Seeing that the situation was not good, Zhao Peng quickly said loudly: "Look in the backpack to see if there are any antidote items!"

The water friend quickly opened his backpack.

But, props or those props, where is the antidote?

Neither a bandage nor a first aid kit was of any use.

He could only watch helplessly and be poisoned by snake venom, but fortunately he could be pulled up by his teammates.

"I seem to understand the meaning of this whole game. Survival requires not only competing with players, but also paying attention to the impact of animals."

Not only did they not feel depressed, but several people were in high spirits.

Coyotes will attack, snakes are venomous, and kangaroos you encounter can even box.

There are also players who were gored to death by cows and mauled to death by wolves.

It seems a bit interesting!

After rescuing people, the four of them ran away from the poison first.

There is a river to pass ahead.

The first player had just entered the water, and suddenly there was a splash of water.

"What the hell, what's going on? What a crocodile!?"

"Can you survive like this?"

"Hahaha, it's so funny that people can follow the crocodile and flip back and forth."

The other three burst into laughter and forgot to shoot to save people.

Is there such a big crocodile in the river?

He will also roll to death!

But considering that there are kangaroos, antelopes, and lions, there is no need to worry.

Whole life gameplay! The crazier it is the more interesting it is.


Zhao Peng said with some confusion: "In order to complete the gameplay, it is too expensive to design so many animals with exquisite modeling, realistic movements, different internal structures, and their own habits and self-protection methods."

Martin, who was watching the live broadcast outside the screen, felt cold when he said this.

Although "Demon Hunter" is about hunting demons, the idea of ​​obtaining ability materials from demons to upgrade your own weapons, equipment and skills is almost equivalent to the hunting element.

Stop it!

Not only did he have this idea, but friends who played against Zhao Peng also had the same guess.

"Is the new game about animals?"

"This guess is not impossible." Zhao Peng finally shot and killed the crocodile and tried to save his teammates.

After this delay, the poisonous circle has been closed.

Then, several people saw a scene that stunned them.

Three wildebeests nearby, a tiger in the distance, and an eagle flying in the sky.

He is actually running a drug ring!

The four of them forgot about running away the poison for a moment, and stood there blankly watching the absurd and uninhibited scene in front of them.

Co-author: Are you animals also participating in the battle royale of BR Bill?

The army of animals marched toward the safe zone.

The poisonous circle passed by and enveloped the four people.

But no one moved, no one spoke.

They were all confused.

What the hell is this?

Animal Story?

At this time, the barrage was also laughing like crazy.

【Fuck! ? Animals also eat chickens? No wonder they have everything but no chicken. Yeah, a bad joke]

[Because it’s dangerous to be among this group of rough and tumble people]

[Who says there isn’t? What if there is? 】

Half of their blood volume had been lost before the four of them reacted and quickly started running out of poison.

At the beginning, because many people jumped to high-resource areas, mainly urban areas, the main kills were players.

But now that the circle has been reduced, many of the kills have turned into animals.

The elephants, hippos and monkeys are all out!

How many animals are there?

The four people looked messy in the drug circle.

Zhao Peng's marksmanship is not good, but the other three water friends are all masters.

On the way to escape the poison, I killed several crazy animals and wiped out a group of players.

In the final round.

Basically no players dare to move.

Because there are so many animals!

If you are not careful, you will be hit by both players and animals.

Finally reached the finals.

There were two entire teams that survived, Zhao Peng's team and the other team.

With the fighting all the way, the number of animals also plummeted.

Finally, the two teams met in the final wilderness.

As soon as they met, one of the opponent's players' M24 accurately knocked down one of them.

Zhao Peng's team immediately blocked the smoke to save people, and then began to fight back.

Gunshots rang out, the frightened animals went crazy, and a swarm of demons danced around.

Lions and tigers fight together, hyenas, the director of the anorectal department, are waiting in groups to dig out their anuses, and rhinos are on guard with cautious faces.

Zhao Peng's side fell first and was at a disadvantage.

There was a leak in the house and it rained all night. A grenade was thrown to test luck, and the rescuers in the smoke and those who fell on the ground were taken away.

I thought this round was about to be explained.

The people on the opposite side were already ready to move, and three of them were already throwing smoke bombs as cover, planning to make the final sprint.

The other person relied on his superb sniper skills to suppress the enemy with firepower.

"It's over."

Zhao Peng lamented. He originally wanted to eat a chicken to see if there were any special easter eggs.

Looks like I'm about to eat chicken butt.

Who knows.

During the animal fight, a jaguar ran in the wrong direction and headed straight for the rhinoceros.

The rhinoceros was frightened and ran straight towards a smoke bomb.

Then, a sign of a rhinoceros attacking the player and falling to the ground appeared in the upper right corner.

It can be seen from the expressions of these three people when they flew into the sky that they must be confused.

Not to mention the other side, Zhao Peng was also confused.

I knew that animals would attack people and eliminate players, but this was the first time I saw one.

【What the hell? Wild rhino killings? 】

[I advise you not to bully rhinos. When I was a child, I saw a robot that turned into a green-skinned robot and spoke human words when it opened its mouth. It may have been beaten]

[Super warriors invade, right? 】

After being stunned for two seconds, Zhao Peng shouted: "Beautiful! What a rhinoceros!"

With that said, the remaining two people directly filled up the medicine, relying on the weak acceleration and the cover of the smoke bomb that had not dissipated, and began to counterattack.

The last sniper panicked.

After all, he is not a professional brother, and it is not that easy to hit a moving target with a bolt sniper.

Two shots missed, and Zhao Peng and the two men had already rushed to the nearby area.

The enemy sniper gritted his teeth and took out his rifle, intending to fight to the death.

Leaning out directly, there was a burst of fire.

Zhao Peng and the other two also opened fire immediately.

The enemy man did have a brush in controlling the gun. He shot and transferred with a shuttle, knocking down his teammates first, and then attacked Zhao Peng.

Although he is called the leader of the draining cult, to be honest, his marksmanship is quite bad.

When his teammates attracted most of the firepower and even reduced the opponent to residual health, the refill was actually a beat too late.

The hearts of the audience and teammates stopped.

Fortunately, the other side's sniper's rifle did not have an expanded magazine.

At the critical moment, there are no bullets!

Zhao Peng finally took out his gun at this time, and there was a burst of human body strokes.

There was a bullet that accidentally landed on the enemy.

"Damn it! I'm eating chicken!" Zhao Peng yelled, "Who dares to say that I only rely on my teammates to eat chicken? Speak!"

【Is not it? 】

[Man, I advise you to have some AC numbers]

Outside the screen, Martin, who was watching the live broadcast, was also a little puzzled.

Did you guess wrong?

Just a simple gameplay with nothing new?

As soon as this idea occurred, I heard another confused roar coming from the earphones.

"What the hell!? What is this? Where is the word eating chicken?"

Martin was startled, yes, where are the words "Good Luck, Eat Chicken Tonight"?

It seems to be an answer.

The next second, a line of words popped up.

But it's not a happy ending.

[Live for another thirty seconds! Animals are crazy too! ]

At this moment, the audience outside the screen, including Zhao Peng who was playing the game at this time, were stunned.

What the hell?

Then, watching the animals making a mess, they suddenly became quiet.

The tiger had already pushed the lion to the ground, and his throat was locked.

The result was loosening.

Let’s look at him, the only one left alive.

Then, charge collectively.

"Fuck! Fuck! What is this?!"

Zhao Peng was so frightened that his face turned green, and he quickly turned around and ran away.

He had so much blood at this time that he couldn't even see the health bar.

A little damage can cool him down.

【Go to the room area! Now that you eat chicken, you are not afraid of poison! 】

[Laughing, Lin Mo’s games always have surprises! 】

Yes, the room area!

There is a house in the poisonous circle not far away!

With a mighty army behind him, Zhao Peng took the lead and rushed over.

11, 10, 9, 8, 7

The housing area is close at hand!

6, 5, 4

Entering the door!

It's safe!

"Phew, I was shocked. This animal doesn't look like a stupid program, it looks like a real animal."

Zhao Peng breathed a sigh of relief and looked out the window.

The fastest jaguar is still some way off.

Shouldn't it be a problem to stay alive?

"Brother Peng is awesome!"

"As expected of draining the leader dry."

Water friends are also completely generous in their praise.


"Gu Gu, Gu?"

What sound?

Zhao Peng quickly looked back.

In the corner of the house, a chicken wearing overalls came out.

Then it flew up and pecked him hard on the face.

The last bit of blood returns to zero.

Zhao Peng's character fell to the ground.

The team voice fell into a brief silence.

Can you believe that animals eat chickens?

【? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 】

【It’s my birthday, is the little chicken eating chicken? 】

【Hahahahahaha! The program’s effect is perfect! 】

Zhao Peng looked dull.

No, is this reasonable?

Lin Mo, are you really not afraid of being charged?

In the end, players are no longer afraid of poison, and animals are no longer afraid of poison?

Exit to the main interface.

When checking the results, the game just now was treated as a chicken game.

After all, only Zhao Peng survived in the end.

I was depressed for half a minute, then clicked on the queue again and started the game.

"Come on, come on, try again, it seems quite interesting." Zhao Peng was eager to get started, "These animals here are quite real."

In the team voice, someone also said: "Isn't it? I guess there will be some clues to the new game after surviving those thirty seconds."

"Get up! Keep going!"

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is a pvp game. Suddenly there is a pvpve mode that is open for a limited time for one week. Players are having a great time playing it.

In the second game, the opponents in the finals were obviously weaker in marksmanship, and they were still a two-man team.

Before killing the last person, the four of them carefully planned their escape route.

This time, I was prepared in advance and faced the thirty-second countdown much more calmly.

Even if there were more animals and more aggressive animals, they could not prevent Zhao Peng and others from surviving to the end.

"If you are a man, you will live for thirty seconds. I am a pure man! Hahahaha!"

Zhao Peng laughed and watched the time return to zero.

This time, the words "Good Luck and Chicken Dinner Tonight" finally popped up.

At the same time, there is another word below.


Also a little +1 below.

What does it mean?

"Brothers, I guess this is a promotional video for the new game that will be released after the game has reached 1 million times in the whole life mode."

After the words ended, the game did not exit to the main interface like before.

A helicopter flew from the distance and landed on the ground.

Several doctors, nurses, and soldiers with guns on alert jumped down.

It’s somewhat similar to the ending of the PUBG tutorial campaign!

There really is an easter egg!

According to past experience, it is a preview of the new game!

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