Cody and May began their journey to retrieve the fuse in the shrinking fairy tale world.

The couple, whose marriage was about to break up, began to cooperate while complaining about each other.

In the process of retrieving two flying fuses, I learned how to interact.

In the process of chasing the long-legged fuse, I learned how to jump and double jump.

Soon, while practicing the double jump, I encountered the first problem.

It requires the cooperation of multiple keys, and Liu Yue, who is handicapped, has trouble controlling it.

In the game, Mei fell from the sky and fell into darkness.

At the same time, it was accompanied by Cody's somewhat anxious voice: "Hey! May? Are you okay?"

Without waiting for Liu Yue to feel disgusted, the character resurrected very quickly and appeared right where he fell.

Even if the game fails, there won't be much frustration, and the care for the disabled hands is extremely good.

The resurrected Mei also said: "It doesn't matter, it should be."

Of course, this small difficulty could not stop Qu Jijun. He jumped over once and then patiently taught Liu Yue the skills.

"Yes, press the W key at the same time, space, and then space in the air! Yes! Beautiful! Isn't this coming?"

Liu Yue breathed a sigh of relief, controlled the character to move forward, and complained at the same time: "I can't remember the last time you were so patient with me. After getting married, when I played with my children, you thought I was stupid. .”

"I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense."

Perhaps because the relationship between husband and wife has eased slightly, his mood has also improved a lot.

I thought that there would be a lot of difficult game content in the next game.

Unexpectedly, the root of game design is the simplest jumping, squatting and button interaction.

Relying on these two ideas, countless interesting little puzzles were designed.

The two of them need to press the E key on the keyboard together to open the electrical box and move through the wire gap to the other side.

You need to jump up and step down together, turn on the button of the machine, and rely on the rotating machine to reach the target location.

During the rush, there were some slightly difficult places that Liu Yue couldn't jump over, but Qu Jijun controlled Cody to pass them easily.

You can also touch a switch to allow teammates behind you to pass smoothly.

Lin Mo's game is indeed reassuring.

The design concept obviously takes into account the experience of people who don’t often play games.

The plot is explained in an easy-to-understand way, and it is completely text-free, allowing players to learn how to solve the puzzles bit by bit during the game.

The art of the game is also very particular.

Although the basic design is to jump, taking adventure in daily life places from a micro perspective gives people a very novel experience.

I can't wait to see the next scene. What kind of interesting puzzles will arise from the things I see every day?

After a while, it takes two people to work together, jump up and then step down, and push the plug back to the junction box.

After a while you will need to push the chainsaw together to cut the wood in half.

One is a side-scrolling puzzle game, and the other is a very cool movie-style QTE parkour like Biochemical 3.

In a puzzle that harnesses the wind power of a vacuum cleaner.

One of them needs to pick up the pipe, adjust its direction, and launch the other person like a cannonball onto an unreachable high platform.

The person on the high platform touches the switch again to bring up the teammates below.

In another puzzle, one person needs to open the door, send teammates in to turn off the fan, and let the people outside the door come in through the gap of the stopped fan.

When two people match each other, one cannot exist without the other.

Thirty minutes passed unknowingly.

How many exquisite designs have appeared in games during this time?

Only after passing it did I realize that it was interesting.

Qu Jijun secretly glanced at Liu Yue. Although his expression was still expressionless, he no longer looked impatient.

That's good, that's good.

Returning the fuse of the running set, I saw my daughter Screw who was doing her homework obediently.

The two were about to go up and exchange their daughters when Dr. Ha Jin, the magic book, appeared again and stood in front of them.

Cody said dissatisfied: "Get out of the way, I want to talk to my daughter."

It’s just that Dr. Ha Jin didn’t give the two any face at all, and said bluntly: "Your daughter? You say it as if you own her. Ask yourself, can you truly own the person you love?"

There is a line in the game that makes the couple outside the game couldn't help but glance at each other secretly.

The game "Two People Go Together" has a fairy tale-like appearance.

It seems to be discussing a serious topic and telling a story that is very cruel to children.

In the plot, Cody and May need to defeat a vacuum cleaner boss.

In the face of a powerful enemy, the couple whose relationship has broken down in the game are actually still quarreling.

Full of irony.

The following game process surprised Qu Jijun even more.

Bad news, Stitches.

The good news is that it’s all sewn together, and it’s sewn seamlessly, perfectly embedded into the worldview and story.

Each three-minute game flow has a different art style, so you will never get bored.

Each type of two-player puzzle method is used only three times at most, and is presented in different ways.

During a cooperation, Liu Yue made a mistake and killed Qu Jijun.

"Sorry, I didn't hold down the E key."

"It's okay. Huh?"

The two looked at each other again.

Qu Jijun was surprised to find that there was a smile on her face.


Liu Yue quickly put away her smile and warned herself repeatedly in her heart.

This time I'm here to help.

This marriage must be divorced!

More than forty minutes later.

The two finally met the final boss of the trip - the vacuum cleaner.

"And there's a BOSS battle?"

Qu Jijun was a little surprised. The content of this game was completely beyond imagination.

Just like Plants vs. Zombies, it’s like a level designer showing off his skills!

Although you have to fight the BOSS, it also requires the cooperation of two people.

The core mechanism is still to use wind!

One person needs to use the wind from the pipe to suck the bomb away, and the other person needs to use the wind to blow out the bomb and attack the vacuum cleaner.

The mechanism of BOSS is not simple, but the core is still one word - jump!

How can you design so many interesting things with just one jump?

It reminded him of the simple joy of playing games as a child.

Although the mechanism is simple, the designers have worked hard to make the simple mechanism no longer simple and full of fun.

In today's games, the graphics are getting better and better, and the mechanics are getting more and more complex.

I can play a game and read the manual for an hour.

But this game has a different feel.

Pure happiness, pure fun, no bells and whistles, all relying on the basic skills of the designer.

After defeating the vacuum cleaner, a new gameplay is unlocked.

So many interesting mechanisms before the BOSS are completely abandoned.

Instead, there is a more design-rich "nail" and "hammer" design.

Cody can throw nails and then summon them back with a whistle, somewhat like a character's skills in a superhero movie.

It can trigger distant mechanisms and fix the rotating roulette wheel.

Mei holds a hammer and can swing across the abyss by hooking the iron nails. She can smash the glass bottles to get the iron nails, activate the heavy object mechanism, and then fix it with Cody's nails to pass the level.

Brand new mechanism, brand new mechanism, brand new puzzles.

You can't help but play through it bit by bit.

The fun of playing two-player level-breaking games with friends in childhood is back.

"Hey! Throw the nail quickly, I'm going to fall!"

"Come here and help me."

"Can this flashlight be smashed?"

This feeling of cooperation and communication to overcome difficulties is somewhat addictive.

There is even a whack-a-mole confrontation mini-game in the second half of this level.

Cody got into the cardboard box and could choose to come out through the four holes: east, west, north and south.

May is holding a hammer as a whack-a-mole one.

"Slow down, you are so cruel, woman."

"Don't drill so fast, I can't even hit you!"

At this moment, there was an illusion that the relationship between the two couples inside and outside the screen seemed to have improved.

But as the game progresses, some cruel stories begin to appear.

In the game, Cody and May, after going through some adventures, meet their daughter's doll elephant.

The baby elephant also came to life under Dr. Ha Jin's magic and could speak and move.

and expressed his willingness to help the two.

But the couple also learned a cruel thing: touching their daughter's tears can turn her back into a human form.

In order to make their daughter cry, the two made a decision.

Kill the baby elephant.

Ignoring the baby's wails of pain, Cody and May ripped off one of the baby's legs, exposing the cotton inside.

Then, just like being executed, the baby elephant is dragged to the execution ground.

On the way, he tore off the baby elephant's ears again.

Then the baby elephant was pushed into the abyss.

The body is already in pieces.

The two people playing the game in front of the screen looked a little uncomfortable.

Putting it into Cody and May's perspective, it seems reasonable to sacrifice a baby elephant in order to return to a human body.

But when you bring in a child, little Rose is innocent and pitiful.

It even reminded the two of them of the bad memories when they were children, when some of their cherished things were casually destroyed by their parents.

It may be a beloved toy, a favorite book, a puppy that was given away and sold, or a doll that accompanies you in your dreams.

Ironically, seeing their daughter Rose crying so sadly, Cody and May actually cheered with joy.

To celebrate in advance, the two of them can transform back into human bodies.

"Oh my God! Go on baby, let it out!"

"Great, it's tears! Keep crying honey, don't stop!"

Sad Rose and excited parents.

After playing here, Qu Jijun's expression darkened, and he felt angry and guilty.

The sound of Liu Yue sniffing could also be heard in the study.

But what's even more ironic is that after bathing in their daughter's tears, the two of them still didn't return to human bodies.

The same story read by different characters will lead to different experiences.

For Qu Jijun and Liu Yue, their feelings were even more profound.

Involuntarily, I clicked the pause button of the game.

You can vaguely hear the faint cry of your daughter in the bedroom.

At this time, the combination of inside and outside the game pushed the art of satire to its peak.

Liu Yue couldn't bear it anymore, stood up and walked towards the master bedroom.

"Baby, mommy is not leaving today, please don't cry, okay?"

"Mom, I will be good, don't let me go."

Qu Jijun let out a long breath and rubbed his red eyes.

At this time, I have a deeper understanding of the four words Ninth Art.

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