Rather than empathizing with each other, more people feel the fun brought by the game's exquisite two-player cooperation levels.

If you ask players who have played the game what they think of this game.

Most of the answers I got were just two words - fun.

Another year is coming to an end.

Who will take away the crown of WGA's best player this year? This is a hotly discussed topic among players.

The selection range is for games released from December 1st last year to November 30th this year.

Originally, players thought that the best game of the year would be decided between PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, released in August, and World of War and Cage of Darkness, released in December last year.

According to WGA's habit, it likes to award the best games of the year to games that are innovative and contribute to the industry.

Players all believe that there is a high probability that it will be Cage of Darkness, and a small probability that it will be PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds or World of War.

It’s impossible to award WGA awards to multiplayer competitive games for two consecutive years, right?

Unexpectedly, in late November, another game was released, and the award was once again confusing.

Make a trip in pairs.

There can be many reasons why a game is liked.

Maybe it’s because the graphics are good, maybe it’s because the design concept is advanced, maybe it’s because the level design is interesting, maybe it’s because the characters are likeable, maybe it’s because the story is good-looking.

Or maybe both.

Interesting mini-games, complete character arcs, and touching stories.

On the Origin platform, a player named [Unemployed Gamer] gave a comment with more than 1,000 likes.

[I am unfortunate because I encountered the same thing in the game, and my understanding of the story is very profound. I’m also lucky because it indirectly saved my marriage.

Now that I have found a job again, my wife and daughter are my most precious assets and I will never be separated from them again.

If you are not interested in this story, you are also lucky, because you have encountered the most fun game this year.

It is most suitable to laugh and scream wildly with friends and fully experience the beauty and fun of the game.

Maybe this is the charm of the ninth art, everyone can get something different from it. 】

Under this comment, there was also a reply from Naughty Cat’s official account: I wish you happiness.

Of course there are people who are dissatisfied with the game.

[The game has been purchased, may I ask my friend when it will be distributed? 】

[This game is too difficult, one person controls two characters, bad review]

Someone also uploaded a series of videos, which attracted many people to watch.

"Solo Travel!" 》

I just relied on single player control to pass the level!

This makes many players feel burnt on the outside and tender on the inside.

This game has even become a regular game in console video game stores due to word-of-mouth, and has become a must-play game for many couples on dates.

Of course, it depends on the patience of both parties whether it is a two-person trip to promote the relationship or a solo trip after a breakup.

In an office of a certain public institution.

It's almost time to get off work.

Xu Zhiqiang asked with a grimace: "Brother Guo, let me beg you, can we have dinner together today?"

Guo Junze rolled his eyes and said angrily: "Don't you want to go on a trip for two with your girlfriend? What am I going to do? I won't go."

Upon hearing this, Xu Zhiqiang quickly got down from his seat, took the thermos and made tea for Big Brother.

"Isn't it because I don't want to play as a couple that I invited you?"

"The game is good, why don't you play it?"

Xu Zhiqiang wailed and said: "But you can't help but keep playing? Brother Guo, being a scumbag is very tiring. You have obviously played the game of two people several times, but you still have to pretend that it is the first time, and you have to pretend to be very playful. I’m so happy. I can almost recite my lines!”

"Scumbag." Guo Junze cursed with a smile, took a sip of tea, "I can't help you, I have an appointment today."

"Ah? Who is it? Brother Guo, the old tree is blooming?"

Am I going to tell you that it was Wei Miaomiao who ignored you when you wanted to be your friend at the sorority party?

Thinking about it, I felt secretly happy.

"I won't tell you. It's time, I'm leaving."

"Brother Guo? Brother? Hello!"

Xu Zhiqiang looked at the call coming from his mobile phone and answered it with a grimace.

"Hello? You have to take me to play for two today! My sisters said it would be fun! Let's go to the video game store in Qianda Plaza."


"What does that sound mean? Are you unhappy?"

"No, no, no, it's not too late for me to be happy."

After hanging up the phone, he drove to pick up the girl with a grimace, and the two of them went straight to Qianda Plaza.

After dinner, as agreed, the two went to the video game store.

The charge for three hours is 255 yuan, which is not cheap.

I thought we had a private room, so it wouldn't be too much to take the opportunity to have a kiss, right?

Unexpectedly, the girl really came to play as a couple.

"Hey! You're so awesome, you can get through it once!"

"How do you know how to live here?"

"You're so strong. You've never died. Have you ever played this game?"

When Xu Zhiqiang heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched: "Maybe, maybe I am gifted."

But there was a wail in my heart, I’ve already cleared the level six times, okay?

No matter how good the game is, it will make you vomit!

It was so easy to get through these three torturous hours.

Finally able to leave.

The girl next to me is like a lively bird, chirping constantly and telling interesting things in the game.

As for Xu Zhiqiang, he just wanted to leave here as soon as possible.

Open the door and leave.

He took a deep breath and finally escaped.

Just after taking two steps, I saw a familiar figure from behind.

Isn’t that Guo Junze?

A man was standing at the bar playing with his mobile phone.

Just as he was about to go up to say hello, another acquaintance came from the direction of the bathroom.

Isn’t this Wei Miaomiao?

I'm thinking about whether to say hello secretly and try to add an extra message.

As a result, Wei Miaomiao stood beside Guo Junze.

The two of them were talking and laughing, and they were very familiar with each other.

Obviously we have known each other for more than a day.

Xu Zhiqiang felt like his brain had been eaten by zombies as if he had been hit hard.

Good guy, you, Guo Junze, with your thick eyebrows and big eyes, have also betrayed the revolution?

I said, why don't you take me to eat chicken?

It turns out there is Wei Miaomiao!

You haven't told me yet!

Think again about yourself who has been rejected after adding friends many times, and think about how Guo Junze spent the whole day eating chicken with someone not long ago.

Xu Zhiqiang looked sad and angry, "Good guy, the clown is actually me?" !

The girl next to me looked left and right, and asked curiously: "Know? Friend?"

Xu Zhiqiang wanted to nod and say yes.

As a result, I heard the two of them chatting.

"Last time you talked about the WGA, who do you think will win?"

"It's not about winning, it's about the Game of the Year award. I think "Two Guys" will win it."

"I bet not, hehe."

"Oh? What about the bet?"

"If I lose, how about being your girlfriend?"

"It's a deal."

Hearing this, Xu Zhiqiang turned away with a dark face.

Life is not worth it!

Brother Guo, you traitor! That's the sister I took a fancy to first!

If I had known eating chicken was so useful, I would have played it!

The girl next to me quickly followed.

"Aren't you going to say hello?"

"do not know."

"How about we play in pairs next time?"

"No, just playing chicken."


Xu Zhiqiang gritted his teeth and said: "For no reason, I want to be the Chicken King of the Sea!"

"Then do you think a couple will get the best result?"


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