At the end of December, Lighthouse Country Airport.

Wang Zhicheng joked: "Mr. Lin, don't you want to participate in another award ceremony by the way? Although Station P has nothing to do with games, it has also helped us place a lot of advertisements."

Lin Mo smiled and nodded, and then said, "Okay, I'll leave this task to you. Station P is also in the Lighthouse Country anyway."

"That's not possible. How will my daughter look at me?"

This year, Naughty Cat has received more invitations from gaming media.

In addition to the game media award ceremony, there are also some weird ones.

For example, the annual best contribution award invited by P station.

The female characters in the Biochemical series and the girly Plants vs. Zombies directly dominate the list.

This year, the dialogue among many old sex groups has become more subtle.

"Brother, let me show you something good from King Ada."

"You also play Resident Evil?"

"What is Resident Evil?"

It is enough to prove that Naughty Cat is excellent in art and characters.

Unlike last year when there was only one CSGO, Naughty Cat was also called a dark horse.

This year has turned into a giant.

There are even reporters from game media waiting at the airport, waiting to interview the hottest designers in the game industry.

This gave Lin Mo the illusion that he had become a star by investing in two movies.

Wang Zhicheng doesn't love money, women, or power, and even rejected the gaming committee's external invitation.

But I can't let go of the word "name".

If Lin Mo, the boss, didn't like doing these interviews, he would have been eager to be interviewed.

In the evening, stay at the hotel provided by the organizer.

Wang Zhicheng also had a phone call with his daughter Wang Yi and briefly explained his situation.

As a daughter, it took a few months to find out that her father had actually joined her "idol's" company.

After saying a few words, the phone was hung up.

Two hours later.

After three months, father and daughter met again.

Wang Yi looked left and right as if he had seen a ghost.

"Lin Mo? Oh no, Teacher Lin! You and my dad, this? Really?"

Lin Mo smiled and nodded: "Yes, Lao Wang is now a member of Naughty Cat and the designer of "Two People Go Together"."

Wang Zhicheng looked at his daughter with a smile on his face, a look of pride on his face.

"See, old games never go out of style. With the right new bottle, they can shine again."

Wang Yi burst out laughing, hugged his old father, and sincerely congratulated him: "Congratulations, Dad. I never thought I would be your opponent one day."

"No, who am I?"

"Hmph, you've got Teacher Lin's credit, but don't say that "Two People Go Together" was your idea."

Wang Zhicheng looked embarrassed.

After Wang Yi greeted his father, he looked at Lin Mo and stretched out his hand and said, "Teacher Lin, I am your fan. When we first met, I listened to your lecture on chicken games, which was very exciting. "Double Player" "Cheng Xing" is also a good game, I like it very much, it represents the highest level design in the game industry."

Lin Mo gently squeezed her finger and said, "This is the result of Naughty Cat as a whole."

Then, Wang Yi completely ignored his old father, whom he had not seen for a long time.

"So, is it true that my dad said that you also attended my lecture? Is it true that you agree with my ideas?"

"Uh, it's true. I said some things in front of Lao Wang."

Then, the topic turned to games.

Lin Mo also commented unceremoniously on "The Cage of Darkness", pointing out all its advantages and disadvantages.

Wang Yi listened carefully like a good student, tried to understand, and asked some questions.

This made Wang Zhicheng a little bit disgusted.

Good guy, you call your father’s boss teacher, why do you feel like you are my equal?

And since I haven’t seen your father for three months, why don’t you just say a few words of greetings?

There is no way for women to stay in university.

Look at Wang Yi’s dress again.

It was obvious that he had come dressed carefully.

Different from her simple appearance at the game exchange meeting, today she wore a long black dress with a white shawl.

Father knows his daughter best.

Eyelashes, have they been treated? It's not usually this cocky.

Are you wearing lipstick on your lips? I don't usually look this good.

Necklace, is it the first time you buy it? Never seen it before.

Have you washed and dried your hair before going out? It's not usually this smooth.

Even while chatting, Wang Yi actually took out a small notebook from his backpack.

Wang Zhicheng was stunned for a while, no way, I was joking when I said I wanted an autograph at the game exchange meeting.

Do you really want it?

Fortunately, Wang Yi was just recording some of the wonderful design points in the game that Lin Mo said.

She didn't know some of the unpopular ones, so she wrote down their names.

"Mr. Lin, can you add a letter?"


There was a beep, and after that, a new friend request was sent.

The avatar is a silly dinosaur.

Wang Yi then looked at Wang Zhicheng and said, "Dad, let's go to the hotel lobby to chat? I won't disturb Teacher Lin for now."

"You also know that there is this dad here, huh."

"Oh, okay, let's go." Holding his old father's arm, Wang Yi turned around and said, "Teacher Lin, I haven't said anything yet. Thank you for taking care of my dad at home."

Lin Mo shook his head: "It's okay, Mr. Wang also helped a lot."

Wang Yi came in a hurry and left in a hurry. He was really impatient.

"I told you I didn't go to the "Two People" project team to get awards."

"Okay, I know, I know, you"

Lin Mo stopped disturbing the father and daughter's reminiscence and went back to the bedroom to rest.

the next day.

WGA officially opens.

When I revisited the old place, it was still the same venue, but the people who came to attend were completely different.

Only a handful of those invited last year were able to attend this year, less than one in ten.

Lin Mo is one of them.

Compared with last year when no one cared about him, today he is already known to most people.

Many people, both familiar and unfamiliar, came to say hello.

Among them are Chinese gamers and foreign gamers.

"Hello, Lin, I'm Bob, the chief designer of World at War."

"Mr. Lin, I listened to your lecture."

What kind of Chinese people pay attention to human connections, sophistication, connections and resources? Nonsense, foreigners are no less generous.

I also met Wang Yi and the development team of "Dark Cage" at the scene.

Wang Yi came to say hello: "Teacher Lin, we are our opponents today."

Lin Mo nodded and said, "I hope you can get good grades."

Soon, the WGA Annual Best Awards Ceremony officially began.

Signal is on.

The host faced the camera and briefly summarized the major events in the gaming industry this year.

At the same time, the history of the WGA awards was reviewed, and on the big screen behind it, all the best awards received over the years appeared.

CSGO is on the list.

Seeing the appearance of the game logo, many people present couldn't help but look at Lin Mo.

There are emotions such as envy, jealousy, curiosity, etc. that cannot be hidden in the eyes.

Only 27 years old!

This is my second time at the WGA.

And "Two People" is the best nominee of the year, that's for sure.

Even if he didn't win the award in the end, it's still admirable.

This is the first time in the history of the WGA that a gamer has been nominated for the annual award for two consecutive years.

After today, maybe this record will be refreshed again.

For the first time, a legendary game producer successfully defended his title and won the best game of the year twice.

In the not-so-long history of video games, it has written an important chapter.

WGA begins to enter the selection process.

The process is the same as last year, awarding awards, giving acceptance speeches, showing trailers, and advertising, all in alternating order.

Yes, advertise.

The WGA is a business-driven event and must be done properly.

Soon, the first more important award was awarded.

"Next, the Best Mobile Game Award. The nominees are "100 Ghosts", "PUBG: Battle Royale", "Warfront", "Plants vs. Zombies", "Go! Underground Idol", "Shining Girl" ", "Coin Master"."

Seeing this nomination, Lin Mo smiled and shook his head.

European and American countries do have an absolute advantage in console and PC games, but Chinese games still have their advantages.

mobile games.

Can you believe I overtook you on a curve?

Although there has not yet been a funny scene where foreign IP is handed over to Chinese manufacturers to produce and then massacred abroad, it is not far away.

The first three nominated games are all from China, and Baigui is the mobile version of a game exclusive to the Origin platform.

The fifth and sixth models are mobile games from Xiaori Country.

The seventh game "Coin Master" is rarely nominated by WGA for seven games.

In fact, it is just used to make up the numbers. It is a gambling game in the Lighthouse Country.

There is really nothing that can be done, so we can only make do with it.

"The winner of the Best Mobile Game of the Year Award is - "Plants vs. Zombies"! Congratulations!"

There was a round of applause at the scene.

There are fewer invitees from Hua Kingdom and the location is relatively close.

Next to him, the chief designer of Baigui looked a little disappointed, but he also said to Lin Mo generously: "Congratulations, Mr. Lin."

Lin Mo nodded, then walked onto the stage and took the trophy from the host.

As for the speech, it was just random nonsense, because there was nothing to feel about.

I've won the best of the year awards, but I can't get excited even if I win ordinary minor awards.

If it was last year, it might be different.

"I am very happy to win the best mobile game award. Mobile games are a game category that can change the future game landscape. It will become the main gaming device for players like PC games and console games. I am very happy to replace my team Receiving this award is the best affirmation and recognition for them. Thank you."

After saying that, the audience burst into applause again.

Such affirmation of the status of mobile games also made many people in the audience look thoughtful.

Everyone knows that the young Chinese game designer on the stage has ideas that transcend this era.

If this sentence comes out of other people's mouth, many people will look down upon it.

Where did the layman come from?

But since Lin Mo said these words, his status is different.

Do you understand that Naughty Cat, a company that is gradually growing into a behemoth, will start to develop mobile games?

what does that mean?

When he walked off the stage, Lin Mo was also sensitive to the fact that after receiving the award, many people looked at him differently.

As for that?

He was a little confused, wasn't he just going to win the award for the best mobile game?

Why do you have this expression?

If everyone knew that these words were made by Lin Mo, I wonder what kind of expressions these famous designers would have.

Mobile gaming is indeed the future, but not quite the present.

The concept of mobile games in this world is still too backward, and players need a process to accept new things.

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