After a brief visit to Naughty Cat, I gained a deeper understanding of this legendary company.

Consistent with his impression, the internal atmosphere of this company is very good.

There is no repressive atmosphere like many game companies. It is very young and energetic.

Everyone has their favorite character figurines on their workstations, and many people’s wallpapers are two-dimensional beautiful girls.

There are also some people who go to the tea room together when they are tired and discuss work while drinking coffee.

"This is the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds project team, this is the Biochemical series project team, and this is the "Two People" project team."

"Two people go together"?

It doesn't look like a small project. There are several people busy modeling it. It should be a large-scale game.

And looking at the progress, it should have been several months.

Wang Zhicheng had a general guess in his mind.

In the chat on the first day of meeting, he said that he was invited to join a newly established game project team.

It has just been established, so it should not be the project team of "Two People" that has obviously been in production for several months.

It is also said that the game is expected to be released before the end of November.

It should be to make a small experimental game, and then use the experience and player feedback into the current work of "Two People".

Not surprisingly, this game is Naughty Cat’s project that plans to compete for WGA awards next year or the year after.

Next, we may face the situation of several projects being launched at the same time.

"Two People Go Together" and a small experimental game that he will soon participate in.

There are even CSGO Operations and PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds Season 1 passes.

Watch the game engine used by employees. I couldn't help but ask: "What game engine are you using? I have come across most commercial engines on the market, and these seem to be none of them?"

"Oh, this is Naughty Cat's self-developed Magic Engine version 1.1, which is not authorized for commercial use."

It turns out to be a self-developed engine, so no wonder I haven’t seen it before.


"What the hell? Self-research?!"

Wang Zhicheng took a breath, what did I hear?

This is no small project.

Has your technical ability reached this level?

Upon hearing this, Zuo Xuming nodded naturally: "Of course, how else could Naughty Cat be so efficient? Of course, all of this is inseparable from Mr. Lin."

As he said that, he lowered his head and took out his mobile phone to send a message, and received a reply within a few seconds.

"Mr. Lin agreed, I can show you the basic functions."

With that said, the two of them walked to the workstation.

For a while after that, Wang Zhicheng felt that his jaw was going to be dislocated.

Even if they don’t understand game development, ordinary gamers can see how valuable this thing is.

The capabilities of the game engine itself are already amazing.

From dynamic global illumination, to virtualized geometry, new internal mesh formats and rendering technologies, to jaw-dropping AI auxiliary functions, it truly turns artificial intelligence into intelligence.

It can save a lot of manpower and material resources and time, and it is easier to get started.

Boss, real boss.

If the engine is commercially available, you can make a lot of money from it.

Coupled with the continued popularity of the Origin platform, if someone asks Lin Mo, "Where did you get your money?", they will be able to say proudly.

The wind blows!

You can really make money just by lying down.

There are two artifacts like this that make money while lying down, but they still do not forget their original intention and are on the front line of developing games.

Lin Mo really has the innocent heart of a gamer when he entered the industry.

Just as I was thinking about it, there was a voice from the front desk.

"Mr. Lin, the distinguished guest has arrived and is visiting the company."


Turning around, he saw Lin Mo walking towards here.

"Welcome to Naughty Cat."

There was another exchange of pleasantries and business.

Zuo Xuming still had work to do, so the two of them went to the reception room and chatted while drinking tea.

"Mr. Lin, I really feel old in front of you." Wang Zhicheng sighed with emotion.

Lin Mo took a sip of tea and joked: "You can't say that, I still expect you to help me win the best award of the year again."

"I should be the one to say this."

After thinking about it for a moment, Wang Zhicheng said: "Mr. Lin, I would like to ask first, do you plan to make a small experimental game first? How big will it be? Is it convenient for us to chat?"

"An experimental game?" Lin Mo frowned and asked in confusion, "What game?"

Wang Zhicheng was stunned and asked subconsciously: "You said that the game project team you invited me to join will be produced and released before the end of November. What else can it be besides an experimental game?"

Lin Mo shook his head and said: "Zuo Xuming is really unreliable. I asked him to take you to visit the "Two People Travel" project team, but it seems that he forgot."

"I did visit. Wait." Wang Zhicheng was excited, "Mr. Lin, the new project you said you wanted me to participate in, is that "Two People Go Together"?"

"Have you visited? Yes, it's "A Journey of Two"."

Wang Zhicheng looked confused, and even felt that his brain was running out.

"So, I'm not participating in the production of a small experimental game? But this is a game that has been in the works for several months and is preparing to hit the WGA next year or the year after that?"

Lin Mo only realized after hearing this that the other party had misunderstood.

So he said dumbfounded: "What did I say that I would compete in the WGA Game of the Year next year or the year after?"

Wang Zhicheng asked with a confused look on his face: "You are not going to tell me that you are going to rely on "Two People" to impact this year's WGA, right? How can this be too late? That game has only been in production for a few months, right?"

Lin Mo shook his head again and said helplessly: "Zuo Xuming probably didn't mention it, and I didn't say it took several months to work on "Two People", right?"

Wang Zhicheng swallowed his saliva and thought of the magical engine.

If there are such artifacts, the production time can be greatly shortened.

It seems that it is not impossible.

"Mr. Lin, tell me honestly, when is the development time for this project?"

"On the day after we parted ways at the game exchange meeting, the project was formally established and developed simultaneously ten days ago."

Ten days?

Even though Rao had already mentally prepared himself, he was still a little surprised after hearing this time and took a deep breath.

I can't get over it for a long time.

That progress, ten days?

My head is buzzing.

For a moment, I didn’t know where my emotions were going.

Should you be surprised by the superb performance of the Origin engine?

Or are you shocked by what the talented designer in front of you dares to say and do?

If I were somewhere else, I would just think I met a liar when I heard this.

But if this kind of drunken nonsense actually came from Lin Mo, you have to believe it.

Some even want to ask, are you crazy or am I crazy?

It was a day that really overturned the perception of the industry. It felt like Grandma Liu had entered the Grand View Garden.

Lin Mo spread his hands and said: "I know you don't believe it, but so far, the average time it takes for Naughty Cat to develop a new game is only more than two months."

Wang Zhicheng smiled bitterly and said: "To be honest, I always thought this statement was suspected of hype, but I didn't expect it to be true."

"So, Mr. Wang, what's your decision?"

"Then, I'm counting on Mr. Lin to take me to the WGA awards ceremony again. Mr. Lin can just call me by my name from now on, sir, I'm a student here."

"Maybe at the WGA, you two, father and daughter, can meet."

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