"Drop your weapons! Put your hands up! After confirming that you are not aggressive, we will provide medical assistance!"

The protagonist disarms without saying a word.

Doctors and nurses came to their faces and began administering medical assistance.

The protagonist is then placed on a stretcher and taken to the helicopter.

The propeller turned faster and faster, flying into the sky.

At this time, the soldier piloting the helicopter breathed a sigh of relief and began to show his true nature as a chatterbox.

"Hey, it's a good thing you didn't threaten me with a gun. The unlucky pilot was careless last time and almost lost his life when he let go of the survivors who violated the regulations."

The protagonist didn't speak, just lying on the stretcher and silently looking at the scenery outside the window.

However, the soldier was obviously a chatterbox and kept chattering: "I said, don't hold it in like this, you need to relax. Relax, understand? For example, go hunting, take a walk, look at the scenery, etc."

Two options pop up on the screen.


[Not interested in]

Zhao Peng chose the second one.

"Seriously, the scenery near Lake Leiden is beautiful and suitable for hunting. You can try it. I know how unlucky you survivors of the BR Act are. If you continue like this, you may have hallucinations and become insane."

Zhao Peng sneered: "Are you kidding? I have survived the battle royale several times. Will I go insane?"

But as soon as he finished speaking, the character's perspective turned to the other side.

But after the perspective had turned, the corner of his eye caught a glimpse of the clouds.

There is a behemoth!

It is like a dragon, huge in size, flying in the sky.

It has a pair of big horns on its head, its body is covered with spikes, knotted muscles, fangs and claws, and its wings spread out to cover the sky and the sun. It looks very untouchable.

An adult is no bigger than one of its horns.

"Wait, what is that? Is it a dragon? Did I see it wrong?" Zhao Peng was excited, feeling that he had discovered something extraordinary.

Like him, the controlling character quickly looked towards the cloud again.

Just found nothing.

In the game, the protagonist quickly asked: "Did you just see it? There is something!"

"Things? Look, what I said, you will have hallucinations if you are too nervous. You need to hunt, take a vacation, and rest your tense nerves. So, do you really not think about it?"

The character was silent for a while and whispered to himself: "Is it a hallucination? Maybe. I am really too nervous."

"Really? So, do you want to try hunting?"

"Try it."

The helicopter flew into the distance.

At this point, the game is finally over.

Zhao Peng let out a long breath, his face full of excitement.

It seems that this is really an Easter egg!

"Brothers, have you noticed the element that is mentioned repeatedly in the game? Hunting! Regardless of whether the clouds are illusions or not. Hunting is at least one of the most important gameplay features of the new game!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone became excited.

There are many games with hunting elements, but what will be different in Lin Mo's hands?

Am looking forward to.

Zhao Peng predicted Naughty Cat's game many times.

So far, there have been few mistakes.

Even, his speculation will become the headline article of many game marketing accounts.

On the Internet, he predicted that the Naughty Cat game would be very valuable.

But not everyone is expecting it.

After turning off the live broadcast room, Martin's face turned dark.

Is it such a coincidence? !


From the Easter Egg plot, any fool can tell that it must be a new game and has something to do with hunting.

Demon Hunter also has some hunting elements, albeit with demons.

I panicked for a moment, then gritted my teeth and encouraged myself in my heart.

Isn’t it just that some game elements crash into cars? What’s the big deal!

Be confident in your own work.

However, the release of Naughty Cat's new game is something that every game manufacturer wants to avoid.

Without him, relying on a variety of high-quality and sincere games, it is supreme in the minds of players.

Many players have started buying games with their eyes closed.

"Two people go together"? What a broken game and broken name.

Ask again.

oh? Naughty cat's? Pre-ordered this masterpiece, bought it first.

Anyway, it must be fun.

This prediction hit me, and I was a little flustered.

This is the start of the afternoon prime time in Lighthouse Country.

After watching the live broadcast for a while, more than an hour had passed since the trailer was released.

How's it going?

I opened various social media with some anxiety.

The first "hot search" on Twitter is Naughty Cat's new game, and the second is the ultimate trailer for "Demon Hunter".

The first "hot search" on Facebook is Naughty Cat's new game, and the second is the ultimate trailer of "Demon Hunter".

search engine, INS

On various social media and in game sections.

Ranked first, 95% are new game Easter eggs brought by PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

Players are discussing it enthusiastically, and they are all guessing what kind of game this is.

【Get online soon! Eat more chicken and hurry up to unlock the official trailer! 】

[What is that dragon in the clouds? Is it really an illusion? 】

[Don’t tell me, in this version of the plot, the survivors of the battle royale go hunting to relax. There are real place names, how can there be dragons?]

Looking at it, Martin couldn't help but curse: "Damn it, the new game trailer will be released on the same day as me, do you have to target me like this!"

The whispers at the Moyu duo started again.

"But hasn't the entire pre-season gameplay of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds been announced a long time ago?"

"Yeah, let's go crash the naughty cat, right?"

"Shhhhhh, look over here."

Although he rose to the position of chief designer thanks to Naughty Cat fans, Martin is not arrogant enough to think that he is invincible.

Even his opponents have to admit Lin Mo's greatness.

If this was a collision with the same theme, he would not have any confidence that he would win any award in front of Lin Mo.

Therefore, in order to see the full picture of Lin Mo's new game for the first time, he almost stayed in front of the computer.

Refresh the PUBG homepage every few minutes.

The number of chickens above has been growing steadily.

One million times of eating chicken is not that much in the face of the huge player base.

Refresh once, 990,000.

Refreshed again and finally reached 1 million!

At the same time, a new video and web link appeared on the home page.

Click play immediately.

This time, Naughty Cat’s LOGO changed into a kitten decorated with antlers and being aimed with a shotgun.

Is it really related to hunting?

Martin's heart sank, and he continued to look down with apprehension.

The first thing that came out on the screen was a beautiful African savanna.

Two lion cubs were playing and playing, a crocodile was lurking at the water source in the distance, and a giraffe was eating the young leaves on the top of the tree in the distance.

Then in a snow forest, a Northeastern Golden Grain was feasting on the food it had hunted. At the foot of the mountain, a silly roe deer was jumping around.

In the western wilderness of America, a bald eagle ate a freshly caught rabbit, and a farmer held a gun to drive away the wild boars that were destroying the farmland.

Pieces of unexplained natural scenery have obvious words in the upper right corner.

Real machine video.

Such beautiful scenery, such amazing animal details, and such smooth movement.

Is it a real machine?

If it were another manufacturer, players would curse.

Another cyber fraudster!

But this was Naughty Cat, and everyone believed it.

Martin's expression changed slightly.

It seems that this opponent is a bit stronger.

I just hope that there are major flaws in the gameplay.

It seemed that his words moved God. As the actual game screen appeared, his expression changed from ugly, to surprise, to confusion.

The gameplay demo is pretty simple.

Shoot geese from the sky, hunt bears with a bear trap, catch rabbits with a simple lasso trap, and hunt deer with a shotgun.


Only hunting!

nothing else!

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