The release date of "Two Together".

Naughty Cat’s new game has, not surprisingly, once again sparked a live streaming craze on the Internet.

The major anchors caught up with each other and played games together, which was full of joy.

But for Qu Jijun, a practitioner in the game industry, he was completely unable to integrate into the atmosphere of the release of masterpieces.

"I'm back."

Walk through the door.

Qu Jijun's voice was no longer as loud and full of energy as before, and seemed a little lacking in confidence.

Little Douding ran out of it with small steps as before, hugging his father's legs and acting coquettishly.

But he had absolutely no interest.

"Lingling, be good and go play by yourself. Dad is tired today."

Xiao Douding's face was a little disappointed, but he still behaved and did not continue to pester.

"Dad, where's mom? I don't want any toys. Please tell mom not to be angry, okay?"

Qu Jijun opened his mouth, but in the end nothing came out, and his nose felt a little sore.

no answer.

The second person who came out of the house was not his wife Liu Yue, but his parents who came from his hometown. They looked at their son with complicated expressions.

At the beginning of the year, Game Box irrationally chose to start a war with Naughty Cat.

As a result, it was beaten by a series of first-party masterpieces.

There are two important turning points in August and September.

There is Fantasy Studio in front of the game box, and refunds to players in the back, coupled with the continued high-quality first-party masterpieces on the Origin platform and the support of third-party game developers.

Finally I couldn't hold it any longer.

What followed was layoffs in September, and he, unfortunately, became one of the laid off workers.

I left the company I had been with for seven years.

Two months have passed and I still haven't found a new job.

With the burden of unemployment on his shoulders, his temper gradually became irritated, and there were countless quarrels at home.

Liu Yue had moved out of her home three days ago and was in the divorce cooling-off period.

In a few days, when the time comes, by following a simple procedure, the marital status in the household registration book will become divorced.

Do you regret it?

The answer is regret.

The marriage is very happy. Liu Yue is a responsible full-time wife. She manages the house in an orderly manner and educates her children well.

It's a pity that he said some outrageous things while he was unemployed, and countless quarrels brought the matter to this point.

Not only did I regret it, I also felt very sorry for Xiao Douding and felt very guilty.

There is even some fear of children’s innocence.

"Dad, where is mom?" "Dad, I will be good and ask mom not to be angry with me, okay?"

Something like that.

Facing his parents, Qu Jijun forced a smile and said first: "I will work for a while. Lingling has worked hard for you during this time."

"It's not hard, that's all."

He lowered his head and returned to the study.

I opened my email and took a look, but I didn't receive any new interview responses.

Another cool day?

He smiled bitterly and instantly lost all energy.

Learn how to fish.

Log in to station B and take a look.

The number one video is a promotional video for a game.

There is no doubt that it is "Two People".

In the past month, he has learned about this new work of Naughty Cat several times from various channels.

Click in and take a look.

In this game, the Naughty Cat logo in the opening title has been changed into a cat made of clay, which matches the theme of the game very well.

The story is not difficult to follow. A couple whose relationship breaks down are transformed into clay figures and puppet figures.

To recover, you have to go through a series of adventures.

"It's a bit like my family's situation. Will I become a villain?" Qu Jijun laughed at himself.

To this day, he still can't believe that Game Box, once a giant in the gaming industry, would be defeated within a year.


Somehow, open the origin platform, purchase, and download.

For this game, one of the two can purchase it, and the player who purchases the game can invite any friends to play together.

There is no cost to invitees.

Although there was no one at home who could play with him, he still downloaded the game on another laptop.

There is also Plants vs. Zombies that my wife Liu Yue played before.

"Really, what are you dreaming about? Please wake up."

Qu Jijun took a deep breath, steeled himself, and was about to continue submitting his resume.

"Mom! Are you back? Mom, please don't leave. I won't be naughty or play games anymore."

Qu Jijun was shocked and quickly walked out of the study.

At the entrance, Liu Yue was standing there.

She squatted down and touched her daughter's head, coaxing her for a while before calming the child who was about to cry.

Approaching the bedroom, passing by the study.

"Are you here to get something?"

There was no expression on Liu Yue's face. Instead, with a polite fake smile, he nodded and said hello to the two old men.

The two old men took the little beans and walked back to the guest room.

Before closing the door, Xiao Douding looked reluctantly at her mother, whom she hadn't seen for a day, and begged: "Mom, don't leave."

"Mom won't leave." Liu Yue looked at her daughter with a smile, and then retracted her smile after the guest bedroom door was closed. "When will you have time? Please complete the final procedures. During this period, your daughter will be taken care of by me. After renting the house and packing it up, pick Lingling over."

Qu Jijun felt a knot in his heart and his face was a little bitter.

I really wanted to say something to persuade her to stay, but I couldn't.

Not long after, Liu Yue packed up her things, hesitated for a while, and said, "Then I'll leave today."

Qu Jijun was anxious and angry, and kept trying to persuade himself.

say something! Save it!

What are you hesitating about?

Seeing Liu Yue walking further and further, he was about to put on his shoes, but he still couldn't say anything.

At this time, a download notification sound came from the study room.



"Well, wait!" Qu Jijun said as if he had found a savior, "Although we are getting divorced, we are not enemies, right? It's already so late, let's have a night's rest before leaving."

Liu Yue paused after hearing the action.

Seeing this, Qu Jijun struck while the iron was hot and said: "Today, Lin Mo's new game "Two People" is released. This is my job and I must understand it. Do you think you are doing me a favor?"

Liu Yue's face was slightly impatient, frowning and thinking about something.

"Just once, just this once, I promise."

"Hey, okay."

With that said, Liu Yue stopped changing his shoes, hung his coat on the hanger, and walked into the study.

There was still a bit of impatience on his face, but his actions had revealed something.

Two computers, one laptop and one desktop.

Liu Yue sat in front of the computer and saw the icon of Plants vs. Zombies at first glance. He chuckled and said, "Do you still have it?"

"Keep it. If I lose your archive, you will blame me again."

Hearing this, Liu Yue sighed faintly and said, "How many times have I been complained about by you? What's so tiring about raising children, what's so tiring about doing housework, why can't I be considerate of you?"

"Let's not talk about this anymore. Let's play some games first."

Games start.

In the opening CG.

The male and female protagonists Cody and May appear, and when they meet, there is a fierce quarrel.

The contents are all trivial matters in life.

The heroine Mei is a strong woman who works to support her family, and the hero Cody is responsible for taking care of the children at home.

Both sides have a lot of complaints about each other.

When talking about his daughter Rose, Cody said bluntly: "Why didn't you tell her that we were getting divorced?"

Little did they know that Rose was quietly watching her parents quarreling from the second floor window.

In her hands were two dolls, a fat clay doll representing Cody and a skinny puppet representing May.

Holding one in each hand, arrange their own drama for the two puppets.

"can we be friends?"

"Be friends forever!"

"I love you Cody."

"I love you too, May."

The two puppets performed a sweet drama in little Rose's heart.

However, there was a hint of loss and sadness on the little girl's face.

There is also reluctance.

The sense of déjà vu in this scene is a bit too strong.

Qu Jijun and Liu Yue fell silent at the same time.

Both of them had a feeling that this little girl named Rose seemed a little like their own daughter.

How are Cody and May's experiences similar to what they both experienced during this time?

It was Liu Yue who broke the silence first and said: "Is it time to choose a role? How to do it? Then I will choose Mei."

Qu Jijun naturally chose Cody.

After selecting your character, the game continues.

No matter how reluctant Little Rose was to let go, the couple's marriage still came to an end.

At the dinner table, Cody took the elephant doll from his daughter and placed it on the table, announcing his decision to divorce.

Little Rose didn't cry or complain. She just hugged her little elephant doll, turned around, and went upstairs.

That expression of forcing myself to be sensible so as not to cause trouble to my parents, and wanting to cry but not daring to cry.

It made the two adults on and off the screen look a little guilty.

However, Rose did not return to her bedroom, but went to the warehouse at home.

Make a wish on a "magic book".

"Dr. Magic Book Hacking, please help me, they have to be together. Dad and Mom, I hope they can get back together."

As he said this, the little girl couldn't stop crying.

Tears fell on the doll.

The next moment, the screen flashed with white light.

The camera then shows the puppets representing Cody and May.

These two dolls actually came to life, and the souls inside them were also these two people!

An adult becomes a palm-sized doll, and for the first time he sees the world from a doll's perspective.

This feeling is very fresh.

After the two got through the initial panic, Dr. Hajin, the magic book, appeared and revealed his purpose.

"Now, I will help you two rekindle your love!"

Naturally, the two of them didn't believe Dr. Ha Jin's words and just thought it was a nightmare.

Then, the character enters a controllable state.

The screen is split into two, and the two people can see each other's operations from their own screens.

Liu Yue laughed at himself: "Can you buy a magic book? This kind of thing can happen in the game."

"Ahem, just do me a favor and have some fun first. After all, even though we are getting divorced, we are not enemies, right? Lingling cannot live without her father or mother."

Liu Yue acquiesced to this statement and began to try to control the character.

It's just that her gaming skills have always been poor, and her character seems a bit stupid.

Qu Jijun was a little worried. The game must not be too difficult!

He understands Liu Yue's game skills and understanding the best.

But then, he felt completely relieved.

The first destination you need to go to is the electric gate.

The game uses the most simple and easy-to-understand method to let players know how to cooperate to pass the level.

The switch fell and the two fuses flew away because of the magic book Dr. Ha Jin.

There was also a fuse that even grew legs and slipped away.

The painting style and story have a fairy tale feel.

If the two want to move forward, they need to retrieve the fuse.

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