on Monday.

Wang Yi officially signed a contract to join Naughty Cat.

A lot has happened in the past four days.

First, Electronic Arts officially announced that Wang Yi, the chief designer of "Devil Hunter", has resigned due to design concepts and discrimination issues.

Martin takes over.

The second thing is that Martin, the successor, seems to want to honor the "voters" of players across the Internet who support him as the chief designer.

Even more crazy diss Lin Mo's game.

Naughty Cat has a lot of fans, but also a lot of negative fans.

The derogatory term "trophy thief" was spread because of Martin and the anti-fans.

At the same time, they also trumpeted how bad Wang Yi's design concept was, and clamored to win the best award this year.

Slap the naughty cat.

Third, of course, is Genting Technology’s Genting VR1 glasses, which will be released in February.

within the company.

After several expansions, now the project meeting is no longer accessible to everyone.

Those who are qualified to participate are already waiting in the conference room.

Wang Yi talked to his new colleagues about what happened in the lighthouse country.

Not long after waiting, Lin Mo walked into the conference room.

As usual, here comes the introduction to the new game.

Wang Yi was shocked, concentrated, and prepared to face the new challenges after changing the company.

However, she thought she had adapted to Lin Mo's unbridled game, its difficulty in crossing borders, and its wide scope.

But when they actually saw the name of the new game, they couldn't help but look blank.

Is this crossing a boundary too harshly?

The types of games I have made before are shooting games, survival horror, and puzzle casual games.

Now, hunting games are here?

Wang Yi couldn't help but ask: "Teacher Lin, is this "Hunter: Call of the Wild" the kind of game I think of? A simulator type? Hunter simulator?"

Simulator games are a very popular game type.

It is said that everything can be simulated.

What about simulated thieves, simulated customs employees, simulated police, simulated farming, simulated car repair, simulated machine installation?

Most of these games have mediocre graphics, are developed with small and medium costs, have a lot of bugs, and can become popular on some weird tracks.

However, very few game companies are deeply involved in this field and have made large investments.

Except for simulated operations.

Because the more professional it is and the closer it is to reality, its entertainment quality will decrease accordingly.

Completely unmatched by the high development costs.

On the contrary, it cannot be called a xx simulator.

Game companies are all driven by profit. If no one has made a certain type of game, or why a certain IP doesn’t develop a sequel.

The answer is simple, three words.

Do not make money.

The player plays the role of a hunter, or the hunting element is one of the elements that are often added to the game.

Games with such elements have many fans.

But compared to other types of Naughty Cat games, pure hunting games are undoubtedly niche.

Even more niche than some purely scary horror games.

Lin Mo nodded and said: "Yes, but it is different from the simulation games you think of, or the hunting games you have seen and heard of."

"What's the difference?" Wang Yi said with a smile, "Can we still build a complete ecosystem? Big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat shrimps?"

As a result, after saying this, I found that the colleagues around me were not surprised at all.

He even nodded thoughtfully.

Nod? !

No, I think it’s ridiculous even when I say it, so don’t nod your head!

Lin Mo glanced at her with a pleased expression. Yes, he was a good deputy.

There is a tacit understanding.


Hearing these three words, Wang Yi took a breath.

Rao had heard all kinds of things about Naughty Cat from his father, but he still couldn't help but not believe it.

I suppressed my strange emotions and looked at the PPT carefully.

Then, Lin Mo began to explain various key points of the game.

If you choose to make this game, you will naturally not reproduce it intact, as that would make no sense.

Reproducing the original version has no difficulty for today's naughty cats.

in imagination.

Hunting is the main and only way to play in the game.

There are many species that can be hunted, ranging from rabbits to hippopotamuses, elephants, and even whales.

The main map is also divided into several pieces.

For example, grasslands, forests, snowfields, plateaus, swamps, rivers, lakes and seas, etc.

The hunting range includes things that fly in the sky, swim in the sea, and run on the ground.

The hunting process is based on hard-core reality.

Whether it’s setting a trap or using an offensive weapon, animals must appear realistically injured when they are harmed.

In every big world, animals are no longer just specimens waiting to be hunted by hunters.

Wolves will hunt together as a team, hyenas will transform into anorectal surgeons, lions will hunt antelopes, and brown bears will go to the river to fish for salmon.

After capturing an animal, players can choose to sell the prey whole, or skin it themselves or make it into a specimen to hang in the hunter's cabin.

The process of skinning and dissecting is no longer a cutscene.

Players can choose to use different tools and where to cut. Each player's technique is different, and the specimens made or the skin peeled off will also be different.

Just like in the Biochemical series, one shot instantly transforms into a forensic scene, and it’s the same in Hunter’s Call of the Wild.

Each animal's internal structure has real physical feedback.

After reading the PPT explanation and demonstration, the conference room was completely silent.

However, because the project is so large, it is not easy to make such a game even with the upgraded Magic Engine.

Therefore, the first version of the game only has one map installed, and it will be slowly completed in the form of DLC in the future.

Wang Yi was still a little confused. He raised his hand and asked, "Teacher Lin, how do we recover the cost? How much is the price? This type of game is relatively niche."

Lin Mo nodded and said: "There are plans to release multiple versions. The player version is priced at 398 yuan."

"Wait, player version?" Wang Yi was stunned for a moment, "What do you mean by multiple versions?"

"Hunter: Call of the Wild Educational Edition" Lin Mo said all his plans, "It adds anatomy functions, animal rescue practice functions, variable observation functions on the map, and a travel function that allows you to observe animal behavior at will."

There was silence in the conference room, everyone was stunned by this idea.

If you think about it carefully, if this game is really made, it can achieve the desired effect.

It’s more than just a game!

Naughty Cat's employees are all young people.

When the salary is enough to support a family, there are more things to pursue.

For example, do something that satisfies your emotional value and sense of accomplishment.

Imagine that the games you make are not only popular among players, but also bring some special educational significance.

No one will say no.

Naughty Cat, the Genting Technology invested by Lin Mo, has made a technological breakthrough, and Genting VR1 is about to be launched.

Various functional parameters are available online, and they all know them.

With the addition of black technology, fully upgraded VR glasses only cost the price of a mobile phone, and are not even flagship phones.

In the future, costs will be further reduced.

By then VR glasses will be able to play a good role in many fields.

For example, education, medical care, etc.

After the initial surprise, everyone became excited.

If you are busy, you will be busy, and if you are tired, you will be tired.

But this is so cool!

But there are also doubts.

Wang Yi, a new substitute colleague, asked this question that everyone was a little confused about: "But, the educational version has a larger audience, so it will be difficult to recover the cost, right?"

Lin Mo smiled slightly and said: "So, there is a third version. Accept the commercial version with customizable services!"

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