The trailer ends with the game’s name and release date.

"Hunter: Call of the Wild"

The player version will be released on April 3, and the educational and commercial versions will be released on April 10.

Martin let out a deep breath and couldn't help laughing.

The ups and downs of this life!

It can be seen from the trailer that the game wants to pursue hard-core reality.

There's something about it that makes players think this game is awesome.

But it’s too hard-core and too real, and it’s completely niche!

How could this game become so popular?

Hunting in reality is not as simple as in the game. It is a technical job and comes with dangers.

Making the game the same as reality is asking for death!

Is there any educational version or commercial version? The game is just for playing!

Is it useful to do all these bells and whistles?

In this game, as expected, you will lose money.

Lin Mo actually gets dizzy!

This opponent doesn’t seem that scary, right?

In this world, the highest sales record for a pure hunting game is 600,000 copies of "Hunter's Soul"!

It's just that this trailer still shows a little bit of information.

Martin still doesn’t know what exquisite design is hidden in the game, and he doesn’t dare to make too much of it.

Not long after I was happy, I heard the voices of the Moyu duo again.

"What's wrong with Martin today? He's angry and laughing at times?"

"Who knows, maybe he was stimulated by Lin Mo."

Martin's face turned red for a moment, and he cursed angrily in that direction: "If you don't want to do it, just go home! What are you muttering about?"

This time, it finally became quiet.

After calming down, Martin took a deep breath and carefully thought about his current pros and cons.

Lin Mo is a master of game marketing, and the quality of the games is also excellent. There is no hope of winning against him in a regular promotion fight.

I can only think of another way.

History has proven that navy smear campaigns are useless, and players will no longer believe them.

We must find a way to lead on other tracks.

from where

Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration.

Linked with Disneyland!

How about it?

Disney has also been making some moves in recent years, wanting to enter the gaming industry and bring its IP to the field of electronic games.

Since last year, we have had some contact with game companies and launched some low-cost games to test the waters.

This cooperation must be achieved.

Hey, Wang Yi, you thought that by joining Naughty Cat and cooperating with Lin Mo on a hunting game, you could ride on my head, right?


Since the trailer for The Hunter: Call of the Wild was released.

The trailer for the new game has caused some controversy.

Because the game content is really hardcore.

It can be said that it directly locks in users-players who are interested in hunting.

Why do many games have to be complicated?

Because the more simple the game content, mechanics and gameplay are, the fewer types of players it can attract.

That’s why stitching has become the choice of many manufacturers.

Not to mention the quality of the game, the anti-fans have already started carnival, calling Lin Mo off the altar.

These are all his "chosen people", at least they are meaningful.

Another flurry of weirdness on Twitter.

February 15th.

@Martin: If a good picture can be called a good work, then the photographer is the best game designer

February 27th.

@Martin: A game is a project that needs to make money. If you can’t make money, it will be useless no matter how many versions you develop.

March 19th.

@Martin: Let me tell players some good news. "Devil Hunter" has reached a linkage cooperation with Disneyland! This is true commercialization!

Of course, even though it was obvious that he would not dare to ridicule.

I only dare to be yin and yang.

It was all a retaliation for the incident where the car crashed and was robbed of popularity.

After all, the game hasn't been released yet, so maybe it won't be fun to be slapped in the face after the game is released.

I'm really afraid that there are some hidden new ideas that were not shown in the trailer.

During this period, "Demon Hunter" also released trial footage.

The game process only lasts half an hour.

It mainly includes a mini-BOSS battle.

Players naturally downloaded the game immediately to experience it before deciding whether to buy it or not.

Once you enter the game.

Exquisite graphics, smooth movements, good impact, cool special effects, handsome, powerful and oppressive demons.

Well that last point is up for debate.

He is handsome, but he is not powerful or oppressive enough.

Martin also saw these comments and chose to ignore them all.

The reviews from players are also mostly positive.

【Have a great time! I was shocked when I ripped off that demon’s head]

[Except for Naughty Cat games, this is a rare good game]

[Laughing so hard, I really thought only Naughty Cat had good games, right? Can you explain "Hunter: Call of the Wild"? 】

[What's wrong with you in Call of the Wild? Do you dare to say that this game is not good? 】

Ever since "Two Guys" won the best film of the year, Wang Yi destroyed "The Cage" with a failed design, paving the way for his compatriots to win the best film of the year.

It's a retarded statement, but it's just a topic that arouses players' emotions.

In fact, the anti-fans are still looking for excuses.

The days leading up to the game’s release.

"Hunter: Call of the Wild" doesn't do much work, just occasionally showing some game settings and promotional videos.

On the other side, Electronic Arts first announced that it would hold an "Electronic Arts Game Concert", and then "Devil Hunter" announced that it would link up with Disneyland.

It was a moment of great limelight.

The level of discussion among players also tends to exceed that of "Hunter: Call of the Wild".

In this atmosphere where fans are all looking forward to the game hitting the streets, the time has come in April.

No new game has been released for more than four months. Such a long window has never been seen before.

April 3rd.

Game release date.

On this day, countless players are gearing up to enter the game and experience the wonderful natural scenery.

There are also many people waiting to see the joke.

Of course, Martin couldn't miss this day. He also started the live broadcast, just like the most ordinary player.

Players thought that it would bring some new information about "Devil Hunter", but unexpectedly, it was "Hunter: Call of the Wild".

The broadcast starts three hours after the game is unlocked.

The audience who entered the live broadcast room all had black question mark faces.

what's going on?

Aren't these two mortal enemies?

Naturally, Martin would not help his arch-enemy with publicity out of good intentions.

This launch is with revenge.

Let Linmo steal the popularity of my promotional video!

What he was most afraid of at the beginning was that there were some design concepts hidden in the game that he didn't understand, bringing a simple hunting game back to life.

But after the game was unlocked, he watched the live broadcast for a full three hours.

This is really just the most ordinary hunting game!

Not a bit of flower work!

If I want to say it, the only feature is that the natural scenery is very beautiful, and any screenshot is wallpaper level.

Moreover, the animals in the game no longer look stupid like in many games, they are as if they are alive on the screen.

But the problem is that it's too hardcore.

A cup of tea and a pack of cigarettes can chase a deer all day long.

Looking at the number of comments in the game comment area, we can roughly infer.

The sales of this game should not be very good.

[Anchor, what do you think of the artwork-like picture of "Hunter: Call of the Wild"? 】

[Do you think Lin Mo’s game will be popular? How does it compare to Demon Hunter? 】

Seeing the barrage, Martin had a weird smile on his face.

"There are too many people asking, so I'll just give you my opinion."

"A game is first of all a product. The success of a game is judged by whether it makes money! Without making money, art is useless! By the way, "Devil Hunter" has already had 2.8 million pre-sales, and the final sales may be in 1500 dollars!"

Many Naughty Cat fans immediately became angry when they heard it.

Dude, I thought you had transitioned.

Unexpectedly, I came here to show my face!

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