, I understand.

There is only one such talented producer in the world.


Wang Zhicheng pointed to the most conspicuous middle row and asked: "Why is there such a lonely place in the center of the best place? Why not put other trophies?"

Zuo Xuming took a look and said: "Well, we also proposed at the beginning to put all the heavyweight trophies in the most conspicuous places. But Mr. Lin said that it is boring to display other trophies. These places are reserved for the year's best winners in the future. Best trophy.”

Wang Zhicheng had a dark look on his face.

Okay, just pretend I didn’t ask.

Next time, please don't answer these questions.

It’s so heartbreaking!

One Best of the Year isn't enough, how many more do you want? !

the second?

The gaming industry has never had this kind of precedent until now!

But then I thought about it, my first game won the best game of the year.

He is also a genius designer recognized by the world. In his long career, maybe he can get the second one?

If you think about it this way, you can understand.

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